Millimeter Wave Imaging Using Up-Conversion Detection Method
with Glow Discharge Detector and Photoreceiver Combination
Arun Ramachandra Kurup
1 a
, Daniel Rozban
1 b
, Amir Abramovich
1 c
Yitzhak Yitzhaky
2 d
and Natan Kopeika
2 e
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Ariel University, Ariel, Israel
Department of Electro-Optics and Photonics Engineering, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva, Israel
Keywords: Millimeter Wave Imaging, Up-Conversion Detection, Glow Discharge Detector, Photoreceiver.
Abstract: This paper presents an advanced photonic detection system for high-resolution millimeter-wave (MMW)
imaging, utilizing an up-conversion detection method with a Glow Discharge Detector (GDD) and a
photoreceiver to capture detailed images of metallic objects. The system employs a 105 GHz MMW beam,
generated by a custom transmitter, which illuminates the object. Reflected MMW radiation is collected by a
large spherical mirror and directed to the GDD, where the MMW signal is up converted to an optical signal.
The GDD’s response to MMW incidence produces a measurable increase in light intensity, detected by a low-
noise photoreceiver equipped with a Si-PIN photodiode, enhancing the sensitivity and accuracy of the
detection process. The GDD-photoreceiver assembly is mounted on motorized linear stages, enabling precise
vertical and horizontal scanning in patterns, which facilitate the creation of grayscale MMW images. Data
acquisition is conducted through a dedicated platform that translates the detected signals into clear, high-
quality images. This system showcases significant advancements in photonic detection for MMW imaging,
offering enhanced resolution and sensitivity, which are advantageous for a range of applications.
Millimeter wave (MMW) imaging has gained
significant attention across various fields, including
security screening, medical diagnostics, and
industrial inspection, due to its ability to penetrate
non-metallic materials and produce detailed images
(Siegel, 2002). However, traditional MMW imaging
systems often face limitations in resolution,
sensitivity, and operational complexity, which restrict
their effectiveness and application scope.
The advancement of affordable, durable, and
easy-to-use room-temperature sensors for MMW
applications is critical for the successful deployment
of MMW imaging systems. Conventional MMW
detectors, such as Schottky diodes, Golay cells, and
bolometers, often come with high costs and increased
sensitivity to electrostatic discharge (ESD), making
them vulnerable to damage from high-power MMW
exposure (Rogalski and Sizov, 2011). In this context,
glow discharge detectors (GDDs) (Kopeika, 1975)
utilizing weakly ionized plasma (Hou and Shi, 2012)
have emerged as a promising alternative,
demonstrating superior sensitivity to MMW/THz
radiation alongside a faster response time. This
capability not only simplifies the detection system but
also significantly reduces costs, which is particularly
beneficial for applications involving imaging and
detector arrays (Rozban et al., 2008).
In our work, we focus on two fundamental
principles for MMW detection using GDDs: the
electrical current method, which measures changes in
bias current due to incident radiation, and the optical
up-conversion method (Haj Yahya et al., 2021).
Kurup, A. R., Rozban, D., Abramovich, A., Yitzhaky, Y. and Kopeika, N.
Millimeter Wave Imaging Using Up-Conversion Detection Method with Glow Discharge Detector and Photoreceiver Combination.
DOI: 10.5220/0013239100003902
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Photonics, Optics and Laser Technology (PHOTOPTICS 2025), pages 109-113
ISBN: 978-989-758-736-8; ISSN: 2184-4364
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
However, our primary emphasis is on the up-
conversion technique, which detects alterations in the
emitted light from the GDD when exposed to MMW
radiation (Aharon et al., 2016). By integrating a
photoreceiver with the GDD, we can accurately
measure these light intensity changes, taking
advantage of the rapid response time inherent in this
method (Aharon et al., 2019). The up-conversion
approach not only minimizes internal noise compared
to conventional electrical detection but also provides
a cost-effective solution for enhancing the
performance of MMW imaging systems. This
synergy between the GDD and photoreceiver is
pivotal in advancing our ability to capture high-
quality MMW images, thereby facilitating further
developments in THz applications.
This study introduces an innovative MMW
imaging system that addresses these limitations by
integrating a Glow Discharge Detector (GDD) with a
high-sensitivity photoreceiver, utilizing an up-
conversion detection method. By converting the
MMW signal into an optical signal, this system
enables the use of advanced optical components,
which offer enhanced sensitivity and bandwidth
compared to conventional electrical detectors.
At the core of the system is a 105 GHz MMW
source, which illuminates metal objects positioned in
the object plane. The collimated MMW beam, shaped
by an off-axis parabolic mirror and transmitted
through a horn antenna, is modulated by a 10 kHz
TTL pulse, providing precise control over the MMW
radiation. The GDD converts the MMW signal into
an optical signal, creating a measurable increase in
light intensity in response to MMW incidence. This
optical signal is then detected by a low noise
photoreceiver, significantly enhancing the sensitivity
and accuracy of signal capture.
The single GDD-photoreceiver assembly is
mounted on motorized linear stages (NRT100M from
Thorlabs) that enable precise raster scanning in both
vertical and horizontal directions. By moving in a
controlled, stepwise pattern, the system captures data
points across the object plane to construct an 8x8
grayscale MMW images. The flexibility in scanning
patterns allows for various levels of detail, with finer
grids providing higher image resolution and greater
detail for applications requiring in-depth MMW
analysis. Each captured data point is processed
through a dedicated data acquisition platform,
enabling the construction of detailed images that are
valuable for applications requiring rigorous MMW
analysis and imaging clarity.
This research demonstrates the effectiveness of
combining the up-conversion detection method with
the GDD-photoreceiver configuration in advancing
MMW imaging systems. Through enhanced detection
sensitivity and precise scanning capabilities, this
system overcomes key limitations of conventional
MMW imaging, opening new possibilities for high-
resolution imaging applications across multiple
The experimental setup depicted in Figure 1 consists
of a millimeter wave source manufactured by
Virginia Diodes Inc. (VDI TX272), a quasi-optic
design based on an off-axis parabolic mirror (OPM),
a reflecting/imaging mirror, and a lock-in amplifier
(MFLI) from Zurich Instruments. The detection
circuit is comprised of a single Glow Discharge
Detector of type N523 from International Light Inc.
and a photoreceiver, which together serve as the
primary pixel/detector element.
The GDD is positioned in a head-on
configuration, providing a total detection cross-
section with an approximate diameter of 6 mm. The
effective detection area, where sensitivity is strongest
between the electrodes, has a diameter of about 3 mm,
which is at least twice the electrode separation.
The MMW source is capable of radiating signals
in the frequency range of 100 GHz, which are
modulated using a 10 kHz square wave with a peak-
to-peak amplitude of 5 V. The off-axis parabolic
mirror collects and collimates the MMW radiation
towards the metallic object placed in the object plane.
Reflected MMW radiation from the object is then
focused onto a spherical mirror, which projects the
radiation to the image plane where the detection
circuit is located.
Calibration and alignment of the GDD and
photoreceiver assembly are achieved using a laser to
ensure that the GDD is positioned at the reflective
focal length of the spherical mirror. The detection
circuit recognizes changes in the bias current of the
GDD due to the incidence of MMW radiation, while
the photoreceiver detects the resulting optical signal.
The signal output from the photoreceiver is connected
to the +V signal input of a lock-in amplifier (MFLI)
from Zurich Instruments, which operates at
frequencies of 500 kHz to 5 MHz and has a sampling
rate of 60 MSa/s.
The modulating signal is also routed to the
auxiliary input of the lock-in amplifier to facilitate
synchronous detection. The detected analog signal is
then processed by the lock-in amplifier for further
signal analysis and the generation of grayscale
PHOTOPTICS 2025 - 13th International Conference on Photonics, Optics and Laser Technology
images. The data acquisition is implemented using an
FFT-based algorithm incorporated into LabVIEW,
ensuring compatibility with the optical detection
system and enhancing the overall performance of the
imaging setup.
Figure 1: Schematic Diagram of the Experimental Setup for
MMW Imaging Using GDD and Photoreceiver.
2.1 Optimizing Detection for Improved
MMW Detection
To enhance the performance and accuracy of the
GDD and photoreceiver combination in our MMW
imaging system, specific modifications were made to
the experimental setup, addressing issues related to
ambient light interference and optimizing the
detection of MMW-induced optical signals. During
initial experiments, the photoreceiver experienced
saturation due to two main sources: ambient room
lighting and the high-intensity light emitted from the
GDD. To mitigate this interference, an optical long-
pass filter was introduced between the GDD and the
photoreceiver. This filter effectively blocks all visible
light wavelengths, thereby preventing ambient light
from reaching the photoreceiver and reducing
saturation issues.
2.2 Influence of MMW Radiation in
the NIR Spectrum
Experimental findings suggest that the GDD emits
light across a broad spectrum when interacting with
MMW radiation, with a notable increase in intensity
around the near-infrared (NIR) region, specifically
between 800 nm and 1000 nm (Kurup et al., 2021).
Preliminary research also showed that the MMW or
terahertz (THz) influence on the GDD emission
spectrum is strongest within this NIR range. In
contrast, almost no influence of the MMW/THz
radiation was observed in the visible spectrum,
particularly around 500 nm to 600 nm. This
observation justified the use of a long-pass NIR filter
to enhance the system's performance by isolating the
relevant signal range.
Figure 2: Photograph of the GDD-Photoreceiver Module
Integrated with a Near-Infrared (NIR) Filter.
By blocking visible wavelengths, the filter
reduces background illumination noise that originates
from both room lighting and the GDD's own bias
illumination. This results in a cleaner signal output
and enhances the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the
photoreceiver, thus minimizing interference from
unwanted visible light sources. The filter also
contributes to a subtle increase in signal strength. Due
to back reflections from the filter body, a fraction of
the filtered light is directed back toward the GDD's
detection cross-section, effectively increasing the
detected signal level. This reflective effect, combined
with the noise reduction properties, results in higher
sensitivity and improved overall detector
performance for MMW or THz radiation. These
adjustments significantly improve the efficiency and
reliability of the GDD-photoreceiver assembly as a
pixel detector in our imaging system.
In the initial stages of experimentation, we evaluated
the photoreceiver’s performance at the image plane
Millimeter Wave Imaging Using Up-Conversion Detection Method with Glow Discharge Detector and Photoreceiver Combination
position without an optical filter. Under standard
lighting conditions, including ambient room light and
the intense output from the Glow Discharge Detector
(GDD), the photoreceiver exhibited elevated noise
levels, resulting in suboptimal signal clarity. To
address this, preliminary tests were conducted in
complete darkness, where the photoreceiver’s
baseline performance was assessed.
To explore the impact of optical filtering, we
conducted tests in two configurations: with the filter
in a dark environment and with the filter in ambient
room light. The filter mitigated light interference
effectively, allowing for a significant reduction in
noise levels in both cases. Figure 3 and 4 presents the
signal acquisition data, highlighting the improved
signal detection level achieved with the optical filter
under varied lighting conditions.
Figure 3: Signal acquisition data for the GDD-
photoreceiver system with the optical filter under ambient
room light conditions.
Figure 4: Signal acquisition data showing the performance
of the GDD-photoreceiver system with the optical filter in
a dark environment.
For further signal enhancement, an SR445A
amplifier from Stanford Research Systems, Inc. was
introduced into the setup. This addition provided a
noticeable boost in the signal level as shown in Figure
5, proving beneficial for initial tests.
Figure 5: Waveform illustrating the enhanced signal output
from the GDD-photoreceiver system after the introduction
of the SR445A amplifier.
However, as we integrated a lock-in amplifier
(LIA) module from Zurich Instruments, the necessity
for the external amplifier diminished. The LIA’s high
sensitivity allowed it to reliably detect even minimal
signal outputs from the photoreceiver, effectively
enhancing the system’s ability to capture faint MMW
In this section, we present the MMW imaging results
obtained from the experimental setup using a GDD-
photoreceiver combination. The object imaged was a
50 mm x 50 mm square metal plate with a thickness
of 2 mm and a 20 mm x 20 mm hollow square cutout
at its center, as shown in Figure 6, designed to
evaluate the system’s ability to capture distinct shapes
and internal structures. The imaging mirror utilized
had a 500 mm diameter, positioned with the object
and image distances both set to 2 meters, ensuring
that the MMW reflection would accurately project
onto the detection plane.
Figure 6: The square metal plate object used for imaging.
To optimize the performance, the setup underwent
meticulous optical alignment and calibration. Initial
trials involved refining the orientation and
positioning of the GDD-photoreceiver module within
PHOTOPTICS 2025 - 13th International Conference on Photonics, Optics and Laser Technology
the 8x8 scanning matrix, a configuration established
in the image plane to maximize resolution and
accuracy. Mounted on motorized linear stages, the
GDD-photoreceiver assembly could perform precise
vertical and horizontal raster scanning, enabling
detailed coverage of the target area. Using this
controlled scanning mechanism, the system produced
an 8x8 grayscale image, accurately capturing the
metal square's boundaries and internal hollow. The
iterative adjustments to positioning and scanning
patterns were essential in refining image clarity,
yielding well-defined and high-quality MMW
images. The final grayscale MMW images of the
square shape are presented in Figure 7. The image
processing steps significantly improved the clarity
and definition of the features within the MMW data,
allowing for a more precise representation of the
object's structure. This enhancement demonstrates the
effectiveness of the applied methods in refining the
imaging capabilities of the GDD-photoreceiver
Figure 7: Final Grayscale MMW Image of the Square
Shape. The left image displays the original acquired MMW
data, while the right image illustrates the enhanced result
following image processing, showcasing improved clarity.
This study presents the design and implementation of
a novel millimeter wave imaging system that
leverages a Glow Discharge Detector coupled with a
high sensitivity photoreceiver. By employing an up-
conversion detection method, the system effectively
converts MMW signals into optical signals,
enhancing the detection capabilities in terms of
sensitivity and resolution. The integration of a long-
pass NIR optical filter between the GDD and
photoreceiver further improved the system’s signal-
to-noise ratio by filtering out visible light
interference, thus optimizing performance in ambient
light conditions. Additionally, the utilization of
motorized linear stages for controlled raster scanning
allowed the generation of detailed 8x8 grayscale
images, confirming the setup’s capability to capture
complex structures with high fidelity.
Overall, this MMW imaging system represents a
significant advancement in high-resolution imaging
for industrial, security, and scientific applications,
where precise detection of MMW radiation is
essential. Future work will focus on extending the
scanning resolution, exploring different object
geometries, and refining the data acquisition process
to broaden the system’s application range and
improve its performance further. submission.
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Millimeter Wave Imaging Using Up-Conversion Detection Method with Glow Discharge Detector and Photoreceiver Combination