Assessing Goal Disengagement Using a Digital, Card-Based Game:
A Proof of Concept Study
Sebastian Unger
, Hana Minařík and Thomas Ostermann
Department of Psychology and Psychotherapy, Witten/Herdecke University,
Alfred-Herrhausen-Str. 50, 58448 Witten, Germany
Keywords: Proof of Concept Study, Choice Behavior, Mental Processes, Experimental Game.
Abstract: The distinction between goal engagement (GE) and goal disengagement (GD) as central psychological
processes is supported by several theories of developmental regulation. However, although there has been
research on both, research on GD has been rather neglected, especially when it comes to behavioral methods
for its assessment. The objective of this paper, therefore, is to evaluate the feasibility of such a behavioral
method by placing a homogeneous group of participants in a situation where they need to distinguish whether
the effort to solve a digital, card-based game leads to successful goal achievement or to frustration. The data
from this group revealed no significant differences in the participants' behavior over the course of the game.
Nonetheless, some tendencies in the number of repetitions and the number of cards collected until the
occurrence of a GD could be found when differentiating between participants who adhered to their goals more
persistently and those who disengaged more frequently. Overall, the game may have potential for both
replacing previous assessment methods and identifying suitable individuals for long-term rehabilitation and
behavioral therapies, but further research is required for application in a clinical setting.
1.1 Background
Several prominent theories of developmental
regulation across the life span distinguish between
goal engagement (GE) and goal disengagement (GD)
as key psychological processes (Haase et al., 2013).
Both have been associated with indicators of
successful aging, depending on individuals’
resources, and opportunity structures (Heckhausen et
al., 2010). However, while GE has been the subject of
extensive research, research on GD has been rather
neglected (Kappes & Schattke, 2022), despite
substantial evidence that GD plays a central role in
benefiting individuals’ well-being (Tomasik et al.,
2010; Wrosch et al., 2003).
Both GE and GD are usually assessed using self-
reports, with their inherent advantages and
disadvantages. Turning to more behavioral methods,
GE is typically assessed by indicators such as
persistence or aspiration level (e.g., DiCerbo, 2014).
Few, if any, behavioral methods are available for
assessing GD. One exception is that of Rühs et al.
(2022), who tested how social rejection in a virtual
ball-tossing game would affect participants’ goal of
becoming a member of a group. However, it must be
pointed out that this method requires multiple
individuals for a measurement, who must also get to
know each other better beforehand to develop the
goal initially. A notable method applicable to single
individuals is that of Freund and Tomasik (2021). Its
focus lies on the process of prioritization by inducing
a goal conflict in a lab-based experiment, forcing
participants to let go of one induced goal in order to
pursue the other. This method, however, relies on the
notion of limited resources in a multiple goal scenario
and it is not clear whether it is useful for the
assessment of an individual’s propensity to disengage
from a single goal. For a single goal scenario, an
outstanding example is a method that analysed GD in
the context of social relationships (Thomsen et al.,
2017). Here, participants are asked to solve a puzzle
after observing a familiar person attempt the task.
Unger, S., Mina
rík, H. and Ostermann, T.
Assessing Goal Disengagement Using a Digital, Card-Based Game: A Proof of Concept Study.
DOI: 10.5220/0013254100003911
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2025) - Volume 2: HEALTHINF, pages 698-704
ISBN: 978-989-758-731-3; ISSN: 2184-4305
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
However, because solving a puzzle requires a certain
degree of logical thinking, it could introduce
unwanted bias in individuals less proficient in this
skill through various conditions (Baldo et al., 2015;
Morris et al., 1995).
Taken together, the adaptive value of GD has
been shown to be prominent when a goal is
unattainable (Tomasik et al., 2010; Wrosch et al.,
2003). Hence, an individual needs to distinguish
between situations in which increased effort will turn
into successful goal attainment and situations in
which increased effort will only result in frustration.
As there is no all-encompassing method yet, there is
a need for an instrument that confronts individuals
with both types of situations to assess their
competence in distinguishing between them and
drawing appropriate behavioral consequences.
1.2 Objectives of the Paper
The main objective of this paper is to evaluate the
feasibility of a digital, card-based game developed to
assess GD in a situation where increased effort is
likely lead to frustration. To this end, the novel
assessment method and its fundamental parameters
are investigated using a small number of participants.
However, the paper is not solely intended to present
the research results, but also aims to determine
whether further research with this game is
2.1 Participants
For this proof of concept study, a homogeneous group
of participants was recruited at the Witten/Herdecke
University. The group consisted of 50 psychology
students (41 women and 9 men), all of whom were
over 18 years old and had no limitations in hearing or
vision, nor acute or pre-existing mental health
conditions. The age of the participants ranged from
19 to 48 years with a mean age of 23.52 ± 5.63 years.
All participants had to sign an informed consent
form and received credit points for their studies as
compensation. At the start of the study, participants
were informed about the whole procedure, including
the course of the game. They were told that they could
earn points for completing the game’s task. However,
this was just a manipulation intended to encourage
participants to persist in solving the task for as long
as possible, as the game has no clear endpoint.
2.2 Game
2.2.1 Software
The game was developed with PsychoPy (version
2021.1.4), a free and open-source application for
creating experiments in behavioral science with the
programming language Python (Peirce et al., 2019).
For this experiment, PsychoPy was installed on a
Windows 10 operating system, which was used for
both development and game execution. The game
was built as a full-screen presentation, with most of it
created via PsychoPy’s integrated Builder interface.
The final game comprised six routines, containing
components such as buttons and text fields, and two
loops, repeating a single or multiple routines. Some
routines also included custom Python code to meet the
game’s specific requirements, e.g., measuring GD.
2.2.2 Course of the Game
The game consists of three phases: the introduction
(1), the game (2), and the ending (3). Phase 2 can be
further divided into two subphases: the collection task
(2a) and the follow-up questions (2b). The goal of the
game is to collect as many sextuples of cards as
possible, with no indication of the game’s duration or
number of rounds.
Phase 1 masks the start of the game. Here, the
game’s task and instructions (e.g., how to proceed or
collect a card) are presented. This phase was
implemented using three sequentially executed
routines displaying the instructions via text fields.
Participants could spend as much time as needed to
read these instructions, as each routine concludes
only upon pressing the space bar.
Following the introduction, Phase 2 begins
(specifically Phase 2a), during which participants
attempt to collect a sextuple of cards. This phase was
implemented using a single routine repeated 32 times
by a loop. The routine normally presents one of six
different cards, distinguished by symbols from the
board game Mahjong (i.e., bamboo, coins, leaf
(autumn), striped (reverse side), white (dragon), and
writing (north wind)). The card to be presented is
specified in a file in a fixed order and the participant
must decide for or against the given card. If a
participant decides to collect the card, it must be
moved into the empty field highlighted in the row
below. The next card is then presented upon pressing
the space bar. Alternatively, the participant can also
skip the card. In this case, the space bar must be
pressed without placing a card. This collection
process continues until a sextuple of cards is collected
Assessing Goal Disengagement Using a Digital, Card-Based Game: A Proof of Concept Study
or the 32
repetition is completed. A part of this
procedure is presented in Figure 1. However, if a
participant disengages from the previously set goal by
placing a different card, all already placed cards are
removed and the collection process begins with the
newly chosen card. Such event is interpreted as GD
and is registered without the participant noticing.
Figure 1: Example of the collection process in Phase 2a,
highlighting the target field for card placement. On top,
placing the card would initiate the next routine with three
collected cards. On bottom, placing the card would initiate
the next routine with only the newly chosen card.
Each instance of Phase 2a is followed by Phase
2b, which also consists of a single routine. Here,
participants were asked three questions: “Which card
was the last one?”, “Which card was the most
frequent one?”, and “Which card will be the next
one?”. While the first two questions address short-
term memory, the third question requires participants
to make a prediction about the future. To answer the
questions, all six cards and three empty fields are
presented, as illustrated in Figure 2. As before,
participants must move a card into a field and end the
routine by pressing the space bar.
Using a second loop, Phase 2 is repeated between
six and 300 times. Beginning with the 6
the loop terminates at the end of Phase 2b if at least
one GD was registered. During each repetition, Phase
2b remains unchanged, whereas Phase 2a changes
accordingly. The game is programmed such that the
task can only be solved in the 1
and 5
because the 6
card of a sextuple cannot be found in
the other repetitions.
Figure 2: Illustration of Phase 2b, showing three empty
fields for answers. For clarity, the mapping of questions to
answer field has been omitted.
The final phase, Phase 3, has only the purpose of
signalizing the end of the game. Therefore, a single
routine displaying the message via a text field
sufficed. Pressing the space bar in this phase closes
the game completely.
2.2.3 Output Parameters
The game exports all parameters that PsychoPy’s
experiments provide by default. Additionally, there is
three numeric, self-implemented parameters: GD
count, collected cards, and repetitions. All three are
initialized with the value zero.
GD count is the number of GDs a participant
made during the game. The value is incremented by
one whenever a GD occurs, i.e., if a participant
disengages from collecting the chosen sextuple of
Collected cards is the number of cards collected
by a participant by the time a GD occurs. Since there
could be several GDs, this parameter represents the
mean. In case of the example in Figure 1 (bottom), the
value would be 2 if no other GD occurs.
Repetitions is the duration by the time a GD
occurs. As with the collected cards, it represents the
mean. A characteristic of this parameter is that its
value is only incremented by one during the
initialization of the routine from phase (2a) if the first
card was already collected. Otherwise, the value
remains at zero.
2.3 Statistical Analysis
The analysis of the output parameters was conducted
using the programming language R (version 4.4.1).
Next to some basic functions, the investigation of
parameters’ primary characteristics required
HEALTHINF 2025 - 18th International Conference on Health Informatics
functions of the ggplot2 package. To visualize the
correlations between parameters in a 3-dimensional
space, the scatterplot3d package that is built for
multivariate data (Ligges & Maechler, 2003) was
3.1 Key Results
The frequency distributions of the three outcome
parameters in the form of histograms are illustrated in
Figure 3. The top histogram indicates that most of the
GDs occurred mainly within 100 repetitions. Other
than that, there were only a few participants that
disengage later, resulting in a mean of
113.57 ± 353.77 repetitions. One participant was
particularly persistent in reaching the goal. It was not
until the 2378 repetition that this participant changed
to a different card.
The middle histogram of Figure 3 clearly shows
that when participants disengaged from the goal, they
did so preferably after the 1
or after the 5
card. Only one participant changed after collecting
the 4
card. As a result, the participants collected
2.45 ± 2.9 cards on average.
When examining the bottom histogram of
Figure 3, it is noticeable that there are similarities
with the frequency distribution of the top histogram.
On the one hand, the number of GDs a participant
made tends to be in the lower spectrum. On the other
hand, only a minority of participants disengaged more
than five times, with one participant having 14 GDs
forming the end of the spectrum. On average,
participants made 2.54 ± 2.9 GDs during the game.
The correlations between the parameters are
presented in Figure 4, with no obvious differences
observed between females and males. When viewed
together, it appears that two clusters have formed in
the lower spectrum of GD count: a larger cluster in
relation to a few collected cards (up to three) and a
smaller cluster in relation to many collected cards
(more than three).
The regression plane provides further information
about the relationships between parameters. Based on
the assumption that GD count is the predictor, the
plane is a visual representation of the formula:
c∗zd (1)
The regression plane has an intercept of 3.35.
There is a slight negative slope of < -0.001 along the
x-axis and a slight negative slope of -0.29 along the
y-axis, suggesting that participants who adhered their
Figure 3: Histograms showing the frequency of output
parameters across the curse of the game. The top one shows
the repetitions until a GD occurred, the middle one the
collected cards until a GD occurred, and the bottom one the
number of GDs made during the game.
goals were slightly more willing to perform more
repetitions and tended to collect more cards than
those who disengaged more frequently. However, the
correlations are not significant (F(2, 47) = 1.21,
Assessing Goal Disengagement Using a Digital, Card-Based Game: A Proof of Concept Study
p = 0.31). This also becomes clear when looking at
Figure 4. The slope along the x-axis is only visible
due to the broad spectrum covered by the parameter
and the slope along the y-axis, even it is greater than
the other one, is barely recognizable.
Figure 4: 3-Dimensional point cloud showing the
relationships between repetitions (x-axis), collected cards
(y-axis), and GD count (z-axis). For reference, a regression
plane (dotted grid) is provided.
3.2 Secondary Results
The entire game, including the loading time of
PsychoPy, took 9.73 ± 10.12 minutes on average. The
fastest participant finished in 5.27 minutes, whereas
the slowest participant, which was also the one with
the most repetitions, took 1 hour and 14.55 minutes
(74.55 minutes).
Figure 5: Histogram of responses to the follow-up
questions. Since participants were allowed to skip the
questions, a category for no answer (N.A.) is included.
When answering the follow-up questions about
the last shown card and the most frequently occurring
card, participants predominantly chose the card with
the leaf symbol, as presented in Figure 5. Especially
for the latter question, this card was chosen much
more frequently than any other card. When asked
which card would be shown next, the participants'
responses varied considerably. Instead of having a
preference, they choose each card almost equally
often, except for the card with the coins, which was
chosen far less frequently.
The results indicate that the participants generally
exhibited homogeneous behavior in terms of both
solving the game’s task and answering the follow-up
questions. In particular, no significant differences
were found in behavior when solving the game's task.
The two main clusters in the lower spectrum of GD
count and the slopes of the regression plane could still
reveal some interesting behavioral patterns. It appears
that there are slight tendencies among the participants
who adhered to their goals more persistently and the
participants who disengaged more quickly and more
frequently. Perhaps, participants who disengaged
before collecting the 4
card needed a short
orientation phase, while participants who collected
more than three cards approached the task in a
systematic and profit-oriented manner. Overall, the
adaptive value of GD under the circumstance that the
goal is unattainable (Tomasik et al., 2010; Wrosch et
al., 2003) appears to have been recognized either
intuitively or intentionally. Only one participant
demonstrated enormous persistence toward achieving
the goal, which might have caused a similarly
negative effect as a goal conflict, as the hope of
achieving the goal could still have existed (Freund
and Tomasik, 2021).
In the follow-up questions, it is particularly
noticeable that the answers to the two questions on
short-term memory were similar in the sense that the
participants preferred to select a specific card. In
contrast, there was no clear preference for the
question on predicting the future, which in turn could
reflect the group's individualism.
Regarding similar games, homogeneous behavior
within homogeneous groups is to be expected. An
example is the Iowa Gambling Task, a card-based
game for decision-making (Bechara et al., 1994). An
investigation of this game by Steingroever et al.
(2013), testing the performance of a homogeneous
group of healthy participants, demonstrated that
although the participants showed individual behavior,
they also shared a common characteristic: taking
smaller risks during the course of the game. A study
on another game for decision-making (Franckenstein
et al., 2022) could also supports the feasibility of the
novel assessment method presented here. In that
study, a homogeneous group (students and staff from
the same university) was first divided into two
HEALTHINF 2025 - 18th International Conference on Health Informatics
subgroups by manipulating the task. Thus, the
common characteristic that the control group was
more likely to use a safe strategy could be observed.
In technical respect, the implementation of the
game via PsychoPy (Peirce et al., 2019) was quick
and smooth. Except for a few features, the integrated
Builder interface was sufficient for the
implementation, so that the game could be rebuilt
with little prior knowledge. The game’s simplicity
makes it even realistic to build the game with other
applications or programming languages, which
should increase its acceptance.
Despite all the positive aspects, some limitations
must be mentioned. First, the number of participants
was far too small to provide conclusive findings with
this study. And second, the game requires testing on
a heterogeneous group. While clearer generalizability
can be achieved with a homogeneous group compared
to a heterogeneous group, the results cannot be
generalized to the entire population (Jager et al.,
2017). Additionally, the group consists of psychology
students who may have been aware of the concept of
GD and thus may have influenced the results. A
heterogeneous group is therefore needed to capture
sufficient characteristic differences that may be
helpful in a clinical setting, e.g., for the diagnosis of
conditions such as pathological gambling or for the
selection of rehabilitation and behavioral therapies.
While in the diagnosis of gambling, high repetitions
and a low GD count may indicate risky gambling
behavior, in the selection of rehabilitation and
behavioral therapy, these same values could represent
an individual’s persistence, suggesting the suitability
of long-term therapies.
Altogether, future research should focus on an
external validation of this game to strengthen the
results of this study. The Risk Tolerance
Questionnaire, the Arnett Inventory of Sensation
Seeking, or the Sensation Seeking Scale, with which
pathological gamblers achieve demonstrably high
values (Powell et al., 1999), seem quite useful for this
purpose in the form of a linear regression analysis,
with one of these questionnaires as the predictor.
Alternatively, this game could be compared to similar
behavioral, gambling-related methods, for example,
to the long-established Iowa Gambling Task (Bechara
et al., 1994) or the recently published dice-based
game for decision-making (Franckenstein et al.,
2022). Such comparisons may help to identify the
differences and similarities, allowing for more
efficient application of these games and a better
understanding of how they capture various aspects of
decision-making and GD.
This proof of concept study aimed to evaluate the
feasibility of a digital game for GD based on
collecting a sextuple of cards. The results revealed
that the behavior of the participants with regard to GD
is comparatively similar. Only in the number of
repetitions and the number of collected cards,
participants seem to have had some different, albeit
minor, tendencies at the time of a GD. In addition,
there was no preference in response to the question
about predicting the future, which in turn could reflect
the group's individualism.
Due to its simplicity, the game is not only easy to
replicate, but also easy to understand in its
application. In addition, it is unaffected by external
influences and could therefore serve as an alternative
assessment method to previous ones, such as those
relying on solving a puzzle (Thomsen et al., 2017) or
becoming a member of a group (Rühs et al., 2022).
However, it is recommended to investigate the
assessment method in further studies with a more
heterogeneous group or external validation using
methods such as questionnaires or similar games. The
final version of this game should provide a scoring
system that uses GD to rate patient behavior. Such a
score could help predict the potential success of long-
term rehabilitation and behavioral therapies that
depend on individual’s persistence, such as therapies
for Parkinson's disease (Pellecchia et al., 2004) or
after a stroke (Dam et al., 1993).
We extend our gratitude to Martin J. Tomasik
(Institute of Education, University of Zurich) for his
advice on the development of the game and on an
earlier draft of this paper.
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HEALTHINF 2025 - 18th International Conference on Health Informatics