Coastal and Rural Digital Exclusion: The Case for Voice AI
Rory Baxter
1 a
, Oksana Hagen
2 b
, Amir Aly
2 c
, Ray B. Jones
1 d
and Katharine Willis
3 e
School of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Plymouth, Plymouth, U.K.
School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics, University of Plymouth, Plymouth, U.K.
School of Art, Design and Architecture, University of Plymouth, Plymouth, U.K.
{rory.baxter, oksana.hagen, amir.aly, ray.jones, katharine.willis}
Digital Exclusion, Digital Divide, Voice-Based Systems, Chatbots, Voice AI.
The adoption of digital platforms for health and social resources disadvantages vulnerable populations, in-
cluding older adults and those living in remote or deprived areas. This could be remediated using voice-based
conversational AI (Voice AI) systems delivered via landline phone, bypassing the requirement for digital de-
vice access or digital skills. British rural and coastal regions often have poorer digital infrastructure and
pockets of deprivation, and consequently higher levels of digital exclusion. This study explores digital exclu-
sion in Southwest England and the suitability of Voice AI systems for supporting digital inclusion. Seventeen
participants aged 50 years or over were interviewed by telephone and took part in one of two face to face
focus groups to identify how digital exclusion impacts access to health and wellbeing resources. The results
indicated that digital access was severely impacted by unreliable infrastructure and exacerbated by limited
digital skills. Phone-based Voice AI systems could then provide viable solutions to support access to digital
health and social resources for digitally marginalised coastal and rural communities.
Digital exclusion comprises individuals being unable
to participate in society due to barriers to their dig-
ital access, such as limited digital skills, poor de-
vice access, or negative attitudes toward technology
(Helsper, 2021; van Dijk, 2020). It is often associ-
ated with a negative impact on health and wellbeing
through limiting access and adoption of digital health
and wellbeing resources (Mee et al., 2024). Older
adults are particularly vulnerable to digital exclusion
(Lythreatis et al., 2022) due to infrequent use of digi-
tal resources, old devices, and poor digital skills (Gal-
listl et al., 2021; Ueno et al., 2023). Despite these
barriers to digital access for older adults, health tech-
nologies can support wellbeing through, for exam-
ple, facilitating social connections (Quan-Haase et al.,
2017) and reducing social isolation and loneliness
(Hajek and K
onig, 2021). This means digitally ex-
cluded older adults face health inequalities by not
having consistent access to these resources. Commu-
nity services and groups are increasingly transitioning
to online platforms (Spanakis et al., 2021), leading to
increased social isolation for digitally excluded older
adults and consequently leading to poorer long-term
health outcomes (Goldman et al., 2023).
In the UK and Europe, a large factor in digital ex-
clusion is rurality (Salemink et al., 2017), exacerbat-
ing the difficulties faced by older adults who form a
higher proportion of the population in these regions
(Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs,
2024). Within the UK, this typically results from
poorer infrastructure compared to urban areas (Philip
et al., 2017). Indeed, rural areas in the UK are more
likely to suffer difficulties in accessing a reliable in-
ternet connection compared to urban areas (Rural Ser-
vices Network, 2022). An additional complication is
that 3% of the UK rural landmass has no 4G signal
available and 9% of rural homes lack access to 4G
signal (Ge et al., 2022), limiting the utility of mobile
devices (Mascheroni and
Olafsson, 2016).
In the UK, coastal regions are associated with
higher levels of deprivation compared to other areas
(Mee et al., 2024). Furthermore, coastal areas may
be considered the ’last mile’ of infrastructure (Hen-
derson and Roche, 2020), meaning that there may be
Baxter, R., Hagen, O., Aly, A., Jones, R. B. and Willis, K.
Coastal and Rural Digital Exclusion: The Case for Voice AI.
DOI: 10.5220/0013259300003911
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2025) - Volume 2: HEALTHINF, pages 734-741
ISBN: 978-989-758-731-3; ISSN: 2184-4305
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
logistical issues that affect the development of model
infrastructure. The intersectionality of coastal and ru-
ral regions often compounds these issues; for exam-
ple, Cornwall, in the Southwest of the UK, has the
highest average age and higher levels of deprivation
compared to other areas of the country (Ministry of
Housing Communities and Local Government, 2019).
1.1 Models of Digital Exclusion
Contemporary models of digital exclusion (Helsper,
2021; van Dijk, 2020) present a hierarchical approach
to understanding the factors that lead to digital exclu-
sion. Van Dijk’s (2020) model in particular presents a
comprehensive overview of how the levels of the dig-
ital divide impact an individual’s wider participation
in society. Core components of the model are the four
factors that comprise digital access, which in turn in-
fluence the outcomes of digital engagement.
The first level is Motivation and attitude which
is driven by needs, motives, and attitudes. These in-
fluence decisions to purchase digital hardware and en-
gage with digital resources. The absence of motiva-
tion to engage with technology can consequently lead
to unsatisfactory outcomes from digital media.
The second level is Physical access, which distin-
guishes between three types of access: physical, ma-
terial, and conditional. Physical access refers to an in-
dividual’s opportunities to use digital media privately
or in community settings such as libraries or commu-
nity centres. Material access comprises the resources
required to support continuous access to digital me-
dia, including subscriptions, software, and utilities
such as electricity. Finally, conditional access refers
to provisional access to applications or resources that
might be associated with digital media.
Th third level comprises Digital skills, i.e. com-
petencies, and literacy required to use digital media.
This encompasses both direct interaction with appli-
cations as well as with other people through digital
communications. The fourth level of access is Usage
inequality which comprises the difference in usage
between users. Some individuals may use digital me-
dia extensively, whereas others may restrict their us-
age due to their access to digital devices or skills. This
is typically explored across frequency and amount of
use, use diversity, and activity of use.
In Van Dijk’s (2020) model these four levels influ-
ence an individual’s Outcomes of digital media use.
Engagement with digital media can provide benefits
across several domains, including social, cultural, and
personal domains (Helsper et al., 2015). The four lev-
els of digital access influence the extent to which dig-
ital engagement is positive or negative.
Van Dijk’s (2020) model also includes factors that
represent an individual’s resources, and categorical
inequalities that have been shown to influence digi-
tal exclusion, which include personal (e.g. age) and
positional (e.g. region) factors. Personal categorical
inequality factors have a greater influence on digital
usage than positional factors, in part due to positional
factors also being influenced by the outcomes of par-
ticipation in a digital society (van Dijk, 2020).
1.2 Voice AI System as a Digital
Inclusion Tool
To tackle digital exclusion in coastal and rural re-
gions, solutions are needed that can overcome barri-
ers to digital inclusion. The ICONIC research project
(Intergenerational Codesign Of Novel technologies
In Coastal communities; see Jones et al., 2024) is co-
designing a voice-based conversational AI system
- Voice AI - delivered via a phone line. Co-design
embeds users within the design process, centering the
design of new technologies around their life experi-
ences to ensure that their needs are understood and not
assumed (Thabrew et al., 2018). Co-designed tech-
nologies are often perceived as more accessible, are
more likely to be adopted (Mitchell et al., 2023) and
can support digital inclusion by lowering the digital
skill barrier. The Voice AI would provide access to
online information or services in response to voice
commands via a phone line, bypassing the need for
devices, an internet connection, and advanced digital
Using voice interfaces to improve digital access is
not new, as it provides an alternative to traditional vi-
sual interfaces (Pradhan et al., 2018). Recent work
shows that conversational systems could be powerful
tools for social inclusion (Song, 2023), and tackling
digital exclusion (Sin et al., 2022). These systems
provide utility for older adults when searching for
information online (Pradhan et al., 2020), however,
when delivered via traditional platforms such as smart
speakers, smartphones, or computer, digital skills and
device access remain as barriers (Park and Humphry,
2019). As the ICONIC project’s device agnostic sys-
tem bypasses these equipment barriers, it might then
be an accessible solution to people living in coastal
and rural settings. A co-design approach will be sen-
sitive to the perceptions and attitudes of the users, en-
suring that user voices are centred within the design
process, supporting user acceptability and long-term
engagement (Thabrew et al., 2018).
Coastal and Rural Digital Exclusion: The Case for Voice AI
1.3 Research Questions
To understand the potential utility of phone-based
Voice AI systems in coastal and rural communities,
it is important to identify the factors that cause digital
exclusion. This study had two research questions. In
coastal and rural communities in Southwest England:
What factors lead to digital exclusion in a rural,
coastal community?
Could Voice AI systems support digital inclusion?
2.1 Design
This study is part of the ICONIC research project
(Jones et al., 2024) which is taking an intergenera-
tional approach to address digital exclusion faced by
older people and the digital economic/employment
exclusion of younger people. The project recruited
participants in coastal and rural communities in
Southwest England, to join workshops focusing on
the co-design of a Voice AI system delivered via a
phone line. Participants took part in a telephone
semi-structured interview and a focus group discus-
sion held during a co-design workshop. The inter-
view was focused on understanding the participant’s
digital exclusion, and the focus group explored barri-
ers to accessing online information and services, and
opinions on Voice AI technology. Phenomenological
inquiry was selected as the research methodology, as
it provides an understanding of digital exclusion from
the perspective of participants, based on their lived
experience (Money et al., 2024). Ethics approval was
obtained from the University of Plymouth Arts and
Humanities Research Ethics and Integrity Committee
(project ID 3941).
2.2 Participants
The study took place with residents of a rural village,
Pendeen, and a coastal town, St Austell. Pendeen was
selected due to its isolation, situated in the far South-
west of England. It has 920 residents and is classified
as a ”Rural hamlet and isolated dwellings in a sparse
setting” and it is one of the most deprived places in
the UK (Ministry of Housing Communities and Lo-
cal Government, 2019). St Austell is also located in
the Southwest of England. It has 20,900 residents and
is one of the 10% most deprived locations in the UK
(Ministry of Housing Communities and Local Gov-
ernment, 2019). Eleven participants (10 female, 1
male) with a mean age of 71.5 (SD = 5.6) were re-
cruited via the Pendeen community centre. A further
six participants (all female) with a mean age of 61.2
(SD = 8.2) were recruited in St Austell, via social me-
dia, ICONIC recruitment partners (including [Rural
Town] Healthcare), and word of mouth. All seven-
teen participants were interviewed by telephone and
took part in one of two focus groups.
2.3 Data Collection
Interviews and focus groups were facilitated by mem-
bers of the research team. Semi-structured interviews
were held over the phone, as participants preferred
this platform to other options such as Zoom. For one
participant, the telephone interview had to be resched-
uled twice due to poor connectivity. Participants were
asked questions about their access to digital technolo-
gies and resources, aligned with Van Dijk’s model of
digital exclusion:
What technologies do you use in your day to day
life and how often do you use them?
What skills do you need to use technology?
What other barriers stop you using technology on
a daily basis?
How does digital technology impact your daily
How would you describe your digital inclusion in
To capture a full portrait of each participant’s digital
exclusion, follow-up questions were asked to identify
specific barriers that related to digital exclusion.
Between one and four weeks after the interviews,
all seventeen participants took part in one of two face-
to-face focus groups. Both the interviews and focus
group were transcribed verbatim and ’cleaned’ man-
ually to remove personally identifiable content. The
qualitative data recorded were collated and then im-
ported into NVivo 14 software (QSR International,
2023). Data were analysed using deductive thematic
analysis, with overarching themes defined by Van
Dijk’s model of digital exclusion (van Dijk, 2020),
and additional themes relating to perceptions of Voice
AI technologies. Participants from Pendeen are in-
dicated by the label ’Pend ’, and St Austell partici-
pants are indicated by the label ’StA ’, followed by
an anonymous ID number.
Themes extracted from the interviews and focus
groups have been grouped based on the components
HEALTHINF 2025 - 18th International Conference on Health Informatics
of Van Dijk’s model of digital exclusion, focusing
specifically on the four hierarchies of access and the
associated outcomes. An additional theme relating
to the use of Voice AI systems was included, show-
ing participant’s awareness and previous engagement
with the technology. Subthemes are described in
headers within each theme.
3.1 Attitudes and Motivation
3.1.1 Negative Attitudes to Technology
Some participants perceived technology negatively
due to local services closing, ”I think we’re going too
far. . . . For instance, they are cutting down on fa-
cilities like post office, banks” (Pend
6). There were
also concerns over the reliability of technology-based
services, ”I don’t think we should rely on technology
because, yeah, yeah, if it just one switch. It could
all go off” (StA 2). There was also some reluctance
from participants to rely on the internet as a source of
information, and that it was considered less trustwor-
thy than the local community, ”I’d rather go to some-
one who’s actually got the expertise and ask them how
they use it and how they found it. I would trust peo-
ple’s opinion of it rather than the internet’s opinion”
(Pend 8).
In contrast to the negative perceptions of tech-
nology, some participants positively appraised their
devices, ”The mobile phone is a wonderful device”
(Pend 10).
3.1.2 Motivations to Use Technology
Participants expressed a motivation to get more out of
technology to allow them to take part in more digital
activities, ”The more I learn on the digital side, then
hopefully I will get better at doing things and there-
fore be able to do more” (Pend 2). The pervasiveness
of technology was also a motivating factor, to avoid
digital exclusion ”So much is now becoming digital
and I need to get that knowledge up. So I thought,
well, if anything that helps me. The fear is good”
(Pend 2).
3.1.3 Perceived Generational Differences in
Attitudes to Technology
Participants acknowledged not growing up with tech-
nology influences their perspectives, ”We grew up
with black and white TV, so it’s all ... quite strange
to us” (Pend 2). Participants also suggested that the
skill gap between younger and older adults is insur-
mountable, ”Obviously we’re never going to get to the
stage where kids grown up with it” (Pend 2). Addi-
tionally older adults were characterised as more likely
to be digitally excluded due to poorer digital skills and
device access, ”Older people who aren’t savvy with
even technology or haven’t even got access to it [the
internet]” (StA 2).
3.2 Access to Technology
3.2.1 Physical Access to Technology
Participants reported good access to digital devices,
“You know, we use the emails and computers, any-
thing I need” (Pend 4). Some participants expressed
concerns over the costs associated with acquiring
technologies, “I would hope it would become more
inclusive. That again depends on whether they can
afford the technology . . . Whether the families can
afford the technology” (Pend 1). Participants also ex-
pressed concern about the age of their devices, and
whether they would need replacing over time, “I’m
concerned that the equipment that I’ve got, which was
pretty good two years ago when my husband died will,
in fact eventually need to be replaced. Haven’t got a
clue when that should happen ... I would feel very un-
certain on that and ... I’m not alone in that” (Pend 2).
Participants that worked with vulnerable groups with
limited access to devices stated there was a need to
share hard copies of information to support social in-
clusion, ”I’ll try and print off all the information as
well for ones that haven’t got access to mobile phones
and things” (StA 2).
3.2.2 Material Access to Technology
The largest barrier to digital access for these partici-
pants is the local infrastructure. Participants reported
consistently poor connectivity that was related to the
remote locale, “A lot of us live right away from the
hub of everything ... So I’m outside all the systems,
as are the other three in in our lane” (Pend 8). Con-
nectivity issues may be partly related to the physical
properties of where participants lived, and this issue
may be widespread in Cornwall, ”I mean, even ours
is parlous, our internet. Because we’ve got a granite
house. I think the stone interferes with it. So I think
that’s a problem across Cornwall isn’t it?” (StA 3).
The poor infrastructure was perceived to result
from a lack of concern from internet providers in ru-
ral areas, which resulted in outdated equipment, “It’s
just crazy that in this day and age, everything is com-
ing over land and even electricity cables and every-
thing. And really by now it should be in the ground. If
you go to London or, or any metropolis, they haven’t
got a load of wires, you know, going across. It’s all
Coastal and Rural Digital Exclusion: The Case for Voice AI
you know beautifully underground and they have they
have unlimited access to huge bandwidth on their In-
ternet” (Pend 7). Ultimately, participants articulated
the need for the infrastructure to undergo develop-
ment to meet the standards of other areas of the coun-
try, ”Cornwall needs to catch up with the Internet”
(StA 1). The poor connectivity means that people in
the local region faced with poor connectivity are more
likely to rely on landline phones to stay connected,
”You’re talking about areas, coastal areas and areas
where there isn’t necessarily brilliant Internet cover-
age and brilliant mobile signals. We forget there are
people that totally rely on their landlines because they
can’t have the technology” (StA 5).
3.3 Digital Skills
Participants described attempts to learn digital skills
and identified a clear need for support to learn these
skills, “I’d just like to be with somebody ... who
uses them [digital technologies], and would be able to
show me what the problems are” (Pend 7). Technol-
ogy novelty was reported as being a source of uncer-
tainty, “It’s new and I’m not familiar with. It. And I’m
not so sure what I’m doing” (Pend 10). Participants
reported the need to support vulnerable members of
the community in the use of technology for important
everyday tasks, and that resources to upskill vulnera-
ble individuals are limited, ”We’ve got a lady, haven’t
we in our group and she really struggled. She, you
know, even to pay a bill, you know, something as sim-
ple as that ... we help her obviously. But if she didn’t
have us, you know, what would she do? The help isn’t
out there” (StA
3.4 Usage Inequality
Most participants reported using digital technologies
with some regularity, “I use them, a smartphone and a
laptop. Well, every day” (Pend 3). There were some
participants that used their devices less frequently,
“Mobile phones we, you know, we don’t carry them
around like people do an extension to their arm sort
of thing, but we take them out when we go. But it’s
usually just in case an emergency” (Pend 5).
Participants described a limited number of uses
for different technologies that were largely passive,
including watching media and reading the news, “Get
up the various sites that tells me what’s happening.
Usually the war in Ukraine” (Pend 5). Digital tech-
nologies were also used by some participants to find
information, ”If we’re stuck with a problem, the in-
ternet’s the go to place. And often when you’re talk-
ing about phoning places, I’ve almost got to the point
now where you don’t bother with the phone because
usually it’s online” (StA 5).
3.5 Outcomes of Digital Access
The closing down of services in local towns led partic-
ipants caused significant difficulties for participants,
“Yes, you can go online. Well, number one, as it hap-
pened when my husband died and I had to go in with
quite a lot of paperwork. How do you do that when
they’re not there?” (Pend 6).
The lack of reliable access to community infor-
mation due to the transition to digital platforms was
highlighted as a concern, ”It’s so easy to be out of the
loop, isn’t it? And when you said about relying on
family and friends, that’s what happens now, isn’t it?
... if you haven’t got somebody advocating for you to
do that, it must be the most isolating place” (StA 5).
3.6 Voice AI Use
Participants reported that they were aware of smart
speaker and voice assistant technologies, with some
participants saying that they already used a smart
speaker voice-based interface, ”We use Alexa. Some-
times we use an Alexa like what’s the temperature go-
ing to be today? Things like that” (Pend 8). Partici-
pants also highlighted how Voice AI technologies can
benefit those with mobility impairments, ”It was so I
can just turn the TV on and off and not have to keep
struggling to get up to get to it. You know I couldn’t
get to it. It was really difficult. So in that way, yeah,
it was brilliant (StA 2). The use of smart speakers
was undermined by the poor infrastructure render-
ing them unreliable, ”Like you know, having Alexa in
your house and all of that, I find really important. But
the whole thing falls down. Because of our appalling
internet access, and it is appalling” (Pend 8).
Participants also highlighted that there may be
some individuals that may be reluctant to speak with
a Voice AI system due to its artificiality, ”And I know
some people would just, you know, just wouldn’t want
to engage with it at all because it’s not a real per-
son” (StA 3). The use of Voice AI systems should
also be clearly articulated to the user, as the realistic
nature of Voice AI systems may deceive users, ”A lot
of older people, when I think about my mother, like,
would think it’s [the AI] a real person” (StA 3).
This study describes the characteristics of coastal and
rural digital exclusion faced by two groups of partici-
HEALTHINF 2025 - 18th International Conference on Health Informatics
pants co-designing a Voice AI system delivered via a
phone line. The findings show the complexity of dig-
ital exclusion with varying levels of digital, access,
skills, and usage across participants, with the most
significant challenge being the the poor local infras-
tructure. The demographics of the participants also
influences their digital exclusion, as they reported un-
familiarity with technology due to not growing up
with it, outdated devices and uncertainty as to how
and when to upgrade them (Ueno et al., 2023).
These data highlight how digital exclusion is
a multifaceted spectrum and how factors (Helsper,
2021; van Dijk, 2020) interact to create digital dis-
parities. For example, the largest reported difficulty
faced by participants was the unreliable infrastruc-
ture in these coastal and rural locales (Henderson
and Roche, 2020) and how this contrasts to the more
reliable infrastructure in urban areas of the country
(Philip et al., 2017). This limits the utility of digi-
tal devices and reduces access to digital information
and resources (Salemink et al., 2017). These poorer
outcomes in turn negatively impact attitudes towards
technology and the motivation to use digital devices
on a daily basis (Vaportzis et al., 2017), reinforcing
digital exclusion. Consequently, approaches to tack-
ling digital exclusion need to be holistic, and tackle
underlying issues that restrict digital inclusion.
Due to the increasing transition of community
services and resources to online platforms (Spanakis
et al., 2021), digital exclusion can have a negative im-
pact on health and wellbeing, exacerbating existing
health inequalities. Participants described how vul-
nerable people that they know face isolation due to
this as they may have reduced access to technology
and lower digital skills. This social marginalisation
can be exacerbated by the geographic marginalisation
resulting from the poorer infrastructure in coastal and
rural areas of the country compared to the urban areas
(Philip et al., 2017). This isolation can also negatively
impact digital skills for older adults, as previous re-
search has shown that older adult internet users tend
to have greater social support (Friemel, 2016) and that
single-person older-generation households have more
limited technology support and consequently access
to digital resources (Ueno et al., 2023). This means
that digitally excluded older adults may be unable
to access important health and social resources (Ha-
jek and K
onig, 2021), increasing social isolation and
highlighting the importance of identifying approaches
to facilitate access to online information for digitally
excluded members of society (Goldman et al., 2023).
4.1 Study Limitations
The main limitation of this study is that it em-
ployed small, self-selected samples from two loca-
tions. While this does provide valuable, in-depth in-
sight into these specific contexts, these findings may
not necessarily be applicable to other rural or coastal
areas or populations within these regions. Further-
more, the sample featured a heavy gender imbalance,
as sixteen of the seventeen participants across both
groups were female. Previous studies of digital exclu-
sion highlight a gender imbalance, as females report
greater levels of digital exclusion than males (Hargit-
tai et al., 2019). This has been reported to be due
to lower levels of digital literacy as well as older fe-
males being perceived as less competent in the use
of technologies (Gallistl et al., 2021). The imbal-
ance observed here may then be due to self selection
bias, as ICONIC is designed to support digital inclu-
sion through the co-design of new technologies, and
may then attract individuals that want to improve their
own digital skills and access. Despite this bias, partic-
ipants still reported varying levels of digital inclusion.
4.2 How Could Voice AI Promote
Digital Inclusion for Coastal and
Rural Communities?
The data reported here suggest that Voice AI systems
could be used to support digital inclusion in coastal
and rural contexts. However, typical access platforms
for Voice AI systems (e.g. smart speakers) are un-
suitable due to infrastructure issues, despite some ac-
ceptance of the technology. The ICONIC project’s
solution, to deliver a Voice AI system via a phone line
(Jones et al., 2024) may be an acceptable alternative
platform. Using a landline phone is familiar and ac-
cessible for these participants, evidenced by it being
the primary platform for interviews, reducing the need
for digital devices or digital skills. The system would
still be dependent on a basic level of phone infrastruc-
ture, i.e. through a landline or mobile signal, how-
ever, it would be more robust to the internet outages
reported by participants. As voice interaction is de-
signed to replicate natural conversation, it represents
a low-tech form of digital interaction, and presents an
alternative to traditional visual interfaces, benefiting
individuals with sight impairments (Gu et al., 2020).
Voice commands are more intuitive for older adults
than the potentially complex or unfamiliar UI of digi-
tal devices (Pradhan et al., 2020), and would therefore
be easier for people with few digital skills to use.
Whilst Voice AI has the potential to support access
to digital resources in coastal and rural communities,
Coastal and Rural Digital Exclusion: The Case for Voice AI
participants did articulate the potential resistance to
using a Voice AI system due to its artificial nature.
Part of this resistance may be due to users being un-
aware that they are speaking to an AI. More formative
work needs to be undertaken to negative attitudes to
Voice AI systems. Part of this work should explore
how best to obtain informed consent from users of the
Voice AI system to ensure that they are aware that
they are interacting with an AI, and would be an im-
portant consideration in the system’s design.
This ICONIC project (Jones et al., 2024) will run
a series of intergenerational co-design workshops to
create a Voice AI system that can be accessed via
a phone line, exploiting the off-the-shelf availability
of large-language models (Brown et al., 2020) com-
bined with highly accurate end-to-end speech-to-text
systems (Hannun et al., 2014). As participants re-
ported age-related differences in technology use and
skills, similar to previous literature (Vaportzis et al.,
2017), ICONIC’s intergenerational approach to co-
design might support a more equitable design of the
Voice AI technology. Contributions from these differ-
ent perspectives and life experiences may then lead to
a Voice AI technology that is more attuned to the spe-
cific needs of potential users bases and consequently
be more acceptable when deployed (Thabrew et al.,
This study highlights the barriers to digital inclu-
sion in rural, coastal communities, particularly among
older adults. Similar to other studies exploring the
digital exclusion of older adults in rural communities,
participants described issues with the coastal and rural
digital infrastructure, as well as with digital skills and
access to devices (Ge et al., 2022; Ueno et al., 2023).
Addressing these infrastructure issues is key to sup-
porting digital inclusion in coastal and rural commu-
nities. However, due to the economic barriers associ-
ated with infrastructure development, it is important
to explore tools such as Voice AI systems, particu-
larly if deployed via a device agnostic platform such
as a phone line. This technology has the potential to
mitigate some of the digital exclusion faced by older
populations in coastal, rural UK communities by by-
passing the limitations of unreliable infrastructure and
the requirement for internet-ready devices and digital
skills. This technology could consequently promote
digital health equity through supporting digitally ex-
cluded populations to access important digital health
and social resources and reduce health inequalities
and loneliness.
This paper is presented on behalf of the ICONIC
project that includes Marius Varga, Dena Bazazian,
Swen Gaudl, Alejandro Veliz Reyes, Daniel Maudlin,
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Coastal and Rural Digital Exclusion: The Case for Voice AI