seed generates two binary seeds: the #-seed requires
both R and M bits, while the @-seed uses only R bits.
The final “signature” number is created by concate-
nating the results from both seeds. Alternatively, full
32-bit blocks can be combined first, followed by in-
complete blocks.
We have developed algorithms to calculate hash val-
ues for spaced seeds and genetic sequences. These al-
gorithms are designed to leverage SIMD instructions,
enabling the formation of numbers using as few oper-
ations as possible. We started with a straightforward
method for compacting strings with gaps, which in-
volves shifting and masking operations.
Public codes to generate these functions are
at https://github.com/vtman/comBiTeS. Examples of
codes to pre-align reads using these functions are at
https://github.com/vtman/perlotSeeds, and the results
of their application to real data are at (Titarenko and
Titarenko, 2024).
The next step is to profile our developed code
against existing alignment solutions. Additionally, we
will explore advanced shuffling techniques and data
interleaving operations for further investigation.
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BIOINFORMATICS 2025 - 16th International Conference on Bioinformatics Models, Methods and Algorithms