operating. To deal with this problem setting, the
proposed method (1) makes the spatial-temporal
graphs which represents not only visual features of
the participants but also the positions and the number
of the participants and (2) uses the graph to classify
to the category of the surgical processes. Our model
utilizes Point Transformer Layer as the building
blocks to deal with the graphs which has the
geometric information in spatial-temporal space.
By using the model, the early recognition of the
surgical process is performed on the public datasets;
mock surgery of knee replacement (Özsoy et al.,
2022). Experimental results show that our method can
recognize each surgical process from early durations
of the inputted video, where the F1 values in the
public dataset (Özsoy et al., 2022) are from 68.2% to
90.0% in 30 seconds from the beginning. These
results mean our method can recognize the surgical
process based on from early part 17.1 % to 34.1 % of
the entire information in (Özsoy et al., 2022),
respectively. Compared with the state-of-the-art in
terms of early recognition for the group activity (Zhai
et al., 2023), it is shown that that ours outperforms
(Zhai et al., 2023) in 4D-OR dataset (Özsoy et al.,
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