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Pseudo Code of Extended PIBT
The pseudo codes of our extended version of the PIBT
algorithm are shown in Fig. 9. Since the original ver-
sion of the pseudo codes are described in a compact
form, we first expanded an if-block (lines 16-23 in
Fig. 2) with two internal blocks (lines 24-42 in Fig. 9).
Additional parameters a
, a
, and p
, and return value
in function PIBT propagate additional information
in its recursion process (lines 6, 13, 28, 34, 40, 44,
and 56).
represents the first pusher in a push chain and
that is implicitly referred in several extended rules for
(v) (lines 6, 13, 14, 19-20, 22, and 28).
To initiate each swap task, we utilized the recur-
sion process of PIBT in a slightly technical manner.
In a top-down path of the recursion, the information
of a candidate a
for an initiator agent and an associat-
ing priority value p
is propagated (lines 6, 13, 15, 16,
and 26-29). When agent a
having a candidate initia-
tor a
cannot move, a
enables a swap task initiated by
, by setting target a
= a
(lines 47-50). Then a
tially initiates its swap task for a
(line 51). Namely,
the initiation process by a
is performed in a return
path of recursion. Similarly, the relating swept agents
are also initiated in the same return path (lines 52,
and 53). Here, we decomposed the communication
among the member agents of each swap task, includ-
ing the cancellation of existing tasks by considering
correct timings. Finally, the initiation is completed in
the level of a
(line 29).
The completion/cancellation of swap tasks is
checked in several appropriate timings (lines 17, 31,
37, 43, and the implicit cancel communication among
agents). Subgoals and sub-modes of agents are up-
dated in the timing of their moves if necessary (lines
10, and 11). In addition, the special rules for the one-
push sequences are also embedded (lines 7-8, 32-33,
and 38-39), including mutex of the sequence.
Improvement of PIBT-based Solution Method for Lifelong MAPD Problems to Extend Applicable Graphs