Proposal of a Method for Analyzing the Explainability of Similarity
Between Short Texts in Spanish
Isidro Jara Matas, Luis de la Fuente Valentin, Alfonso Ortega de la Puente and Javier Sanz Fayos
Universidad Internacional de La Rioja, Avenida de la Paz 137, 26006 Logroño (La Rioja), Spain
Keywords: Explainability, Similarity Analysis, Short Text Grading.
Abstract: The aim of this project is the design and implementation of a system for analyzing the explainability of
similarity between short texts (< 200 words), in Spanish language, with a special focus on the academic
domain. For the system implementation, different models based on the BERT architecture will be used. A
concise analysis of the explainability of the proposed system will be conducted, aiming to understand the
intrinsic functioning of the method and to provide feedback to stakeholders, such as the author of the evaluated
text or the professional deciding to use the system. Furthermore, based on the obtained results, an estimation
of the system's goodness will be carried out through statistical analysis. This will enable both a comparison
with other possible implementations and the proposal of future improvements that could have a positive
impact on a more realistic assessment of texts.
In recent decades, global access to information, and
specifically to certain levels of formal education,
often by technological resources, has significantly
increased: from 1820 to 2020, the percentage of
people aged 15 and older who received some type of
formal primary, secondary, or tertiary education
increased from 17.2% to 86.3% worldwide
(Wittgenstein Center; World Bank; van Zanden,
2023). This has led to a scalability problem in the
correction of academic tasks, making it necessary to
have appropriate evaluation techniques that save time
and effort. In this regard, Artificial Intelligence has
produced new advances in the field of automatic text
grading, especially for short texts (J. Zhang et al.,
2022) (L. Zhang et al., 2022) (Tan et al., 2023), using
different approaches and technologies.
The goal is to automatically evaluate a text
without the need for human supervision, based on
exclusively objective metrics. However, one of the
remaining challenges is the explainability of these
systems, i.e., why the system assigns a particular
The term “explainability” (Zini & Awad, 2022) is
often used to refer to an AI model constituted by a
neural network that operates opaquely to its user. That
means that, although the neural network is trained
with a provided dataset and specific hyperparameters,
such as the number of batches or the number and
types of layers in the neural network, it can often be
seen as a black box during the learning and prediction
phases, as it does not provide information about the
network's training, such as the weight assignments to
each input. Hence, explainability is sought, i.e., the
possibility for a human to understand why the
machine does what it does. To date, numerous efforts
have been made to unravel what happens inside this
black box (Oh et al., 2019) (Schwartz-Ziv & Tishby,
In the field of NLP, the problem of the
explainability appears in numerous issues across its
different applications. While progress has been made
in recent years to address these challenges some of
them remain open.
A paradigmatic case is the similarity between
short texts, which can be useful, for example, when
searching for paraphrases of a sentence or finding
insights within a text, i.e., information that may
initially seem hidden but can shed light on the
semantic field through a similar text, allowing this
new information to inspire the system's user.
Another interesting scenario, which has gained
significant importance over time (Burrows et al.,
2015) and on which this work focuses, is the
automatic grading of texts in the academic field,
where the aim is to design a model capable of offering
Jara Matas, I., de la Fuente Valentin, L., Ortega de la Puente, A. and Sanz Fayos, J.
Proposal of a Method for Analyzing the Explainability of Similarity Between Short Texts in Spanish.
DOI: 10.5220/0013249500003890
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2025) - Volume 3, pages 1017-1022
ISBN: 978-989-758-737-5; ISSN: 2184-433X
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
a grade to a student based on their exam or task,
comparing each response with the ideally correct
answers provided by the teacher.
However, this is where the problem of
explainability arises.
The explainability problem of similarity between
short texts has already been addressed with English
texts (Malkiel et al., 2022) using innovative algorithms
with BERT. However, from the state-of-the-art study,
no references have been found addressing this issue
with Spanish texts. Given its proven utility in various
fields, particularly in education, it is necessary to
provide a solution that opens the way to new proposals
offering differential value.
Explainability is necessary not only for the student
to access the grade with proper justification but also for
other stakeholders to observe the system's functioning
and understand the reasons behind the grading.
Therefore, the main objective is to propose and
develop a method to analyze the explainability of the
similarity between two sentences in Spanish that will
allow understanding why a Natural Language
Processing model decides whether two sentences are
similar or not, and to what extent they are.
For the experiment, three pairs of sentences and four
NLP models were used, resulting in a total of twelve
The proposed sentence pairs cover three distinct
and exclusive contexts: sociopolitical context, artistic
context, and linguistic-philosophical context, in order
to cover a broader range of language topics.
2.1 Pairs of Sentences
First Pair of Sentences: ‘El Gobierno pone en marcha
los Presupuestos de 2024 y Alegría le pide al PP una
oposición “constructiva”’ - Headline of El País,
11/23/2023; ‘Sánchez entrega una carta a sus ministros
contra la oposición: "Niegan la legitimidad de origen a
este Ejecutivo."’ - Headline of El Mundo, 11/23/2023.
Second Pair of Sentences: ‘No es tanto un drama
erótico como una reflexión psicológica sobre el
matrimonio, el deseo, los celos y la paranoia sexual’
- Review by Angie Errigo (Empire) about the film
"Eyes Wide Shut"; ‘Fascinante, misteriosa, dura,
agresiva, perturbadora, memorable. Cine insólito,
magníficamente escrito, desasosegante, sensual,
audaz, más que bueno.’ - Review by Carlos Boyero
about the film "Eyes Wide Shut".
Third Pair of Sentences: ‘Relación de afecto, simpatía
y confianza que se establece entre personas que no
son familia’ - Definition of “friendship according” to
the RAE; ‘Para Aristóteles, la amistad es un
intercambio donde aprender a recibir y a otorgar'. -
Definition of “friendship” according to Aristotle.
2.2 NLP Models
Model 1: hiiamsid/sentence_similarity_spanish_es.
Developed by Siddhartha Shrestha, its main purpose
is sentence similarity. It is based on
SentenceTransformers: it maps sentences and
paragraphs to a dense vector space of 768 dimensions,
to later perform tasks such as clustering or semantic
Model 2: sentence-transformers/distiluse-base-
multilingual-cased-v1. Also trained with
SentenceTransformers for sentence similarity, except
that the dimensional space of its vectors is reduced to
512. This model is based on a version of BERT
known as DistilBERT, a smaller, faster, cheaper, and
lighter Transformer model trained through the
“distillation” of the BERT base model. This version
of the model is multilingual, including Spanish, and
is case-sensitive, so it differentiates between
uppercase and lowercase letters.
Model 3: Sentence-transformers/distiluse-base-
multilingual-cased-v2. Same definition as Model 2.
The only noticeable difference is the higher number
of downloads and HuggingFace spaces using each
version of the two models, with more in the second
Model 4: dccuchile/bert-base-spanish-wwm-cased.
The fourth model is BETO, the version of BERT
trained with a large corpus of Spanish texts and
published in 2020. BETO is one of the most popular
BERT-based models, and specifically, one of the
most well-known models trained in the Spanish
The main properties of each model used in the
experiment are summarized in the following table:
Table 1: Comparison of the NLP models.
# Model 1 2 3 4
Similarity between
Trained with
768 512 512 768
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
2.3 Method
Once the combination of sentence pair and model is
chosen, the experiment proceeds through the
following phases:
2.3.1 Token Processing
In this phase, stop-words are removed. Stop-words
are words without significant meaning, such as
articles, pronouns, prepositions, etc., and they are
filtered out before or after the natural language data
processing, along with the punctuation symbols of the
2.3.2 Lemmatization
Each sentence is taken, and each of its tokens is
separately lemmatized, excluding punctuation
symbols and stop-words that were already classified
as such in the SpaCy training process.
This process returns a list of tokens for each
2.3.3 Calculation of Embeddings
The embeddings of each token or word from the lists
resulting from the previous stage are calculated and
stored in the corresponding sentence array.
This process is carried out according to the model
chosen at the beginning of the method and is applied
to each specific word, in isolation and completely
independent of its position in the sentence and its
proximity to other words in the same sentence.
The result is a list for each sentence of the same
size as the original list of tokens, containing a certain
number of vectors of different dimensions depending
on the characteristics of the embedding of the chosen
2.3.4 Calculation of Cosine Similarity
Finally, the cosine similarity between the two lists of
embeddings is calculated. The result returns the top k
of the original word pairs (i.e., without being
lemmatized) from the documents that explain the
similarity between the two texts, with k being a
parameter set by the user (k = 5 for the experiment).
The result is an array composed of k triplets:
In the first position, the word from the first
document (a).
In the second position, the word from the
second document (b).
In the third position, the degree of similarity
between the two words as returned by the
chosen model. The array is ordered based on
the last parameter, that is, the similarity
between the word pairs, from highest to
lowest (s).
In this way, the similarity between short texts is
explained by analyzing the similarity between
individual words: it can be expected that the greater
the similarity between the top k pairs of similar words
between two documents, the greater the similarity
between those two documents.
2.3.5 Algorithm
The described process can be represented in
algorithmic form as follows:
Algorithm 1: Algorithm for analyzing the explainability of
Data: three pair of sentences
Result: k-ranking of most similar pair of words
across each pair of sentences;
for each model
for each pair of sentences and each model do
split sentences into single words;
remove stop-words;
lemmatize single words;
calculate embedding of single words;
for each a = embedding of word of
the first sentence and each b =
embedding of word of the second
sentence do
s = cosine_similarity(a, b);
save array(a,b,s);
full_result = sort array(a,b,s) according to s
result = first k arrays of full_result
This section shows the results obtained after the
execution of the experiment for the twelve
combinations, given by the three pairs of example
sentences and the four models presented.
The nomenclature in the results tables for each of
the models is the one that has been used throughout
the work, and which for greater clarity is now
- Model #1: sentence_similarity_spanish_es
- Model #2: SBERT multilingual cased v1
- Model #3: SBERT multilingual cased v2
- Model #4: BETO cased
Proposal of a Method for Analyzing the Explainability of Similarity Between Short Texts in Spanish
Table 2: Result of Model #1.
Pair of sentences
Pair of
sentences #2
Pair of
sentences #3
Table 3: Results of Model #2.
Pair of sentences
Pair of
sentences #2
Pair of
sentences #3
'amistad', 0.593)
'recibir', 0.5833)
'recibir', 0.5738)
Table 4: Results of Model #3.
Pair of sentences
Pair of
sentences #2
Pair of
sentences #3
'negar', 0.6956)
'recibir', 0.6554)
'entregar', 0.671)
Table 5: Results of Model #4.
Pair of sentences
Pair of
sentences #2
Pair of
sentences #3
('marcha', 'carta',
'escrito', 0.895)
'negar', 0.6956)
Based on the results obtained, the following
assertions can be derived:
1. The objective evaluation using Word similarity
offers very diverse results depending on the model
being used.
This may suggest the need to apply a specific bias
to each model to center the results and/or a
normalization technique for all models, so that the
range of output values is more similar and there are
no large discrepancies.
2. In line with the above, but from a subjective
perspective, Model 1 yields better results in terms of
word pairs, despite having the lowest Word similarity
among the four models.
3. On the other hand, Models 2 and 3 offer similar and
acceptable word pairs and Word similarity values.
However, compared to the word pairs that explain
the similarity in Model 1, the pairs in these two
models do not seem very relevant in the context of the
This may be because Model 1 used vectors
(embeddings) from a dense vector space of 768
dimensions, while in Models 2 and 3 the number of
dimensions is reduced to 512.
4. Conversely, the results from Model 4 (BETO) are
worse compared to the previous three models.
Most of the word pairs it marks as highly similar,
with a high value in Word similarity, are either not
similar from a subjective point of view or do not
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
reflect the supposed high relevance of these words in
the sentences, or both cases occur.
These poor results from BETO could be due to
several factors acting together, although the main
reason that could explain these results is that BETO
is actually a pre-trained model, meaning it has not
been specifically trained for a particular task, and
specifically not for a text similarity calculation task.
In fact, the model used is “BETO-base,” or BETO
in its base form. To address this, specific training on
BETO for the text similarity calculation task would
be required.
Moreover, if the same word appears in both
sentences, and if this word is not a stop-word or
punctuation mark, its Word similarity (objective
evaluation of the word pair) will be equal to 1 and will
top the list of word pairs with the highest similarity,
regardless of the model used.
Finally, during the lemmatization process with
Spacy, the word ‘perturbadora’ becomes
‘perturbadoro’, which is a non-existing word in
Spanish (the correct form should be ‘perturbador’)
This does not pose a practical problem since the
similarity calculation of the method is performed on
the lemmas of the words, and not on the words
If one wanted to obtain appropriate results, fine-
tuning of the lemmatization process would be
This work has highlighted the power of Natural
Language Processing in developing a method for
analyzing the explainability of similarity between
short texts in Spanish.
Although the original purpose was to consider
that the method would have a primary focus in the
academic field, in view of the tests carried out and the
results obtained, it has been determined that the
proposed method for sentence similarity calculation
is effective not only in this field but also in many
other areas of Natural Language Processing.
A method has been proposed to analyze the
explainability of similarity between short texts in
Spanish by evaluating existing technologies that
enabled its development, and by comparing four NLP
models we conclude that models trained for specific
tasks return better results in those activities than
models trained with a corpus and a more general
purpose. Similarly, it can be determined that there is
evidence to suggest that the dimensionality of
embeddings may affect the quality of results, with a
directly proportional relationship between the
number of dimensions and the results obtained.
In addition, by comparing the quality of the
results, it has been proven that single objective
assessment is not sufficient, and human inspection is
necessary to consolidate the model that best performs
the explainability of similarity calculation.
Upon completing this research, new possibilities
open up for future developments of methods and
systems to explain the similarity between short texts
in Spanish: manual validation by experts to clarify the
quality of the results with the proposed method;
expand the scope of the experiment (the experiment
conducted in this study considered three specific pairs
of sentences and four NLP models based on Google
BERT, returning the top k=5 pairs of sentences with
the highest similarity). Future work should include a
larger number of sentence pairs, i.e., a more extensive
corpus that covers a broader spectrum of language; as
well as testing other NLP models, whether based on
BERT or not, and even architectures not based on
Transformers; using and comparing the results with
other similarities and distances, such as Jaro-Winkler
and Levenshtein; as well as alternative metrics and
algorithms like BLEU (Papineni et al., n.d.) and
ROUGE (Lin, n.d.). However, it should be noted that
such comparisons fall outside the scope of the present
position paper.
Finally, the development of an interactive web
application that allows the user to input two sentences
and return the explanation of their degree of similarity
based on the most similar word would increase the
corpus size, and collecting user feedback (e.g.,
through icons or rating buttons), as well as
democratizing the value of Artificial Intelligence.
This research is supported by the UNIR project MLX-
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ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence