previously, which are corn, potatoes, and tomatoes.
There were a number of nematode diseases that affect
these plants, including common rust, leaf spot, and
northern leaf blight in corn plants, and then early
blight and late blight in potatoes, in addition to the
bacterial spot that affects tomatoes and Spectura
leaves, which are among the targeted diseases in
tomato plants.
Work was done on deep learning algorithm,
compared with traditional machine learning methods
such as SVM. These algorithms were chosen because
they achieved good results in detecting and
classifying diseases in many studies (Arora &
Agrawal, 2020). Furthermore, it can be used in many
areas including image classification, and object
detection (Song et al., 2019).
The structure of the paper was as follows: In the
second section, we provided an overview of prior
studies, discussing various research endeavors and
advancements in the scientific field. Following that,
the third section detailed the methodology employed
in conducting our study, transitioning to the
subsequent stage. Here, we presented and analyzed
the results we obtained. The research work concluded
by summarizing our findings and outlining the
intended objectives for future work.
Tomato an individual consumes approximately 42
kilograms, especially in North America, and in order
to preserve that plant efforts are made to preserve it
(Albawi, Mohammed, & Al-Zawi). Artificial
intelligence has been used to discover potential
diseases on tomatoes and use some artificial
intelligence applications and algorithms for to an
early detection of those diseases that affect those
plants and classify the condition if the disease is
found or not (Laranjeira et al., 2022).
In (Natarajan, Babitha, & Kumar, 2020),
researchers worked on developing techniques used in
deep learning to detect diseases in a number of plants,
including tomatoes. The most common diseases in
that plant were bacterial spot, leaf curl, bacterial
spots, and early and late end blights of that plant. A
number of techniques were adopted in deep detection
of the plant. Including: Single Shot Detectors (SSD),
VGG, and AlexNet. In addition to the ResNet
algorithm for detecting diseases that affect plants. In
that study, a small number of real images containing
a number of diseases were worked on, and they were
detected in a number of early, intermediate, and final
stages of the disease. The results in that case showed
that the accuracy rate reached 95.71%.
In (Shijie, Peiyi, & Siping, 2017), the researcher
worked on developing a CNN model with transfer
learning algorithms in the VGG16 algorithm to detect
a number of diseases related to plants, such as spider
mite, gray spot, mosaic viruses, targeted bacterial
spots, and leaf spot. A healthy leaf is considered
healthy disease, but there is no injury. A number of
real photographs (7040) were used in this study. The
researcher extracted features from the original images
using VGG16 and compiled them into the Support
Vector Machine algorithm to classify them to
determine the disease and its type. The average
accuracy obtained was 89%, and the deep learning
framework Keras/TensorFlow was used in that study.
Furthermore, in (Arora & Agrawal, 2020)
researchers worked on proposing a new approach to
classify corn leaf diseases through the application of
a number of algorithms, such as Deep Forest. They
used something new to discover three diseases, which
are: leaf spot and rust disease common in plants. In
addition to leaf spot disease, work has been done on
a small dataset consisting of only 400 images, and
these studies have shown good results. The accuracy
in that study in describing and identifying the disease
in corn plants reached 96.25%, while in the algorithm
LeNet5 reached 83.46% accuracy, and finally the
CNN algorithm reached 91.25% accuracy. From
there, the researcher arrived at the approach he
proposed that is capable of competing with traditional
deep learning methods and is a good alternative to
image-based applications.
In (Al-Shalout, Elleuch, & Douik, 2023), the
study employed several algorithms, including
VGG16, VGG19, and CNN utilizing around 25000
images. Among these algorithms, VGG19
demonstrated superior performance, achieving a
remarkable accuracy rate of 95%. The CNN
algorithm also yielded promising results, with an
accuracy rate of 90%, while the accuracy rate for the
VGG16 algorithm reached 86%.
In (Reis & Turk, 2024), a novel approach to plant
disease classification is introduced, utilizing the
Integrated Deep Learning (IDLF) and Ensemble
Learning (EL) framework. This methodology
integrates pre-trained deep neural networks,
including the ImageNet-based model, with 13 distinct
deep learning architectures (DLA), comprising
models trained from scratch and hybrid variations.
Various image quality enhancement techniques, such
as hypercolumn, contrast stretching, and Contrast
Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization (CLAHE),
were applied. The primary objective is to attain robust