Bringing NL Back with P: Defending Linguistic Methods in NLP for
Future AI Applications
Fabio Meroni
1,2 a
X23 – Science in Society, Treviglio, Italy
Università degli Studi di Bergamo, Bergamo, Italy
Keywords: Natural Language Processing, Computational Linguistics, Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Formalisation,
Lexicon-Grammar, NooJ.
Abstract: In the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools for Natural Language Processing (NLP) applications,
this position paper promotes the (re)introduction of rule-based, linguistically informed methodologies, with
particular attention to addressing the challenges posed by low-resource languages and research ethics when it
comes to the enhancement of machine intelligence by means of linguistic intelligence. NLP, as a rapidly
evolving subfield of AI, has seen a proliferation of contributions in recent years. However, the predominant
reliance on statistically driven approaches has reduced NLP to a pursuit of superficial aesthetic results,
neglecting the foundational linguistic structures that underpin natural language processing. Consequently, the
marginalization of linguists within the field has stalled progress toward a deeper understanding of Natural
Language Formalization (NLF). Without targeted intervention, these issues threaten to persist, undermining
the potential of NLP to achieve its full intellectual and practical promise. This paper argues for a renewed
integration of the science of natural language (NL) into its processing (P) within an interdisciplinary
framework that emphasizes collaboration between computational linguists and AI researchers, and presents a
methodological proposition of a possible way to include linguistic resources in a richly informed AI
application using NooJ.
This position paper advocates for the inclusion of
rule-based linguistic tools in the development of new
Natural Language Processing (NLP) applications.
This approach is not forcedly intended to replace AI-
driven tools, but rather to complement them by
integrating an additional layer of functionality that
accounts for the description of actual linguistic
resources, for the sake of grammaticality and
scientific rigour. After offering an overview of the
state-of-the-art in theoretical and methodological
approaches to NLP, this contribution presents how
computational tools rooted in “linguistic methods”
(Silberztein, 2024) bring valuable insights and grant
a critical foundation for the development of linguistic
intelligence, a key component in achieving the
broader objective of “true” artificial intelligence. By
combining these methodologies, the following
paragraphs show how the industry can envisage
building more robust and versatile NLP applications
that leverage the strengths of linguistic theory when
applied to computational formalisation, in order to
achieve higher flexibility in a number of language
processing tasks including text generation, spell-
checking, automatic Part Of Speech (POS) tagging
and machine translation. This proposal insists on how
NooJ, as a software and a methodological staple
rooted in lexicon-grammar (Gross, 1994), can
provide an alternative perspective by emphasising
language processing in a representational way rather
than a purely statistical one, supporting the linguistic
approach to NLP first and foremost when
approaching the study of low-resource languages.
Stating that NLP primarily aims to formalise the
complexities of natural language may appear so self-
evident that one might choose to omit it altogether
when speaking about this domain of studies. One could
Meroni, F.
Bringing NL Back with P: Defending Linguistic Methods in NLP for Future AI Applications.
DOI: 10.5220/0013259100003890
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2025) - Volume 3, pages 1062-1068
ISBN: 978-989-758-737-5; ISSN: 2184-433X
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
argue that acknowledging this foundational goal is
crucial, as it highlights the inherent challenges
involved in research accounts made in this field: by
recognising the importance of Natural Language
Formalisation (NLF), researchers and practitioners
should underscore the interdisciplinary nature of NLP,
which integrates elements from linguistics and
computer science to create models that approximate
human understanding, communication, and reasoning.
However, recent accounts in the history of this
discipline have been talking about a sort of paradigm
shift: after a first phase of absolute reliance on
linguistic modelling, a second (ongoing) wave sees
AI taking the driving seat, marking a “renaissance” of
NLP (see at least Fanni et al., 2023 and Jiang et al.,
2023, p. 2). As a consequence, NLP methods that find
their very basis in the linguistically-accurate
description of phenomena occurring in natural
language instantiations and productions are now
widely judged to be outdated if not even obsolete.
According to the retelling of Anitha S. Pillai and
Roberto Tedesco (2024):
[...] especially after the advent of very
powerful conversational agents able to
simulate a human being and interact with
the user in a very convincing way, AI and
the historical field of Natural Language
Processing almost become synonymous
(think of the abilities of GPT-3-derived
models; for example, ChatGPT1). (Pillai &
Tedesco, 2024, p. vii).
The same two authors proceed with a very bold
statement when it comes to their diachronic overview
of research in this field:
Historically, NLP approaches took
inspiration from two very different research
fields: linguistics and computer science; in
particular, linguistics was adopted to
provide the theoretical basis on which to
develop algorithms trying to transfer the
insight of the theory to practical tasks.
Unfortunately, this process proved to be
quite difficult, as theories were typically too
abstract to be implemented as an effective
algorithm. On the other hand, computer
science provided plenty of approaches,
from AI and Formal Languages fields.
(Pillai & Tedesco, 2024, p. x).
The “difficulty” encountered in converting
linguistic theory into algorithmic form may not only
be a consequence of inherent theoretical complexity,
See for example how in 2024 the scientific journal
Mathematics released a special issue titled “Current Trends
in Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Human
but also of a limited willingness to work with linguists
to translate insights into implementable formats.
Thus, while there is undeniable value in linguistics as
a theoretical cornerstone, a certain reticence to
engage in cross-disciplinary adaptation has limited
the field's influence.
All in all, the argument presented by Pillai and
Tedesco (2023) reflects a subtly dismissive view of
the relationship between linguistics and NLP,
attributing limited success in early times to the
supposed impracticality of linguistic theory, yet
failing to account for the potential value of linguistics
as the very basis of scientifically relevant results in
the field if approached with rigour and adaptability.
Even though NLP continues to be defined as a
discipline that combines linguistics with AI and
computer science, we are now in the conditions to
believe NLP is more and more about the latter two
than the former, apparently foundational one
discipline that strives for scientificity and
explainability. In short, linguists have been excluded
from the discussion, while the remaining experts at
the table are celebrating their “advancements”
This paper hereby highlights the need for greater
scholarly agility in an interdisciplinary call to action,
with the objective of rendering linguistic theories
actionable within computational frameworks. In
today’s technological landscape, computational
linguistics (CL) must not simply provide
“inspiration”, but should actively integrate into AI,
offering a scaffold for interpretability, structure, and
meaningful context to NLP models. Embracing this
shift requires software engineers to re-engage with
the field together with their colleagues in language-
related studies, to refine theories in ways that make
them more computationally relevant without losing
the depth of insight that linguistics uniquely offers as
is very common nowadays.
This leads me to consider as such the current
status of NLP: more and more P, less and less NL.
Time for some recent history, this time in a more
positive light. Yogatama et al. (2019), long before the
popularisation of AI-powered chatbots (see the now
unsurpassably popular ChatGPT by OpenAI,
Language Technology (HLT)”. Unsurprisingly, no
contribution in it has any reference to linguistic theory.
Bringing NL Back with P: Defending Linguistic Methods in NLP for Future AI Applications
launched in 2022), tempered the enthusiasm for the
apparent progress that NLP seemed to be making with
the advent of LLMs, emphasising the need to evaluate
model performance based on demonstrated linguistic
intelligence rather than solely on the plausibility of
their output. In fact, overly simplifying in a sense but
leaving nothing out of the frame, cutting-edge
examples of generative AI produce sentences that
resemble meaningful instantiations of natural
language, yet at their base they don’t follow any rules.
In a nutshell, the model is simply reassembling
patterns is seen before, based on statistical
Emily Bender and Alexander Koller (2020) added
that, since human-analogous processing of natural
language is a big goal of research in artificial
intelligence, we should reconsider the futuristic
narrative that sees LLMs as their protagonists and
focus more on questions of machine intelligence
regarding language use. The same Emily Bender has
been at the centre of the scene since she first-authored
the illuminating paper which introduced the concept of
“stochastic parrot” (Bender et al., 2021) as a neologism
to designate the ignorance that AI shows with respect
to any semantic implication of the words they draw
from LLMs and subsequently employ; it is not a case
that Bender is a computational linguist, not a software
engineer, engaged in an ongoing project focused on the
production of linguistic formalisms through
unrestricted grammars
. Also Jiang et al. (2023, p. 43
and sq.) have insisted on the need for NLP AI-driven
tools to rely on some sort of rule-based knowledge,
including in this proposition of theirs the hunger for a
good deal of linguistic information.
In his publications, Max Silberztein opposes what he
calls “linguistic methods” to “statistical” or with a
peculiar choice of terminology that could clash with
shared conventions
“empirical methods”
(Silberztein, 2016; 2024), and always advocated for
the first. When defending the linguistic approach, he
outlined ten reasons why merely stochastic methods
should be disregarded (Silberztein, 2016, pp. 19-27),
of which the tenth contains the quintessential point of
In linguistic theory, “empirical linguistics” can be said to
be the study of language based on direct observation and
data collection from real-world language use (see at least
Sampson, 2002, and Schütze, 2016 [1996]). Many linguists,
especially field linguists, would say they take pride in being
my argumentation: one can’t derive from the
application of statistical methods, even when they
produce high-quality if not spectacular results in
terms of NLP tasks, any linguistic information of
scientific relevance, but mere mathematical
functions. His preface to Linguistic Resources for
Natural Language Processing (Silberztein, 2024) is a
brutally concise manifesto of such ideal.
This proves to be particularly relevant for the
study of low-resource languages. In the indigenous-
led position paper resulting from the initiative of
Lewis et al. (2020, pp. 35-36, p. 65, pp. 93-100),
language is a key element around which AI ethics,
representation, and inclusivity revolve. The authors
propose frameworks for Indigenous data governance
and culturally aware AI systems that prioritise
indigenous ownership and stewardship of digital
linguistic resources over the massive application of
statistical computing on transcribed corpora in
endangered languages carrying traditional
Linguists working in these contexts may face
some challenges when they try to introduce digital
methodologies in their language documentation tasks,
among which the most necessary is interlinearisation,
a process of aligning a text with its translation line by
line. So far, in the efforts intended to produce NLP
tools for linguists working with low-resource
languages, cutting-edge research in the field of
annotation and interlinearisation of texts has been
conducted using machine learning techniques applied
to training datasets. Zhao et al. (2020) proposed a
model based on Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN)
using source transcription and its translation for the
automatic gloss generation task, trying to overcome
the need for word alignment that is imperative when
using Conditional Random Fields (CRF), which had
been applied shortly before by Angelina McMillan-
Major (2020) for the same purpose. Diego Barriga
Martínez and colleagues (2021) have experimented
with both RNN and CRF, and described how factors
like systematicity and frequency of morphological
rules in the training corpus are directly proportional
to precision scoring. It is relevant to cite how Moeller
et al. (2020) focused on goals of morphological
accuracy, and showed a methodology based on
transformers that nevertheless includes, in an
empirical, as their empirical studies would involve
qualitative methods, such as discourse analysis or
ethnographic observations; in his terminological choice,
however, Silberztein only refers to the quantitative side of
empirical analysis, like statistical modelling of language-
use samples recollected in training corpora. On the other
hand, he calls “linguistic” all rule-based methods.
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
intermediate passage, human intervention: after
partial inflectional paradigms were automatically
extracted from the interlinear glossed texts, the
linguist Andrew Brumleve was asked to “clean” the
resulting data and regroup words under common
features and inflectional paradigms, implementing
corrections where necessary (Moeller et al., 2020, p.
5256); such an operation of fine-tuning, reminiscent
of reinforcement learning from human feedback
(RLHF), could be eased with applications
implementing linguistic methods:
Giving explicitly the list of rules used to
disambiguate a training corpus, rather than
the corpus itself, would be more useful to
the scientific community, as these rules
could be examined, corrected, and
maintained, while at the same time being
applied to any text, and therefore be
checked, falsified, and refined at will. In
essence, this is what the linguistic approach
proposes. (Silberztein, 2024, p. 21).
This contrasts stochastic AI models, since “when
they produce inadequate results, they cannot be
corrected or tweaked: the model must be rebuilt from
scratch with new data” (Verdicchio, 2023, p. 12). The
assumption that statistical approaches are less time-
consuming than rule-based linguistic approaches thus
reveals to be false (Silberztein, 2016, p. 22); the
solution resides, again, in a better collaboration
network that calls for the inclusion of computational
linguists, who would be “more than happy” to help
computer engineers with their expertise (Silberztein,
2024). In a very feasible view, that nonetheless seems
rather utopian seen the state of the industry:
Formalising the lexical, morphological,
syntactic, and distributional properties of
the standard English vocabulary would
require the work of a dedicated team, much
smaller than the gigantic groups assigned to
the construction of tagged corpora for
statistical NLP applications (statistical
tagging or translation). A project like this
would be beneficial for the whole linguistic
community and would enable the
development of NLP software with
unequalled precision. (Silberztein, 2016, p.
The Association internationale des utilisateurs de NooJ
[International Association of NooJ Users] is an
international scientific association and a non-profit
organisation devoted to the advancement of linguistic
research and CL. Its members consist of researchers,
educators, linguists, and developers who collaborate to
A hybrid approach would leverage both stochastic
patterns and validated linguistic rules to produce
more interpretable and reliable outputs. Such a
methodology would also minimise dependency on
large datasets, especially for low-resource languages
or language nuances not well-represented in the
available data, as well as for tasks that tackle out-of-
domain specialistic language. Huang et al. (2020)
already showed an example of combination of neural
machine translation (NMT) with a rule-based layer
made of dictionaries and formalised syntactic
information, with promising results that encourage
the integration of the latter to improve the
performance of the former: especially in out-of-
domain translations, their experiments showed that
this hybrid approach can help in achieving higher
precision. Also Wahde & Virgolin (2022) proposed a
hybrid model for a conversational agent that is more
transparent and interpretable thanks to a rule-based
knowledge base, along with a set of principles (the
five Is) that in their view governs transparency in AI:
Interpretability, Inherent capability to explain,
Independent data, Interactive learning, and
Inquisitiveness (Wahde & Virgolin, 2022, pp. 1858-
1859). It is from here that the approach presented in
this paper is introduced, with a renewed focus on low-
resource languages and the interest that linguists may
show in its regard.
NooJ is here designated as a privileged choice for
integrating the linguistic resources here discussed in
future AI models. NooJ was introduced by the
aforementioned scholar Max Silberztein (2004) and
counts on a community in force of its being open
. NooJ offers a powerful environment to
develop resources that formalise linguistic
phenomena, and to use them to parse texts and
corpora, with NLF capacities that cover grammars of
every level of the Chomsky’s hierarchy, from Finite
State Automata (FSA) to Turing machines in the form
of Enhanced Recursive Transition Networks (ERTN),
that while being half a century old demonstrates to be
improve language processing techniques and support the
integration of NooJ in both academic and professional
settings. The association welcomes new members year-
round and gathers every year since 2006 for an international
conference dedicated to the various applications of the
software (
Bringing NL Back with P: Defending Linguistic Methods in NLP for Future AI Applications
still relevant with new applications in the field
(Chomsky & Schützenberger, 1963; Freidin, 2013).
Figure 1: _VG.nog, a syntactic grammar that comes with
the NooJ English module.
In ten years of history, contributions to CL using
NooJ have been innumerable. Low-resource
languages like Quechua (Duran, 2017; 2019) and
Kabyle (Aoughlis et al., 2013) now have access to
NLP thanks to NLF performed with the software.
Moreover, with the use of NooJ, to cite a recent
example, Walter Koza and María Mare (2023) were
able to formalise resources that can not only
recognise, but also generate texts with complex
constructions involving the juxtaposition of many
clitic pronouns in Spanish, while Mario Monteleone
(2020) had showed how NooJ linguistic resources
alone can be used to generate texts.
While it is true that NLF methodologies in this
case Maurice Gross’ Lexicon-Grammar (Gross, 1994)
can be used on their own for such tasks, this paper
proposes a methodology that integrates these rule-
based systems into a possible AI model that draws its
power from a deeper linguistic approach to leverage
both structured linguistic rules and machine learning.
The advantage of this approach would lie in its dual
focus: rule-based linguistic methods provide
precision and control, while AI agents provide
adaptability and generalisation. This synergy creates
a more versatile and accurate language-
comprehensive system that can be applied across
various domains, from automated translation to
educational tools: this model would offer a level of
(linguistic) explainability lacking in pure AI systems,
making it more reliable and easier to fine-tune (as
lacunary performances would only require to touch
specific resources like dictionaries and grammars,
and not a whole model).
With a structured layer of linguistic rules, users
can potentially track and explain why the model made
certain linguistic choices while performing NLP
tasks. For instance, in the context of text generation
tasks, if a response is generated in a particular tense
or with a specific syntactic structure, the model could
reference the underlying linguistic rules it applied,
making its decision process interpretable.
The integration of this additional layer involves
NooJ’s linguistic resources called in action to
establish a solid linguistic foundation (see Figure 2).
Reference corpora are piped into NooJ to be
tokenised, annotated in electronic dictionaries and, in
the same way, the syntactic and morphological
structures present in such bodies of data are parsed by
finite-state grammars. In this scenario, the rule-based
framework serves as a guide that constrains and
informs the AI model, ensuring that its outputs adhere
closely to established language norms.
Figure 2: Flowchart for the proposed methodology.
To implement this methodology, a pipeline could
be developed where NooJ's resources first preprocess
the input textual data, structuring it in a way that
aligns with linguistic rules formalised thanks to
NooJ’s powerful linguistic engine. These structured
inputs are then fed into a machine learning model
trained to recognise and generate text that aligns with
this structure. The model could use techniques such
as transformers, which have a strong ability to capture
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
long-range dependencies and context in text; in any
case, this proposition doesn’t aim to propose any
particular instruction of such final step, and focuses
rather on the layer to be developed looking at
linguistically-informed ways of processing input
data: morphological, syntactic, and semantic parsing
are introduced as a pre-processing layer before on-
demand NLP tasks (such as text generation, spell-
checking and machine translation), with such layer
susceptible of the intervention of skilled linguists, the
humans in the loop (HITL).
By grounding these models in structured
linguistic data, developers would give them a robust
linguistic framework to work within, which helps
them not only to produce coherent and linguistically
accurate text, but also to make such output the result
of an operation that involves a “linguistic” rather than
merely “mathematical” intelligence.
This paper, oriented to a better future for NLP,
proposes a framework in which linguistic knowledge
participates as the main actor in the creation of agents
that can achieve actual goals in terms of linguistic
competence, aligning more closely with human
cognitive processes and thus contributing to a
significant qualitative step in the very definition of
Artificial Intelligence, while also aligning more closely
with the goals and needs of computational linguistics.
Modern NLP is indeed powered by machine
learning, but linguistic theories and methodologies
should continue to deeply inform its development.
NLP will be far more effective without linguistics
guiding how we as humans understand, structure, and
interpret language: here’s the reason why to address
an interdisciplinary effort that bridges a gap that is
now the elephant in the room for language scholars
interested in digital methodologies. AI researchers
and engineers should collaborate closely with
linguists, ensuring that models respect the
complexities of language structures and phenomena.
Such an approach would pave the way for AI systems
capable of genuinely engaging in natural, human-like
communication, enhancing their utility and
trustworthiness across a wide range of applications;
the first of which is the possibility to retrieve the
linguistic reasoning behind AI’s manipulation of
textual data, paving the way for a future in which low-
resource languages will see a degree of representation
that allows for the engagement in the development
and utilisation of digital resources.
NooJ complex linguistic resources could be
embedded directly into the AI pipeline through
command-line calls (noojapply.exe), acting as pre-
processing for NLP tasks. Moreover, if NooJ
resources are exposed through APIs, they can be
called to perform real-time checks as part of an AI
application, improving real-time analytical accuracy
of the model’s performance, so to finally bring back
NL together with P in a way that doesn’t only strive
for some semblable aesthetic imitation of the products
of human language, but that first and foremost cares
about the linguistic intelligence that can (and, in my
view, must) be made artificial for such purpose. With
such intelligence comes a renewed ethical framework
in approaching a vaster number of low-resource
languages, and with such ethical framework comes a
more sustainable future workflow.
Special thanks to Giuseppe Laquidara, who revised
an early version of this paper and helped me perfect it
with his invaluable advice.
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