Advancing Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Detection with Artificial
Intelligence Techniques
Abir Gorrab
, Nourhène Ben Rabah
, Isuri Kariyawasam
and Bénédicte Le Grand
RIADI Laboratory, National School of Computer Science, University of Manouba, Tunisia
Centre de Recherche en Informatique, Université Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, France
Keywords: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Medical,
Healthcare, Systematic Literature Review.
Abstract: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a common hormonal disorder that affects women of reproductive age.
Diagnosis mainly relies on traditional methods, such as clinical evaluations or laboratory tests, which can be
expensive and time-consuming and are often accompanied by complex imaging techniques. The integration
of Artificial Intelligence (AI), namely Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL), seems to offer
promising opportunities, allowing for the analysis of large datasets to improve PCOS detection and
management. This work conducts a systematic literature review and aims to explore how ML and DL can
optimize PCOS diagnosis by analyzing the most used data and algorithms while following a rigorous
methodology to ensure the validity of the results. It also discusses the explainability of AI methods to be used
by healthcare professionals, who are always looking for reliable results to support the best possible diagnosis
for their patients.
PCOS is a common hormonal disorder affecting
women of reproductive age. It is characterized by a
range of symptoms such as irregular menstrual
cycles, hyperandrogenism (excess male hormones),
the presence of multiple ovarian cysts, significant hair
loss, and notable weight gain (Narinder et al., 2023).
PCOS is often associated with ovarian dysfunctions
that can lead to miscarriages, infertility, and even
gynecological cancers. The syndrome has also a
significant financial and psychological impact on
patients. Thus, it becomes evident that the
improvement of early detection tools for PCOS are
crucial (Dana et al., 2022).
Given these major challenges for women with
PCOS and the impact on their daily lives, Artificial
Intelligence (AI) seem to offer promising prospects
for improving the understanding, diagnosis, and
management of PCOS (NMerlin and Sangeetha,
2023). Several works have addressed this emerging
research issue (Ajil et al., 2023; Srivastav et al.,
2024). Adopting AI for PCOS diagnosis seems
promising but some challenges must be addressed for
a secure and successful application.
In this work,
we propose a Systematic Literature
Review (SLR) to answer the following research issue:
How is AI presenting new perspectives for detecting
PCOS? Our article presents several contributions: We
adopted a rigorous research methodology to conduct
our SLR regarding this issue. We analyze the selected
papers deeply to handle 3 main aspects: The features
used in PCOS detection with AI, the ML, and DL
models showing the best performances and the
consideration of explainability in existing PCOS
detection works. We also give a critical eye to
existing works, highlighting the main challenges that
can give insights into future works.
The remainder of this paper is organized as
follows: We first provide background information
about PCOS diagnosis and the importance of using AI
to detect it, and previous literature reviews in Section
2, before detailing our methodology for this SLR in
Section 3. In Section 4, we present the analysis and
the results of our SLR and then discuss the challenges
associated with this research question in Section 5.
Finally, we draw our conclusions, with insights in
future works in Section 6.
Gorrab, A., Ben Rabah, N., Kariyawasam, I. and Le Grand, B.
Advancing Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Detection with Artificial Intelligence Techniques.
DOI: 10.5220/0013249800003890
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2025) - Volume 3, pages 1023-1030
ISBN: 978-989-758-737-5; ISSN: 2184-433X
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
In this section, we present the background of the
subject and review the literature reviews that have
addressed this topic in previous years.
2.1 Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
PCOS is the most common endocrine disorder among
women of reproductive age, affecting 10% to 15%
(Narinder et al., 2023), and, according to INSERM
(the French National Institute of Health and Medical
Research), is the leading cause of female infertility.
PCOS can be identified through imaging as an
abnormal enlargement of the ovaries (>10 ml in
volume) or many small follicles (>20 follicles smaller
than 9 mm in diameter), as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
(Narinder et al., 2023).
PCOS is characterized by the ovaries producing an
abnormal number of androgens, male sex hormones
that are normally present in small quantities in
women. This overproduction of hormones can lead to
various complications, including anovulation,
causing infertility, diabetes and irregular menstrual
cycles, along with fatigue, anxiety, or depression
(Ajil et al., 2023).
PCOS Detection
The diagnosis of PCOS is usually made by
gynecologists or midwives, who follow a step-by-
step process. The difficulty in detecting PCOS arises
from the fact that most symptoms can easily be
misattributed to puberty or stress. This is why blood
tests and laboratory analysis must be added to this
procedure to obtain results on hormone levels in the
blood. However, according to the midwives
interviewed, INSERM, and (NMerlin and Sangeetha,
2023), these results must also be combined with
imaging, such as MRI or pelvic and/or transvaginal
Using AI to Detect PCOS:
The use of AI for the detection and management of
PCOS represents a major challenge in the medical
field. AI can accurately count the number of cysts
present in the ovaries (with a threshold of at least 20
immature follicles, each measuring less than 9 mm in
diameter, according to INSERM). Thanks to its
ability to analyze large datasets, AI enables the faster
and more precise identification of PCOS clinical
signs, thereby reducing diagnostic delays. However,
this advancement raises significant challenges,
particularly regarding the interpretability of results by
healthcare professionals.
2.2 Previous Literature Reviews
Other works studied the existing literature on the use
of AI for PCOS detection: (Barrera et al., 2023)
compared the AI algorithms used in the literature and
expressed reservations about their results due to the
heterogeneity of the available data and the risk of bias.
In general, ethical aspects and the explainability of
the algorithms were not addressed, although a
willingness to collaborate with the medical
community during validation tests is mentioned. In
their SLR, (Suha and Islam, 2023) mainly focused on
the methodology, results, recommendations, and
technical challenges related to the diagnosis of PCOS.
Even though they mentioned explainable AI, (Suha
and Islam, 2023) did not provide examples of
application in the context of PCOS, making it difficult
to assess the relevance of the proposed methods and
their potential impact on medical practice, which
limits the practical scope of the presented research.
Moreover, (Graselin et al., 2023) focused on ML
approaches for the detection of PCOS by evaluating
the effectiveness, techniques, and results of previous
studies; highlighting their technical shortcomings.
Besides, (Ahmed et al., 2023) provided an in-
depth analysis of various ML and DL approaches for
diagnosing PCOS. However, it does not address the
transparency or reproducibility of the research.
Ethical aspects and algorithm explainability were not
In our work, we followed a rigorous research
protocol and carefully collected and analyzed research
articles to conduct an SLR dedicated to the use of AI
for PCOS detection. What distinguishes our work
from others is that we deeply focus on each aspect of
the PCOS detection process using AI. We start by
identifying the most common data and features for the
diagnosis of PCOS. We then highlight the algorithms
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
that have shown the best performance. We investigate
the explainability of AI techniques by healthcare
practitioners in the context of PCOS. We emphasize
the implications that could govern the use of AI for
PCOS diagnosis and give insight into future work.
An SLR is a rigorous research method that
synthesizes evidence from the literature (Petersen and
Vakkalanka, 2015; Keele, 2007). In the context of
PCOS detection, this approach provides a
comprehensive and objective view of current
diagnostic methods while gathering and synthesizing
evidence from the literature.
Research Questions:
We have structured our initial research issue into 3
Research Questions (RQ):
RQ1: What are the most used features for
diagnosing PCOS using AI?
RQ2: Which machine learning/deep learning
algorithms have shown the best performance?
RQ3: Is explainability considered to increase
trust in diagnostic models?
Search Query:
The following search query was executed on the
Scopus library:
(detection OR diagnostic OR diagnosis) AND (PCOS
OR "Polycystic ovary syndrome" OR "Polycystic
Ovarian Syndrome") AND ("Machine Learning" OR
ML OR "Deep Learning" OR DL).
To focus on recent works, we selected papers
published from 2017 to 2024.
Papers Selection:
To summarize the synthesis of the scientific literature,
we use the PRISMA model (Preferred Reporting
Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses)
(Rethlefsen and Page, 2022).
Our research query returned initially n=43 articles.
We applied inclusion and exclusion criteria.
Our Inclusion criteria are: (a) Paper addressing
PCOS through machine learning, (b) Paper published
from 2017 to 2024 (to focus on recent studies), and
(c) Paper accessible online. Our exclusion criteria are:
(a) Papers not written in English, and (b) Papers not
peer-reviewed (such as abstracts, poster, proposal,
technical reports, thesis). We had to exclude 20
articles for reasons of inaccessibility, 2 systematic
reviews, and 1 paper not written in English. We
obtained 20 papers after this first selection. The
snowballing method allowed us to integrate two new
articles into our corpus, bringing the total number of
articles to 22.
This section is dedicated to SLR results, presenting
responses to our three research questions.
Table 1: Overview of datasets used in studies for
diagnosing PCOS with ML.
Type of data Details Ref.
l, 2018)
lifestyle, and
541 women (177
with PCOS, 364
43 features.
(Ajil et al.,
2023 ;
Denny et al.,
2019 ; Modi
and Kumar,
2024 ; Subha
et al., 2024 ;
(Khanna et
al., 2023 ;
(Batra et al.,
2023 ;
Tanwar et
al., 2023)
i, 2020)
3856 ultrasound
images of women
aged 22 to 39.
Images are
classified as
infected or non-
(Diptho et
al., 2023;
NMerlin and
Rashid et al.,
Prasher and
2023 ;
Hosain et
al., 2022 ;
Srivastav et
al., 2024 ;
Narinder et
al., 2023)
c Ovary
d Images
ya and
54 ultrasound
images from 14
PCOS patients and
40 controls. Images
were captured
using a vertical
probe ultrasound
(G¨ulhan et
al., 2023)
d image
(Dewi et
al., 2020)
ultrasound images
validated by a
including both
infected and non-
infected ovaries.
(Dewi et al.,
Advancing Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Detection with Artificial Intelligence Techniques
4.1 What Are the Most Used Features
for Diagnosing PCOS Using AI
To answer this RQ, we analyzed the datasets used for
training and testing ML algorithms. We then
examined the different types of data used in these
models. We studied the feature selection methods
employed and conducted an in-depth analysis to
determine the features most frequently selected and
used by AI algorithms for PCOS diagnosis.
4.1.1 Dataset Analysis
We identified four datasets that we describe in Table1.
4.1.2 Data Type
Based on Table 1, datasets ‘PCOS’ and ‘PCOS
detection using ultrasound images are the most
frequently used in the literature. The first dataset
integrates clinical, metabolic, physical, hormonal,
and ultrasound imaging data and data related to
lifestyle and social factors. In contrast, the second
dataset focuses exclusively on medical imaging.
To better in-depth analysis and understanding of
the various data involved in the diagnosis and
management of PCOS, we organized the data into
three distinct categories: clinical data, non-clinical
data, and medical imaging data.
Clinical Data:
Related to a patient's health collected during medical
care or clinical research. It can come from various
sources and is used by healthcare professionals to
make informed decisions regarding patient care. It
can include for example blood type,
Hemoglobin level,
levels of vitamin D3, heart rate per minute,
respiratory rate per minute, cycle duration, etc.
Non-Clinical Data:
Can be derived from different aspects of lifestyle,
such as regular exercise or frequent fast-food
consumption. It may also include social factors, such
as the duration of the patient's marriage. It also
concerns physical features such as age, weight,
height, body mass index, etc.
Medical Imaging Data:
Represents ultrasounds used to visualize the ovaries
and identify the typical cysts associated with PCOS.
4.1.3 Most Selected Features
Feature selection is a crucial step in ensuring the
performance of a ML model. It involves identifying
the most relevant variables that can effectively
distinguish whether a patient has PCOS or not.
Various statistical methods are used to select these
relevant features such as ANOVA (Analysis of
Variance), Pearson and Spearman Correlations and
Chi-Square Test. Among the non-clinical features,
‘Hair growth’ stands out as the most important
variable, followed by ‘weight gain’, ‘skin darkening’
and ‘hair loss’. The presence of ‘fast food’
consumption is also noted as a significant factor.
These symptoms are crucial for the ML model to
effectively diagnose the disease.
In terms of clinical features, the most prominent
features include left follicle size’, ‘right follicle size’,
normal follicles on the left’, and whether the cycle
is regular or irregular’.
4.2 Which AI Algorithms Have Shown
the Best Performance (RQ2)?
To detect PCOS, several AI models were used. We
differentiate these works based on the data (features)
used. Table 2 presents an overview of AI models used
for PCOS detection according to each data type.
Data preprocessing is crucial for optimizing a
model's overall performance. It ensures data quality,
making sure that the features used in ML models are
reliable and accurate. Additionally, it preserves data
integrity by consistently normalizing and scaling the
inputs (Tanwar et al., 2023). The preprocessing of
clinical and non-clinical data involves cleaning and
transforming the data to make it usable by the model.
It ensures data quality and integrity, allowing the ML
model to function optimally and produce more
accurate and reliable results. It helps correct errors
and/or remove elements that could distort the results
(NMerlin and Sangeetha, 2023; Tanwar et al., 2023).
Researchers process as well by dimensionality
reduction, helping to overcome the challenges posed
by an excess of features while retaining as much
information as possible (Denny et al., 2019). As for
data transformation, it enables the conversion of
categorical data into a numerical format that can be
used by ML algorithms, thereby ensuring fair
treatment of all variables (Batra et al., 2023).
After analyzing all these papers, we summarize
the results of the Best Performances of AI models in
terms of accuracy in Figure 2. For clinical and Non-
clinical Data, CatBoost (Modi and Kumar, 2024)
present the best accuracy. Concerning Images, the
best accuracy is given by AMCNN (Rashid et al.,
2023), Inception V3 (Narinder et al., 2023), and
CNN/ VGG16 Model (Srivastav et al., 2024], while
the INCEPTION Model and Light GBM in (NMerlin
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
and Sangeetha, 2023) give the best performance for
mixed data.
Table 2: Overview of AI models used for PCOS detection
according to each data type.
Used algorithms References
(CT)/ LR
(Dana et al., 2022)
AdaBoost/ XGBoost/
(Ajil et al., 2023)
LR/ KNN/ NB/ SVM (Denny et al.,
CatBoost/ LR/ RF/
(Modi and Kumar,
RF/ XGB (Subha et al.,
SHAP/ DNN (Khanna et al.,
Batra et al., 2023
RF (Tanwar et al.,
LR/ RF/ NB /KNN (Rao et al., 2024)
AdaBoost/ NB/ DT/
XGBoost/ RF
(Syed et al., 2023)
Inception V3 (Narinder et al.,
AMCNN (Rashid et al.,
LSTM/ BI-LSTM (Diptho et al.,
CNN (Prasher and
Nelson, 2023;
Srinithi and
Rekha, 2023;
Srivastav and
Dewi et al., 2020)
PCONet/ Inception
[(Hosain et al.,
VGG16 Model (NMerlin and
eetha, 2023
Squeeze Net/ CNN
(G¨ulhan et al.,
Inception Model and
Light GBM
(NMerlin and
Sangeetha, 2023)
Figure 2: Best Model Accuracy by Data Type.
4.3 Is Explainability Considered to
Increase Trust in Diagnostic
Models (RQ3)?
Most works on ML in the PCOS context focus on
algorithm performance, considered the main criterion
for comparing different methods and a key measure
of their effectiveness. This emphasis on metrics like
accuracy’, recall’, or other performance measures
often means that many studies neglect the
transparency of results and the explainability of
model decisions.
Certain ML algorithms are referred to as ‘white-
box’, such as LR and DT; while others are referred to
as ‘black-box’, such as Deep Neural Networks, RF,
XGBoost and Adaboost. To address the limitations of
black-box models, Explainable Artificial Intelligence
(XAI) methods have been developed (Gade and Taly,
2019). In Table 3, we detail each study's use of white-
box methods as well as the black-box algorithms
employed. We also mention the name of the XAI
method, if it exists.
Table 3 reveals that only one study has addressed
the transparency of black-box models by using XAI
techniques. This study stands out for integrating
LIME (Local Interpretable Model-agnostic
Explanations) and SHAP (SHapley Additive
exPlanations), which provide interpretability to
complex models. We can also see that several
methods rely on white-box algorithms, even though
these algorithms are not the most effective. Other
studies focus solely on performance metrics without
examining interpretability, highlighting a gap in
research regarding model transparency, particularly
in critical areas such as patient care and medical
Advancing Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Detection with Artificial Intelligence Techniques
Table 3: Use of white-box, black-box, and XAI methods.
White-box methods
Classifier (LDT),
LR, Classification
Tree (CT), KNN,
NN _ (Dana et al.,
XGBoost, RF
_ (Ajil et al.,
LR, Classification
and Regression
Tree (CART),
RF _ (Denny et al.,
_ (Modi and
_ (Subha et al.,
(Khanna et
al., 2023)
RF _ (Batra et al.,
NB RF _ (Tanwar et
al., 2023)
RF _ (Rao et al.,
_ (Syed et al.,
_ Inception V3 _ (Narinder et
al., 2023)
_ (Diptho et al.,
based Multi-
_ (Rashid et al.,
_ CNN _ (Prasher and
2023; Dewi
et al., 2020;
Srinithi and
Rekha, 2023;
Srivastav and
thy, 2023)
_ PCONet
Inception V3
_ (Hosain et al.,
_ CNN/VGG16 _ (Srivastav et
al., 2024)
_ Squeeze
_ (G¨ulhan et
al., 2023)
_ Inception
Model and
Light GBM
_ NMerlin
By addressing our three research questions, we
identified a set of challenges that remain to be
tackled, as well as research gaps to explore. The first
challenge concerns the datasets used in the studies.
There is an urgent need to create mixed datasets that
incorporate both clinical data, non-clinical data, and
medical images. Data diversity is crucial for
improving the robustness and generalization of
diagnostic models. Currently, many studies focus on
isolated data, which may limit the models' ability to
capture all aspects of PCOS. In the same context,
why not rely on mixed features that combine different
types of data? By integrating variables from various
sources, such as biological analyses, medical
histories, and physiological characteristics, we could
improve diagnostic accuracy. The second challenge
concerns the explainability of the models. While ML
and DL algorithms can provide impressive
performance, it is equally important to ensure that
these models are interpretable and transparent.
Healthcare practitioners must be able to understand
the reasoning behind the models' predictions to
establish trust and ensure that clinical decisions are
based on solid foundations.
The lack of integrated datasets, the absence of a
multi-feature approach, and the neglect of
explainability are remaining reseach gaps,
highlighting important opportunities for future
research. Furthermore, the integration of AI in the
detection of PCOS raises critical issues related to
ethics and the regulation of health data. There are best
practice guidelines that allow the use of sensitive
data, such as health data, within an ethical framework.
These universal rules include, among others: consent,
transparency, bias prevention, anonymization, and
peer validation of a model. The consideration of
ethical concerns represents a major research gap in
PCOS detection that must be considered in future
In this paper, we performed an SLR, describing how
AI, can present new perspectives for PCOS detection;
highlighting three aspects: Features used for PCOS
detection with AI; AI algorithms showing the best
performance; and if explainability is considered to
increase trust in diagnostic models. The advances
enabled by AI in PCOS detection are promising.
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
However, there still are many challenges: The lack of
integrated datasets, combining clinical, non-clinical
data and images; the absence of a multi-feature
approach and the lack of focus on explainability that
underscores significant opportunities for future
research. Thus, we aim to propose an enhanced PCOS
detection system, addressing the limitations of
existing works by integrating multi feature data,
focusing on XAI methods, to provide Healthcare
practitioners with interpretable results.
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ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence