Using a GNN for microservices orchestration is
both an intriguing and viable approach, but it should
be viewed as a complement to existing orchestration
tools rather than a full replacement. By analyzing
relationships between microservices and predicting
their behavior, GNNs can support intelligent decision-
making. However, their effective use requires integra-
tion with tools like Kubernetes for executing orches-
tration actions.
Moving forward, our primary objective is to inte-
grate GNNs with existing orchestration tools to en-
hance the management and orchestration of microser-
In this paper, we have explored the innovative use of
Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) for microservice or-
chestration, demonstrating significant advancements
in performance, scalability, and fault tolerance. Un-
like traditional approaches that focus solely on
transitioning from monolithic architectures to mi-
croservices, our method uniquely incorporates GNNs
specifically for the orchestration process, highlight-
ing their role in real-time performance enhancement
and resource optimization. Central to our approach
is the use of SimPy, a robust discrete event simula-
tion framework in Python, which allows for precise
modeling and analysis of complex interactions within
microservice architectures. By simulating various op-
erational scenarios, including peak loads and failure
conditions, SimPy provides a risk-free environment to
test and validate our GNN-based orchestration mech-
anisms. This simulation-based design process is cru-
cial for understanding the dynamic behaviors and po-
tential bottlenecks within the system, enabling tar-
geted optimizations that improve overall system per-
formance and resilience. The results from our simu-
lations underscore the transformative potential of in-
tegrating GNNs into microservice orchestration. The
GNN’s workload predictions enable microservices to
take adaptive actions, ensuring responsive and effi-
cient operations even in dynamic environments. This
adaptability significantly enhances the system’s abil-
ity to handle fluctuating workloads, improve user ex-
perience, and maintain service reliability. Our find-
ings demonstrate that GNNs, when combined with
detailed simulations using SimPy, lead to better re-
source utilization, reduced response times, and im-
proved failure recovery. Moreover, this paper sets
a new precedent for the orchestration of microser-
vices, moving beyond traditional methodologies to in-
corporate cutting-edge machine learning techniques.
Future work will focus on integrating real-time data
streams into the GNN model, exploring its application
across various domains, and further enhancing system
scalability to meet the growing complexity of modern
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GNN-MSOrchest: Graph Neural Networks Based Approach for Micro-Services Orchestration - A Simulation Based Design Use Case