though these differences in resilience are not substan-
tial. A deeper exploration into the factors contribut-
ing to this resilience in the Single model, as well as
the trade-offs between Single and MTD without us-
ing ensemble models in different attack environments,
would provide valuable insights for optimizing de-
fense strategies across various adversarial contexts.
Additionally, future work could involve investi-
gating scenarios where the attacker has enhanced ca-
pabilities. For evasion attacks, this could include cre-
ating adversarial examples based on knowledge of
a greater number of model architectures within the
pool, and for poisoning attacks, it could involve gain-
ing access to compromise a larger number of models.
Although this assumes a level of access and knowl-
edge that is unrealistic in real-world scenarios, explor-
ing these worst-case conditions would allow us to un-
derstand the robustness of different defense strategies
under maximum adversarial pressure, further inform-
ing the development of resilient frameworks.
In this study, we aimed to assess the effectiveness
of HybridMTD, a novel defense strategy that com-
bines Moving Target Defense with ensemble neural
network models, against a wide range of adversarial
attacks. Our extensive experiments across four dif-
ferent datasets—MNIST (image), Twitter Sentiment
(text), KDD (tabular), and MIT-BIH (signals)—and
seven sophisticated attack types, including both eva-
sion and poisoning attacks, have demonstrated the ro-
bustness and resilience of HybridMTD.
The results indicate that HybridMTD significantly
outperforms the traditional MTD approach and con-
ventional single-model methods, maintaining high ac-
curacy and robustness. By leveraging the dynamic se-
lection of a subset of models from a diverse pool and
employing majority voting, HybridMTD increases
the unpredictability of the defense mechanism, mak-
ing it more challenging for adversaries to execute
their attacks successfully. HybridMTD worked ex-
ceptionally well for poisoning attacks, maintaining
high performance when most models were not com-
promised. For evasion attacks, HybridMTD demon-
strated robust performance, particularly when adver-
sarial examples did not severely degrade the perfor-
mance of most models. Overall, in all scenarios, we
observed a substantial increase in performance, con-
firming HybridMTD’s effectiveness as a comprehen-
sive defense strategy.
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ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy