This article presents a novel early fusion approach
based on our MEFA module. The MEFA module,
combined with state-of-the-art models, improves, es-
pecially in adverse weather conditions, the perfor-
mance accuracy of vehicle and pedestrian multimodal
detection. Furthermore, the MEFA module can im-
prove any single modality model, especially a black
box model, for any multimodal application.
In terms of future research, we identified several
potential avenues. Firstly, optimizing the module ar-
chitecture could reduce the computational load, espe-
cially when dealing with features of large spatial di-
mensions. Additional sensor types integration, such
as radar or ultrasonic sensors, would be beneficial
in investigating and improving detection robustness
in challenging conditions. Secondly, further research
could be carried out on the MEFA module to better
understand the impact of characteristics of modalities
and external factors, such as weather or visibility, on
the accuracy.
In light of climate change, we aim to direct our fu-
ture efforts toward enhancing the module to minimize
its energy consumption and evaluate the carbon foot-
print of our models. Furthermore, we intend to inves-
tigate the integration of our model into edge devices,
exploring innovative approaches to optimize perfor-
mance while maintaining sustainability. It would be
a question of conducting holistic research consider-
ing the dimensions of (a) measurements and estima-
tions, (b) algorithms, methods, and models, (c) ex-
treme edge, and (d) understanding the systemic ef-
fects of AI.
This work was carried out in part within the frame-
work of the ”Edge Intelligence” Chair within MIAI of
the University of Grenoble Alpes, project referenced
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MEFA: Multimodal Image Early Fusion with Attention Module for Pedestrian and Vehicle Detection