A Hierarchical Classification for Automatic Assessment of the
Reception Quality Using Videos of Volleyball and Deep Learning
Shota Nako
, Hiroyuki Ogata
, Taiji Matsui
, Itsuki Hamada
and Jun Ohya
Department of Modern Mechanical Engineering, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan
Department of Science and Technology, Seikei University, Tokyo, Japan
Faculty of Sport Sciences, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan
Keywords: Volleyball, Assessment of the Reception Quality, Video Classification, Hierarchical Classification.
Abstract: To automate the assessment of the reception quality in volleyball games, this paper proposes a hierarchical
classification method that uses deep learning methods that are trained using single view videos acquired in
actual matches and the data recorded manually using Data Volley. The hierarchical classification consists of
the three steps: the first step for judging whether the player is in front of (Front) or behind (Back) the net in
the court, the second step for discriminating the best quality pass (A-pass) and second best pass (B-pass) vs.
the third best pass (C-pass), and the third step for discriminating A-pass vs B-pass. Experiments that compare
six class classification with the proposed hierarchical classification were conducted, where the former
classifies the six classes: Front A-pass, Front B-pass, Front C-pass and Back A-pass, Back B-pass, Back C-
pass. Two TimeSformer models were used as video classification models: TimeSformer-L and TimeSformer-
HR. Also, two data sets of different lengths were used. Dataset1 is longer than Dataset2. Different sampling
rates were set for each combination of dataset and model. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed
hierarchical classification outperforms the six class classification, clarifying the best combinations of
TimeSformer model, Dataset and sampling rate.
For tactical decisions and analyses of plays in
volleyball, it is useful to code and record all plays in
volleyball games. However, at present, analysts
record the code of each play manually during games,
which could pose a number of problems. That is,
analysts are required to keep concentrating on the
recording task during the game, while they sometimes
make recording errors; it takes long time to train
analysts. Obviously, these problems are not desirable.
Hence, developing a system to automate the
recording of volleyball plays is strongly demanded.
Data Volley, with which analysts record each
play, is one of the most frequetly used recording and
analysis methods currently (Silva et al., 2016). Data
Volley records four items: ‘team’, ‘player number’,
‘action’ and ‘assessment of action’. ‘Team’ indicates
which team’s player performed the action. ‘Player
number’ indicates the ID number (e.g. uniform
number) of the player who performed the action.
‘Action’ indicates the action performed by the player,
and is classified as one of the following seven actions:
service, reception (only for service), set, attack,
block, dig (reception for other than service) or free
ball (pass to the oponent court). Table 1 lists the code
of each action. ‘Assessment of the action’ indicates
whether the quality of the action was good or bad,
using a grading scale. Table 2 shows examples of
action assessments and coding.
For example, the play in which ‘Player # 4 of his
team attacked and scored’ is coded and recorded as
‘*4A#’, where * is a symbol representing that
player’s own team).
As a first step towards automating the recording
of all palys using Data Volley, this paper aims at
achieving a method for automating the assessment of
the reception quality, which is the most challenging
among the ‘assessment of the seven actions’. We
regard the assessment of the reception quality as a
video classification task. By performing hierarchical
classification utilising deep learning methods for the
single view videos acquired during actual matches
and data recorded manually using Data Volley, this
paper aims at automating the assessment equivalent
to experts’ assessment.
Nako, S., Ogata, H., Matsui, T., Hamada, I. and Ohya, J.
A Hierarchical Classification for Automatic Assessment of the Reception Quality Using Videos of Volleyball and Deep Learning.
DOI: 10.5220/0013238000003905
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2025), pages 673-680
ISBN: 978-989-758-730-6; ISSN: 2184-4313
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Table 1: Coding of actions.
Action Code
Serve S
tion R
Set E
Free Ball F
Table 2: Examples of assessment of actions and coding.
Code Serve Rece
tion Attac
= Miss
Miss (lost
/ Returned
ball is D
D pass Blocked Decision
- Returned
ball is A
C pass Chance
! Returned
ball is B
B- pass Rebound Rebound
+ Returned
ball is C
B pass Rally
# Ace
A pass Decision
2.1 Studies Related to Automating
Data Volley Recording
Several studies aim to automate Data Volley
recording, focusing on action recognition and action
Liang et al. (2019) focused on action recognition.
They realised action recognition by utilising
handcrafted features extracted from multi-view video
acquired by four cameras and support vector
machines. However, Liang et al. did not deal with
assessing the reception quality.
Cheng, et al. (2019) proposed a method for
assessing the reception quality, similar to Liang et al.,
by extracting handcrafted features from multi-view
videos acquired by four cameras and applied machine
learning using random forest. In addition, Cheng et al.
(2022) proposed a method for assessing the reception
quality based on the position where the ball is
However, the following issues remain in the
above-mentioned Cheng et al.’s methods.
First, their criteria for evaluating each play’s
goodness are based on only the position to which the
ball is returned and the receiver's posture. This means
that their criteria are very different from experts’
Second, difficulties in handcrafted features
include unification of assessment criteria, presence of
criteria that cannot be quantified, and unsuitability for
representing complicated actions in long-duration
videos. That is, it can be said that the handcraft
features have the limitations (Lei et al., 2019).
Third, using multi-angle cameras costs high, and
is impractical, especially for non-professional level
matches (Xia et al., 2023). In addition, due to
geometries and conditions of match venues, using
multi-angle cameras is not always possible.
2.2 TimeSformer
Video recognition based on deep learning have
attracted much attention in recent years (Bhatt et al.,
2021; Arshad, Bilal, & Gani, 2022; Guo et al., 2022).
TimeSformer (Bertasius, Wang, & Torresani,
2021) is a video classification model that exploits
Transformer (Vaswani et al., 2017), which has
achieved various SOTAs in the field of natural
language processing. For TimeSformer, Vaswani et
al. proposed an efficient architecture for
spatiotemporal attention called divided space-time
attention. This allows for more efficient processing
over much longer durations, compared to
conventional 3D CNN-based models.
In volleyball, the temporal information before and
after the play to be evaluated is important in the
assessment. Therefore, we adopt TimeSformer,
which can utilise long-duration information, as our
video classification model.
This paper deals with the assessment of reception
quality as a supervised learning classification
One of this paper’s coauthors, Taiji Matsui, is the
head coach of Waseda University’s volleyball club.
In the club, the reception quality is assessed and
recorded in five levels: A pass, B pass, C pass, D pass
and miss (lost point). Of these, A pass, B pass and C
pass are receptions that led to an attack and are
assessed differently according to their quality. D pass
is a reception that goes directly back into the
ICPRAM 2025 - 14th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
opponent’s court, and “miss” is a reception that
results in a lost point. The assessment of D pass and
miss can be considered feasible through utilising
technology such as event detection technology, and is
excluded from the classification task in this paper.
As shown in Figure 1, as only single view videos
acquired from the back of the court are used in this
paper, whether the receiver is in front of or behind the
net in the court is to be classified: i.e., the labels for
these two cases are "Front" and "Back", respectively.
Therefore, the task addressed in this paper is
formulated as a six-class classification problem:
Front-A pass, Front-B pass, Front-C pass, Back-A
pass, Back-B pass and Back-C pass.
Figure 1: Single view match video.
The overview of the proposed method is shown in
Figure 2.
Figure 2: Overview of the proposed method.
4.1 Dataset
One data consists of a set of videos from which a
series of plays are cut out and a label for the quality
of the reception (either Front-A pass, Front-B pass,
Front-C pass, Back-A pass, Back-B pass or Back-C
pass). The video was manually cut out by the first
author of this paper. The labels were given based on
the data recorded manually using Data Volley.
In this study, two datasets with different video
lengths are created. Table 3 and Figure 3 overview the
two datasets. Dataset2 is a short version of Dataset1,
where only receptions and sets are extracted from
Table 3: Overview of the datasets.
Dataset Name Description
Dataset1 Video clipping of the sequence of
play - serve, reception, set, attack
and the next action after the attack.
Dataset2 Video clipping of reception and set
only from Dataset 1.
Figure 3: Overview of the datasets.
4.2 Hierarchical Classification
This paper focuses on the three types of reception: A
pass, B pass and C pass. Examples of A pass is shown
in Figure 4. C pass is a low-quality reception that is
difficult to connect smoothly to the attack. So, C pass
is clearly different from the A pass and B pass, which
means that C pass has different visual features. On the
other hand, both A pass and B pass can be connected
smoothly to the attack and are visually similar to each
To classify visually similar A pass and B pass,
task-specific models and methods are required. For
these reasons, this paper proposes a hierarchical
approach that first classifies C pass and the other
passes, and then classifies the A pass and the B pass.
As shown in Figure 2, the proposed method
classifies receptions into six categories by the
following three steps. In Step 1, Front and Back data
with clearly different visual features are classified. In
Step 2, A pass and B pass which have similar visual
characteristics are grouped in one class ((A/B) pass),
and (A/B) pass and C pass are classified. In Step 3, A
pass and B pass, which have similar visual features,
are classified.
In each step, the TimeSformer is trained with the
respective data, creating a total of five models.
4.2.1 TimeSformer Model
As TimeSformer models, this paper uses the two
models shown in Table 4: TimeSformer-L and
A Hierarchical Classification for Automatic Assessment of the Reception Quality Using Videos of Volleyball and Deep Learning
TimeSformer-L allows a larger number of frames,
but as a trade-off, it requires small input image sizes.
On the other hand, TimeSformer-HR can process
larger input image sizes, but allows fewer frames to
be input. As either one of the two models could
perform better at each step of the hierarchical
classification, both models are used in this paper.
Table 4: TimeSformer model.
Model Name Ima
e Size Number of frames
-L 224×224 96
-HR 448×448 16
Figure 4: Examples of A pass.
4.2.2 Training Conditions
In this study, both models are fine-tuned using our
original dataset on the models pre-trained on
Kinetics-600 dataset (Carreira et al., 2018).
The dataset was stratified and randomly split into
train, validation and test sets. The split ratio was 6:2:2.
The train set was used to train the model, the
validation set was used to determine the weights to be
used during testing, and the test set was used to
calculate the accuracy of the model. The data were
split so that train, validation and test were consistent
at each step of the hierarchical classification.
It is worth noting that the dataset used in this
study was an unbalanced dataset with an uneven
number of data per class. Hence, during training,
oversampling was performed so that each class has
the same number of data as the class with the highest
number of data, where the oversampling is a process
that replicates data in classes with small numbers of
The learning rate is determined by decreasing the
initial learning rate of 0.005 by a factor of 0.1 at 110
epochs and 0.01 at 140 epochs. The optimizer is SGD,
and the loss function is cross-entropy.
4.2.3 Determining the Weights to Be Used
for Testing
In this study, training was conducted in a certain
number of epochs for each step of the hierarchical
classification. In addition, an accuracy assessment
was carried out using a validation set for every five
epochs; the weights at the epoch that achieved the
highest accuracy in the validation set were used for
5.1 Dataset
The dataset was created based on 11 match videos
provided by Waseda University’s volleyball club
mentioned in Section 3 and the data recorded using
Data Volley. The resolution of each frame of the
videos is 1280×720, and the frame rate of the videos
is 29.97 fps. The number of data per class is shown in
Table 5.
Table 5: Number of data.
142 494 152 125 476 119
5.2 Determining Hyperparameters
Initially, candidate sampling rate values that improve
the accuracy of the model were searched, where the
sampling rate is a parameter that defines the interval
ICPRAM 2025 - 14th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
between each successive frames extracted when a
video is input to the model.
The sampling rate values selected for each
combination of the datasets and TimeSformer models
are shown in Table 6. In the subsequent experiments,
training, validation and testing were carried out under
the conditions listed in Table 6.
Table 6: Combination of dataset, TimeSformer model and
sampling rate.
Dataset TimeSformer Model Sampling Rate
Dataset1 L 2
Dataset2 L 1
Dataset2 HR 6
5.3 6- Class Classification
To compare with the hierarchical classification, a
model that classifies the six classes was trained.
Using the trained model, tests for classifying the six
classes were carried out. The results are shown in
Table 7. Figure 5, whose vertical and horizontal axes
indicate the true and predicted labels, respectively,
shows the confusion matrix under the condition in
which the best accuracy was obtained, where the
maximum number of epochs is 150.
Table 7: 6 Class classification results.
Dataset TimeSformer
Dataset1 L 2 0.6987
Dataset2 L 1 0.7252
Dataset2 HR 6 0.7185
Figure 5: 6-Class classification confusion matrix.
Table 7 shows that the combination of Dataset2,
model L and a sampling rate of 1 achieved the highest
accuracy of 0.7252.
Figure 5 also shows that out of the 158 Front data,
there were 2 cases (1.27%) in which Front data were
misclassified as Back data. Furthermore, out of the
156 true positive data for the Front data, the number
of misclassifying Front-(A/B) pass as Front-C pass
and vice versa were 13 (8.33%). Out of the 144 true
positive data for the Back data, the number of
misclassifying Back-(A/B) pass as Back-C pass and
vice versa were 8 (5.56%). Out of the 119 true
positive data for the Front-(A/B) pass, the number of
misclassifying the Front-A pass as the Front-B pass
and vice versa was 31 (26.05%). Out of the 119 true
positive data for the Back-(A/B) pass, the number of
misclassifying the Back-A pass as the Back-B pass
and vice versa was 29 (24.37%).
5.4 Hierarchical Classification
5.4.1 Step1: Front Data vs. Back Data
Table 8 shows the results of Step 1 of the hierarchical
classification: i.e. the results of classifying Front data
and Back data, where the maximum number of
epochs is 15.
Table 8: Results of Step 1 of Hierarchical classification.
Dataset TimeSformer
Dataset1 L 2 0.9967
Dataset2 L 1 1.0000
Dataset2 HR 6 1.0000
According to Table 8, the combination of Dataset2,
model L and sampling rate = 1 and combination of
Dataset2 model HR and sampling rate = 6 give the
highest accuracy of 1.0000.
5.4.2 Step2: (A/B) Pass vs. C Pass
Table 9 shows the results of Step 2 of the hierarchical
classification: i.e. the results of classifying the (A/B)
pass and C-pass. Figures 6 and 7 show the confusion
matrices under the most accurate conditions for the
Front and Back data, respectively, where the
maximum number of epochs is 50.
Table 9 shows that the combination of Dataset2,
model HR and sampling rate = 6 achieved the highest
accuracy for both Front and Back data, with the
accuracies of 0.9494 and 0.9306, respectively.
Furthermore, Figure 6 shows that out of the 158 Front
data, the number of misclassifying the Front-(A/B)
pass as the Front-C pass and vice versa was 8
(5.063%). Figures 7 shows that out of the 144 Back
data, the number of misclassifying the Back-(A/B)
pass as the Back-C pass and vice versa was 10
A Hierarchical Classification for Automatic Assessment of the Reception Quality Using Videos of Volleyball and Deep Learning
Table 9: Results of Step 2 of Hierarchical classification.
Dataset Model Sampling
Front Bac
Dataset1 L 2 0.8481 0.9236
Dataset2 L 1 0.9114 0.9167
Dataset2 HR 6 0.9494 0.9306
Figure 6: Hierarchical classification step2 (Front data)
confusion matrix.
Figure 7: Hierarchical classification step2 (Back data)
confusion matrix.
5.4.3 Step3: A Pass vs. B Pass
Table 10 shows the results of Step 3 of the
hierarchical classification: i.e. the results of
classifying the A-pass and B-pass. Figures 8 and 9
show the confusion matrices under the most accurate
conditions for the A-pass and B-pass, respectively,
where the maximum number of epochs is 150.
Table 10: Results of Step 3 of Hierarchical classification.
Dataset Model Sampling
Front Bac
Dataset1 L 2 0.7422 0.7107
Dataset2 L 1 0.7656 0.7934
Dataset2 HR 6 0.6640 0.7603
Figure 8: Hierarchical classification step3 (Front data)
confusion matrix.
Figure 9: Hierarchical classification step3 (Back data)
confusion matrix.
Table 10 shows that the combination of Dataset2,
model L and a sampling rate = 1 achieved the highest
accuracy for both Front and Back data, with the
accuracies of 0.7656 and 0.7934, respectively.
Furthermore, Figures 8 shows that out of the 128
Front-(A/B) pass, the number of misclassifying the
Front-A pass as the Front-B pass and vice versa was
30 (23.44%). Figure 9 shows that out of the 121 Back-
(A/B) pass, the number of misclassifying the Back-A
pass as the Back-B pass and vice versa was 25
ICPRAM 2025 - 14th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
(20.66%). In particular, there are many cases in which
A pass is misclassified as B pass.
6.1 Comparison of 6- Class
Classification and Hierarchical
Figure 5 shows that there were 2 misclassifications of
Front data as Back data in the 6-class classification.
In contrast, Table 8 shows that the accuracy of step 1
of the hierarchical classification was 1.0000 and did
not result in misclassification. Figures 5 to 9 also
show that the number of misclassifications and error
rates were lower in hierarchical classification for A
pass, B pass and C pass classification in all cases
except for the Back data in step 2. Hence, it can be
said that the hierarchical classification outperforms
the 6-class classification in terms of reducing the risk
of misclassification. Meanwhile, it should be noted
that hierarchical classification has a cascading nature,
which may propagate errors from previous steps.
Another advantage of the hierarchical
classification compared to the 6-class classification is
that it allows different approaches to the tasks and
characteristics of each step. In other words, the
introduction of the hierarchical classification has
succeeded in subdividing the problem of automatic
assessment of the reception quality. Therefore, in the
future, it is expected to achieve methods that are more
suitable for the tasks and characteristics of each step.
6.2 Discussion at Each Step of the
Hierarchical Classification
Tables 9 and 10 show that the higher accuracy was
achieved using Dataset2 for both step2 and step3 than
Dataset1. Whereas Dataset1 is long videos that cut
out the sequence of serve, reception, set, attack and
the next action after the attack, Dataset2 is short
videos that cut out only the reception and set from
Dataset1. Therefore, the results suggest that it is more
effective for the classification to focus on the play
before and after the reception, rather than the entire
series of plays, for assessing the reception quality. In
particular, the setter’s movement is an important
element in the assessment of the reception quality,
and the fact that the setter’s movements appear in
many frames in the entire video in Dataset2 might
contribute to improving the accuracy.
Table 9 also shows that the combination of
Dataset2, model HR and a Sampling rate = 6 achieved
the highest accuracy for both Front and Back data in
the classification of (A/B) pass and C pass.
TimeSformer-L is a model that allows for longer
video input, whereas TimeSformer-HR is a model
that allows for larger image sizes. This suggests that
spatial information is more important than temporal
information in classifying (A/B) pass and C pass. In
addition, compared to (A/B) pass, the C pass video is
characterised by a larger movement of the setter,
which is important for the assessment of the reception
quality. Hence, it is possible that the TimeSformer-
HR, which can input larger image sizes, may have
adequately captured spatially significant changes,
leading to the improved accuracies.
On the other hand, Table 10 shows that the
combination of Dataset2, model L and sampling rate
= 1 achieved the highest accuracy for both Front and
Back data in the classification of A pass and B pass.
This suggests that, conversely, in the classification of
A pass and B pass temporal information is more
important than spatial information.
In addition, the highest accuracy in classifying A
pass and B pass was 0.7656 and 0.7934 for the Front
and Back data, respectively, which is lower than the
classification accuracy of (A/B) pass and C pass. This
could be due to the visual similarity of the A pass and
B pass. In this paper, the entire video was simply used
as the input for learning, but in the future, further
accuracy improvements can be expected by
effectively utilising local information such as setter’s
This paper has explored methods for recording each
play in volleyball games using Data Volley,
particularly focusing on automating the assessment of
the reception quality, which is still a major issue in
the ‘assessment of actions’. This paper treats the
assessment of the reception quality as a video
classification task, and has proposed a hierarchical
classification method that uses deep learning methods
that are trained using single view videos acquired in
actual matches and the data recorded manually using
Data Volley. The hierarchical classification consists
of the three steps: the first step for the Front vs Back,
the second step for the (A/B)-pass vs C-pass, and the
third step for the A-pass vs B-pass.
A Hierarchical Classification for Automatic Assessment of the Reception Quality Using Videos of Volleyball and Deep Learning
Experiments that compare six class classification
with the proposed hierarchical classification were
conducted, where the former classifies the six classes:
Front A-pass, Front B-pass, Front C-pass and Back
A-pass, Back B-pass, Back C-pass. Two
TimeSformer models were used as video
classification models: TimeSformer-L and
TimeSformer-HR. Also, two data sets of different
lengths were used, where Dataset1 is long videos that
cut out the sequence of serve, reception, set, attack
and the next action after the attack, and Dataset2 is
short videos that cut out only the reception and set
from Dataset1. To improve accuracy, the optimum
sampling rate was set for each combination of dataset
and model, and training, validation and testing were
carried out under these conditions.
The best accuracy by the six class classification is
only 72.5%.
In contrast, in the hierarchical classification, the
Step 1, which classifies Front and Back data,
achieved 100% accuracy. The Step 2, which classifies
(A/B)-pass and C-pass, achieved 94.94% and 93.06%
accuracies on Front and Back data, respectively,
under the combination of Dataset2, model HR and
sampling rate = 6. The Step 3, which classifies A-pass
and B-pass, achieved 76.56% and 79.34% accuracies
on Front and Back data, respectively, under the
combination of Dataset2, model L and sampling rate
= 1.
The hierarchical classification did not result in
misclassification of Front and Back data. It also
reduced the number of misclassifications and the
error rate in all the cases except for one case for step2.
Thus, it can be said that the hierarchical classification
is superior to the six class classification in terms of
reducing the risk of misclassification. Another
advantage over the six class classification is that
hierarchical one allows a separate approach to the
tasks and characteristics of each step, successfully
subdividing the problem of automating the
assessment of the reception quality.
In the future, we will focus on developing a
method for classifying A- and B-passes, where the
current accuracies are relatively low. In particular, we
aim to improve the accuracy through a method that
effectively use local information, such as the setter’s
movement, which is considered important in the
assessment of the reception quality.
Furthermore, hierarchical classification is
expected to be applied to other sports videos.
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ICPRAM 2025 - 14th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods