Table 5: Comparison of the performance of the model using
skeleton detection after 30 epochs and 50 epochs, trained
only with generated data and tested on real data.
30 epochs 50 epochs
Accuracy 0.672 0.602
Precision 0.693 0.635
Recall 0.672 0.6019
F1 Score 0.676 0.606
Action recognition in animals presents a complex
challenge due to the variability in movement and the
diverse environments in which animals operate. Cre-
ating a high-quality dataset for training deep learning
models involved several challenges, particularly due
to a lack of annotated data for this specific task. We,
therefore, investigated the use of existing datasets and
assessed their suitability for our needs, while an alter-
native approach was also used as we generated image
data with deep learning models.
Comparing the two approaches to action recog-
nition revealed that the model using keypoints per-
formed marginally better than the non-keypoint
model. However, after including real data in the train-
ing set, we found that the model without keypoint
detection achieved significantly better results on real
photos. This suggests that non-keypoint models have
strong potential in canine action recognition and may
adapt more readily to the variability and complexity
of real-world images. We believe that using generated
data to augment the training set, combined with real
photographs, can substantially aid in training models
that require large datasets.
This work was supported by the grant KEGA 004UK-
4/2024 “DICH: Digitalization of Cultural Heritage”.
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Canine Action Recognition: Exploring Keypoint and Non-Keypoint Approaches Enhanced by Synthetic Data