Analysis of the Continuous Effects of Assertive Feedback from a Job
Interview Training Agent
Tomoko Koda
1,2 a
, Kota Yamauchi
, Nao Takeuchi
and Miho Hotta
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Osaka Institute of Technology, 1-79-1,
Kitayama, Hirakata-city, Osaka, Japan
Department of Information Science and Technology, Osaka Institute of Technology,
1-79-1, Kitayama, Hirakata-city, Osaka, Japan
Faculty of Applied Sociology, Kindai University, 3-4-1 Kowakae, Higashiosaka City, Osaka, Japan
Keywords: Assertive Communication, Job Interview, Virtual Agent, Nonverbal Behaviour, Multimodal Interaction, Gaze,
Posture, Facial Expression, Social Signal Processing, HAI, IVA.
Abstract: In this study, we developed an interview training agent system that identifies areas for improvement in
interviewees’ nonverbal behaviours (eye gaze, facial expression, and posture) and verified its effectiveness in
providing feedback using assertive communication in a series of experiments. Assertive communication is a
method of conveying one’s opinions and sentiments while respecting another person's position and opinions.
The effectiveness of the feedback was verified in two conditions: the assertive feedback condition, in which
the agent provided feedback while expressing its sentiments, in addition to identifying areas for improvement
and offering suggestions for improvement; and the control condition, in which the agent solely identified areas
for improvement. The preliminal results showed that assertive feedback was effective in improving the
acceptability and usefulness of the feedback and agents' interpersonal impressions. In addition, as a continuous
effect of the three interview practices, the agent's interpersonal impression improved as the number of times
the participants received assertive feedback increased.
Interview training is useful for acquiring skills
through exposure to the content and flow of job
interviews, and can increase interviewees’
confidence. In recent years, social signal processing
techniques employing multimodal information have
been used for dialog analysis (
Burgoon, 2017; Okada, 2016) and have been applied
to AI-based interview systems (MIDAS
; Naim, 2015; Rao, 2017) and interview
training systems (Goda, 2017; Barur, 2013; Smith,
2015; Tanaka, 2015). Some systems visualise the
nonverbal behaviour of the interviewee and provide
feedback on the interview (Anderson, 2013; Damian,
2015; Hoque, 2013; Langer, 2016), whereas others
provide feedback through a virtual agent (Barur,
2013; Callejas, 2014; Gebhard, 2014).
Several studies have shown that practising
interviews with a virtual agent as an interviewer is
more effective in improving interviewee performance
than with human interviewers (Damian, 2015; Lucas,
2014; Lucas, 2017) and reduces interview anxiety
(Langer, 2016). However, these studies focused on
the effects of using virtual agents, and not on the
communication methods agents use during the
interviews. Our previous study showed that a virtual
agent providing rational feedback with numerical
evidence is rated as more reliable but less friendly
than non-rationalised feedback (Takeuchi, 2021).
In this study, we focused on assertive
communication and implemented it as a
communication method for virtual agents. Assertive
MIDAS Information Technology Co., Ltd., https:// (6, January, 2025)
ZENKIGEN Co., Ltd., (6, January,
Koda, T., Yamauchi, K., Takeuchi, N. and Hotta, M.
Analysis of the Continuous Effects of Assertive Feedback from a Job Interview Training Agent.
DOI: 10.5220/0013244000003890
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2025) - Volume 1, pages 531-536
ISBN: 978-989-758-737-5; ISSN: 2184-433X
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
communication is a method of expressing one's
opinions and sentiments in a way that the self-esteem
and the feelings of others are not affected, and has
been used in corporate training (Hotta, 2013; Niiya,
2015; Ilie, 2015). Therefore, we believe that assertive
communication is suitable for interview training, in
which negative opinions must be conveyed, as it
allows advisors to make their points respectfully.
In a series of experiments, we examined the
continuous effectiveness of feedback incorporating
assertive communication from a virtual agent in terms
of the acceptability and usefulness of the feedback
and interpersonal impressions of the feedback agent.
Our job interview training system (Takeuchi, 2021a;
Takeuchi, 2021b; Takeuchi, 2021c; Koda, 2023) has
been developed using Unity, Python, OpenFace
. The training procedure consisted of
interview, analysis, and feedback phases, as shown in
Figure 1. In the interview phase, participants
underwent a mock interview by providing a one-
minute self-presentation while sitting in front of a 40-
inch display. Three webcams were used to capture the
front, side, and face of the participants’ bodies.
During the analysis phase, the videos were analysed
using OpenPose and OpenFace, and the analysed data
were used to detect inappropriate nonverbal
behaviours. Inappropriate nonverbal behaviours were
detected by comparing the interviewees’ postures and
facial expressions with those of a professional
interview counsellor. In the feedback phase, the CG
agent (Figure 2) appeared on the display and provided
feedback on selected inappropriate behaviours while
playing and pausing the video. Figure 3 shows an
actual image of a participant taking part in the
experiment and being given a feedback from the CG
agent while watching his video playback.
Detectable nonverbal behaviours include postures
(i.e., hunched, leaning back, upright), feet positions
(i.e., forward, backward, dangling, vertical), neck
(i.e., upward, downward, straight), crossed legs, leg
spread (i.e., wider than shoulder width, gradually
opening), elbow extension, hands (position,
movement), facial expressions (i.e., tight lip corners),
and gaze orientations (upward, downward, left/right).
The assertive feedback used in this study was
based on the elements of assertive communication
OpenFace (6, January, 2025)
(Hotta, 2013) and has the following structure: First,
“facts/problems (issues to be corrected)” are
communicated, then “sentiments” of the CG agent
toward the facts/problems are expressed, and finally
“suggestions” on how to improve the issues are given.
A concrete example is: “At this moment, you were
hunched over (fact/problem). I think it is a pity
because it makes you look unconfident, no matter
how good your speech is (sentiment). Therefore, you
should try to straighten your back with your chin
pulled back and put some strength in your lower
abdomen. Good posture improves your impression,
Figure 1: Interview and feedback procedure.
Figure 2: Examples of facial expressions of the CG agent
(left: neutral, right: smile).
Figure 3: Experiment scene.
Computing-Lab/openpose (6, January, 2025)
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
and makes you look confident and persuasive
(suggestion).” In addition, we implemented eye and
face directions, facial expressions, and gestures as
nonverbal behaviours during agent feedback, as
shown in Figure 2.
The purpose of the experiment was to verify the
effectiveness of assertive feedback in terms of “the
usefulness of feedback (acceptability and
usefulness)” and “the interpersonal impression of the
feedback agent (perceived friendliness and
aggressiveness)”. We compared the effectiveness of
two conditions: the assertive feedback condition (AF
condition), in which the CG agent gave feedback on
facts/problems and suggestions while expressing
their sentiments, and the control condition (CF
condition), in which the agent gave feedback on
facts/problems only.
The evaluation experiments were conducted
using a within-subject design, in which each
participant was interviewed three times for each
condition. The participants were given two mock
interviews and feedbacks on both conditions (order is
randomly assigned) per day. The experiment was
conducted three times on separate days. Twenty-three
university students (male: 23, female: 3; age range:
21–24 years old) participated in the experiment and
completed a questionnaire after each experiment. The
questions were on the acceptability of the feedback
(i.e., “I felt I could accept the agent's feedback.”),
usefulness of the feedback (i.e., “I would like to
continue practising interviews with the agent in this
system.”), perceived friendliness of the agent (i.e., “I
had a favourable impression of the agent.”), and
perceived aggressiveness of the agent (i.e., “I
perceived criticism from the agent.”).
The following four hypotheses were formulated
for this experiment:
H1: Assertive feedback improves feedback
usefulness (higher acceptability and usefulness
compared to the CF condition).
H2: Assertive feedback improves a feedback
agent's interpersonal impression (higher friendliness
and lower aggressiveness compared to the CF
H3: Continuous assertive feedback does not
decrease its usefulness (maintains a certain level of
acceptability and usefulness).
H4: Continuous assertive feedback improves the
feedback agent's interpersonal impressions (increased
friendliness and decreased aggressiveness).
A one-factor analysis of variance was conducted for
the questionnaire answers with two levels of agent
factors (AF and CF conditions, repeated measures). A
two-factor analysis of variance was conducted on the
two levels of the agent factor and three levels of the
number of experimental factors (#1, #2, and #3).
The usefulness of the feedback was evaluated by
comparing the acceptability and usefulness of each
condition. In the acceptability evaluation, the AF
condition was found to be significantly higher than
the CF condition (Figure 4, AF=5.8, CF=4.9,
F=43.177, p=0.000). The AF condition was evaluated
as significantly higher than the CF condition for
usefulness (Figure 5, AF=5.7, CF=4.9, F=43.240,
p=0.000). Thus, H1 is supported. This result suggests
that assertive feedback improves the usefulness of
feedback because feedback in the AF condition was
more specific than in the CF condition, conveying
specific points for improvement along with
In both the AF and CF conditions, there were no
significant differences in the acceptability ratings
based on the number of experimental factors.
Therefore, H3 is supported; although the usefulness
ratings in the AF condition were higher than those in
the CF condition, we believe that receiving feedback
had a continuous effect on usefulness ratings in both
Next, we compared the interpersonal impression
ratings of the friendliness and aggressiveness of the
agent between the two conditions. The results showed
that the AF condition was rated significantly higher
than the CF condition in terms of friendliness (Figure
6, AF=5.5, CF=4.5, F=122.550, p=0.000). The CF
condition was rated significantly higher for
aggressiveness than the AF condition (Figure 7,
AF=1.5, CF=1.8, F=17.436, p=0.000). Thus, H2 is
supported. The reason the AF condition was rated
significantly higher than the CF condition on
friendliness and the AF condition was rated
significantly lower than the CF condition on
aggressiveness was thought to be due to the presence
of sentiments. These results suggest that assertive
feedback effectively improves the agents'
interpersonal impressions of friendliness and
Regarding friendliness, the second and third
experiments were rated significantly higher than the
first in terms of the number of experimental factors
(#1=4.8, #2=5.1, #3=5.0, F=9.205, p=0.000,
p=0.004). Furthermore, an interaction between the
agent factor and the number of experimental factors
Analysis of the Continuous Effects of Assertive Feedback from a Job Interview Training Agent
was observed, indicating that the agent’s friendliness
in the second and third experiments was rated
significantly higher than that in the first experiment
in the AF condition. However, the friendliness ratings
in the CF condition did not change during the three
experiments (Figure 8, F=7.907, p=0.000, p=0.000).
Aggressiveness ratings did not differ significantly
with the number of experiments. Thus, H4 is partially
supported in terms of friendliness. This indicates that
the continued effect of assertive feedback is likely to
manifest as an improvement in an agent’s
Although the preliminal results suggest positive
effects on the assertive feedback, this study is limited
in that it compared the condition in which the agent
solely identified areas for improvement with the
assertive condition. It is necessary to dissect the
elements of assertive communication
(facts/problems, suggestions, sentiments) to identify
their individual contributions on the evaluation of
usefulness and interpersonal impressions.
Specifically, four conditions should be prepared: one
in which only facts/problems are fed back, one in
which facts/problems and suggestions are fed back,
one in which facts/problems and sentiments are fed
back, and one in which facts/problems, suggestions,
and sentiments are fed back.
In addition to the subjective evaluations
conducted in this study, an objective evaluation of
assertive feedback by comparing the number of
detected nonverbal behaviours for improvement over
time is necessary. Furthermore, based on the
comments from the participants in the experiment
(i.e., "It's okay to start with the AF condition, but I’d
prefer to move on to the CF condition as I practice
interviews" and "I want to use the CF condition
during the period of repeated practice and the AF
condition when there is a sense of urgency, such as
right before a real job interview"), we need to develop
a job interview training agent that changes the
feedback method according to the context of job
search activities.
In terms of applying our interview training system
for practical use, we shoud modify the critaria for
detecting the inappropriate behaviors. The detection
of the inappropriate posture, eye gaze, and facial
expressions in our interview practice system was
based on the criteria for judgment during interviews
with newly graduated students in Japan. In Japan,
there are strict standards for non-verbal behaviours
during interviews, particularly with regard to posture:
the upper body should be upright and the hands
should be on the knees. However, in other countries,
a more relaxed posture is considered acceptable.
Therefore, if this system is to be applied outside of
Japan, the criteria should be modified to match the
standards of that country.
It is also necessary to compare usefulness and
interpersonal impressions when the same assertive
feedback is given by a human interviewer and a CG
agent, as the impression between the human and the
agent giving the feedback may change. We would like
to further verify the effectiveness of the feedback by
changing the gender and appearance of the agent and
by comparing the effectiveness of assertive feedback
across cultures.
Figure 4: Acceptability of the feedback.
Figure 5: Usefulness of the feedback.
Figure 6: Friendliness of the agent.
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 7: Aggressiveness of the agent.
Figure 8: Friendliness of the agent compared by the number
of experiments.
In this study, we evaluated the continuous effects of
assertive feedback in terms of its usefulness and the
interpersonal impression of the feedback agent in a
series of interview training experiments. The results
showed that assertive feedback was evaluated higher
in terms of usefulness and interpersonal impression
than the condition in which the agent simply
suggested points to be improved, and that the
evaluation did not decrease over time; that is, the
effect of assertive feedback was sustained. The results
also suggest that assertive feedback continuously
improves the agents’ perceived friendliness.
A part of this work was supported by Grant-in-Aid for
Scientific Research "KAKENHI (C) 20K11926".
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