Negotiation Dialogue System Using a Deep Learning-Based Parser
Kenjiro Morimoto, Katsuhide Fujita and Ken Watanabe
Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Tokyo, Japan
Keywords: Negotiation Dialogue System, Deep Learning, Parser.
Abstract: In recent years, there has been substantial research on negotiation dialogue agents. A notable study introduced
a method that decoupled strategy from generation using dialogue acts that encapsulated the intent behind
utterances. This approach has enhanced both the task success rate and the human-like quality of the generated
responses. However, the rule-based implementation of the parser limits the types of sentences it can process
for dialogue acts. Thus, this paper presents annotated training data based on the proposed dialogue acts and
introduces a deep learning-based parser. The deep learning-based parser achieved a dialogue act classification
accuracy of approximately 83% and effectively reduced the occurrence of unknown dialogue acts.
Additionally, negotiation dialogue systems using deep learning-based parsers have demonstrated improved
performance in terms of utility and fairness.
Negotiation is a crucial skill in human
communication for resolving conflicts and achieving
beneficial agreements (Fisher et al ., 2011) (Lewicki
et al ., 2011). Recently, there has been extensive
research on negotiation dialogue systems, which
focus on creating intelligent dialogue agents capable
of negotiating with humans through natural language
(Zhan et al ., 2020) (Basave et al ., 2016). The goal of
these negotiation dialogue systems is to facilitate
conflict resolution and enhance mutual benefits by
generating context-appropriate negotiation dialogues.
One study on negotiation dialogue systems
presents a structural model that incorporates dialogue
actions, known as dialogue acts, into the natural
language understanding and generation process (He
et al ., 2018). This study proposed a framework
comprising three modules: a parser that transforms
input utterances into dialogue acts, a manager that
produces response dialogue acts based on dialogue
act history and the dialogue scenario, and a generator
that converts the dialogue acts generated by the
manager into natural language responses. This
approach differentiates the formulation of negotiation
strategies from the dialogue generation process,
enhancing human-like interaction and increasing task
completion rates. However, this framework has room
for improvement because its parser is rule-based and
unable to assign dialogue acts accurately based on the
meaning of natural language sentences.
The aim of this study is to introduce a more
accurate method for estimating dialogue acts using
deep learning for a parser that assesses dialogue acts
corresponding to input sentences. While rule-based
methods offer the benefits of high explainability and
ease of implementation, they struggle with data that
fall outside predefined rules, and it is challenging to
establish rules for all possible scenarios. In this paper,
we present innovative dialogue acts and a deep
learning-based method for a parser. We further
illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method
through comparative experiments with previous
studies. The parser model is created by fine-tuning
several pretrained models using training data
annotated with the proposed dialogue acts. We
integrate the proposed parser along with the previous
method into negotiation dialogue systems and
conduct human-agent negotiation experiments with
participants to assess the deep learning-based parser.
Our findings indicate that a deep learning-based
parser can learn data features that a rule-based parser
cannot handle and can accurately infer dialogue acts
across a broader range of data. Furthermore, a
negotiation dialogue system that incorporates a deep
learning-based parser has been shown to enhance
performance in areas such as utility and fairness
Morimoto, K., Fujita, K. and Watanabe, K.
Negotiation Dialogue System Using a Deep Learning-Based Parser.
DOI: 10.5220/0013245200003890
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2025) - Volume 1, pages 135-143
ISBN: 978-989-758-737-5; ISSN: 2184-433X
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
2.1 Dialogue Act
A dialogue act is a structural model that represents the
actions in a dialogue. Its purpose is to classify each
utterance based on the speaker’s intention (Żelasko et
al ., 2021). Each dialogue act comprises an intent that
conveys the meaning of the utterance and an argument
(e.g., price). Dialogue acts are essential for
understanding spoken language, particularly in the
fields of linguistics and artificial intelligence. In
artificial intelligence, it is crucial to establish
appropriate dialogue acts and perform annotation
according to the type of dialogue data being processed.
Below are examples of dialogue acts found in the
negotiation dialogues examined in this study.
Utterance = Hi, I'm interested in your bike.
Dialogue Act = greet
Utterance = I have it listed for $220.
Dialogue Act = init-price (220).
2.2 Craigslist Negotiation Dataset
CRAIGSLISTBARGAIN is a dataset comprising price
negotiation conversations for items listed on Craigs-
list, an American classified advertising community
site (He et al ., 2018). In contrast to many earlier
negotiation dialogue datasets that were gathered from
limited dialogue domains, such as games (Lewis et al
., 2017) (Asher et al ., 2016), C
includes negotiation dialogues that feature side offers
and casual discussions, offering scenarios that closely
resemble real-life negotiation settings.
In a two-party negotiation in C
two agents take on the roles of buyer and seller,
respectively. Each agent receives photos,
descriptions, and listed prices of items available on
Craigslist. The seller aims to negotiate a sale at the
listed price, while the buyer seeks to purchase at an
undisclosed target price. Either agent has the
discretion to make a price offer, which can be
accepted or rejected by the other party. Additionally,
agents have the option to terminate negotiations and
end the task without reaching an agreement. The
negotiation scenarios are centered around the six most
popular categories of Craigslist posts: housing,
furniture, cars and bikes, phones, and electronics.
This dataset consists of 6,682 person-to-person
conversations collected via Amazon Mechanical
Turk. We use the C
RAIGSLISTBARGAIN dataset for the
learning and evaluation experiments of the
negotiation dialogue system in this study.
2.3 BERT
Bidirectional Encoder Representations from
Transformers (BERT) is a natural language
processing model introduced by Google in 2018
(Devlin et al ., 2018). Unlike traditional pretraining
approaches that focus on unidirectional context,
BERT uses two pretraining methods to analyze
context in both directions. This pretraining process
uses a substantial collection of unlabeled sentences,
allowing for fine-tuning the model for various natural
language processing tasks simply by adding an output
layer. The paper reports enhanced accuracy across 11
different natural language processing tasks, and this
technology continues to be used today in numerous
applications, including search engines and chatbots.
2.4 Modular Framework
The objective of a negotiation dialogue system is to
analyze a series of utterances 𝑥
associated with a dialogue scenario 𝑐 and produce a
distribution for the response utterance 𝑥
. In this
research, we use a framework (He et al ., 2018) that
incorporates dialogue acts into the strategies of
traditional goal-oriented dialogue systems (Young et
al ., 2013). Figure 1 shows this framework.
The framework shown in Figure 1 consists of the
following three types of modules.
1. A parser that transforms input utterances into
dialogue acts by leveraging the dialogue history
, the dialogue act history 𝑧
, and a
negotiation scenario 𝑐.
2. A manager that predicts a dialogue act 𝑧
as a
response to input, using the dialogue act history
and the negotiation scenario 𝑐.
3. A generator that takes the predicted dialogue act
from the manager and converts it, along with
the dialogue history 𝑧
, into a natural language
response 𝑥
2.4.1 Parser
The Modular framework focuses on dialogue acts,
which are composed of intents that convey the
purpose of an utterance and arguments tailored to
specific scenarios. For instance, the utterance “I have
it listed for $220is categorized as a dialogue act with
the intent init-price and the argument price=200.
Dialogue acts serve as structural models that offer a
high-level understanding of a sentence rather than
aiming to capture its entire meaning.
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 1: Modular framework (He et al ., 2018).
Consequently, this framework uses a rule-based
parser that uses regular expressions and if–then rules.
Rule-based systems process information based on
artificially established rules, granting them the
advantage of high explainability and straightforward
implementation. The parser identifies keywords from
the utterance and aligns them with predefined
keyword patterns. Matching rules are organized as a
sequential list. When multiple patterns match, the first
identified intent is chosen. If no patterns apply, an
unknown intent is returned. The intents used and their
corresponding matching patterns from previous
studies (He et al ., 2018) are presented in Table 1.
2.4.2 Manager
The manager’s role is to identify the appropriate
dialogue act for an utterance that the agent should
choose at each time step 𝑡, considering the history of
dialogue acts 𝑧
and the dialogue scenario 𝑐. The
manager is trained through supervised learning,
enhanced by an attention mechanism, and also
incorporates reinforcement learning with three
distinct reward functions.
In supervised learning, we aim to maximize the
likelihood of the training data based on the provided
dialogue act history 𝑧
and dialogue scenario 𝑐 ,
while also learning the transition probability
,𝑐. During the agent’s listening turn, the
Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) encodes the
incoming dialogue acts. Conversely, during the
agent’s speaking turn, a different LSTM decodes the
tokens in the dialogue act. The hidden layer’s state is
maintained across conversations to ensure a
comprehensive dialogue history.
In reinforcement learning, three reward
functions—Utility, Fairness, and Length—are
optimized using the policy gradient method. Utility is
the agent’s self-interested objective, designed as a
linear function of the final interaction price. Buyers
achieve a utility of 1 at the target price, while sellers
reach a utility of 1 at the list price. Additionally, both
agents have zero utility at the midpoint between the
Table 1: Intent used in the previous study (He et al ., 2018).
Intent Matching Patterns
Hi, hello, hey, hiya, howdy, how are
you, interested
starts with an interrogative word (e.g.,
what, when, where) or particle (e.g.,
do, are)
inform previous dialogue act was inquire
init-price first price mention
No price mention and comedown,
highest, lowest, go higher/lower, too
counter-price New price detected
The same offer as the previous one is
disagree No, not, n't, nothing, don't
Not disagree and, ok, okay, great,
perfect, deal, that works, I can do that
unknown Does not match any rule
list price and the buyers’ target price. Fairness focuses
on equalizing the utilities for both buyers and sellers.
Length measures the number of utterances in a
dialogue, promoting the agent to maintain the
conversation for as long as possible. If no agreement
is made, the reward assigned is −1.
2.4.3 Generator
The generator’s primary function is to transform
dialogue act predictions (𝑧
) made by the manager
into natural language utterances ( 𝑥
). Previous
research has used a search-based approach to
implement the generator. The search-based approach
leverages a database of templates generated from the
training dataset’s utterances, which have been
analyzed by a parser. Each utterance is converted into
a template by replacing specific words with
placeholders based on the corresponding dialogue act.
For instance, the utterance “Would you take $705 for
it?” is transformed into the template “Would you take
[price] for it?” by substituting the numerical value
“$705” with the placeholder [price].
Natural language utterances are generated by
assessing the similarity between the template context
and the current context. We represent each context as
a BOW vector weighted by TF-IDF. Similarity is then
calculated by taking the dot product of the two
context vectors. To enhance the diversity of generated
utterances, we select one utterance from the top K
candidates guided by a distribution derived from a 3-
gram language model trained on the training data.
Negotiation Dialogue System Using a Deep Learning-Based Parser
3.1 Proposed Dialogue Acts
Table 2 presents the results of classifying utterances
from the C
RAIGSLISTBARGAIN dataset using a rule-
based parser from a previous study (He et al ., 2018).
The table shows that the rule-based parser assigns
“unknown” intent to approximately 25% of the
utterances. This indicates that the parser is unable to
classify these utterances. In the negotiation dialogue
system framework, sentence understanding and
generation rely on dialogue acts. The high “unknown”
intent rate signifies that approximately 25% of the
generated responses may not accurately reflect the
intended dialogue act. This indicates a potential
weakness in the system’s ability to effectively
understand and respond to user input.
To enhance the classification accuracy of utterances
and assign them to appropriate intents, we introduce
two new intents: “supplemental“ and “thanks.” The
“supplemental” intent signifies the provision of
additional information that contributes to the
negotiation process. It may encompass detailed item
descriptions, personal stories, or other relevant details.
In negotiation dialogues, supplemental information
often plays a crucial role in achieving a favorable
outcome. For instance, highlighting an item’s
appealing features and associated benefits can
increase the price, while disclosing one’s financial
situation and reasons for wanting to purchase can lead
to a price reduction. While supplemental explanations
in response to partner inquiries are categorized as
“inform,” spontaneous information sharing is often
classified as “unknown.” Introducing a supplemental
dialogue act allows for utterances unrelated to the
negotiation but supportive of it. For example,
“Thanks” signifies gratitude toward the partner.
Because negotiation dialogues involve human
communication, they do not necessarily conclude
immediately after agreement. In many instances, after
expressing intent to reach an agreement, expressions
of gratitude toward the partner are observed. Existing
intent classifications lacked the ability to capture
these expressions of gratitude, and most of them were
classified as “unknown.” By adding “thanks,” we can
address communication aspects beyond negotiations.
Below are examples of utterances classified as “supp-
lemental” and “thanks”.
Table 2: Intent classification with a rule-based parser.
# of
% of total # of
unknown 9592 24.793
counter-price 7738 20.001
inquiry 5056 13.069
init-price 4629 11.965
intro 4611 11.918
inform 2321 5.999
disagree 2027 5.239
agree 1896 4.901
insist 432 1.117
vague-price 386 0.988
Total 38688 100
Example of Supplemental
Utterance = I can afford to pay $72 for it.
Dialogue Act = init-price
Utterance = This is antique, so although it is
used, it is a very good bookcase.
Dialogue Act = supplemental
Example of Thanks
Utterance = Ok, I can accept $12.
Dialogue Act = agree
Utterance = Great, thanks!
Dialogue Act = thanks
In this study, we use a total of 12 intents, including
those listed in Table 1, along with the additional
intents “supplemental“ and “thanks.”
3.2 Annotation
Our study requires training data to develop a deep
learning model capable of estimating intent. To
prepare these data, seven individuals, encompassing
both members of the general public and university
students, annotated each of the 5,987 dialogues in the
RAIGSLISTBARGAIN dataset. To maintain consistent
annotation quality across workers, we established
classification criteria for each intent. Utterances in the
dataset were then read according to these criteria to
determine their respective intents. To enhance
efficiency and minimize typographical errors, aliases
were assigned to intents. Annotators used these
aliases during the process, with subsequent
conversion of all aliases to their original intents after
annotation completion. The classification criteria for
intents in annotation are shown in Table 3.
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 3: Classification criteria for annotation.
Intent (Alias) Classification criteria
intro (g)
Utterances that don't include a price
indication and include words of greeting
(e.g., hi, hello, hey, good day) or
indicating a willingness to negotiate
(e.g., interested in, do you have any
question?, I want to buy)
Inquiry (q)
Utterances beginning with an
interrogative word (e.g., what, when,
where) or particle (e.g., do, are), or
question to a partner
Inform (f) Responses to questions
init-price (p)
Utterances that include a price indication
and are the first price offer in the
vague-price (v)
Price negotiation utterances that ask for a
price increase or reduction without a
price listed
counter-price (c)
Price offer utterances that includes a
price indication, follows "init-price", and
don't fall under "insist", "agree", or
insist (i)
Utterances proposing the same price as
the previous one, or asserting the
legitimacy of the price proposed
disagree (d)
Utterances to decline a price offer from a
agree (a)
Utterances to accept a price offer from a
supplemental (s)
Utterances that provide supplementary
information to advance negotiations,
such as detailed information of an item,
and don't fall under "inform"
thanks (t)
Utterances expressing gratitude to a
partner (e.g., thanks, thank you)
unknown (u)
Utterances that cannot be classified into
any intent
Following the completion of annotation by each
worker, the content undergoes a review and
correction process. Each utterance is annotated by
one worker and subsequently checked and corrected
by a separate worker. Once all utterances have been
annotated and reviewed, they are consolidated to
form the new training data.
3.3 Learning Framework:
Deep Learning-Based Parser
In this study, we propose a deep learning-based parser
by fine-tuning BERT, a prominent Transformer
encoder model (Vaswani et al ., 2017) that is well-
suited for text classification tasks.
Figure 2: Inference process flow of a deep learning-based
For the implementation using Hugging Face
Transformers, Bert-base-uncased was chosen as the
pretrained model, with the proposed dataset serving
as the training data. The tokenizer associated with the
selected model was used to tokenize the training data.
Recognizing the interactive nature of dialogue,
including negotiation dialogue where utterances
frequently rely on preceding partner statements, the
tokenizer input was structured as a two-sentence input.
This approach considers not only the utterance to be
classified but also the immediately preceding
utterance. Utterance flow is segmented into
individual dialogues. For the initial utterance in a
dialogue, the [PAD] token is provided as the
preceding utterance. Fine-tuning is then performed
using the Trainer class. Figure 2 shows the inference
processing flow used by the parser in this study. To
facilitate performance comparison, parsers based on
ALBERT (Lan et al ., 2020), DistilBERT (Sanh et al .,
2019), and RoBERTa (Liu et al ., 2019), all
derivatives of BERT, were also developed. For these
implementations, albert-base-v1, distilbert-base-
uncased, and RoBERTa-base were selected as the
respective pretrained models.
4.1 Inference Using Deep
Learning-Based Parsers
We fine-tuned four pretrained models (BERT,
ALBERT, DistilBERT, and RoBERTa) using
annotated training data and evaluated the resulting
models through cross-validation.
Tables 4 and 5 present the performance
comparison results of fine-tuning for each pretrained
model, highlighting the best results for each
evaluation metric in bold. Table 4 shows that all
pretrained models achieved a classification accuracy
rate of approximately 83%. RoBERTa exhibited the
Negotiation Dialogue System Using a Deep Learning-Based Parser
Table 4: Parser performance comparison.
Model Accuracy (%) Train runtimes (s)
BERT 83.456
1.451 × 10
ALBERT 83.196
0.898 × 10
DistilBERT 82.959
𝟎. 𝟖𝟏𝟎 × 𝟏𝟎
RoBERTa 83.836
1.563 × 10
Rule-base 43.960 -
Table 5: Intent classification evaluation by F1 score.
# of
intro 0.886 0.885 0.881 0.888 1426
inquiry 0.906 0.905 0.902 0.906 1877
inform 0.900 0.895 0.896 0.900 1427
init-price 0.833 0.833 0.822 0.830 1139
vague-price 0.618 0.627 0.596 0.622 316
counter-price 0.863 0.849 0.853 0.864 1855
insist 0.174 0.115 0.131 0.187 111
disagree 0.535 0.505 0.502 0.540 152
agree 0.837 0.824 0.833 0.840 1147
supplemental 0.596 0.594 0.577 0.591 380
thanks 0.758 0.775 0.766 0.767 363
unknown 0.302 0.248 0.260 0.294 95
macro avg 0.684 0.671 0.668 0.686 10288
highest accuracy, surpassing DistilBERT, which had
the lowest accuracy, by approximately 0.9%.
Conversely, DistilBERT exhibited the shortest
training runtimes, approximately half that of
RoBERTa. ALBERT and DistilBERT, both
lightweight BERT variations, maintained accuracy
rates in 1% of the original BERT while considerably
reducing training runtimes. The BERT derivative
models had an accuracy variation of ±0.5%. However,
the lightweight versions, such as DistilBERT,
demonstrated significantly faster training times.
Therefore, for larger datasets, using ALBERT or
DistilBERT is recommended owing to their improved
Table 5 shows that RoBERTa achieved the
highest F1 score across all seven dialogue acts,
outperforming all other models. Notably, BERT
attained the highest F1 scores for supplemental and
unknown intents, ALBERT for vague-price and
thanks intents, and both BERT and ALBERT for init-
price. This indicates that the classification of easier
dialogue acts may be influenced by the specific
pretrained model used. Conversely, DistilBERT
consistently performed below all other models across
all evaluation metrics.
Examining individual dialogue acts, those with
over 1,000 data points consistently achieved F1
values exceeding 0.8 across all models. Conversely,
the remaining six dialogue acts with fewer data points
exhibited F1 values below 0.8, suggesting a decrease
in classification accuracy for less frequent dialogue
acts in negotiation dialogues. The F1 values for
“insist” and “unknown” were particularly low, at
0.187 and 0.302, respectively. Insist” represents a
dialogue act aimed at reiterating a previous price offer.
Given the input method used in this study, which
involved inputting two sentences (the current
utterance and the previous utterance), it is possible
that this input method may have resulted in numerous
misclassifications owing to the inability to fully
capture contextual information. Because “unknown”
encompasses a collection of sentences that resist
classification, its features may not have been
adequately learned during training, potentially
contributing to the reduced classification accuracy.
Misclassifications of sentences that should be
classified as “unknown” into other dialogue acts may
occur because the model learns features beyond
human comprehension through deep learning,
thereby accurately classifying them into the correct
dialogue act. This presents a potential advantage of
deep learning-based parsers, particularly relevant to
negotiation dialogue systems. However, for the
“insist” intent, it is necessary to either increase the
number of training samples classified as “insist” or
merge it with other dialogue acts to increase
classification accuracy.
In conclusion, the pretrained models best suited
for deep learning-based parsers are ALBERT, which
demonstrates low computational complexity and
execution time alongside high classification accuracy
for the data-sparse dialogue acts of “vague-price” and
“thanks,” and RoBERTa, which exhibits the highest
overall classification accuracy.
4.2 Results of Inference Using Deep
Learning-Based Parsers
Table 5 presents the classification results of sentences
in the C
RAIGSLISTBARGAIN dataset using the deep
learning-based parser. For this parser, a model based
on RoBERTa, which achieved the highest accuracy
rate, was used. Comparing Table 5 with Table 1
reveals that our proposed dialogue acts successfully
reduced the proportion of sentences classified as
“unknown” from 24.793% to 0.772%. Both “counter-
price” and “inquiry” accounted for over 18% of the
total utterance count, representing a substantial
portion of all utterances. In the context of price
negotiation dialogues, “counter-price” is deemed
essential because price offers form the central theme
of the conversation. However, because all questions
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 6: Intent classification using a deep learning-based
Intent # of utterances % of total # of utterances
unknown 9592 24.793
counter-price 7738 20.001
inquiry 5056 13.069
init-price 4629 11.965
intro 4611 11.918
inform 2321 5.999
disagree 2027 5.239
agree 1896 4.901
insist 432 1.117
vague-price 386 0.998
Total 38688 100
are currently classified under “inquiry,” there is
potential for further subdivision. “Disagree” and
“insist” constituted a relatively small proportion of
the total utterances, accounting for 1.068% and
0.677%, respectively. Owing to the tendency of deep
learning-based parsers to exhibit lower classification
accuracy for classes with limited training data,
integrating “insist” and “disagree” into other dialogue
acts would be advantageous. While integrating
“disagree“ poses a challenge owing to its frequent
occurrence in negotiation scenarios, “insist“ shares
considerable similarities with “counter-price” and
“vague-price,” suggesting a potential solution of
merging it into these two dialogue acts.
5.1 Task
We evaluate our approach using the
CRAIGSLISTBARGAIN task (Section 2.2), where a
buyer and a seller negotiate the price of an item based
on the information listed on Craigslist. In this task,
the only argument in the dialogue act is the price.
5.2 Models
This study compares two models: a rule-based parser
commonly used in previous research and our
proposed deep learning-based parser. Both methods
are applied to parse the dataset incorporating the
newly annotated dialogue acts (Section 3.2).
The parser outputs are then used to generate
training and validation data for supervised learning,
along with n-gram models and utterance templates for
the generator. Subsequently, the parsed data are used
to perform supervised learning on the relationship
between utterances and dialogue acts, resulting in a
model denoted as SL. Finally, the pretrained SL
model is reinforced with the three reward functions
(Section 2.4.2), producing the models RL
, RL
and RL
. Our experimental setup encompasses a
total of eight models: SL and RL models using rule-
based parsers and SL and RL models using deep
learning-based parsers.
5.3 Evaluation Setup
Negotiation dialogue experiments were performed
using our model in a web application based on
previous work (He et al ., 2018). Figure 3 shows the
negotiation screen of this web application. Users are
presented with the scenario and item description in
the upper right corner and then interact with a
randomly selected model. Messages from the model
appear in the box located at the bottom left, and users
can input their reply messages in the chat box below.
Upon reaching an agreement, users input the final
offer price in the box labeled “Final Agreement” on
the right. If the partner submits a final offer, users can
either accept or reject it. Because the model does not
consistently generate perfectly context-appropriate
utterances, the dialogue may sound unnatural at times.
Should users encounter difficulty continuing the
dialogue, they can terminate the negotiation by
pressing the “Quit” button at the bottom left.
Ten subjects were recruited for the experiment.
Each subject participated in a total of 10 negotiation
dialogues, with all eight models being selected with
equal probability.
The experiment uses five evaluation indices. In
addition to the three indices used in reinforcement
learning—Utility, Fairness, and Length—we also
include Agreement Rate and Human-likeness.
Agreement Rate is the proportion of negotiations that
resulted in an agreement, which is the primary
objective in negotiation scenarios. It is calculated by
dividing the number of successful agreements by the
total number of dialogues performed for each model.
Human-likeness is an indicator of the model’s
human-like behavior during dialogue. After each
negotiation, users were asked, “Do you think your
partner demonstrated reasonable human behavior?”
They then rated the dialogue content on a 5-point
Likert scale.
Negotiation Dialogue System Using a Deep Learning-Based Parser
Figure 3: The negotiation screen on the web application.
5.4 Result
Table 7 presents the results of the human evaluation
experiment for the negotiation dialogue system,
grouped by optimization goal. The highest-
performing results in each group are highlighted in
bold. Table 8 presents an example of dialogue
between a human and the negotiation dialogue
system. SL(deep) demonstrated a more conscious
understanding of the dialogue flow and pursued
actions aligned with its own interests. As illustrated
in Table 8(b), SL(deep) not only responded
appropriately to the other party’s price offers but also
to other questions. In the context of price
negotiations, it did not simply present a price but also
attempted to persuade the user by providing
justifications for the offered price. This characteristic
is evident in the improvements observed in Utility
and Fairness, as presented in Table 7. However,
SL(rule) outperformed SL(deep) in terms of the
negotiation agreement rate across all three
optimization objectives. This is likely because Utility
and Fairness scores were lower for SL(rule), leading
to earlier compromise and agreement.
No considerable difference in human-likeness was
observed between SL(deep) and SL(rule). Both
models effectively generated dialogue involving price
offers or acting as questioners. However, when acting
as sellers, they struggled to respond appropriately to
questions about the item’s condition. Additionally,
with SL(deep), the accurate determination of dialogue
acts through deep learning sometimes leads to
inflexibility in utterance decisions. For instance, in the
initial exchange of Table 8(b), SL(deep) repeats “hello”
twice. This is because that deep learning has
established a pattern where an “intro” dialogue act
from the other party often elicits an “intro” response.
These limitations can be attributed to the search-based
generator. Search- based generators exhibit limited
utterance variation because all templates are derived
from a training dataset. Consequently, while the
dialogue act accurately captures the general structure
Table 7: Evaluation results of a human-assisted negotiation
dialogue system (highest scores in bold).
Ag Ut Fa Len Hu
# of
SL(rule) 0.85 -0.49 -0.98 12.31 3.4 13
SL(deep) 0.80 -0.44 -0.88 16.40 3.5 15
(rule) 0.55 -0.35 -0.70 18.91 2.6 11
(deep) 0.41 0.23 -0.46 13.25 2.4 12
(rule) 0.86 -0.81 -1.62 13.21 3.1 14
(deep) 0.73 -0.57 -1.14 13.27 2.8 11
(rule) 0.54 -0.16 -0.32 15.77 2.8 13
(deep) 0.75 -0.36 -0.72 11.92 3.4 12
Table 8: Example conversation between a human and a
negotiation dialogue system (model utterances in bold).
Title: New EC Technology Portable Bluetooth Speaker 6W
Listing Price: $15
Description: "EC Technology® 6W Dual-Driver Portable Bluetooth STEREO Speaker w/
Built in Cell Phone/Car Speakerphones -Black", "From the manufacturer:", "Incredible sound
quality surprising fullness realized through 2*3W driver, distinctive Cavity Design."
(a) A: Human (Buyer) B: SL(rule) (Seller)
B: hi, you're interested in the item? A: hi, i'm interested in it. how about $11?
B: not its too low A: hmm, how about your offer?
B: 15 A: ok, well, how about $13
B: i think i can do 12
Title: MODERN Contemporary White Queen Leather Bed Upholstery Tufted Italia
Listing Price: $349
Description: "This modern VERY BEAUTIFUL Queen bed is inspired by Italian design and
has an Asian rubberwood construction. A white, vinyl upholstery with a tall, square-tufted
headboard and clean lines highlight this elegant bed", "Included: One (1) headboard, one (1)
footboard, one (1) set of rails, three (3) slats", "Materials: Asian rubberwood", "Wood finish:
Black", "Upholstery materials: Vinyl, Faux L
(b) A: Human (Buyer) B: SL(deep) (Seller)
B: hello A: hello, i'm interested in this item.
B: hello A: do you have any information about this item?
B: very small stains mostly wear and tear A: how long have you used?
B: 3 months A: nice. well i want to buy it in $250. what do you say?
B: sorry there are 6 item even at 349 dollars that's a steel, less than 348 dollars a chair.
A: how about 265? B: lol
A: ok, how about 275? B: certification will be provided. 348 last price
A: how about 300? B: i can do 298.
of the utterance, the generator’s capacity for detailed
expression in natural language remains insufficient,
resulting in no observable improvement in human-
Overall, the models were more inclined to make
compromises compared to humans, indicating that
they remain less effective at negotiation and
highlighting areas for further improvement.
In this study, we addressed three key tasks: creating a
dataset with new dialogue act proposals, developing
a deep learning-based parser, and performing
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
dialogue experiments with a negotiation dialogue
system using the deep learning-based parser.
Compared to traditional rule-based approaches,
the deep learning-based parser demonstrated impro-
ved accuracy in classifying utterances into their
correct dialogue acts while considerably reducing the
number of utterances classified as “unknown.”
Among the various pretrained models evaluated, Ro-
BERTa achieved the highest classification accuracy,
while ALBERT effectively minimized the decline in
accuracy while simultaneously reducing computati-
onal complexity and execution time. Moreover, in the
negotiation dialogue experiments, the system using
the deep learning-based parser exhibited enhanced
performance in terms of utility and fairness.
This paper primarily focused on enhancing the
parser component of the module framework using
dialogue acts. Consequently, the performance of the
dialogue act approach can be further optimized by
improving the remaining managers and generators. In
recent years, the LLM approach has emerged as the
dominant method for chatbots (Fu et al ., 2023) (Zhao
et al ., 2023). Therefore, we are currently exploring
the integration of LLMs as generators, incorporating
dialogue acts into the prompts (Wagner et al ., 2024).
Furthermore, we will perform dialogue experiments
comparing our proposed method with LLMs, aiming
to further demonstrate the value of the dialogue act
approach, which effectively captures the structural
outline of an utterance.
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