Behavior-Based Deepfake Detection:
Leveraging Cognitive Response to Visual Face Perception
Hendrik Graupner
1,2 a
, Mohammad Yeghaneh Abkenar
2,3 b
, Lisa Schwetlick
, Ralf Engbert
and Christoph Meinel
Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany
Innovations Department, Bundesdruckerei GmbH, Berlin, Germany
Department of Linguistics, University of Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany
Psychophysics Lab, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland
Department of Psychology, University of Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany
Internet Security, Deepfake Detection, Biometrics, Eye Tracking.
Face presentation attacks are a propagating issue in an increasingly digitally interconnected world. One of
the most recent developments is deepfake impersonation attacks in live video streams. Behavioral biometric
analysis is a crucial part of a comprehensive solution to this pressing issue. This paper proposes the application
of biological responses to visual self-recognition as a dynamic biometric trait. Self-recognition is a cognitive
process that can be leveraged as in-brain identity validation. A sophisticated pre-trained model classifies eye-
tracking data to determine the face in the user’s current visual focus. One eminent use case is the protection
of online video conferences. This paper provides the architecture of a prototypical implementation based on
an open-source video conferencing platform. Our work of interdisciplinary research aims to contribute to a
holistic solution to protect our modern communication systems and restore trust in digitization.
Today’s society is heavily based on digital systems,
ranging from communication to financial services.
In this environment, identity theft is a propagating
security issue. Sophisticated impersonation, e.g.,
based on silicone masks, represents a significant chal-
lenge (Hernandez-Ortega et al., 2023). More re-
cently, the additional threat of video and audio deep-
fakes drastically increased the attack potential in on-
line communication systems (Europol, 2023; CNN,
2024). Deepfakes are a face manipulation technique
used to change the appearance of a person in a digital
video. Without the aid of modern face presentation
attack (FPA) detection systems, people can no longer
trust their sole perception.
We claim that a comprehensive solution must in-
volve biometrics. Physiological features and human
behavior are a rich source of information in a person’s
video. Including this information in deepfake detec-
tion schemes, makes it significantly more difficult to
produce undetectable fakes. Biometric recognition is
already an integral part of securing identities in mod-
ern computer systems. Our research aims to combine
existing knowledge and investigate novel approaches
from the field.
This paper utilizes an experimental in-brain iden-
tity validation mechanism and aims to employ it as a
dynamic biometric trait. The approach based on vi-
sual self-recognition leverages modern eye-tracking
analysis. Due to its success in neuromarketing (Iloka
and Anukwe, 2020), eye tracking is an advancing
technology of the present day (Grand View Research,
2022). It introduces its application of detecting iden-
tity forgery through deepfake attacks in online video-
based systems, i.e., video conferencing and video
Section 2 provides a brief overview of related
work and concepts on which our approach is based.
Former work on the utilization of self-recognition as
a biometric trait is summarized in Section 3. Sec-
tion 4 elaborates on application of the deepfake sce-
nario outlining a detection algorithm and introducing
the two use cases of deepfake attacks in video con-
Graupner, H., Abkenar, M. Y., Schwetlick, L., Engbert, R. and Meinel, C.
Behavior-Based Deepfake Detection: Leveraging Cognitive Response to Visual Face Perception.
DOI: 10.5220/0013256200003911
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2025) - Volume 1, pages 964-971
ISBN: 978-989-758-731-3; ISSN: 2184-4305
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
ferencing and video identification. Implications and
limitations are discussed in Section 5 and conclusions
are drawn in Section 6.
This paper aims to contribute the first application
of visual self-recognition in a real-world scenario and
a concrete scheme to detect video deepfakes in real
2.1 Related Work
Based on a 2022 systematic literature review by
Rana et al. (Rana et al., 2022), deepfake detection
may be grouped into the categories: “deep learning-
based techniques, classical machine learning-based
methods, statistical techniques, and blockchain-based
techniques”. Deep learning techniques, such as con-
volutional neural networks, outperform classical ma-
chine learning and statistics in this task. Hence, there
are essentially only two categories of approaches.
The authors conclude that deep-learning-based ap-
proaches are most common in detecting deepfakes
and introduce their work DeepfakeStack (Rana and
Sung, 2020) which combines multiple detection algo-
rithms to achieve detection accuracy of up to 99.65 %.
Machine-learning-based detection does not general-
ize well beyond the deepfake algorithm it was trained
for. Content credentials, e.g., by Hasan et al. (Hasan
and Salah, 2019), use blockchains to “trace and track
the provenance and history of digital content to its
original source”.
Recently, researchers have begun to explore the
dimension of biometrics as an alternative approach to
address the issue from a different perspective. E.g.,
Agarwal et al. (Agarwal et al., 2020) and Cozzolino
et al. (Cozzolino et al., 2021) make use of deep neu-
ral networks (DNNs) that learn biometric features like
facial muscle movements. In 2022, a method that cov-
ers static analysis of multiple biometric features in the
face (e.g., visible blood flow in veins) was published
by Intel (Intel Corporation, 2022).
2.2 Eye Tracking
The “eye-mind assumption, proposed by Just and
Carpenter (Just and Carpenter, 1980), suggests that
the brain processes the information corresponding
to the fixation of the eyes. At the same time, in-
terest, mental load, arousal, and implicit processing
elicit changes in pupil size, according to Hess and
Polt (Hess and Polt, 1960). Therefore, the cognitive
reaction to visual stimuli can be measured through
eye tracking to some extent. This work focuses on
the time courses of pupil size and microsaccade rates.
Microsaccades represent the fastest component of fix-
ational eye movements generated involuntarily during
visual fixation (Martinez-Conde et al., 2004).
Eye tracking is an emerging technology as indi-
cated by industry reports, e.g. (Grand View Research,
2022). The growing popularity in recent years can be
attributed to its success in neuromarketing (Iloka and
Anukwe, 2020). We expect that cameras capable of
tracking pupils will be present in many end-user de-
vices in the foreseeable future. In 2024, they are al-
ready integrated into certain models of smartphones,
gaming laptops, and virtual reality (VR) headsets.
2.3 Video Deepfakes
Deepfake is a recent face manipulation technique
used for changing the appearance of a person in a dig-
ital image. It can be used to alter certain attributes,
facial expressions, or swap entire faces. The latter is
known as identity swap which “[. . . ] consists of re-
placing the face of one person in a video with the face
of another person” (Tolosana et al., 2020).
The same technology used for static deepfake can
be used in live streams. In practice, the attacker in-
tercepts their own webcam’s video stream with a live
deepfake application, e.g., DeepFaceLive (Github,
2024a). This software uses a pre-trained model to
swap the face in real-time. A second software, e.g.,
OBS Studio (OBS Project, 2024), is required to serve
the manipulated video stream as a virtual webcam
device to the video conferencing. The financial re-
sources required for this setup are relatively low.
Based on our experience, the hardware for acceptable
performance can be obtained for around $3,000.
2.4 Video-Ident
Video-Ident is the name of a German video identifi-
cation method. In Germany and Austria, it is com-
monly used for remote know-your-customer proce-
dures, e.g., when opening bank accounts. It is im-
plemented by many providers, e.g., POSTIDENT by
Deutsche Post (Deutsche Post, 2024).
Video identification builds on a video conferenc-
ing application to manually verify a client’s iden-
tity. A human agent will request the client to enable
their webcam and show their national identity (ID)
card. The card’s authenticity is verified by observa-
tion of the hologram security features when the card
is moved by the holder. The trained agent visually
compares the facial features of the ID card and the
client to match the claimed and actual identities.
Behavior-Based Deepfake Detection: Leveraging Cognitive Response to Visual Face Perception
Table 1: Basic cross-validated model performance metrics (including standard deviation) of four different classifiers. The
best-performing model (bold) is a pre-trained generic classifier utilizing pupil size and microsaccade rate features.
-Score EER
Generic, single trials 0.61 ± 0.03 0.59 ± 0.03 0.41 ± 0.03
Generic, aggregated trials (pupil size) 0.74 ± 0.08 0.63 ± 0.06 0.34 ± 0.12
Generic, aggregated trials 0.82 ± 0.07
0.82 ± 0.07
0.82 ± 0.07 0.76±0.03
0.76 ± 0.03
0.76 ± 0.03 0.23±0.07
0.23 ± 0.07
0.23 ± 0.07
(pupil size, microsaccade rate)
Individual, single trials 0.62 ± 0.15 0.41 ± 0.12
Self-recognition is the cognitive process of recog-
nizing our own face among others. This effect can
be measured using eye tracking (see Section 2.2)
as shown in a former feasibility analysis (Graupner
et al., 2023). Exemplary models were trained on a
public data set (Schwetlick et al., 2023a) collected
in an empirical study (Schwetlick et al., 2023b) of
116 volunteers in 2022. These models are binary clas-
sifiers differentiating between self and non-self-face
Table 1 shows the results of the four different
models that were trained and evaluated in our earlier
work (Graupner et al., 2023). The best-performing
model (bold) is a generic classifier on aggregated tri-
als using pupil size and microsaccade rate features. In
a cross-validated test, it achieves a mean accuracy of
0.82 measured in the area under the receiver operat-
ing characteristic curve (AUROC). A more detailed
description of the data, feature and model engineer-
ing of the underlying machine learning model can be
found in our original work.
These results can be leveraged to implement vi-
sual self-recognition as a biometric trait. A promis-
ing approach is its application as an identity validation
mechanism. When a person perceives a face image or
video on a screen, the generic classifier can be used to
detect the observed face class of self or non-self. This
classification result facilitates the decision of whether
the face displayed on the screen corresponds to the
individual positioned in front of the screen. I.e., the
users self-verify their identities to the system. Based
on this important piece of information, an identity val-
idation system may detect identity spoofing attacks in
certain scenarios.
Other potential applications include continuous
authentication based on individually trained models.
The system observes the user’s face perception on var-
ious occasions and generates long-term identity con-
fidence based on the face recognition results. Due to
the high-variance nature of biometric data, fast one-
time authentication may not be viable in a real-world
3.1 Classification Model
The underlying model is a generic binary classifier of
the classes self and non-self. It distinguishes between
the perception of the observed user’s face and another
person’s face. It is trained on a publicly available,
high-quality data set on eye-tracking data of face per-
ception (Schwetlick et al., 2023a). The data set is im-
balanced by 1 to 10, thus, it was balanced by random
The algorithm found to be most effective is logis-
tic regression (hyperparameters: solver = lbfgs; max.
iter. = 1000; reg. = L2; conv. tol. = 0.0001). The
best feature set extracted from the raw eye-tracking
data consists of the global maximum of the pupil size,
the second local minimum of the microsaccade rate,
and the standard deviation of the microsaccade rate.
As shown in Table 1 (bold), the model performance is
AUROC = 0.82, F
= 0.76, and EER = 0.23.
3.2 Application to Real-World Problems
First real-world applications may be aimed at scenar-
ios in which face observation does not require addi-
tional effort by the users. This approach makes it rel-
atively uncomplicated to collect data on a larger scale.
One scenario that may be apparent is video conferenc-
ing. In the course of a video conference participants
are often transmitting video streams of their faces.
Those real-time face videos are observed by other
participants and the transmitting users themselves.
Hence, self-recognition can be conducted completely
passively without the necessity of additional user in-
The technology requires an eye-tracking device to
be present at the site of users observed by the system.
In our study setup, we use relatively low-cost desktop
eye trackers, e.g., the GP3 HD by Gazepoint (Gaze-
point, 2024). This sophisticated requirement may cur-
rently limit the application of self-recognition tech-
nology to special scenarios that require exceptional
security. However, in the future, it is very likely
that an increasing number of devices already provide
built-in functionality to capture eye-tracking data. In
2024, infrared (IR) cameras are already integrated
BIOSIGNALS 2025 - 18th International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
into certain models of smartphones, gaming laptops,
and VR headsets.
Another important aspect is the possibility of ex-
pansion to include additional modalities and technolo-
gies. Due to the high-variance nature of behavioral
biometrics, short-term measurements may only be uti-
lized with a low confidence level. Other solutions may
be able to deliver fast results with high confidence
but have other limitations. For example, in deep-
fake detection, a combined approach of deep learning
and behavioral biometrics may be more powerful than
each of the techniques alone. Deep learning classifiers
can produce quick results given video images but are
highly limited to the deepfake algorithms they were
trained for. Behavioral biometrics need multiple ob-
servations and consequently more time, but they do
not rely on artifacts of specific deepfake algorithms.
A joint solution has the potential to combine the best
of both worlds.
3.3 User Data and Privacy
In the scope of this paper, a legally applicable privacy
expert opinion is not given. However, we believe that
modern security technologies need to consider user
privacy already by design.
The approach presented in this paper processes
biometric user data which may be used to deduct med-
ical information. Due to the high-sensitive nature of
such data, it is of severe importance, that the system
is limited to the intended task of self-recognition de-
tection. Consequently, the processes of interest in this
solution are local data collection, data transmission
to remote services, and remote data processing. Fol-
lowing the paradigm or data minimization, only in-
evitable data is recorded and transmitted at each step.
Under no circumstances, the system processes infor-
mation about the users (, to prevent data
misuse by giving the opportunity to consolidate med-
ical analysis and other personal information.
3.3.1 Local Data Collection
The biometric data is locally collected by an eye-
tracking device. A sophisticated software prepro-
cesses the raw video information recorded by the eye
trackers’ IR cameras. Hence, the client application
only receives the time-series data of pupil size, points
of gaze, and blink indicators for the left and right eye,
respectively. Based on the gaze data the client appli-
cation is capable of recognizing the fixation of a user
video stream in the video conference. The informa-
tion gathered is the time of video stream fixation and
the binary label of the user (self, non-self). Until this
point in the process, no data leaves the local context
of the end-user computer.
3.3.2 Data Transmission
The aforementioned time-series data is transmitted to
a remote identity validation service that hosts the self-
recognition classifier. Data transmission happens im-
mediately after the fixation of a user’s video stream
plus an observation period of 3,000 ms. Each pack-
age transmitted covers the label of the observed video
stream (self, non-self), pupil size, points of gaze,
blink indicators, and user session ID, which is the
minimum of required information for classification.
Transmission is secured by transport encryption based
on the web standard Transport Layer Security (TLS)
by default.
3.3.3 Remote Data Processing
A reliable result can only be produced in a controlled
environment. Hence, the hosting of the model and in-
ference has to be executed by secure remote service.
The aforementioned data transmitted to the service
does not contain any user or context information. The
labeled eye-tracking data is fed to a generic classifier
and the result is interpreted in the context of the se-
curity task. Only the binary result label (suspicious,
unsuspicious) and the user session ID are then deliv-
ered to an arbitrary monitoring system to display the
result or, in a future productive environment, execute
subsequent measures (e.g., alerting of operational se-
curity personnel). No input or output data is stored by
the service.
A recent development of FPAs is image and video
deepfakes as introduced in Section 2.3. Our novel ap-
proach aims to introduce a sophisticated tool to de-
tect potential face manipulation in video-based sys-
tems. Biometric detection offers a way to escape the
co-evolutionary dynamic of machine-learning-based
deepfake detection by leveraging features and charac-
teristics of humans in addition to digital processing.
Especially self-recognition biometrics add a currently
unexploited source of information about the relation-
ship between a face in a live video stream and the in-
dividuals interacting with it.
The basic principle is to capture a user’s involun-
tary reaction to the video they are streaming, similar
to how one might look at themselves in the mirror.
Behavior-Based Deepfake Detection: Leveraging Cognitive Response to Visual Face Perception
Figure 1: Algorithm used for face presentation attack detec-
tion. When a user visually focuses a face in a video stream,
the validation system assesses the user’s biometric reaction.
Based on this reaction, the validation system detects a
potential discrepancy between the user’s claimed and
actual identity. The system classifies the eye-tracking
data based on a generic model as described in Sec-
tion 3.1.
Figure 1 illustrates the algorithm used to de-
tect FPAs in our prototype. Each iteration is trig-
gered when the user visually focuses a face on the
screen (A). If the user observes their own webcam’s
video stream, confidence in an ongoing FPA can be
built by classification of the perceived face (B). In the
case of a non-self-face classification, the indicator for
FPA detection is raised (C). On reaching a predefined
threshold, the system will issue a notification about
a potential FPA (D). If the perception is classified as
self-face instead, the expected and actual results are
equal, hence, the FPA indicator is lowered accord-
ingly (E). If the user views someone else’s face, the
system uses the classification (F) result to raise or
lower confidence in its classification validity. This
mechanism deals with the high natural variance and
differences in biological reactions between individu-
als. If the user perceives the face as non-self, the ex-
pected and actual classifications are equal, resulting
in increased confidence (G); otherwise, confidence is
lowered (H).
This detection algorithm can be leveraged in sce-
narios where users view their own video streams.
Plausible everyday scenarios include online video
conferencing and video identification systems. Social
engineering attacks backed by impersonation in those
contexts yield a high damage potential.
4.1 Deepfake Attacks in Video
Video conferencing has become an integral part of
people’s daily lives. In 2022, 76 % of medium and
93 % of large enterprises conducted online meet-
ings (Eurostat, 2023). This development incentives
to take advantage of the vulnerabilities of such sys-
tems, and thus, introduce a new attack surface. For
example, access from insecure devices is common,
and non-authenticated guest users are often allowed.
In December 2021, a globally operating gang success-
fully impersonated the chief executive officer (CEO)
of a company to steal an equivalent of $41 mil-
lion from French companies by using deepfake tech-
nology (Europol, 2023). More recently, a multina-
tional company lost an equivalent of $25 million in
Hong Kong, tricked by the impersonation of their
chief financial officer (CFO) in an online video meet-
ing (CNN, 2024).
This deepfake detection approach can be applied
to online video conferencing. It aims to protect video
conferences with an additional layer of security by de-
tecting FPAs of otherwise unsuspicious users. This
method requires users to use an unconcealed device,
streaming their face video and eye-tracking data.
The basic attack setup is shown in Figure 2. The
attacker intercepts their webcam’s data stream and re-
places the original video with a face-swapped video
(see Section 2.3). The impersonated user is known
to the other conference participants. The conference
system is not capable of distinguishing the virtual we-
bcam device from its original source. A remote iden-
tity validation service collects the data from local eye-
tracking devices and the video conference system,
including webcam video streams of all participants.
Based on the classification of this data the service val-
idates the users’ identities and potentially notifies an-
other service in case of detection of a potential FPAs
according to the algorithm elaborated in Section 3.
In 2023, we implemented a first experimental pro-
totype of this scenario. An initial small data set of
twelve volunteers showed promising results. Data
collection of a representative data set is ongoing at
the time of this publication.
Our prototype extends the open-source video con-
ferencing platform OpenVidu (Github, 2024b). Fig-
ure 3 provides an overview of the components of
the system. Plug-ins of the client and server com-
ponent are required to collect information from the
video conference, e.g., content in the visual focus of
the user. The client application also passes the eye-
tracking data to the identity validation service. The
latter hosts a pre-trained model and analyzes data dur-
ing ongoing video calls. Results may be transmitted
BIOSIGNALS 2025 - 18th International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
Figure 2: The fundamental attack setup of a deepfake attack in online video conferencing. The attacker intercepts the original
video stream of their webcam and presents a virtual device to the video conference, which streams their face-swapped video.
to the server plug-in or an external service. Before in-
ference is possible, training is required and conducted
using the standalone component training client. On
the client side, the video conferencing application
runs in the local browser. Aside from the additional
hardware requirement of the eye tracker, the user ex-
perience remains seamless.
4.2 Deepfake Attacks in Video-Ident
Like the video conferencing scenario, video identifi-
cation systems, such as Video-Ident (see Section 2.4),
are vulnerable to deepfake-based FPAs. In 2022, the
activist group Chaos Computer Club (CCC) hacked
six different Video-Ident solutions by presenting a vir-
tual German national ID card even without the use of
deepfake technology (Chaos Computer Club, 2022).
Figure 4 illustrates how an attack on Video-Ident
works. A client joins an unauthenticated session with
a human agent. Authentication is manually performed
by matching ID card identity to the face of the person
in the video stream. The attacker manipulates their
webcam’s raw data like the conference scenario but
in addition adds a swap of a real ID card with a fake
ID card matching his face swapped identity.
Figure 3: The conferencing system is a client-server archi-
tecture communicating with an identity validation service.
Four software components (bold) were implemented to add
self-recognition-based FPA detection.
This procedure can not only impersonate an exist-
ing person but also invent a non-existing individual.
The additional requirement of the client to transmit
their eye-tracking data allows the remote identity val-
idation service to verify the client’s perception of the
faces displayed on their screen. A potential FPA can
be detected, and the agent may be alerted in real time
during the live session.
Section 3 summarizes an earlier published demon-
stration of the feasibility of self-recognition as a bio-
metric trait. Leveraging those concepts, in Section 4,
we introduced an FPA detection scheme based on dy-
namic biometric analysis, which detects deepfake at-
tacks. This method may be a new building block of
a multimodal solution to protect users from identity
theft in online video-based applications.
A multimodal solution includes state-of-the-art
deep learning techniques, static and dynamic biomet-
ric analysis, and content credentials. Existing litera-
ture (see Section 2.1) shows that the widespread deep-
fake detection methods based on deep learning are
specifically trained for known deepfake algorithms
and can achieve very high accuracies on them. On
the other hand, biometric approaches like ours are
technology-agnostic but involve natural variance. In
practice, both can complement each other, and thus,
should be combined. A holistic solution can be fur-
ther enhanced by including static biometric analysis.
Content credentials provide additional protection of
integrity and authenticity on static content, e.g., im-
ages, created by trustworthy devices.
Behavior-Based Deepfake Detection: Leveraging Cognitive Response to Visual Face Perception
Figure 4: The fundamental attack setup of a deepfake attack in Video-Ident. The attacker intercepts the original video stream
of their webcam and presents a virtual device to the Video-Ident system, including a swap of their face and ID card.
5.1 Limitations
Eye-tracking data has a high natural variance and sig-
nificant differences in biological reactions between
individuals exist. In addition, the method is lim-
ited to eye-trackable individuals who show no sig-
nificant anomaly in their eye-related reaction to self-
perception. This may exclude blind people and those
with certain cognitive impairments. To mitigate those
limitations, our goal is to combine heterogeneous in-
formation sources into a multimodal solution.
Evasion of self-recognition-based deepfake detec-
tion may be possible. E.g., attackers could overlay
their local video streams with the original webcam,
and hence, be undetectable by our identity validation
service. This could be prevented by adding visual arti-
facts to the video stream on the server side, that cause
detectable reactions in eye movement. This and other
potential bypasses are subject to ongoing research.
5.2 Ethical Consideration
It has been shown that classification pipelines perform
differently across gender, race, skin color, and other
characteristics (Buolamwini and Gebru, 2018). That
is why we recognize the importance of ethical consid-
erations and debiasing in our technology.
To mitigate these concerns, we strive to implement
more inclusive data collection procedures. By ensur-
ing diverse representation in our data, we aim to ad-
dress biases related to race, gender, and other identi-
ties. This involves carefully tracing how these iden-
tities are understood, represented and reflected within
the systems and their application contexts.
Additionally, we acknowledge that pre-release tri-
als, independent auditing, and ongoing monitoring are
essential to test for bias, discrimination, and other
harms in such systems.
This paper describes our approach to using dynamic
biometrics for live FPA detection during the online
video-based use case of video conferencing (see Sec-
tion 4.1). We illustrate this exemplarily using deep-
fake attacks. Moreover, we provide insights into our
video conferencing prototype implementation.
Future work to enhance self-recognition-based
identification includes the collection of more high-
quality data containing deepfake stimuli, e.g., face-
swapped or morphed self-face images. Model perfor-
mance may be improved by investigating more so-
phisticated features, especially based on microsac-
cades. Furthermore, the exploration of more dynamic
biometric features may be an interesting field for de-
veloping smarter FPA detection frameworks. We en-
courage the community to apply our approach and
similar research to upcoming use cases. For example,
verification of live avatars in VR scenarios may be in-
teresting. Mobile use cases, e.g., smartphone contin-
uous authentication, are plausible due to the existing
availability of eye tracking in many devices.
We aim to build a comprehensive FPA detection
framework that includes not only dynamic and static
biometric features but also deep-learning-based and
content-credential-based protection.
The detection and prevention of online FPAs
strengthens the linkage between physical and online
identities. It prevents identity fraud and its personal
and societal harm. The increasing number of success-
ful frauds exploiting deepfake technology undermines
the trust in digital systems such as video conferencing
and video identification. This trust must be restored
by appropriate countermeasures to not endanger the
benefits of today’s technological advances and the po-
tential of tomorrow’s digitization.
BIOSIGNALS 2025 - 18th International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
This research was partially supported by the Ger-
man Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and
Climate Action (BMWK) under the funded project
SENSIBLE-KI (grant number 01MT21005B).
This research was funded by Bundesdruckerei GmbH.
At the time of publication, authors H. Graupner and
M. Y. Abkenar are employed by Bundesdruckerei.
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