tion by recommending articles, videos, or courses
tailored to individual health conditions or treatment
plans, thereby enhancing patient engagement and ad-
herence to health protocols. Additionally, in sectors
like e-commerce, personalized recommenders could
suggest products or services based on past purchases
or browsing behavior, while an adaptive path model
could guide customers through complementary prod-
ucts or bundles in a curated sequence. The flexibil-
ity and contextual adaptability of this recommender
system make it valuable across various fields where
user-specific recommendations enhance engagement
and satisfaction.
In this paper, we have presented an AI-based per-
sonalized course recommender system grounded in
the EU DigComp competency framework. By using
a combination of natural language processing tech-
niques, large language models, and semantic similar-
ity algorithms, our system provides tailored course
recommendations based on users’ competencies and
interests. Additionally, a learning path generation
module offers structured course sequences, further
enhancing the personalized learning experience. The
integration of a Rasa chatbot allows for an intuitive
and interactive user interface, improving engagement
by guiding users through competency-based assess-
ments. The annotation of courses with DigComp
competency areas, facilitated by LLMs, ensures that
the recommendations are competency-aligned and
relevant to individual learning goals.
As the project progresses, we plan to incorporate
collaborative filtering algorithms to augment the rec-
ommendation engine. By leveraging both simulated
and real user data, we aim to create a hybrid system
that combines the strengths of content-based and col-
laborative filtering techniques. Ultimately, this sys-
tem will enable more effective and personalized ed-
ucational experiences, catering to a wide variety of
learners and their evolving needs.
Both Sourav Dutta and Florian Beier are supported
by the “Bundesministerium f
ur Wirtschaft und Kli-
maschutz” within the project “MERLOT” which was
funded under the project reference 68GX21008K.
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AI-Based Personalized Multilingual Course Recommender System Using Large Language Models