shown that our model, reduces shuttles retrieval time,
is capable to process real data and able to handle peak
Our deep learning model outperformed other
methods and provides a lower BAR and smaller re-
trieval time.
A limitation of our proposal is the requirement of
generating ground truth allocations for training, there-
fore requiring mixed integer programming techniques
that could be time consuming.
An alternative to study is to design a loss func-
tion based on the retrieval time of predicted alloca-
tions, instead of using a loss which compares pre-
dicted and ground truth allocations. We aim at train-
ing our model without generating ground truth data
(allocations for the next day) beforehand. For future
work, we will design a loss that will assess the error
(or ”correctness”) of the allocations returned by our
Deep Learning model and allow us to perform back-
propagation based on this error and adjust our model
weights accordingly. This custom loss will compute
an error score using the SBS/RS cost matrix, pre-
dicted SKUs allocations probability and the number
of pieces to pick.
Funding: All research in this study was funded by
KNAPP France. There was no external funding.
Competing interests: This work was done in the
course of employment at KNAPP France, with no
other competing financial interests. Data and mate-
rials availability: This work used publicly available
data from Kaggle
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A Deep Learning Approach to Minimize Retrieval Time in Shuttle-Based Storage Systems