a GitHub repository
provides the Python imple-
mentations of both algorithms, optimized with the
Numba library. This repository includes instance sim-
ulations and test cases in Jupyter Notebook format.
Additionally, it offers Pareto front approximations
for both methods across all instances and executions,
alongside numerical data on dominance and execution
In summary, this study presents an innovative
multi-objective optimization model for EV charging
scheduling, aiming to minimize peak energy con-
sumption and reduce charging times. By incorpo-
rating real-world factors such as sequential charger
usage, compatibility, and operational constraints, the
model provides a robust framework for optimiza-
tion. It allows decision makers to select from various
schedules on the Pareto Front, balancing grid stability
with client service times based on actual grid capabil-
We have adapted the NSGA-II and MOCS al-
gorithms to our model, with comparative analysis
demonstrating that MOCS is the more effective so-
lution in this context. MOCS achieves broader Pareto
front coverage within a reasonable time frame of less
than 7 seconds, with a dominance percentage averag-
ing 79.56% for MOCS over NSGA-II, compared to
only 14.28% for NSGA-II over MOCS.
The proposed model and MOCS adaptation have
significant implications for real-world EV infrastruc-
ture, providing a scalable and efficient solution to
meet the growing demands of electric mobility. Fu-
ture work may include exploring other metaheuristics
and solving methods, as well as investigating variable
charging powers and preemptive charging modes to
enhance scheduling flexibility.
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Optimized Scheduling for Electric Vehicle Charging: A Multi-Objective Approach to Grid Stability and User Satisfaction