ing TKEO, we estimate the control points by a sim-
ulated annealing procedure. Although our assump-
tion is suitable for relatively smooth surfaces, we have
provided promising quantitative and also qualitative
results. We have illustrated the performance of our
method on synthetic and real images, showing its abil-
ity to match the roughness of the surfaces. A possible
extension of our algorithm could concern, on the one
hand, an initialization step (by TKEO or another op-
erator) more adapted to noisy data. On the other hand,
the consideration of other image slices within the 3D
data cube (neighboring xz sections) to help initializa-
tion, and also enrichment of the model by using more
complex splines choosing locally different orders for
each parameter or, for example, using P-spline model.
The relatively fast processing, which can be paral-
lelized (more efficient simulated annealing etc), an
interactive procedure would make it possible to opti-
mize the suitable number of splines. For an automatic
procedure, this number depending on each parameter,
could be based on machine learning adapted to data
similar to those being processed.
We would like to thank Mr. Freddy Anstotz and Mr.
Christophe Cordier from the IPP laboratory, for pro-
viding the interferometric images.
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