GOLLUM: Guiding cOnfiguration of firewaLL Through aUgmented
Large Language Models
Roberto Lorusso
, Antonio Maci
and Antonio Coscia
Cybersecurity Laboratory, BV TECH S.p.A., Milan, Italy
{roberto.lorusso, antonio.maci, antonio.coscia}@bvtech.com
Computer Networks, Conversational Agent, Cybersecurity, Firewall Configuration, Large Language Model,
RAGAS, Retrieval Augmented Generation.
Artificial intelligence (AI) tools offer significant potential in network security, particularly for addressing is-
sues like firewall misconfiguration, which can lead to security flaws. Configuration support services can help
prevent errors by providing clear general-purpose language instructions, thus minimizing the need for manual
references. Large language models (LLMs) are AI-based agents that use deep neural networks to understand
and generate human language. However, LLMs are generalists by construction and may lack the knowledge
needed in specific fields, thereby requiring links to external sources to perform highly specialized tasks. To
meet these needs, this paper proposes GOLLUM, a conversational agent designed to guide firewall config-
urations using augmented LLMs. GOLLUM integrates the pfSense firewall documentation via a retrieval
augmented generation approach, providing an example of actual use. The generative models used in GOL-
LUM were selected based on their performance on the state-of-the-art NetConfEval and CyberMetric datasets.
Additionally, to assess the effectiveness of the proposed application, an automated evaluation pipeline, involv-
ing RAGAS as test dataset generator and a panel of LLMs for judgment, was implemented. The experimental
results indicate that GOLLUM, powered by LLama3-8B, provides accurate and faithful support in three out
of four cases, while achieving > 80% of answer correctness in configuration-related queries.
Modern technologies that leverage artificial intelli-
gence (AI) can positively contribute to the imple-
mentation of tactical cybersecurity services. Accord-
ingly, several AI-based methods are being used to
tackle the challenges posed by such a domain, includ-
ing deep learning (DL) and natural language process-
ing (NLP). Bridging them resulted in breakthrough
advances in the performance achieved by computer-
based agents in terms of their efficiency in handling
challenging tasks related to human language. Cur-
rently, a clear example is given by the large language
models (LLMs), representing the most widely dis-
tributed tools capable of understanding and generat-
ing general-purpose languages. The underlying de-
sign of such models is based on the use of trans-
formers, i.e., artificial neural networks that implement
the self-attention mechanism to extract linguistic con-
tent and to infer the relationship between words and
sentences contained within. As it learns the patterns
by which words are sequenced, the model can make
predictions about how sentences should probably be
structured (Min et al., 2023). In the cybersecurity do-
main LLMs can be mainly adopted for (Sarker, 2024):
threat analysis, incident response, training and aware-
ness, phishing detection, penetration testing, and im-
plementation of conversational agents to provide real-
time assistance to users. For the last use case, it
has been observed that interaction with conversational
agents can provide concrete support to humans in re-
lation to the task at hand (Ross et al., 2023). Mitigat-
ing human error through assistance tools is crucial,
especially when these errors occur in large and inter-
connected contexts, such as in the case of misconfigu-
rations generated by network administrators on tacti-
cal devices, like firewalls (Alicea and Alsmadi, 2021).
This represents a primary concern as it can result in
serious performance and security problems, making
the need for anomaly resolution and optimization al-
gorithms that act on firewall security policies (Cos-
cia et al., 2023; Coscia et al., 2025). In any case,
it is paramount to avoid in advance the existence of
Lorusso, R., Maci, A. and Coscia, A.
GOLLUM: Guiding cOnfiguration of firewaLL Through aUgmented Large Language Models.
DOI: 10.5220/0013221900003890
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2025) - Volume 1, pages 489-496
ISBN: 978-989-758-737-5; ISSN: 2184-433X
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
these abnormal setups, as they would hinder the de-
vice from being used in safety-critical contexts gov-
erned by strict standards (Anwar et al., 2021). In this
setting, LLMs can be placed as powerful engines to
assist operators with network configurations (Huang
et al., 2024). Guiding the setup of specific firewall
functionalities can be accomplished by employing the
LLM as an agent that replies to specific questions
posed by the operator, i.e., performing a question an-
swering (QA) task (Ouyang et al., 2022). As a gen-
eral rule, LLMs embody the knowledge acquired dur-
ing training, thus limiting their reliability when em-
ployed in unknown contexts, potentially leading to
a phenomenon called hallucination (Ji et al., 2023).
This problem can be mitigated by expanding the
model knowledge through fine-tuning, i.e., updating
its weights using task-specific data. However, it re-
quires more time and computational resources when
scaled up with larger models. A viable alternative is
represented by the so-called retrieval augmented gen-
eration (RAG) technique (Lewis et al., 2020), con-
sisting of using dynamically retrieved external knowl-
edge from custom documents in response to an in-
put query. This approach mitigates hallucinations by
providing more accurate models, which are also tol-
erant of fluctuations in context-specific information,
ensuring consistency. In response to the challenge
posed, leveraging the capabilities of the increasingly
disruptive AI paradigm, this article proposes an ap-
plication to assist network administrators in configur-
ing firewall functionalities, namely, guiding config-
uration of firewall using augmented large language
models (GOLLUM). To achieve this, the prior knowl-
edge of small-sized LLMs was evaluated in the corre-
sponding instruct version to assess their expertise in
suggesting network configurations and answering cy-
bersecurity questions, using the NetConfEval and Cy-
berMetric datasets, respectively (Wang et al., 2024;
Tihanyi et al., 2024). Through an ad hoc pipeline
RAG, the most accurate and fastest models on the two
datasets were equipped with external knowledge pro-
vided by the pfSense documentation. In summary, the
main contributions of this paper are:
The proposal of a conversational agent, namely
GOLLUM, which can assist network administra-
tors in firewall configurations.
The implementation of an automated evaluation
pipeline for the RAG chain that exploits LLMs
in both the test case generation and the judgment
Due to the radical diffusion of LLMs, recent stud-
ies have evaluated their deployment in emerging
telecommunication technologies, such as 6G (Xu
et al., 2024). In such a scenario, several collab-
orative LLMs, each with different scopes, are dis-
tributed among the network infrastructure to per-
form user-agent interactive tasks. In (Wu et al.,
2024), a low-rank data-driven network context adap-
tation method was proposed to significantly mini-
mize the fine-tuning effort of LLM employed in com-
plex network-related tasks. This framework, called
NetLLM, turned out to be useful in three specific net-
working use cases. Likewise, a study by (Chen et al.,
2024) proposes the application of language models in
the management of distributed models in cloud edge
computing. This proposal is called NetGPT (accord-
ing with the LLM leveraged) has the objective of re-
leasing a collaborative framework for effective and
adaptive network resource management and orches-
tration. The comprehensive investigations conducted
by (Huang et al., 2024) discuss how LLMs impact and
can enhance networking tasks, such as computer net-
work diagnosis, design and configuration, and secu-
rity. In (Ferrag et al., 2024), a Bidirectional Encoder
Representations from Transformers (BERT)-based ar-
chitecture is leveraged as a thread detector. It was
fine-tuned on a Internet-of-things (IoT) data gener-
ated trough a combination of novel encoding and tok-
enization strategies. The AI-based agent presented in
(Loevenich et al., 2024) is equipped with an AI-based
chatbot that leveraged LLM and knowledge graph-
based RAG technique to provide a human-machine
interface capable of performing the QA task, accord-
ing to the findings of the autonomous agent. In (Padu-
raru et al., 2024), an augmented LLama2 model pro-
vides a chatbot to support security analysts with the
latest trends in information and network security. This
was achieved by combining RAG and safeguarding
with the LLM capabilities. According to the review
we conducted, there appears to be a strong need to fo-
cus research activities on testing LLMs across various
networking contexts. In addition, the same tools can
greatly stimulate support activities, thereby fostering
the achievement of a better cyber posture by users.
To the best of our knowledge, no previous study has
investigated the use of LLMs for assisting in the con-
figuration of critical network security devices, such as
firewalls. In such a scenario, a user could ask to an AI-
based agent to support him in: (i) configuring network
policies; (ii) indicating which are the steps to follow
to configure a specific functionality according to the
manual of a specific product (e.g., pfSense); (iii) un-
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
derstanding which are the attack vectors related to a
line of defense (e.g., what are SQL injection (SQLi)
attacks and how prevent them enabling web applica-
tion firewall (WAF) proxy-based plugin like (Coscia
et al., 2024)). Depending on the operative context and
the proposed purpose, it is essential to develop safety-
oriented agents, preferably through local LLMs, since
these can be deployed in closed private scenarios.
GOLLUM consists of a RAG pipeline equipped with
a parent document retriever that augments the con-
text understanding capabilities of a language model.
Regarding the language model adopted in GOLLUM
a deeper discussion on the selection criterion is pro-
vided in section 4.1.2.
3.1 Knowledge Base
The knowledge base is the main source of information
during retrieval. It complements the implicit knowl-
edge encoded by the model parameters with struc-
tured or unstructured information, such as textual data
or even images. To provide a real-world use case of
GOLLUM we refer to the pfSense firewall. In par-
ticular, we retained the instruct-oriented text of in-
terest based on its clarity, simplicity, and concise-
ness and deprived of any not-relevant reference to
pure firewall topics. Moreover, each book content has
been pre-processed so that only chapter content is re-
tained, thereby removing prefaces, frontispieces, and
any outlines. As a consequence of the overall content
analysis and to avoid redundancies, the book (Zien-
tara, 2018) was chosen as the final knowledge base in
view of its substantial textual content and the limited
presence of figures and tables. A descriptive analysis
of topics covered in this book is presented in Table 1.
Table 1: Descriptive analysis of knowledge base.
Topic No. pages No. tokens
Captive Portal 35 49536
Configuration 38 50648
DNS 31 48465
Firewall/NAT 51 72184
Installation 40 62118
Multiple WANs 29 45267
NTP/SNMP 12 16578
Routing and Bridging 43 62523
Traffic Shaping 27 53073
Troubleshooting 74 101840
VPN/IPsec 49 68859
3.2 Document Chunker
Chunking documents is a standard practice that aims
to improve the accuracy of information retrieval (IR)
systems and ensures that the augmentation process
does not saturate the length of the context window of
LLMs. However, fine-grained chunks may lose im-
portant contextual information; therefore, it is impor-
tant to balance the trade-off in chunk length. A com-
mon approach involves linking smaller fragments to
the original full documents or larger chunks, with the
goal of maximizing the accuracy of the retrieval pro-
cess while preserving the broader context to be used
in the generation process. According to this proce-
dure, we employ a recursive character splitter with a
chunk size of 256 for child nodes and 1700 for par-
ent nodes with an overlap of 100 characters to pre-
serve continuity between adjacent chunks. The length
of the parent nodes was chosen to be close to the
mean value of the lengths of documents. In addi-
tion, the chunk length was set so as to take advantage
of as much as possible of the context window of the
adopted language model, while avoiding saturating it
with the number of chunks that can be retrieved.
3.3 Embedding Model
In a RAG pipeline, the embedding model plays a
crucial role, as it transforms text into a searchable
format that allows efficient and relevant information
retrieval. Such an encoded structure is a vector (a
high-dimensional numerical representation) that cap-
tures the semantic meaning of a sequence of text
(e.g., a query), ensuring that similar concepts are
close to each other in the vector space, even if they
are phrased differently. The embedding model se-
lected for GOLLUM was the so-called mxbai-embed-
large-335M (d = 1024) as it stably appears in the top
lightweight performers on the massive text embed-
ding benchmark (MTEB) leaderboard (Muennighoff
et al., 2023). In addition, as stated by Mixedbread,
such an embedding model is appropriate for RAG-
related use cases. As for user queries, the embedding
model encodes the knowledge base (such a phase hap-
pens offline); thus, all external knowledge documents
are transformed into vectors that are stored in a vector
database for fast lookup.
3.4 Vector Store
Vector stores represent a fundamental component in
RAG applications, as they are needed for storing, in-
dexing and managing any type of data in the form
of high-dimensional, dense numerical vectors, com-
GOLLUM: Guiding cOnfiguration of firewaLL Through aUgmented Large Language Models
monly produced by an embedding model. These vec-
tors convey a semantic representation of the data, al-
lowing for similarity-based retrieval through metrics
such as cosine similarity or maximum marginal rel-
evance. Embeddings are stored and retrieved using
Chroma, an open-source, lightweight vector database
with integrated quantization, compression, and the
ability to dynamically adjust the database’s size in re-
sponse to changing needs.
3.5 Retriever
The vector stores can store multiple representations of
the same documents. We employ a parent-document
retrieval strategy that generates and indexes two dis-
tinct embeddings: one for the child chunks and an-
other for the parent documents obtained at 3.2. Then,
cosine similarity is computed between the embed-
dings of the input query and the child nodes to retrieve
the most relevant matches; these are then used to re-
trieve the larger information segments from the parent
nodes, which are finally used in the augmentation pro-
cess. The number and size of the retrieved documents
must be balanced according to the LLMs context win-
dow and available hardware resources. A larger con-
text window increases the computational load. For
our purposes, we retrieve the top four relevant par-
ent chunks, each consisting of 1700 characters, to be
fed into a context window of size 8192, i.e., the lower
bound of maximum context window sizes supported
by the employed models. Hence, we ensure that the
context window is not saturated, thus leaving room
for generation. As shown in Figure 1, embeddings of
chunks related to the same topic exhibit spatial prox-
Figure 1: Parent embeddings per topic computed using the
model outlined in section 3.3.
4.1 Materials and Methods
4.1.1 Datasets
To evaluate stand-alone LLM capabilities in both
computer networks and cybersecurity domains, the
following two datasets have been used: (i) NetCon-
(Wang et al., 2024); (ii) CyberMetric
et al., 2024). Then, to assess the responses of the en-
tire RAG pipeline against the golden answers, a cus-
tom test set comprising 330 question-golden answer
pairs, 30 for each topic at Table 1, was constructed
using the appropriate RAGAS (Es et al., 2024) util-
ity. Due to the uneven distribution of content lengths
across topics, as depicted in Table 1, it was necessary
to develop an appropriately balanced test set. Tak-
ing into account possible noise, duplicates, and errors
while generating the test set using the RAGAS util-
ity, we started from a target number of 50 question-
answer pairs for each topic. Then, we pre-processed
the test set by removing duplicates, empty, and invalid
golden answers. Finally, each question was manu-
ally inspected, reducing the number of QA pairs to 30
samples per topic. This was achieved by selecting the
test samples based on the following criteria: (i) topic
coherence; (ii) specificity, i.e., we retained the most
specific and accurate QA pairs by discarding samples
for which the related question does not require exter-
nal knowledge to be answered. Given the same set of
pfSense documentation used by the RAG chain, the
LLMs involved in the generation of the synthetic test
set were chosen to be different, but with a comparable
size of LLMs in section 4.1.2, were: (i) Gemma-7B
exploited as the generator; (ii) Gemma2-9B was used
as a critic model to validate the generation process;
(iii) Mxbai-embed-large-335M to produce the embed-
dings as in section 3.3. The generator-critic model
pair is set so that the former is an older release than
the latter, as recommended by the RAGAS utility.
4.1.2 Large Language Models Evaluated
From the models evaluated in (Tihanyi et al., 2024),
we selected the latest versions with available instruct
models to translate requirements into formal speci-
fications for reachability policies, emulating firewall
traffic management. Consequently, the lightweight
local LLMs assessed for the generation text compo-
nent of GOLLUM are: (i) Llama3-8B and Llama3.1-
8B; (ii) Mistral-7B and Neural-Chat-7B.
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
4.1.3 Metrics
First, to evaluate the effectiveness of LLMs in deal-
ing with the translation of network specifications,
the accuracy is calculated by dividing the number
of correctly translated requirements by the expected
ones given a fixed batch size b (number of speci-
fications). In particular, each test case comprised
m =
samples, where, in our case b
= 10
b [1, 5, 10, 20,50, 100]. On the other hand, because
CyberMetric consists of multiple choices QA test, the
average (since each experiment has been repeated five
times to ensure good statistical significance, as done
by the authors of the dataset in their experiments)
LLM capability of selecting the correct answer among
the four different options (accuracy). In addition, the
medium inference time was recorded for both tasks
because we were interested in models that were ac-
curate and quick to respond in their practical employ-
ment. Then, according to (Adlakha et al., 2024), QA
instruction-following and context-specialized models
should be evaluated mainly along two aspects, which
aim to point out the correctness of the provided an-
swer and how the information conveyed by the agent
is sourced from the external knowledge provided. The
paradigm adopted for such an evaluation is the so-
called LLM-as-a-judge (Zheng et al., 2023). How-
ever, to ensure a more impartial judgment, we formed
a panel of judges, consisting of an ensemble of three
local medium-sized LLMs not involved in any setup
adopted so far, i.e.: Phi3-14B; Vicuna-13B; Qwen2.5-
14B. We choose a trio of models, given the nature of
the judgment requested to each LLM, that is, binary.
This choice is necessary to implement a majority vot-
ing schema to infer definitive decisions. Therefore,
at least two models can provide agreeable judgments.
To realize evaluation purposes, the following metrics
were considered:
Answer correctness (AC), that is, an indicator of
how well the generated answer compares to the
ground truth. First, to compute such a measure,
the factual correctness (FC) is derived as the F1
score calculated on the number of: (i) statements
shared by the answer and the ground truth (true
positives (TPs)); (ii) facts in the generated an-
swer that do not belong to the expected answer
(false positives (FPs)); (iii) statements found in
the ground truth but not in the generated answer
(false negatives (FNs)). These measures are de-
rived according to the decisions inferred by the
aforementioned majority voting scheme. It should
be noted that TPs and FPs are mutually exclusive,
which makes the decision binary. Second, the co-
sine similarity between the answer (e
) and the
ground truth (e
) encoded as embeddings is cal-
culated and then averaged with the FC:
AC =
Faithfulness (FF), i.e, how consistent is the gen-
erated answer with respect to the given context.
To realize this, the generated answer is initially
split into N
single statements. Then, the panel
of LLMs judge determines how many statements
) are effectively retrieved from the context:
FF =
4.2 Results and Discussion
4.2.1 LLMs Knowledge of Computer Networks
and Cybersecurity Analysis
Figure 2: LLM accuracy and inference time (in seconds)
achieved on NetConfEval per different weight quantization
and batch size.
Figure 2 displays the average accuracy and inference
time trends achieved by the evaluated LLMs for dif-
ferent b values. For b = b
m = 1, and this
justifies the absence of the confidence interval in the
correspondence of b = 100. However, and in ac-
cordance with the results obtained by the authors of
NetConfEval, for b = 100, we noticed that the LLM
outputs produced are always cut, which leads to per-
formance degradation. Ranging the performance for
each model, the following findings are derived:
Llama3-8B achieved high accuracy at smaller
batch sizes without quantization. As the batch
GOLLUM: Guiding cOnfiguration of firewaLL Through aUgmented Large Language Models
size increases (beyond 20), there is a rapid drop
in accuracy. The model quantization also fol-
lows a similar pattern but starts slightly lower.
The inference time is relatively low at smaller
batch sizes and increases gradually as the batch
size increases. The fp16 weight precision requires
slightly more time compared to int4 quantization,
which indicates that the latter offers faster infer-
ence while retaining similar accuracy.
Llama3.1-8B demonstrated relatively high accu-
racy at smaller batch sizes for both the fp16 and
int4 configurations. This improvement is signifi-
cant compared to Llama3-8B for b = 50. As pre-
viously observed, the accuracy decreased as the
batch size increased, with a significant drop-off
beyond batch size 50. The int4 version demon-
strated better accuracy than fp16 (for b [1, 5, 20])
and produced the highest average accuracy among
all compared models (higher than 60%) for b =
50. The inference time remained low and stable
for all batch sizes, demonstrating that this lan-
guage model was more efficient in handling larger
batches than the other models. The int4 configu-
ration remained slightly faster than the fp16.
Except for small batch sizes, Mistral-7B achieved
low accuracy scores among all compared models
(from b = 10) regardless of whether model quanti-
zation is adopted or not. The model is completely
insolvent even at b = 20. In addition, it requires a
longer inference time than Llama models for both
the fp16 and int4 setups.
Neural-Chat-7B showed a sharp increase in infer-
ence time with increasing batch sizes, peaking at
batch size 50 (around one minute) and stabilizing
afterward. The int4 configuration demonstrated a
faster inference time (except for b 50) than the
fp16 configuration, although the speed gains were
accompanied by low fluctuating accuracy. This
measure is the major drawback of this model be-
cause it is under 20% for b 20.
As a general overview, the accuracy and infer-
ence time appear to decrease and increase, respec-
tively, with increasing b. Considering the trade-off
between accuracy and inference time, the models be-
longing to the Meta Llama3 family appear to be the
best among the evaluated in providing network policy
translations. This result is critical because it opens
up the scenario of declining these models for the net-
work analysis policy task, which is primary in fire-
wall applications. Furthermore, adopting quantiza-
tion does not lead to average performance degrada-
tion, ensuring faster inferences and, inevitably, lower
GPU memory consumption.
Figure 3: LLM accuracy and inference time (in seconds)
achieved on CyberMetric per different weight quantization.
Figure 3 indicates that the accuracy achieved by
Mistral-7B, which is close to ε = 73.65 (human accu-
racy) if quantization is enabled and the lowest among
those achieved by all models compared in the case of
the fp16 weight precision. Therefore, this model is
the worst performer on the 80 questions of the Cy-
berMetric dataset, examining also the inference time
obtained, which is the longest compared to competi-
tors per quantization adopted. The remaining three
models outperformed human accuracy, and this result
is notable for Neural-Chat quantized, which achieved
the highest average accuracy score (with a negligible
standard error) in these experiments. Despite this, the
average inference time was longer than that achieved
by the Llama models in both quantization settings.
Finally, Llama3 and Llama3.1 achieve comparable
performance in terms of accuracy and inference time
(equal for this metric). Models without quantization
require an average inference time of approximately 10
s, which indicates that they can answer 480 ques-
tions in just a minute. On the other hand, this abil-
ity almost doubles that of adopting quantization while
maintaining acceptable accuracy. Intersecting the re-
sults in both Figures 2 and 3, the Llama3 models ap-
pear to be more suitable in understanding contexts re-
lated to computer networks and security, producing
accurate results in a very reactive manner.
4.2.2 RAG-Based Analysis
Equipping GOLLUM with Llama3-8B or Llama3.1-
8B results in a shift in AC and FF trends on the basis
of how shown in Figure 4. To be specific:
Llama3-8B achieves 76% of AC with a stan-
dard error of approximately ±0.02. With regard to
the alignment between the generated content and
the context retrieved, this language model results
in FF 75%.
Llama3.1-8B yields 78% of AC, i.e., the up-
per bound of the aforementioned model AC confi-
dence interval, again with a standard deviation of
±2%. In this case, despite the increase in accu-
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
racy compared to Llama3-8B, a drop in FF is evi-
dent, which appeared to be close to 70%. Similar
to Llama3-8B, the standard deviation was wider
than the AC.
According to the two above points, GOLLUM is
more correct and faithful if Llama3-8B is used as the
language model, i.e., a more balanced AC-FF trade-
off is obtained compared to Llama3.1-8B usage. Es-
tablishing a balance between AC and FF can help en-
sure the response not only provides factually correct
information and accurately represents the intended
message, reasoning, or data. The achievement of 76%
correctness implies that the model is accurate in three
out of four answers, which is a promising starting
point. This shows that the retrieval pipeline is gen-
erally effective; however, it could still be improved to
capture more precise and relevant answers. A 75%
faithfulness score means that, on average, one of four
responses may include unfaithful or hallucinated con-
Figure 4: RAG metric scores per LLM leveraged by
Figure 5: RAG metric scores per LLM achieved by
GOLLUM on different topics.
Figure 5 depicts the average performance
achieved by GOLLUM per topic. Specifically,
Lllama3.1-8B outperforms Llama3-B in answer cor-
rectness on topics such as Captive Portal, Installation,
and Multiple/WANs, while the opposite trend is
observed for VPN/IPsec. Similarly, the FF achieved
by GOLLUM equipped with Lllama3.1-8B is better
for Firewall/NAT and DNS topics than the same score
obtained by Llama3-8B, which provides more faith-
ful answers in all the remaining topics. A remarkable
result concerns the AC achieved on questions related
to the configuration topic, which exceeds the 80%
in both cases denoting how GOLLUM can provide
accurate guidelines on configuration tasks. Similarly,
very promising results are obtained for questions
concerning routing and bridging topic, validating
the efficiency in understanding network reachability
requirements, as previously assessed with the Net-
ConfEval benchmark, in a more specialized context
(as the top FF score is exhibited). The consistency
in model performance on various topics highlights
the potential of GOLLUM to serve as a robust,
context-sensitive support tool in network security.
Configuring firewalls is a challenging and error-prone
task that can compromise network security. Given
the complexity, especially in large-scale and dynamic
networks, human operators can benefit from intelli-
gent, context-aware tools for accurate firewall setup
guidance. In this paper, we introduced GOLLUM,
an AI-powered assistant designed to mitigate config-
uration challenges using a proper RAG pipeline. The
proposed method exploits generative models that in-
corporate adequate prior knowledge of computer net-
works and cybersecurity. By combining LLMs with
an extensive structured knowledge base, GOLLUM
provides reliable and context-specific support to net-
work administrators. Based on the experiments,
GOLLUM equipped with Llama3-8B demonstrated
more balanced performance, with considerable thor-
oughness in providing support on the topic of pfSense
configurations. Future developments may include ex-
panding the knowledge base to include additional net-
work security resources, further optimizing the re-
trieval mechanism.
This work was supported in part by the Fondo
Europeo di Sviluppo Regionale Puglia Programma
GOLLUM: Guiding cOnfiguration of firewaLL Through aUgmented Large Language Models
Operativo Regionale (POR) Puglia 2014-2020-Axis
I-Specific Objective 1a-Action 1.1 (Research and
Development)-Project Title: CyberSecurity and
Security Operation Center (SOC) Product Suite
by BV TECH S.p.A., under Grant CUP/CIG
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Reddy, S. (2024). Evaluating correctness and faith-
fulness of instruction-following models for question
answering. Transactions of the Association for Com-
putational Linguistics, 12:681–699.
Alicea, M. and Alsmadi, I. (2021). Misconfiguration in fire-
walls and network access controls: Literature review.
Future Internet, 13(11).
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ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence