Table 3: Total Variation Distance for different optimizers and loss functions of φ.
Optimizer Loss Learning Rate α Avg. Total Variation Distance
ADAM W 0.0001 0.37111863 ± 0.03492265
ADAM logW 0.0001 0.36836797 ± 0.043502506
ADAM KLDiv 0.01 0.2161428 ± 7.386059e-06
SGD W 0.0001 0.39597395 ± 0.049845863
SGD logW 0.0001 0.37211606 ± 0.04976438
SGD KLDiv 0.001 0.212498 ±0.0048501617
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satisfying assignments (SOFs) was used as a regu-
larizer and when it served as the main loss function.
These experiments are promising, demonstrating simi-
lar accuracy compared to their teacher models while
requiring only half the number of parameters.
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search Fellowship. Miguel Angel Mendez Lucero was
supported by CONACYT Mexico.
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