Design of an Intelligent Trust Management Architecture for 5G Service
Samra Bouakkaz
1,2 a
, Luis Su
1 b
, Nora Cuppens
1 c
and Fr
eric Cuppens
2 d
Computer Engineering and Software Engineering, Polytechnique Montreal, Canada
Ericsson, Saint-Laurent, Canada
{samra.bouakkaz, luis.suarez}, {nora.cuppens, frederic.cuppens}
5G Security, Trust Management Architecture, Trustworthiness Assessment, Trust Model.
The security of 5G networks relies on trust, but managing this is challenging due to their dynamic nature
and lack of a unified trust framework. Current research focuses on trust evaluation mechanisms, neglecting a
comprehensive architecture. Hyperscale Cloud Providers (HCPs) are crucial in securing 5G network deploy-
ment, especially with virtualization. To enhance cloud service adoption, HCPs must demonstrate trust and
security while addressing end-user and industry concerns. This paper’s primary contribution is the design of a
comprehensive intelligent trust management architecture rather than focusing solely on specific implementa-
tions for particular 5G use cases. It serves as a blueprint for integrating and managing various trust evaluation
methods within a single framework, making it flexible and adaptable for successful 5G service deployment.
We instantiate our architecture within 5G networks to tailor it to specific methods and techniques best suited
for different scenarios. Furthermore, we animate its dynamic adaptation to various 5G use cases, showcasing
real-time changes in trust levels and strategies to ensure secure and reliable service delivery.
The 5G network is a technology platform that en-
ables new services and business models across var-
ious sectors. Open-source innovation, utilizing vir-
tualization technologies, automation, and elasticity,
has driven the expansion of cloud infrastructure ser-
vices. Initially focusing on the enterprise market,
cloud providers like Amazon Web Services, Mi-
crosoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform offer
economies of scale and flexibility in resource alloca-
tion. Communication Service Providers (CSPs) adopt
a hybrid and multi-cloud approach to lower owner-
ship costs and accelerate their market entry (Alonso
et al., 2022). As cloud providers evolve into Hyper-
scale Cloud Providers (HCPs), they deliver faster ser-
vices, greater capacity, and massive scalability, which
allows network operators to optimize their service
delivery and business models (Zhang et al., 2019).
Telecommunication partnerships must build trust to
enforce security requirements, protect information
sharing, and comply with policies, while HCPs must
address end-user and industry concerns in cloud ser-
vice adoption. Trust management in the evolving net-
work landscape faces challenges such as a lack of a
unified architecture, inconsistencies in trust models,
and difficulties accommodating emerging technolo-
gies like AI-driven automation and edge computing.
Scalability issues in large-scale 5G environments and
a lack of real-time solutions to security threats are
also significant issues. However, trust is confidence
in others’ abilities, which helps facilitate smooth col-
laboration within a network. Trustworthiness refers
to an entity’s demonstrated qualifications, capabili-
ties, and reliability (Scarfone and Hoffman, 2007).
To address these, we propose a new architecture for
real-time monitoring, dynamic adjustments, and scal-
ability in the 5G ecosystem, ensuring the trustworthi-
ness of the 5G ecosystem. To our knowledge, this pa-
per is the first to design a comprehensive Intelligent
Trust Management Architecture for 5G services, us-
ing HCPs as the primary shared infrastructure. The
5G-TMA modules addresses four key contributions,
which are addressed by specific modules as follows:
1. Propose a trustworthiness assessment model for
5G stakeholders by collecting real-time data to
evaluate trust in their relationships.
2. Propose a trust assessment framework that gener-
ates a dynamic trust model fostering adaptable re-
Bouakkaz, S., Suárez, L., Cuppens, N. and Cuppens, F.
Design of an Intelligent Trust Management Architecture for 5G Service Deployment.
DOI: 10.5220/0013252200003899
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2025) - Volume 1, pages 310-317
ISBN: 978-989-758-735-1; ISSN: 2184-4356
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
lationships and permitting only trustworthy stake-
holders to maintain high trust.
3. Propose Trust Lifecycle Management (TLM)
among trustworthy entities by establishing, as-
sessing, and revoking trust relationships, ensuring
trust stays dynamic and responsive.
4. Finally, it enhances decision-making, entity be-
havior understanding, system reliability by en-
abling proactive responses to trust issues.
This paper is organized as follows: Section 2
offers an overview of related research. Section 3
presents a use-case scenario. In Section 4, we explain
the proposed 5G-TMA; in this section, 5, we discover
the integration of 5G-TMA within the 5G architec-
ture. Section 6 provides an example of how this 5G-
TMA can be instantiated, followed by a demonstra-
tion of its animation in Section 7. We discuss future
directions in Section 8, and Section 9 presents our fi-
nal thoughts.
Network operators can collaborate with cloud infras-
tructure and specialized service providers to enhance
service delivery and make network capabilities avail-
able to third-party providers (Maman et al., 2021).
This collaboration will significantly impact business
models and the dynamics of the mobile market, neces-
sitating the establishment of new trust relationships in
security design. Trust, defined as the belief that one
entity excels in a specific task or action, is essential
in communication and networking to mitigate risks
(Svare et al., 2020). Zhang et al. (Zhang et al., 2019)
highlighted the importance of trust management in
5G systems, emphasizing collaboration between net-
work operators and vertical service providers to cre-
ate and manage trust. This collaboration is essen-
tial for enabling secure and efficient identity man-
agement. The new trust model requires additional
security measures, including authentication, account-
ability, and non-repudiation. Valero et al. (Valero
et al., 2023) developed a reputation-based trust frame-
work using PeerTrust that predicts trust scores based
on stakeholder behavior patterns. These scores are
adjusted according to breach predictions, detections,
and violations. It emphasizes trust in deployment ser-
vices, highlighting its importance in 5G adoption, re-
liability, transparency, and stakeholder accountability,
as it is a strategic goal for the ecosystem’s success.
Wary et al. (Wary et al., 2019) point out the com-
plexity of managing trust in 5G, as it involves mon-
itoring both the network’s and the service’s reliabil-
Figure 1: Use case: instantiating an rAPP within an SMO.
ity. The competition among providers offering vari-
ous guarantees and trust levels makes implementing
a dynamic and intelligent system necessary. Collab-
oration between CSPs and HCPs is crucial for de-
ploying cloud-native 5G Network Functions (NFs),
focusing on trust to enhance stakeholder cooperation
and data exchange. Current trust management ap-
proaches are inconsistency-prone and lack scalability
for multi-tenant and multi-domain scenarios. A more
sophisticated trust management architecture and scal-
able mechanisms are needed to address these issues to
adapt to evolving conditions and emerging threats.
In this motivating scenario (refer to Figure 1), a Mo-
bile Network Operator (MNO), which is a telecom-
munications service provider, utilizes a Service Man-
agement and Orchestration (SMO) system to manage
its Radio Access Network (RAN). The SMO hosts
rApps, software applications designed to operate on
the Non-Real Time RAN Intelligent Controller (Non-
RT RIC). These applications aim to automate various
RAN management and optimization tasks, function-
ing with control loops that take effect over a time scale
of one second or longer. The MNO plans to deploy a
rApp developed by a software provider through its in-
stantiation over the HCP. The SMO components are
instantiated in the HCP, allowing the rApp to access
the Network Functions (NFs) within the RAN. In this
context, several interesting questions arise:
How to assess trustworthiness evidence from
How does the MNO choose the appropriate HCP
based on high confidence?
How can a relationship of trust can be built con-
tinuously between trustworthy parties?
Design of an Intelligent Trust Management Architecture for 5G Service Deployment
We design a generic trust management architecture
for a 5G network (5G-TMA) to support various use
cases requiring different levels of trust, security, and
reliability, consisting of four main modules (M1, M2,
M3, and M4), each making specific contributions, as
illustrated in Figure 2.
Figure 2: The Proposed 5G-TMA.
1. The Trustworthiness Assessment Module. The
5G ecosystem requires meticulous collection and
analysis of trust evidence to promote global technol-
ogy adoption and mitigate security and privacy risks.
We begin with the first sub-contribution, which is
proposing the trustworthiness model of 5G stakehold-
ers. The model uses a trust-based fuzzy logic system
to gather, assess, and organize evidence on trust met-
rics, security, and data sources through various inter-
faces to create trust profiles with all scores related to
trust for each stakeholder. The trustworthiness assess-
ment module consists of three interfaces: Trust Data
Submission Interface, Data Source Listing Interface,
and Interface Security Mechanisms. The Trust Data
Submission Interface allows nodes to share informa-
tion about their interactions with network providers or
services, enabling third-party recommendations and
indirect trust assessments. The Data Source Listing
Interface presents available data sources related to
trust, helping stakeholders determine how to utilize
the trust framework effectively. The Interface Secu-
rity Mechanisms ensure secure interactions between
network functions using secure API access tokens and
endpoint protection. However, the model’s effective-
ness in identifying trust strategies and relationships
among HCPs for 5G service deployment is limited,
necessitating an additional assessment for improve-
ment. The first module collects trust information from
each 5G stakeholder, compiles it into a trust profile,
and sends it to the second module for further analysis.
2. The Trust Assessment Module. We propose a
trust assessment framework that integrates game the-
ory (GT) predictive capabilities with reinforcement
learning (RL) adaptability. The framework evalu-
ates the trust relationships among 5G stakeholders
and creates a trust model to determine their eligibil-
ity for partnerships in deploying 5G services. This
model adapts to the evolving landscape of 5G tech-
nology, allowing stakeholders to adjust trust strategies
in real-time for successful deployment and operation.
It supports a dynamic trust decision-making process,
fostering strong stakeholder relationships. It includes
several key interfaces. The UseCase interface for 5G-
TMA demonstrates how different layers and compo-
nents interact with 5G-TMA for trust validation, scor-
ing, and policy enforcement. The Cross-layer Trust
interface also allows communication between the ser-
vice layer and 5G-TMA, facilitating dynamic policy
enforcement and adjustments to trust scores.
3. The Trust Lifecycle Management Module.
Based on the generated trust model, stakeholders en-
tering into partnerships are considered trustee part-
ners. It is essential to assess how trust information
is exchanged among these partners, which occurs in
several phases known as trust lifecycle management
(TLM). This process involves managing the trust rela-
tionships among stakeholders participating in the trust
model, including the phases of trust establishment,
evaluation, maintenance, and revocation, as detailed
in Section 6.3.
4. The Trust Decision-Making Module.In trust re-
lationships, reward and punishment mechanisms are
used to monitor stakeholders’ behaviors in real-time.
Trust scores are recalculated after new events, such as
security threats, policy changes, service-level agree-
ment (SLA) violations, service execution failures, and
time decay. Negative events decrease previous trust
scores, helping to identify more reliable stakehold-
ers, while positive events contribute to increased trust
scores. Implementing effective internal policies can
help maintain trust in established relationships.
The Business Support System (BSS) is a crucial com-
ponent of a telecommunications network owned by
the Network Operator. It manages customer busi-
ness operations. Additionally, the BSS oversees Ra-
dio Access Network (RAN) applications (referred to
as rApps) to enhance operational capabilities and im-
prove network efficiency. The Control Plane Network
Function (NF) is responsible for managing network
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Figure 3: Integration of 5G-TMA in 5G Architecture.
operations and data flow, while the Access and Mo-
bility Management Function (AMF) focuses on user
mobility and session management. The BSS initiates
workflows to deploy necessary network functions,
with the Management and Orchestration (MANO)
system handling the orchestration of this deployment
process. The BSS establishes a well-coordinated
workflow to meet specific service requirements, with
the MANO system coordinating these requests for
optimal performance. The Network Operator over-
sees the BSS, Operations Support System (OSS),
and MANO, implementing a strategic plan to deploy
rApps within the SMO and NF in the Control Plane
(CP). The 5G-TMA is designed to collect and process
information from the Operations, Administration, and
Management (OAM) entities distributed across vari-
ous HCPs. This data collection takes place when the
5G-TMA modules (M1, M2, M3, and M4 as shown
in Figure 2) perform their specific functions within
the proposed 5G-TMA architecture. M2 is particu-
larly important in this process, as it determines which
HCP(s) should be selected based on the current re-
quirements and conditions. Once M2 has made the
selection, it communicates with the OSS to instruct
it to deploy and instantiate the relevant applications,
known as rApps, along with the AMF. This deploy-
ment occurs within the selected HCPs, ensuring that
the necessary resources and functionalities are avail-
able to support optimal network performance and ser-
vice delivery.
This example demonstrates how to instantiate our ar-
chitecture in 5G networks, adapting it to the appropri-
ate methodologies and techniques for each use case’s
unique requirements and challenges.
6.1 Instantiate Trustworthiness
Assessment Module
Trustworthiness is often evaluated using qualitative
and ambiguous metrics like reliability and reputation,
which are challenging to measure with traditional
logic systems. Conventional probabilistic methods,
such as Bayesian inference (Wong, 2019) or Markov
models, struggle to accurately quantify trust relation-
ships (Nefti et al., 2005). The fuzzy logic system
effectively addresses uncertainty and imprecise in-
formation, which are the challenges of trustworthi-
ness. It allows for evaluating trust metrics that are not
strictly binary (such as low, medium, and high), of-
fering a more nuanced and continuous output. Inputs
like reputation, reliability, historical behavior, and se-
curity metrics are assessed using fuzzy rules to gen-
erate a trust score. These rules mimic human reason-
ing by skillfully handling vague and incomplete data
(Ampririt et al., 2021).
Figure 4: Module I: Trustworthiness Assessment based on
Fuzzy Logic.
The fuzzy system as illustrated in Figure 4 con-
sists of four main components: System Inputs, Fuzzi-
fication, Fuzzy Inference Engine, and Defuzzifica-
tion. System Inputs are variables analyzed to make
decisions in uncertain scenarios concerning trust met-
rics. Fuzzification determines the degree of mem-
bership for each input within various trust sets. The
Fuzzy Inference Engine processes fuzzy inputs based
on defined trust rules, producing trust membership de-
grees. Defuzzification converts these outputs into a
deterministic format called a trust profile. Fuzzy trust
sets represent varying levels of trust among 5G stake-
holders, with their corresponding membership func-
tions. A trust profile structure is used to evaluate a
stakeholder’s trustworthiness, including stakeholder
identification, overall trust score, trust metrics, con-
textual details, recommendations, and a timestamp.
The context highlights strengths and areas for im-
provement, while the recommendations offer strategic
enhanced trustworthiness and mitigate risks.
6.2 Instantiate Trust Assessment
Trust in network systems often relies on rational ex-
pectations and cooperation from trusted entities; in-
complete information can complicate the confirma-
tion process. We propose a framework that combines
GT and RL to address these trust issues. GT analyzes
Design of an Intelligent Trust Management Architecture for 5G Service Deployment
strategic decision-making interactions that can lead to
conflicting outcomes, while RL helps agents under-
stand the consequences of their actions and enhances
their decision-making abilities. Trust-based RL opti-
mizes interactions by adjusting trust levels based on
the actions and decisions of others. Deep Reinforce-
ment Learning (DRL) (Xiong et al., 2019) and GT
together can tackle complex problems in dynamic en-
vironments characterized by high stakeholder mobil-
ity. We propose a dynamic trust model specifically de-
signed for 5G stakeholders. This model is tailored to
various use cases and effectively addresses the com-
plexities of trust relationships in advanced 5G net-
works. It allows stakeholders to adjust their strate-
gies in real-time, fostering trust and cooperation that
are essential for the successful deployment and op-
eration of 5G networks. As illustrated in Figure 5,
the trust assessment module evaluates the trust lev-
els among various 5G stakeholders and their relation-
ships within a partnership. Its primary goal is to iden-
tify effective strategies for successfully deploying 5G
services. This module creates a dynamic trust model
by employing predictive GT and adaptive RL. It uti-
lizes trust profiles, network metrics, and global data
to identify stakeholders involved in a trust-based part-
nership. Furthermore, it assesses their trust relation-
ships to develop a comprehensive trust model for col-
Figure 5: Module II: Trust Assessment Based on GT & RL.
Step 1- Setup of Bayesian Game. Bayesian game
theory predicts trust strategies among 5G stakeholders
aligned with partnership objectives, considering their
private information and beliefs to optimize utility and
foster trusting relationships.
The 5G ecosystem comprises stakeholders de-
noted as P = {p
, p
, . . . , p
}, including network
operators and HCPs, each characterized by a type
, encompassing their capabilities, strategic pref-
erences, and trust profile. Each stakeholder P
has a trust strategy set, S
, based on quantitative
measures for decision-making, with the distribu-
tion function F
) representing initial assump-
tions about other stakeholders’ private informa-
tion in space S .
Each stakeholder has a payoff function, repre-
sented by u
: S
× S
× ... × S
R, which maps
a combination of trust strategies to a real num-
ber representing the payoff to the stakeholder, de-
noted as player p
. This function considers the
individual stakeholder and others’ strategies, con-
sidering trust-related aspects.
Step 2: Setup the DRL. The State Space S repre-
sents all possible trust states observed by RL agents
within 5G stakeholders, including public perceptions
of different trust types and conditions. Each state
s S represents a vector of trust-related variables
s = {v
, v
, ..., v
}, and the Reward Function R(s, a)
offers immediate rewards for actions a and states s,
combining economic benefits and trust-related out-
Step 4: DRL Algorithm. DRL is a machine learn-
ing technique that enables agents to make optimal de-
cisions without prior knowledge of the system or en-
vironment. It aims to maximize long-term rewards
by learning from past experiences. A trust model
is developed by integrating RL to optimize dynamic
trust strategies, reacting to current situations, and an-
ticipating future states based on stakeholder trust be-
haviours. GT provides structured insights into effec-
tive trust strategies, enhancing the learning process
within the RL process.
6.3 Instantiate TLM
The Trust Life Cycle Management (TLM) in Figure 6
facilitates collaboration among partners by establish-
ing trust agreements for data exchange and interaction
among 5G stakeholders. The MNO identifies poten-
tial HCPs like AWS, Google Cloud, and Microsoft
Azure, establishes trust requirements based on regula-
tory standards, business needs, and security policies,
issues digital certificates, manages credentials, imple-
ments access control policies, and conducts continu-
ous checks to ensure only authorized HCPs can access
the network and sensitive data.
Maintaining trust requires continuously monitor-
ing and analyzing behavior, collecting feedback, and
enforcing strict access controls. We assess risks to
identify potential threats and vulnerabilities associ-
ated with each HCP, using quantitative trust metrics to
evaluate their trustworthiness. Additionally, we con-
duct compliance checks to ensure that HCPs adhere
to defined trust policies and regulatory standards. We
also respect ZTA to verify every access request. Trust
evaluation involves updating policies based on trust
assessments, adjusting reputation scores, and consid-
ering thresholds. If an HCP is found to be non-
compliant or poses a security risk, their credentials
and access rights will immediately be revoked. Inci-
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Figure 6: Trust Life Cycle Management Phases.
dent response procedures will be activated to address
any breaches of trust and mitigate potential impacts
on the network and services. Revoking trust means
terminating the services provided by HCPs that are
no longer trusted or needed and ensuring that all data
is handled securely. Specific procedures are in place
to ensure that HCPs leave the system without com-
promising network security or data integrity.
The 5G-TMA is animated to adapt to various scenar-
ios and demonstrate its real-world applicability. It
offers context-specific trust establishment, monitor-
ing, evaluation, and enforcement methodologies in re-
sponse to 5G stakeholder changes, specifically sup-
porting trust relationships between CSPs, MNOs, and
1. Animate Trustworthiness Assessment Process.
Data collection in O-RAN and 5G architectures in-
volves multiple stakeholders, each responsible for
specific data types. Efficient data collection and
analysis are crucial for optimizing network perfor-
mance, ensuring security, and delivering high-quality
services. In O-RAN architecture, the Radio Intel-
ligent Controller (RIC), including both Near-Real-
Time (Near-RT) and Non-Real-Time (Non-RT) com-
ponents, along with interfaces such as E2 and O1,
play vital roles in data collection (Bonati et al., 2022).
In contrast, traditional 5G architectures rely on Op-
erations, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM)
systems, Network Management Systems (NMS), and
various network interfaces (F1, N2, N3, S1) for data
collection and management (Lei et al., 2021; 3GPP,
2020; Sharma et al., 2021). These components and
interfaces are designed to gather data efficiently, sup-
porting the optimization of network performance, the
maintenance of quality of service, and the facilitation
of advanced network management capabilities. Trust-
based fuzzy logic measures trustworthiness among
partners by adjusting trust attributes and normaliza-
tion processes based on specific requirements. This
results in a trust profile for each partner, generated
using trust contribution rules from trust metrics, as
shown in Figure 7. The fuzzy set F
= {L
, M
, H
categorizes trust metric scores into low L
, medium
, and high H
, with membership functions 1, 2,
and 3 representing the minimum l, medium m, and
maximum h trust metric scores for each category.
(x) =
1 , (x <= l)
, (l < x < h)
0 , (x >= l)
(x) =
0 , (x <= l)or(x >= h)
, (l < x < m)
, (m < x < h))
(x) =
0 , (x <= m)
, (m < x < h)
1 , (m < x <= h))
To effectively deploy 5G services in HCPs, it is es-
sential to consider several trust attributes: security,
privacy, reliability, performance, compliance, trans-
parency, and interoperability. Security guarantees the
confidentiality of data, while privacy safeguards user
information. Reliability ensures uninterrupted ser-
vice. Transparency involves clear data handling poli-
cies, and interoperability allows for seamless integra-
tion with existing systems and vendor equipment. The
rules determine how trust metrics such as reputation
scores R
, trust levels L
, behavioral trust B
, reliabil-
ity scores E
, security posture P
, and trustworthiness
index I
contribute to trust attributes by considering
expert knowledge, domain-specific requirements, and
trust metric characteristics, for instance, If R
is high
is high, Then Transparency is high. Attribute
values are calculated based on their corresponding
trust metrics, which are aggregated, normalized, or
weighted to create a trust attribute vector for each
stakeholder. This vector compiles with other informa-
tion into a structure called a trust profile, as shown in
Figure 7. Additionally, We proposed Table 1 to illus-
trate the contribution of trust metrics in trust attributes
for defining rules related to them.
2. Animate Trust Assessment Process. The trust
model, generated by GT and RL, considers stake-
holder OAM roles as DRL agents, enabling MNOs
to select HCPs for service deployment based on trust
metrics like reliability and data security.
Design of an Intelligent Trust Management Architecture for 5G Service Deployment
Table 1: Trust Metrics involved in the Trust Attribute.
Trust Metrics
Trust Attributes R
Figure 7: Generate a Trust Profile using Fuzzy Logic.
Step 1: Initial Setup. The process involves defining
trust requirements, establishing an initial trust level,
and forming initial beliefs based on historical perfor-
mance or previous interactions. The initial beliefs of
the MNO regarding the trustworthiness of each HCP
range from 0 to 1, as follows:
HCP1: Security: 0.7, Performance: 0.6, Interop-
erability: 0.8
HCP2: Security: 0.5, Performance: 0.5, Interop-
erability: 0.7
HCP3: Security: 0.9, Performance: 0.85, Interop-
erability: 0.9
Step 2: GT Model. MNOs and HCPs use GT to en-
hance their decision-making processes, with an em-
phasis on security, performance, and interoperability.
MNOs focus on prioritizing robust security protocols,
ensuring low latency, maintaining high reliability, and
achieving seamless integration with existing systems.
On the other hand, HCPs aim to improve interoper-
ability, realize cost savings, and allocate resources
effectively to boost security and performance, while
also ensuring strong interoperability.
Step 3: Define Strategies. The MNO and HCP are
strategizing to maximize their utility functions based
on trust levels. The MNO chooses HCPs with high
Table 2: Generate trust model based final trust levels.
Cloud Provider Security Performance Interoperability Selected
HCP1 0.72 0.65 0.85 YES
HCP2 0.52 0.55 0.73 NO
HCP3 0.93 0.88 0.92 YES
trust ratings. HCP1 invests in advanced interoper-
ability standards, which moderately improve secu-
rity. In contrast, HCP2 focuses on maintaining base-
line performance and cost-effectiveness without sig-
nificant investments. Meanwhile, HCP3 implements
advanced security solutions.
Step 4: Run RL. In Trust Relationships, RL involves
three components: state space, action space, and a
reward function. The initial state considers security,
performance, and interoperability levels. MNOs se-
lect HCPs based on trust levels, adjust investments,
and reward high-score HCPs.
HCP1: Security increases to 0.72, Performance
rises to 0.65, Interoperability improves to 0.85.
HCP2: It remains stable, with Security at 0.52,
Performance at 0.55, and Interoperability at 0.73.
HCP3: Security increases to 0.93, Performance
rises to 0.88, Interoperability improves to 0.92.
The MNO’s rewards are determined by the trust lev-
els assigned to each HCPs. HCP1 receives a mod-
erate reward for improving interoperability, HCP2 is
given a lower reward due to minimal enhancements,
and HCP3 is awarded the highest reward for making
substantial investments across all areas.
Step 5: Final Decision. Table 2 shows that the model
integrates GT and RL to dynamically adjust trust lev-
els. This capability allows MNOs to make informed
decisions, ensuring reliable service deployment for
HCP1 and HCP3.
The novelty of this work is unlike existing trust evalu-
ation mechanisms that operate in silos; it is the first to
construct a comprehensive 5G trust management ar-
chitecture. Our 5G-TMA integrates trust across the
RAN, Core Network, and Orchestration/Management
layers, ensuring end-to-end trust. The initiative aims
to foster trust among various 5G stakeholders, includ-
ing CSPs, service providers like HCPs, mobile net-
work operators, and end-users. It is designed for com-
patibility with heterogeneous hardware, diverse ven-
dors, and global standards (e.g., 3GPP, O-RAN). It
also incorporates dynamic and context-aware trust as-
sessment using AI/ML models that adapt to evolving
network behaviors, user activities, and threat land-
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Trustworthiness is crucial for 5G and future 6G
telecommunication services, encompassing factors
like security, reliability, and safety. However, eval-
uating trust in a 5G environment is complex, influ-
enced by factors like device reliability, communi-
cation behavior, and past interactions (Yang et al.,
2021). Future research should explore new parame-
ters and methods to manage trust among parties, en-
suring high-trust components in telecommunication
services. Development of comprehensive trust eval-
uation metrics and the use of machine learning and
artificial intelligence are expected to improve adap-
tive and accurate trust evidence collection. Interoper-
ability between 3GPP standards and O-RAN architec-
tures can be challenging, especially when incorporat-
ing Zero Trust principles. Future research should fo-
cus on establishing standardized protocols and inter-
faces for trust management, including uniformly ap-
plying trust metrics and security policies across net-
work components (Sun et al., 2022). Our plan aims
to enhance the trust life cycle management in 5G
and 6G networks by integrating detailed trust metrics,
AI, blockchain technologies, and privacy-preserving
techniques. This integration will improve trust assess-
ments, interoperability, security, and compliance with
international standards. Furthermore, we plan to es-
tablish a test bed to evaluate the framework’s secu-
rity, trust management, and network slice establish-
ment performance.
This paper presents an intelligent trust management
architecture for stakeholders in 5G services, utilizing
HCPs as the primary shared infrastructure. It is de-
signed to handle trust constraints, quantify 5G stake-
holder trustworthiness, and address trust management
issues in new 5G technologies and business environ-
ments. It aims to create trustworthy networks with
flexibility, reliability, and scalability. We then present
a scenario demonstrating our architecture’s support
for trust relationships between CSPs and HCPs in 5G
service deployment. The architecture is extensible,
accommodating multiple 5G stakeholders and provid-
ing a generic approach to assessing trustworthiness.
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