compared to DiPACE. This suggests that DiPACE+
prioritizes CF diversity and feasibility over prediction
certainty, which may be desirable depending on ap-
plication needs.
Overall, DiPACE+ achieves the most balanced
performance across the metrics, illustrating its ability
to generate CFs that are diverse, realistic, and feasi-
ble, while maintaining reasonable confidence in the
outcome. These results highlight DiPACE+ as a ro-
bust solution for CF generation in real-world contexts
where multiple qualities, including plausibility and
diversity, are essential for actionable insights.
This study introduces DiPACE and DiPACE+, novel
algorithms for generating counterfactual explanations
that achieve a balanced optimization of diversity,
plausibility, proximity, and sparsity, advancing the
field of counterfactual explanation (CFX). By inte-
grating these characteristics into the loss function and
using an optimization strategy that combines gradient
descent with perturbations, our approach successfully
escapes local optima, producing CF sets that are both
realistic and actionable. Experimental results on heart
disease and credit approval datasets demonstrate that
DiPACE+ consistently outperforms existing CFX al-
gorithms in achieving diverse and plausible CFs, par-
ticularly excelling in scenarios with complex interac-
tions among features. The practical applications of
DiPACE+ extend to various fields where actionable
and realistic CFs are essential, such as healthcare, fi-
nance, and user-focused AI systems. For stakehold-
ers like data scientists and machine learning engi-
neers, DiPACE+ provides deeper insights into model
behavior and potential biases, enhancing transparency
and interpretability in critical decision-making appli-
Future work should aim to improve the conver-
gence efficiency of the optimization strategy. While
perturbations are effective for escaping local optima,
they can increase convergence time; thus, exploring
adaptive or hybrid optimization approaches may yield
faster results. Additionally, extending DiPACE+ to
handle more complex data types, such as time series
and high-dimensional image data, would broaden its
applicability. Future research could also focus on de-
veloping evaluation metrics that more precisely cap-
ture the trade-offs among diversity, plausibility, prox-
imity, and sparsity, as well as assessing DiPACE+’s
impact on user trust and understanding in interactive
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DiPACE: Diverse, Plausible and Actionable Counterfactual Explanations