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Simulated Annealing
Simulated Annealing (SA) is an optimization algo-
rithm that navigates the solution space by allowing
both upward and downward adjustments, helping es-
cape local minima and move toward a global solution.
It gradually reduces a ”temperature” parameter to bal-
ance exploration and refinement, making it effective
for complex problems.
Cooling Rate: The cooling rate (α) is defined as
= α · T
, where it controls the rate of temper-
ature decrease. Its value varies between 0 and 1. A
higher α (closer to 1) promotes broader exploration,
reducing the risk of getting trapped in local minima,
while a lower α focuses on refining the current so-
lution but risks suboptimal outcomes. Proper tuning
ensures an optimal balance between exploration and
exploitation. The employed algorithm is given in Al-
gorithm 3.
Data: Initial temperature T
, Cooling rate r
Result: Best solution and Cost
Initialize T ← T
, random P matrix,
current cost ← cost of P matrix
best cost ← current cost,
best solution ← P matrix
while T > T
for i ← 1 to L
Apply a random operation: swap(),
invert(), or move(); Compute ∆ ←
cost change
if ∆ < 0 or random() < exp(−∆/T )
Update current solution,
current cost
if current cost < best cost then
Update best solution,
best cost
T ← T · r
return best solution,best cost
Algorithm 3: Simulated Annealing (SA).
Particle Swarm Optimization
Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is a collabora-
tive optimization algorithm where a swarm of parti-
Comparative Analysis of Simulated Annealing and Particle Swarm Optimization for Multi-Robot Task Allocation in ROS