ferior performance compared to the simple spatial in-
terpolation technique proposed in this study.
Furthermore, the optimal placement of signage
agents and their connections within the floor plan
is crucial but presents challenges. Although simple
agents have been used for system evaluation, studying
the impact of human factors on evacuation guidance
performance is also crucial. Addressing these issues
will be essential for future studies.
A distributed dynamic evacuation guidance system
utilizing Broadcast and UpdateSign algorithms was
proposed. System performance was evaluated using
an asynchronous multiagent simulation framework.
Two strategies were introduced to mitigate the ad-
verse effects of component failure. Remarkably, the
system with failed components not only maintained
functionality, but also performed comparably to a
fully operational system. This advancement repre-
sents a significant step toward developing evacuation
support systems capable of operating effectively un-
der disaster conditions, offering valuable insights into
creating resilient systems that can sustain functional-
ity in harsh environments.
The author would like to thank Mr. Kei Marukawa for
his assistance and helpful discussions, as well as Ed-
itage (www.editage.jp) for English language editing.
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ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence