GNN-MSOrchest: Graph Neural Networks Based Approach for
Micro-Services Orchestration - A Simulation Based Design Use Case
Nader Belhadj
, Mohamed Amine Mezghich
, Jaouher Fattahi
and Lassaad Latrach
National School of Computer Sciences, Manouba, Tunisia
Heterogeneous Advances Networking & Applications (HANALab), Tunisia
Micro-Services Orchestration, Graph Neural Networks (GNN), Load Balancing, Fault Tolerance, Resource
In recent years, the micro-services architecture has emerged as a dominant paradigm in software engineering,
praised for its modularity, scalability, and ease of maintenance. Nevertheless, orchestrating micro-services
efficiently presents significant challenges, particularly in optimizing communication, load balancing, and fault
tolerance. Graph Neural Networks (GNN), with their ability to model and process data structured as graphs,
are particularly well-suited for representing the complex inter dependencies between micro-services. Despite
their promising applications in micro-services architecture, GNNs are not sufficiently used for micro-services
orchestration, which involves the automated management, coordination, and scaling of services. This paper
proposes a novel GNNs based approach for micro-services orchestration. A simulation based design use case
is studied and analysed.
Microservices architectures have emerged as a trans-
formative paradigm in modern software develop-
ment, offering unparalleled modularity, scalability,
and maintainability. These architectures break down
applications into loosely coupled, independently de-
ployable services, each encapsulating a specific busi-
ness capability. Despite these advantages, efficiently
orchestrating microservices poses significant chal-
lenges, particularly in managing complex interdepen-
dencies, ensuring load balancing, and maintaining
fault tolerance in dynamic and large-scale environ-
Traditional approaches to microservices orches-
tration, such as rule-based methods or heuristic-
driven strategies, often struggle to address the com-
plexities of modern systems. These methods rely
heavily on manual configuration and lack the flexi-
bility to adapt dynamically to evolving workloads or
dependencies. As a result, there is an increasing need
for innovative solutions that automate and optimize
the orchestration process while overcoming the limi-
tations of traditional techniques.
Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have recently
gained attention for their exceptional ability to pro-
cess graph-structured data and effectively model re-
lationships between entities. By representing mi-
croservices and their interactions as a graph, GNNs
are uniquely positioned to capture the intricate inter-
dependencies inherent in microservices architectures.
This capability enables advanced functionalities such
as anomaly detection, predictive load balancing, and
dynamic resource allocation, making GNNs a promis-
ing solution to the challenges of microservices or-
This paper introduces GNN-MSOrchest, a novel
approach leveraging GNNs to optimize microservices
orchestration. By employing a graph-based represen-
tation of services, GNN-MSOrchest models the de-
pendencies and interactions between microservices,
enabling real-time workload predictions and system
optimization. The approach is validated through a
simulation-based design process focusing on an e-
commerce use case, which demonstrates the potential
of GNNs to enhance system performance, resource
utilization, and fault tolerance.
Originality: Unlike existing methods, GNN-
MSOrchest presents an adaptive and predictive frame-
work for microservices orchestration, capitalizing on
the unique capabilities of GNNs. This work not
only underscores the theoretical advantages of GNNs
for modeling microservices architectures but also of-
fers practical insights into their implementation and
Belhadj, N., Mezghich, M. A., Fattahi, J. and Latrach, L.
GNN-MSOrchest: Graph Neural Networks Based Approach for Micro-Services Orchestration - A Simulation Based Design Use Case.
DOI: 10.5220/0013238200003890
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2025) - Volume 3, pages 933-939
ISBN: 978-989-758-737-5; ISSN: 2184-433X
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
performance compared to state-of-the-art techniques.
By addressing critical gaps in current orchestration
methodologies, this paper lays the groundwork for fu-
ture research and practical applications in adaptive,
large-scale microservices systems.
As microservices architectures continue to gain trac-
tion for building modular and scalable systems, ef-
fective orchestration strategies are critical to achiev-
ing robust performance, fault tolerance, and efficient
resource allocation. While traditional approaches to
microservices orchestration, such as rule-based and
heuristic methods, can be effective in controlled envi-
ronments, they often struggle to adapt to the complex
interdependencies and dynamic nature of large-scale
applications. These challenges have fueled growing
interest in machine learning-driven approaches that
can capture, analyze, and optimize the intricate rela-
tionships within microservices ecosystems.
2.1 Main Graph Neural Networks
Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) represent a transfor-
mative class of neural networks designed to process
and learn from graph-structured data, where relation-
ships among entities are paramount. Different GNN
architectures have been developed, each optimized for
various graph characteristics and application needs.
Graph Convolutional Networks (GCNs) (Zhang
et al., 2019)(Bhatti et al., 2023) extend traditional
convolutional operations to graph structures, allowing
information aggregation from a node’s neighborhood.
This approach enables GCNs to derive meaningful
representations while maintaining computational effi-
ciency, making them ideal for semi-supervised learn-
ing on structured data.
Graph Attention Networks (GATs) (Brody et al.,
2021) enhance GCNs by incorporating attention
mechanisms, prioritizing key neighbors, and thereby
refining the learning process, particularly in heteroge-
neous graph environments.
GraphSAGE (Graph Sample and Aggregate)
(Hamilton et al., 2017)(Oh et al., 2019) addresses
scalability issues by sampling a fixed neighborhood
size and utilizing diverse aggregation methods like
mean or LSTM, which improves its applicability to
large, complex graphs.
Message Passing Neural Networks (MPNNs)
(Gilmer et al., 2020) generalize message-passing pro-
cesses for detailed relational learning. MPNNs are
effective for applications requiring iterative updates
across nodes, such as molecular property prediction.
Graph Transformer Networks (GTNs) (Yun et al.,
2022) (Min et al., 2022)bring the transformer ar-
chitecture to graphs, using self-attention to capture
global dependencies, making them particularly pow-
erful for tasks requiring comprehensive context.
These diverse architectures empower GNNs to ex-
cel across a variety of tasks, including node classifica-
tion, link prediction, and graph classification, offering
adaptability for wide-ranging applications.
2.2 Microservices Orchestration: From
Traditional Approaches to GNNs
Historically, microservices orchestration has relied on
non-machine-learning methods, such as rule-based
systems and heuristic-driven techniques. While these
approaches provide stability and control, they often
falter when applied to large, dynamic ecosystems typ-
ical of high-traffic applications, where dependencies
and workloads shift unpredictably. For example, rule-
based orchestration requires extensive manual tuning,
limiting its adaptability. Likewise, heuristic methods,
although effective for isolated tasks like load balanc-
ing, can struggle with managing complex dependen-
cies across numerous services.
Machine learning, and particularly Graph Neural
Networks (GNNs), has shown considerable promise
in addressing these orchestration challenges. GNNs
are particularly well-suited to environments charac-
terized by interdependent data structures, as they can
model and learn from the relationships among mi-
croservices. In orchestrating microservices, GNNs
enable adaptive insights that optimize load distribu-
tion, resource allocation, and response times. By rep-
resenting microservices as nodes and their interac-
tions as edges, GNNs can uncover patterns that tra-
ditional rule-based approaches often miss.
2.3 Graph Neural Networks for
Microservices-Based Solutions
GNNs have already demonstrated significant poten-
tial in fields that require the analysis of interconnected
data, such as recommendation systems and social net-
work analysis (Tran et al., 2021) (He et al., 2023)(Sun
et al., 2023). In these contexts, GNNs have been
successfully deployed within microservices architec-
tures, with each microservice handling distinct com-
ponents of the GNN pipeline to enable real-time, scal-
able analysis.
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
In recommendation systems, GNNs handle data
preprocessing, model training, and inference across
modular services, facilitating the provision of low-
latency, personalized recommendations. Similarly, in
social network analysis, GNNs analyze large user and
interaction datasets by modularizing tasks like data
preprocessing, graph construction, and model train-
Despite the potential for GNNs to transform mi-
croservices architectures, their application remains
primarily in analytical tasks rather than direct orches-
tration, which involves real-time management and
scaling. This paper seeks to bridge this gap by ap-
plying GNNs to the orchestration layer itself, mov-
ing beyond traditional rule-based approaches and in-
tegrating GNNs’ predictive capacities to dynamically
adjust orchestration strategies in response to real-time
3 GNN-MSOrchest:
To address the complexities inherent in orchestrating
microservices, we developed a novel approach GNN-
MSOrchest that leverages a Graph Neural Network
(GNN) model specifically tailored for this purpose.
By representing microservices as nodes in a graph,
GNN-MSOrchest models the dependencies and inter-
actions within a microservices ecosystem, enabling
dynamic workload predictions and optimization of
system performance.
3.1 Graph Representation and Data
In microservices architecture, services are often inter-
connected, requiring continuous interaction and data
sharing. This structure is well-suited for GNNs,
which excel at processing graph-structured data. In
our model, each microservice is represented as a
node, while the interactions between services are
modeled as edges.Each node’s feature vector includes
metrics such as resource consumption, response time,
fault occurrence, and latency, reflecting the real-time
state of each microservice. These features are es-
sential for the GNN to capture interdependencies, al-
lowing GNN-MSOrchest to optimize load distribu-
tion and improve response times. Figure 3 presents
the GCN architecture designed for this context.
Figure 1: The GNN architecture for microservices orches-
3.2 GNN Model Architecture
Our methodology relies on a Graph Convolutional
Network (GCN) architecture that includes:
Convolutional Layers. Aggregates information
from neighboring nodes, capturing service rela-
ReLU Activation Functions. Enhances non-
linear learning capacity within the feature space.
Dropout Regularization. Prevents overfitting
with a rate of 0.3, ensuring model robustness.
This layered structure enables GNN-MSOrchest to
aggregate and transform node features, thus making
accurate workload predictions for each microservice
3.3 Workload Prediction Process
Efficient workload management is key to maintaining
system stability in dynamic microservices architec-
tures. In GNN-MSOrchest, each microservice is rep-
resented as a node within a graph, with edges reflect-
ing service dependencies. By processing this graph
structure, the GNN predicts future workloads, aid-
ing in proactive resource allocation and capacity plan-
ning. The workload prediction workflow is detailed in
Figure 4 and Algorithm 2.
GNN-MSOrchest: Graph Neural Networks Based Approach for Micro-Services Orchestration - A Simulation Based Design Use Case
Figure 2: Illustration of the GNN Workload Prediction Pro-
Algorithm 1: GNN Prediction Workflow.
1: Data Collection: Collect key metrics like work-
loads, interactions, and resource usage.
2: Feature Extraction: Extract relevant features for
each node.
3: Model Training: Train the GNN with extracted
4: Real-Time Prediction: Predict future workload
based on the current system state.
5: Decision Making: Use predictions to adjust re-
source allocation and load balancing.
3.4 Synthetic Dataset and
Simulation-Based Training
To train the GNN model, we generated a synthetic
dataset that captures typical microservices interac-
tions, including latency variations, resource usage
patterns, and fault responses. This simulated environ-
ment helps reflect real-world operational conditions,
enabling the GNN to learn from a variety of scenar-
3.5 Evaluation Metrics and
We evaluated GNN-MSOrchest using the following
metrics to assess its effectiveness:
Accuracy. Measures precision in load distribu-
tion predictions.
Response Time Reduction. Evaluates improve-
ment in response times.
Load Distribution. Assesses efficiency in dis-
tributing workload across services.
These metrics provide insights into the orchestration
efficiency of GNN-MSOrchest, supporting its scala-
bility and adaptability for different microservices ar-
This methodology highlights the strengths of
GNN-MSOrchest in optimizing workload distribu-
tion, resource management, and system resilience in
complex, large-scale microservices environments.
4 GNN-MSOrchest:
To address the complexities inherent in orchestrating
microservices, we developed a novel approach GNN-
MSOrchest that leverages a Graph Neural Network
(GNN) model specifically tailored for this purpose.
By representing microservices as nodes in a graph,
GNN-MSOrchest models the dependencies and inter-
actions within a microservices ecosystem, enabling
dynamic workload predictions and optimization of
system performance.
4.1 Graph Representation and Data
In microservices architecture, services are often inter-
connected, requiring continuous interaction and data
sharing. This structure is well-suited for GNNs,
which excel at processing graph-structured data. In
our model, each microservice is represented as a
node, while the interactions between services are
modeled as edges.Each node’s feature vector includes
metrics such as resource consumption, response time,
fault occurrence, and latency, reflecting the real-time
state of each microservice. These features are es-
sential for the GNN to capture interdependencies, al-
lowing GNN-MSOrchest to optimize load distribu-
tion and improve response times. Figure 3 presents
the GCN architecture designed for this context.
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 3: The GNN architecture for microservices orches-
4.2 GNN Model Architecture
Our methodology relies on a Graph Convolutional
Network (GCN) architecture that includes:
Convolutional Layers. Aggregates information
from neighboring nodes, capturing service rela-
ReLU Activation Functions. Enhances non-
linear learning capacity within the feature space.
Dropout Regularization. Prevents overfitting
with a rate of 0.3, ensuring model robustness.
This layered structure enables GNN-MSOrchest to
aggregate and transform node features, thus making
accurate workload predictions for each microservice
4.3 Workload Prediction Process
Efficient workload management is key to maintaining
system stability in dynamic microservices architec-
tures. In GNN-MSOrchest, each microservice is rep-
resented as a node within a graph, with edges reflect-
ing service dependencies. By processing this graph
structure, the GNN predicts future workloads, aid-
ing in proactive resource allocation and capacity plan-
ning. The workload prediction workflow is detailed in
Figure 4 and Algorithm 2.
4.4 Synthetic Dataset and
Simulation-Based Training
To train the GNN model, we generated a synthetic
dataset that captures typical microservices interac-
Figure 4: Illustration of the GNN Workload Prediction Pro-
Algorithm 2: GNN Prediction Workflow.
1: Data Collection: Collect key metrics like work-
loads, interactions, and resource usage.
2: Feature Extraction: Extract relevant features for
each node.
3: Model Training: Train the GNN with extracted
4: Real-Time Prediction: Predict future workload
based on the current system state.
5: Decision Making: Use predictions to adjust re-
source allocation and load balancing.
tions, including latency variations, resource usage
patterns, and fault responses. This simulated environ-
ment helps reflect real-world operational conditions,
enabling the GNN to learn from a variety of scenar-
4.5 Evaluation Metrics and
We evaluated GNN-MSOrchest using the following
metrics to assess its effectiveness:
Accuracy. Measures precision in load distribu-
tion predictions.
Response Time Reduction. Evaluates improve-
ment in response times.
Load Distribution. Assesses efficiency in dis-
tributing workload across services.
These metrics provide insights into the orchestration
efficiency of GNN-MSOrchest, supporting its scala-
bility and adaptability for different microservices ar-
GNN-MSOrchest: Graph Neural Networks Based Approach for Micro-Services Orchestration - A Simulation Based Design Use Case
This methodology highlights the strengths of
GNN-MSOrchest in optimizing workload distribu-
tion, resource management, and system resilience in
complex, large-scale microservices environments.
To evaluate GNN-MSOrchest’s performance, we
modeled a simulation of an e-commerce microser-
vices architecture consisting of four initial services:
payment processing, user authentication, inventory
management, and order fulfillment. This setup al-
lows for an initial assessment of the GNN’s capacity
to manage interdependencies and resource distribu-
tion. Although limited to four services, this structure
provides foundational insights into scalability, with
future expansion planned to assess larger and more
complex systems.
Scalability is further analyzed through computa-
tional complexity assessments, using Big O notation
to evaluate the feasibility of the GNN model as the
number of services increases. This analysis is instru-
mental in understanding GNN-MSOrchest’s behavior
in high-load conditions.
The simulation-based evaluation is centered on three
core metrics: load balancing efficiency, response
time improvement, and fault detection effectiveness.
A comparative analysis with traditional heuristic-
based and non-ML approaches highlights GNN-
MSOrchest’s ability to manage complex interdepen-
dencies effectively, even under load conditions.
Preliminary results indicate a 15% reduction in
service response times and more balanced load distri-
bution across nodes, demonstrating the GNN’s poten-
tial advantages. Figure 5 displays workload manage-
ment over time, showing stabilized results with GNN
Figure 6: Response Time Comparison.
Figure 5: Average workload over time.
Figures 5 and 6 highlight that GNN-MSOrchest
significantly stabilizes and optimizes workload dis-
tribution, effectively mitigating spikes and maintain-
ing consistent response times across services. The
integration of GNN-based orchestration also demon-
strates improved resource utilization and fault recov-
ery, as depicted in Figures 7 and 8.
Figure 7: Resource Utilization Comparison.
Figure 8: Failure Recovery Comparison.
The potential of Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) in
microservices orchestration paves the way for exten-
sive future research. Key focus areas include adapt-
ing GNN-MSOrchest for real-world applications, im-
proving computational efficiency, and enabling real-
time decision-making. Future work could involve
deploying GNN-MSOrchest in real-world scenarios,
benchmarking its performance against current orches-
tration frameworks, and integrating reinforcement
learning to enhance adaptability, allowing dynamic
responses to real-time changes in workload and re-
source demands.
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Using a GNN for microservices orchestration is
both an intriguing and viable approach, but it should
be viewed as a complement to existing orchestration
tools rather than a full replacement. By analyzing
relationships between microservices and predicting
their behavior, GNNs can support intelligent decision-
making. However, their effective use requires integra-
tion with tools like Kubernetes for executing orches-
tration actions.
Moving forward, our primary objective is to inte-
grate GNNs with existing orchestration tools to en-
hance the management and orchestration of microser-
In this paper, we have explored the innovative use of
Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) for microservice or-
chestration, demonstrating significant advancements
in performance, scalability, and fault tolerance. Un-
like traditional approaches that focus solely on
transitioning from monolithic architectures to mi-
croservices, our method uniquely incorporates GNNs
specifically for the orchestration process, highlight-
ing their role in real-time performance enhancement
and resource optimization. Central to our approach
is the use of SimPy, a robust discrete event simula-
tion framework in Python, which allows for precise
modeling and analysis of complex interactions within
microservice architectures. By simulating various op-
erational scenarios, including peak loads and failure
conditions, SimPy provides a risk-free environment to
test and validate our GNN-based orchestration mech-
anisms. This simulation-based design process is cru-
cial for understanding the dynamic behaviors and po-
tential bottlenecks within the system, enabling tar-
geted optimizations that improve overall system per-
formance and resilience. The results from our simu-
lations underscore the transformative potential of in-
tegrating GNNs into microservice orchestration. The
GNN’s workload predictions enable microservices to
take adaptive actions, ensuring responsive and effi-
cient operations even in dynamic environments. This
adaptability significantly enhances the system’s abil-
ity to handle fluctuating workloads, improve user ex-
perience, and maintain service reliability. Our find-
ings demonstrate that GNNs, when combined with
detailed simulations using SimPy, lead to better re-
source utilization, reduced response times, and im-
proved failure recovery. Moreover, this paper sets
a new precedent for the orchestration of microser-
vices, moving beyond traditional methodologies to in-
corporate cutting-edge machine learning techniques.
Future work will focus on integrating real-time data
streams into the GNN model, exploring its application
across various domains, and further enhancing system
scalability to meet the growing complexity of modern
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GNN-MSOrchest: Graph Neural Networks Based Approach for Micro-Services Orchestration - A Simulation Based Design Use Case