In this work, we presented a method to automatically
generate realistic rendered images using 3D computer
graphics software Blender. Additionally, we devel-
oped algorithms to procedurally generate two com-
mon defect types in injection molding: short shots
and color streaks. Our approach also automates the
generation of semantic segmentation labels for parts
and defects, eliminating the labor-intensive process of
manual labeling. This significantly reduces the effort
required to train AI models with synthetic data and
may be used as foundation to further explore the use
of synthetic data for semantic segmenation in quality
inspection tasks.
Our analysis showed that synthetic image data en-
hances the segmentation of inspection objects, even
with sparse real training data. However, improve-
ments in defect segmentation were modest, and sim-
ply increasing the size of synthetic datasets did not
yield consistent benefits. Severe class imbalances,
with defect pixels being both fewer and less fre-
quently represented, likely contributed to this limita-
tion. Future work should address these issues by re-
fining loss functions and carefully balancing synthetic
and real data, particularly for underrepresented defect
One of the most significant findings is the poten-
tial of synthetic data for domain expansion, particu-
larly for enabling inspection of parts in new colors or
other variations not present in the real training data.
This research was funded by Bundesministerium
ur Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) grant number
01IS22019 A-E.
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VISAPP 2025 - 20th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications