Investigating Behavioral and Neurophysiological Responses Across
Landslide Scenarios in Virtual Reality
Arjun Mehra
, Arti Devi
, Ananya Sharma
, Sahil Rana
, Shivam Kumar
K. V. Uday
and Varun Dutt
Applied Cognitive Science Lab, IIT Mandi, India
Geotechnical Engineering Lab, IIT Mandi, India
Keywords: Landslide Probability, Time of Day, EEG Measures, Collision Analysis, Alpha/Theta Ratio, Alpha/Gamma
Ratio, Beta/Gamma Ratio.
Abstract: The potential of virtual reality for disaster preparedness is enormous, but little is known about how different
landslide risks and environmental factors (day versus night) affect human reactions. Neurophysiological
(alpha/theta, alpha/gamma, and beta/gamma ratios from EEG) and behavioral (Euclidean distance, collisions,
and velocity around collisions) measures are combined in this study to investigate stress and cognitive
engagement in landslide simulations. In order to expose 80 participants to varying landslide probabilities, they
were randomly assigned to four groups with varying landslide risk and lighting conditions. Behavioral
deviations and cognitive workload were significantly influenced by perceived risk rather than lighting
conditions, according to the results. Electroencephalography (EEG) and behavioral outcomes were correlated,
which emphasized how crucial integral analysis is to comprehending disaster responses. These results
demonstrate how well virtual reality can develop cognitive resilience and offer guidance for creating training
plans that maximize performance in high-risk scenarios. This study develops dynamic, immersive VR-based
disaster preparedness apps.
Landslides cause significant global infrastructure
damage and fatalities annually, often triggered by
human activities or natural disasters like earthquakes
and floods, compounding disaster management
challenges (Highland, 2008; Petley, 2012). Even with
improvements in early warning systems, disaster
response is still hampered by the unpredictable nature
and quick onset of landslides.
A revolutionary tool for researching human
behavior in dangerous, difficult-to-replicate disaster
scenarios is virtual reality (VR) technology, which
provides immersive and controlled environments
(Alene, 2023; Du, 2021). Research indicates that VR-
based training improves risk perception, memory, and
real-world applicability, frequently matching field
training results (Gross, 2023; Adami, 2021).
Prior work only focused on static models and used
traditional methods to navigate landslide-prone areas.
This research highlighted this issue and addressed this
gap by using VR simulations to investigate people's
actions and responses in landslide scenarios.
Using virtual reality driving simulations, this
study examines how people react physically and
behaviorally to landslide threats during the day and at
night. It provides a thorough understanding of
landslide responses by analyzing participant behavior
Mehra, A., Devi, A., Sharma, A., Rana, S., Kumar, S., Uday, K. V. and Dutt, V.
Investigating Behavioral and Neurophysiological Responses Across Landslide Scenarios in Virtual Reality.
DOI: 10.5220/0013253000003911
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2025) - Volume 1, pages 949-956
ISBN: 978-989-758-731-3; ISSN: 2184-4305
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
and neurophysiological data (such as EEG). Public
awareness campaigns, disaster training initiatives,
and the construction of safer infrastructure in
landslide-prone areas can all benefit from the
The findings suggest that people's physical and
behavioral reactions can be influenced by the level of
perceived danger and simulated environment.
The remainder of the paper is organized as
follows. First, prior work done in related areas was
discussed briefly followed by the research gap. The
expectation section included details about behavioral
indicators, measures and effects of illumination. In
material and methodology, the section briefly
discussed the simulation, participants and
experimental design. At last, the implications and
future research highlighted
Research on disaster management is being
revolutionized by virtual reality (VR), which makes it
possible to examine human behavior in risky
situations without actual dangers. According to
Petley's research, virtual reality can be used to study
how people react to landslides, a common and deadly
natural disaster that causes a lot of damage (Petley,
Earthquakes, rain, or human activities like
deforestation can cause landslides, which are
complicated geophysical phenomena in which
material slides down slopes. Effective risk mitigation
and disaster response training are essential due to the
unpredictable nature of landslides and their abrupt
onset (Highland, 2008).
Researchers can evaluate stress levels, attention,
and cognitive engagement by examining these EEG
frequency bands during disaster simulations, giving
them a thorough grasp of how people react under
pressure. By pinpointing areas where participants
might need more assistance or practice, this method
improves the efficacy of training initiatives. EEG has
been shown to be useful in assessing mental stress and
cognitive workload in earlier research. For example,
studies have demonstrated that differences in Alpha,
Beta, Theta, and Gamma bands can be used as
markers of mental stress, underscoring the value of
these metrics in evaluating reactions in disaster drills
(Bakare, 2024).
By incorporating EEG analysis into disaster
preparedness training, customized interventions that
enhance cognitive resilience and performance under
stress can be created. This integration ultimately leads
to more effective disaster response strategies by
facilitating a more nuanced understanding of the
neural mechanisms underlying human behavior in
emergency situations.
Conventional crisis training is based on static
simulations or theoretical scenarios that don't
accurately represent the dynamics of actual events.
By producing dynamic, immersive environments,
virtual reality (VR) overcomes these drawbacks and
works well in disaster training scenarios. The
effectiveness of disaster preparedness is increased by
VR-based fire safety training, which performs better
than conventional approaches in terms of application
and retention (Smith, 2009).
According to Chittaro and Ranon's research,
virtual reality simulations can accurately evaluate and
get stakeholders ready for risks, producing outcomes
that are on par with field research (Chittaro, 2009).
These studies support the usefulness of VR in crisis
training, particularly in situations where testing in the
real world is risky or impractical.
Although there is evidence to support the use of
virtual reality (VR) in disaster training, the majority
of research ignores dynamic interactions, such as
navigating terrain that is prone to landslides, in favor
of static simulations (Takeda, 2005). Realistic
training is provided by dynamic scenarios, which
improve readiness and emergency response skills.
This study fills the gap by using VR-based
simulations to investigate reactions to dynamic
landslide scenarios.
This study simulates landslide accidents using
day-night conditions and probability distributions
(low: 0.2, high: 0.8). The study investigates how
participants react behaviorally and physiologically to
various situations. It uses neurophysiological
measurements (such as EEG) and self-reports to gain
a thorough understanding of how people react in risky
Through the extension of virtual reality to
dynamic, interactive scenarios, this study advances
our understanding of human behavior during
landslides. The results can be used to inform disaster
training programs, public awareness campaigns, and
safer infrastructure in landslide-prone areas.
We hypothesized that the perceived danger levels
associated with different landslide probabilities
would significantly alter the behavioral and
neurophysiological responses of research
participants. In particular, we anticipated that:
BIOSIGNALS 2025 - 18th International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
3.1 Behavioral Indicators
Participants exposed to high-probability landslide
scenarios would deviate more from their intended
driving path, as indicated by the Euclidean Distance
(ED) surrounding crashes. Because of the increased
perceived danger, this would imply more erratic
driving behavior and increased caution. More
collisions would occur in high-probability scenarios,
suggesting that participants would find it more
difficult to navigate the hazardous environment.
Participants would probably report faster velocities
close to collisions in high-risk situations, despite the
possibility that this would lead to less controlled
driving and more crashes. This could be a reflexive
attempt to quickly move away from perceived risks.
3.2 Measure of Neurophysiology
People would be more nervous and mentally focused
on the threat than they are at ease in high-risk
situations, according to the Alpha/Theta ratio, a
measure of cognitive engagement and alertness. The
measured Alpha/Gamma ratio, which is associated
with information flow and attention, would also
increase. This suggests that comprehending these
complex situations requires more mental work. In
high-risk circumstances, the Beta/Gamma ratio,
which gauges cognitive effort, would likewise rise,
reflecting the mental strain that the participants would
experience in riskier circumstances.
3.3 Effect of Illumination (Day Versus
We expected that responses would differ substantially
depending on the probability of landslides, but that
daytime versus nighttime lighting would have less of
an impact on the behavioral and neurophysiological
measurements. This would imply that the main factor
affecting participants' responses in the simulation is
perceived danger rather than environmental visibility.
These expectations were based on the knowledge
that people's thoughts and actions during disasters are
greatly influenced by their perceptions of risk. In
order to gain insight into the potential for VR-based
training programs to improve disaster preparedness,
the study was created to investigate how these
elements interact within a controlled virtual reality
4.1 Participants
As seen in Figure 1, 80 participants (60 men and 20
women, mean age = 22, SD = 1) were chosen at
random through an advertisement and asked to take
part in the study. Informed consent was acquired
through a Google form, and participation was entirely
voluntary. The only prerequisite for being on the
shortlist was being older than eighteen. In addition to
having educational backgrounds at least as high as a
high school diploma, each participant had a scientific
background and obtained intermediate school,
bachelor's, master's, and even doctoral degrees. The
study's participants received INR 100 in
compensation for their involvement.
4.2 Virtual Reality Simulation for
A virtual reality landslide simulation was created
using Unity 2021.3.30f1 with Gaia Pro, Easy Roads
3D Pro, and Realistic Car Controller V3 (Cai, 2023).
XR plugins were added to the simulation to enable
compatibility with Virtual Reality HMDs, and the
Logitech SDK was installed and incorporated into the
simulation to enable compatibility with the Logitech
steering wheel. According to the manually set
landslide probability, which was either 0.2 or 0.8
prior to the participant entering the play mode, the
simulation used three colliders to create a landslide
when a car entered the landslide-prone area. Gaia
Runtime was also used to set the day and night lights
before players switched to play mode. The night
mode can be accessed with reduced visibility and
time perception by adjusting the lighting settings'
time, which in turn modifies the position of the Sun,
the directional light source. To ensure that noise won't
impair participants' ability to drive, the hardware is
installed in a quiet lab space with air conditioning.
The participant's goal was to keep the vehicle on
the left side of the road and drive it to the end of the
road twice. Two C# scripts, positional and collision
data recorders, were added to the simulation in order
to gather the x, y, and z coordinates of the car's
position and collision with a landslide in CSV format.
In the parent folder where the project was stored,
these scripts stored the files in CSV format.
4.3 Experimental Design
The study complied with the Declaration of Helsinki
and received approval from the Institutional Ethics
Investigating Behavioral and Neurophysiological Responses Across Landslide Scenarios in Virtual Reality
Committee (World Medical Association, 2013).
Participants (N = 20 each) were split into four groups
at random:
Group 1: High probability of landslides, during
the day
Group 2: High probability of landslides, during
the night
Group 3: Low probability of landslides, during
the day
Group 4: Low probability of landslides, during
the night
Each experiment lasted 10–15 minutes,
depending on driving speed of the participant. The
collected data encompassed demographic
information, an Indian personality questionnaire, risk
assessment, evaluation of driving skills and
experience, terrain familiarity, weather condition
experience, night driving experience, accident
history, risk perception, and landslide perception, all
gathered subsequent to obtaining consent. Post-
simulation evaluations included VR experience
quality, driving behavior, realism, situational
awareness, confidence, and emotional response. Post-
simulation assessments encompassed the quality of
the VR experience, driving conduct, realism,
situational awareness, confidence, and emotional
response. The analyses were performed utilizing an
interactive landslide perception and education
program executed via a Google form.
Figure 1: A VR landslide sim setup (Night condition).
Following the acquisition of all pre-experimental
details, pre-experimental EEG data with eyes open
were concurrently collected for six minutes utilizing
a 4-channel headband (four channels: TP9, TP10,
AF7, and AF8), as illustrated in Figure 1.
Subsequently, participants donned a VR headset in
conjunction with a 4-channel headband to facilitate
the collection of EEG data while driving.
Subsequently, participants were instructed to
operate a vehicle under one of the four randomly
assigned conditions depicted in Figure 2. The
perspective is from the driver's seat, featuring a
movable steering wheel and unobstructed views of
the surroundings, simulating the experience of
operating a vehicle. The landslide is observable and
transpired in front of the vehicle. EEG data, positional
data, and collision data from the participants were
collected during the experiment, followed by a post-
experience assessment utilizing questionnaires.
Figure 2: Participant’s point of view in Day condition.
The gathered data was processed using a number
of methods. Python was used to process the EEG data
for the pre-experimental and collision-area segments
in order to calculate the Alpha/Theta, Alpha/Gamma,
and Beta/Gamma measures. In order to determine the
Euclidean distance, the number of collisions, and the
velocity around the collisions, position and collision
data are also processed using a Python script. Two-
way ANOVAs were used on all behavioral and EEG
measures to examine the effects of various between-
subject training conditions.
5.1 Behavioral Measures
5.1.1 Ed Around Collision
ED around collisions was higher in high-probability
scenarios (M = 219.75; SE = 26.50) than in low-
probability ones (M = 82.16; SE = 26.85; F(1, 75) =
13.30, p < 0.001, η = 0.15; Figure 3). This indicates
greater spatial navigation variation under higher
collision risks. Lighting conditions (Day: M =
134.36; Night: M = 167.55) had no significant effect
(F(1, 75) = 0.51, p = 0.48, η = 0.01). There was no
significant interaction between landslide probability
and lighting (High Probability - Day: Mean = 220.91;
SE = 37.15, High Probability - Night: Mean = 218.59;
SE = 37.13; Low Probability - Day: Mean = 47.81;
SE = 37.15, Low Probability - Night: Mean = 116.50;
SE = 37.13) (F(1, 75) = 1.51, p = 0.22, η= 0.02).
BIOSIGNALS 2025 - 18th International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
5.1.2 Number of Collisions
Collisions were more frequent in high-probability
scenarios (M = 4.05; SE = 0.57) than in low-
probability ones (M = 0.62; SE = 0.57; F(1, 75) =
18.17, p < 0.05, η = 0.20; Figure 3). This result
indicates that if participants thought there was a
greater chance of landslides, they were more likely to
collide with falling rocks. Collisions were unaffected
by lighting (Day: M = 2.45; Night: M = 2.22; F(1, 75)
= 0.51, p = 0.48, η= 0.00) or probability-lighting
interactions. (High Probability - Day: Mean = 4.62;
SE = 0.81, High Probability - Night: Mean = 3.48; SE
= 0.81; Low Probability - Day: Mean = 0.28; SE =
0.81, Low Probability - Night: Mean = 0.96; SE =
0.81) (F(1, 75) = 1.51, p = 0.22, η = 0.00). 
5.1.3 Velocity Around Collision
Collision velocity was higher in high-probability
scenarios (M = 411.67; SE = 52.57) than in low-
probability ones (M = 109.94; SE = 53.26; F(1, 75) =
16.26, p < 0.001, η = 0.18; Figure 3). The results
indicate that when participants were in more
hazardous situations and faced collisions, they
reacted faster, probably as a reflex to avoid the
obstacles. Both lighting conditions had no significant
effect on collision velocity (Day: M = 265.80; Night:
M = 255.81; F(1, 75) = 0.22, p = 0.64, η= 0.03).
Additionally, the interaction between landslide
probability and lighting conditions was also not
significant (High Probability - Day: Mean = 413.08;
SE = 75.98, High Probability - Night: Mean = 410.25;
SE = 75.98; Low Probability - Day: Mean = 118.53;
SE = 75.98, Low Probability - Night: Mean = 101.36;
SE = 75.98) (F(1, 75) = 2.20, p = 0.14, η= 0.03).
Figure 3: Graph of the three behavioral measures.
Three behavioral metrics are displayed in Figure
3: the Euclidean Distance (ED) around collision, the
frequency of collisions, and the velocity around
collision. The mean values (along with standard
deviations) of these three metrics are displayed in the
bar chart for both high and low landslide likelihood
scenarios. The results showed that people displayed
significantly higher ED around collisions, more
collisions, and increased velocity around collisions in
high-probability scenarios compared to low-
probability scenarios. This suggests that participants
were more likely to navigate erratically, collide with
barriers, and move more quickly when they perceived
a greater risk of landslides.
5.2 EEG Measures
5.2.1 Alpha/Theta
The landslide probability had a significant impact on
the Alpha/Theta ratio. High-probability scenarios had
higher ratios (Mean = 2.69; SE = 0.43) compared to
low-probability scenarios (Mean = 1.37; SE = 0.43)
(see Figure 4; F(1, 76) = 4.62, p < 0.05, η = 0.56).
Participants' perception of a greater risk of landslides
was associated with increased cognitive engagement
and decreased relaxation. There was no significant
effect of lighting conditions on the Alpha/Theta ratio
(F(1, 76) = 2.38, p = 0.13, η = 0.03), suggesting that
the day or night setting did not have a significant
impact on Alpha/Theta ratio. In addition, the
interaction effect between the probability of
landslides and lighting conditions was not significant
(High Probability - Day: Mean = 3.70; SE = 0.61,
High Probability - Night: Mean = 1.68; SE = 0.61;
Low Probability - Day: Mean = 1.31; SE = 0.61, Low
Probability - Night: Mean = 1.42; SE = 0.61) (F(1,
76) = 2.99, p = 0.09, η = 0.04).
5.2.2 Alpha/Gamma
There were higher Alpha/Gamma ratios seen in high-
probability scenarios (Mean = 1.91; SE = 0.14) than
in low-probability scenarios (Mean = 0.97; SE = 0.14)
(see Figure 4; F(1, 76) = 22.25, p < 0.001, η = 0.23).
The results imply a higher level of focus, attention,
and cognitive processing in reaction to more
dangerous conditions. The primary impact of lighting
conditions on the Alpha/Gamma ratio was found to
be insignificant (Day: Mean = 1.68; SE = 0.14, Night:
Mean = 1.20; SE = 0.14) (F(1, 76) = 3.00, p = 0.09,
η = 0.04). There was also no significant interaction
effect between landslide probability and lighting
conditions (High Probability - Day: Mean = 2.37; SE
= 0.20, High Probability - Night: Mean = 1.45; SE =
0.20; Low Probability - Day: Mean = 0.99; SE = 0.20,
Low Probability - Night: Mean = 0.96; SE = 0.20)
(F(1, 76) = 2.25, p = 0.14, η = 0.03).
Investigating Behavioral and Neurophysiological Responses Across Landslide Scenarios in Virtual Reality
5.2.3 Beta/Gamma
The main impact of landslide probability on the
Beta/Gamma ratio was significant, where high-
probability scenarios had higher ratios (Mean = 1.36;
SE = 0.06) compared to low-probability scenarios
(Mean = 0.85; SE = 0.06) (see Figure 4; F(1, 76) =
31.05, p < 0.001, η= 0.29). This implies a rise in
cognitive workload and stress as a response to a
higher perceived risk. The main impact of lighting
conditions on the Beta/Gamma ratio was found to be
insignificant (Day: Mean = 1.11; SE = 0.06, Night:
Mean = 1.10; SE = 0.06) (F(1, 76) = 0.16, p = 0.70,
η= 0.00). Lastly, there was also no significant
interaction effect between landslide probability and
lighting conditions (High Probability - Day: Mean =
1.36; SE = 0.08, High Probability - Night: Mean =
1.36; SE = 0.08; Low Probability - Day: Mean = 0.87;
SE = 0.08, Low Probability - Night: Mean = 0.83; SE
= 0.08) (F(1, 76) = 0.49, p = 0.49, η= 0.01).
Figure 4: Graph of the three EEG measures.
The three EEG measures—Alpha/Theta,
Alpha/Gamma, and Beta/Gamma ratios—mean
values (with standard errors) were also compared as
shown in Figure 4 for both high and low landslide
probability scenarios. The findings show that in high-
probability scenarios, all three ratios were
considerably higher, suggesting higher levels of
stress, focused attention, and cognitive involvement.
This suggests that when individuals believed that
there was a larger chance of landslides, they felt more
stressed and under cognitive stress.
The study's findings provide intriguing new insights
into how people respond to varying degrees of danger
in landslide simulations, both behaviorally and
neurophysiologically. The findings suggest that
perceived risk, rather than ambient lighting
conditions, is the primary factor influencing
participants' cognitive and physiological responses.
6.1 Behavioral Responses to Perceived
High-probability scenarios increased participants’
course deviations, as shown by the rise in ED around
crashes. This suggests cautious yet erratic navigation
under pressure. Increased accidents suggest perceived
threats led to more mistakes, aligning with higher
stress and cognitive load.
High-risk conditions also saw increased crash
velocities. According to this, Participants may have
reflexively increased speed to evade perceived
danger. However, higher speeds likely reduced
control, leading to more crashes. Since lighting
conditions did not significantly alter any of these
behavioral measures, it is further evidence that
perceived danger level—rather than visibility—was
the primary factor influencing participants' behaviors.
6.2 Neurophysiology of Stress and
Cognitive Engagement
These findings from behavior are supported by
neurophysiological evidence. In high-probability
circumstances, the Alpha/Theta ratio significantly
increases, indicating increased cognitive involvement
and attention. In order to prepare for the impending
threat, participants were probably less at ease and
more mentally concentrated. This fits with the
observed propensity of behavior to increase velocity
and diverge more from the route surrounding
A state of concentrated attention and cognitive
processing is reflected in the Alpha/Gamma ratio,
which also rose in high-risk circumstances. Not only
were participants eager, but they were also focusing
their mental energies on comprehending the intricate
and ever-changing simulation environment. Although
this enhanced amount of cognitive processing was
required to navigate the dangerous environment, it's
possible that it increased the number of crashes
because it put more strain on participants' minds than
they could handle.
In high-probability situations, there was a
substantial increase in the Beta/Gamma ratio, a
measure of cognitive strain and stress. This result
emphasizes the elevated psychological stress that
participants felt in reaction to the anticipated
landslide danger. The observed behavioral
consequences can be explained by the individuals'
BIOSIGNALS 2025 - 18th International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
reduced capacity to conduct precise, controlled
moves due to higher stress levels. Once more, this
EEG evidence does not show a substantial effect from
lighting conditions, indicating that perceived danger
was the only factor influencing cognitive and
emotional states.
6.3 Consequences of VR-Based
Emergency Education
These results have major implications for VR-based
disaster training design and implementation.
Perceived risk strongly affects tension, cognitive
engagement, and attention, as per the study. VR
training simulations should prioritize realistic risk
scenarios to evoke authentic cognitive and emotional
We would project that the total cost of
implementing VR-based training or education would
not exceed £2000 (roughly ₹200000 INR). A
performance desktop computer, a steering wheel with
pedals, a virtual reality headset, and a multi-channel
EEG band (for gathering EEG data) make up the
majority of the hardware in a lab room that can
accommodate all of this. If we were to train 80
participants, we would only need to spend 25 pounds
per person, which could be as little as 2 pounds per
person if there were 1000 participants. Mock drills
involving real vehicles and controlled rockfall on
such a large scale, in a large environmental setting,
would be more costly in real life.
Furthermore, the findings imply that although
greater cognitive involvement and processing help
individuals become more adept at navigating
dangerous situations, these advantages need to be
counterbalanced by techniques for handling the stress
and cognitive effort that come with it. VR disaster
training programs may be more successful if they
include instruction on stress management strategies,
making decisions under duress, and building
cognitive resilience.
6.4 Limitations and Prospects for
Further Study
Although the study offers insightful information,
there are several drawbacks. To improve the
simulation's ecological validity, other environmental
factors that are frequently connected to landslide-
prone places, including rain, fog, or thunderstorms,
might be added. Subsequent investigations may
examine the impact of these supplementary
environmental elements on the behavior and
cognitive reactions of participants.
Furthermore, the findings' generalizability could
be improved by increasing the sample's relative
homogeneity. Thus, including a wider variety of
backgrounds in the participant pool in the future may
yield more complex insights and improve the
robustness of the findings.
To obtain a more thorough knowledge of how
various characteristics of physiological stress interact
with behavioral outcomes in high-risk circumstances,
future studies might also include additional
physiological measurements, such as blood pressure,
heart rate variability (HRV), and blood oxygen levels,
along with neurofeedback. While the current study
provides separate analyses of behavioral and EEG
measures, future work may aim to establish integral
analyses by correlating EEG metrics directly with
behavioral outcomes. Specifically, metrics such as
the Alpha/Theta and Beta/Gamma ratios, which
indicate stress and cognitive engagement, can be
examined in relation to behavioral markers like
Euclidean distance and collision frequency. This
approach would offer a deeper understanding of how
cognitive and emotional states influence real-time
decision-making and performance in high-risk virtual
6.5 Conclusions
This study demonstrates that perceived danger, not
lighting, drives behavioral and neurophysiological
responses in simulated landslides. By simulating
actual crises and evoking genuine emotional and
cognitive responses, virtual reality (VR) holds
promise as a disaster training tool. Future research
may also provide more thorough insights into
participants' preparedness and reactions in such
circumstances by integrating behavioral and EEG
data. Integrating stress and cognitive effort
management can enhance VR-based disaster training
The authors would like to thank the Indian Institute of
Technology Mandi, for providing the hardware and
lab space. We acknowledge the support from
National Mission on Himalayan Studies project
(IITM/NMHS/VD/499) to Prof. Varun Dutt.
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BIOSIGNALS 2025 - 18th International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing