calculate a separate pipeline for each signal and then
fuse them. This procedure provides better accuracies
and F1-scores than fusing the data at the beginning.
The next step is to analyse more data from other
care professionals and investigate which sensor posi-
tion is most relevant. As soon as several participants
have taken part, a leave one subject out cross valida-
tion can be carried out instead of a 10-fold cross val-
idation in order to check how accurate the model is
with an unknown participant. Furthermore, the data
from the Kinect camera will be integrated into the ac-
tivity recognition to check whether this can improve
recognition and the F1 score.
This study was supported by the Lower Saxony Min-
istry for Science and Culture with funds from the gov-
ernmental funding initiative zukunft.niedersachsen
of the Volkswagen Foundation, project ”Data-driven
health (DEAL)”.
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