In conclusion, our research introduces a novel
algorithm, the cluster-focused combination algorithm,
designed to overcome the challenges associated with
annotating Electronic Health Record (EHR) text using
interface terminology. This algorithm addresses
critical issues in text annotation by utilizing a dynamic
programming approach, effectively balancing the need
for high annotation coverage and breadth while
mitigating common pitfalls of previous methods. Our
extensive evaluation on benchmark datasets, such as
Mimic III, reveals an improvement in annotation
coverage and captured 5756 missed annotated
concepts by the traditional BioPortal Annotator.
Additionally, the cluster-focused combination
algorithm demonstrates a notable reduction in
execution time by an average of about 8000 times,
enhancing its scalability for large datasets.
These findings make the optimized CFC a highly
effective tool for real-world text annotation tasks that
rely on interface terminology. By providing a more
efficient and comprehensive solution, this work not
only advances the capabilities in EHR text annotation
but also contributes to the broader field of Natural
Language Processing. This is particularly significant
for the development of Large Language Models, which
depend on vast, well-annotated datasets. Our algorithm
paves the way for future innovations in dataset
preparation, promising to streamline and accelerate the
annotation process for large-scale NLP applications.
H. Liu acknowledges startup funds from Montclair
State Univ.
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