erate a better Generator.
These results show that when using multiple dis-
criminators, gradually increasing their expertise can
result in better adversarial learning.
In this paper, we proposed a method to improve the
image generation ability of a generator by adversari-
ally training a generator using multiple discriminators
with different expertise. In particular, we proposed a
method to give multiple discriminators independent
expertise by dividing a dataset so that they have inde-
pendent image features and selecting images for each
discriminator by using CLIP. In addition, we showed
a method to gradually increase the number of discrim-
inators in order to eliminate the instability of training
that occurs when using multiple discriminators.
Experimental results showed that when dividing
the classes that each discriminator is responsible for,
more appropriate expertise is given to the discrimina-
tors when dividing based on the distribution of image
features obtained by CLIP rather than based on fea-
tures thought by humans. It was also revealed that
it is more efficient to give expertise while gradually
increasing the number of discriminators.
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VISAPP 2025 - 20th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications