This section discusses simulators for exploration al-
gorithms, and describes existing exploration algo-
rithms relevant for this work.
2.1 Exploration Simulators
When simulating robots, realism is paid in terms of
complexity and performance. In fact, on the one
hand many works used simple simulators that con-
sider robots moving on a grid, disregard collisions,
and allow for unrestrained communication (see for
example (Cheraghi et al., 2020; ?)). On the other
side of the spectrum there are high fidelity simulators
that are very complex to set up and have bad perfor-
mance (Pitonakova et al., 2018).
We opted for Multi Agent Exploration Simulator
(MAES) (Andreasen et al., 2023), which provides a
trade-off between realism and ease of usage. MAES is
open source, it was used to compare exploration algo-
rithms (Andreasen. et al., 2022) and provides the code
to simulate them. Further, MAES supports the cre-
ation of transmission models dependent on distance
and walls passed through, such as attenuation based
models, and can generate maps that represent either
cave-like or building-like environments.
2.2 The next Frontier (TNF)
TNF (Colares and Chaimowicz, 2016) is an explo-
ration algorithm designed to use information gain and
distance cost as a basis for autonomous swarm explo-
ration. TNF uses the Near-Frontier Exploration (?),
which identifies frontiers in the map, which are loca-
tions that are in-between explored and non-explored
areas. In the fitness function that decides robots’ way-
points, TNF considers the information gain that going
to a given area would provide and the cost to get there.
Moreover, each robot stores the newest destina-
tion received from each other robot. When the robot
decides upon the next frontier to explore, a wavefront
will be created from each stored destination, reduc-
ing the score of each frontier near it. This means that
frontiers close to the target frontiers of other robots
will be lower in the score, causing the robots to spread
out more in the map, exploring more disparate sec-
tions and reducing redundant work, speeding up the
2.3 Spiraling and Selective
Backtracking (SSB)
SSB (Gautam et al., 2018) is a coverage algorithm
that uses spiraling patterns and expects global com-
munication and discrete grid-based movement. The
robot spirals through known areas and updates other
robots of the covered space and the nearby uncovered
tiles it reserves for backtracking.
The backtracking is used to find new uncovered
areas, and it uses an auction mechanism to decide
which robot should go to each backtracking point. If
no backtracking point is available, or if the robot did
not win any auction for a backtracking point, an auc-
tion is instead done for the nearest unvisited point. As
the robot spirals and creates backtracking points, it re-
serves the points of the spiral and backtracking, and
broadcasts them to other robots, limiting their move-
ment in an attempt to reduce redundant movement.
Our proposed solution uses concepts from SSB,
while improving it in terms of robots’ coordination
and resilience to communication impairments.
2.4 Human Heuristics
Most previous algorithms are generally focused on
mathematical formulas, or get inspired by animal be-
havior. An alternative approach is to explore in a way
that makes sense to humans.
Human heuristics are used in various tasks in
robotics (?; ?). An example of human heuristics used
for exploration is in (Liu et al., 2023), where the au-
thors utilize computer vision with human heuristics to
detect where doors are to separate rooms apart. Fur-
thermore, it prioritizes finishing exploring the current
room before proceeding to the next one.
The general idea behind our proposed exploration al-
gorithm is to use two human-inspired heuristics: (i)
robots will spiral inside a room to explore it; (ii) when
a robot identifies a door in a room, half of the robots
in the room will move out through the door to cover
as many rooms as possible. Part of this approach is
inspired by SSB (Gautam et al., 2018), particularly
the spiraling movement and the auction mechanism
to decide which robot goes to important locations, in
our case doors.
To explain the algorithm, we will initially go over
a constrained version for one single robot, then ex-
pand it to show the full multi robot behavior, with
Spiralling Human-Inspired Exploration Algorithm with Doorway Detection