AI-Based Personalized Multilingual Course Recommender System Using
Large Language Models
Sourav Dutta, Florian Beier and Dirk Werth
August-Wilhelm Scheer Institut gGmbH, Uni-Campus D 5 1, 66123 Saarbr
ucken, Germany
Recommender System, Large Language Model, Natural Language Processing, Generative AI, AI in
This paper presents an AI-driven personalized course recommender system designed to enhance user engage-
ment and learning outcomes on educational platforms. Leveraging the EU DigComp competency framework,
the system constructs detailed user profiles through a chat assistant that guides users in identifying relevant
competency areas and completing tailored surveys. Course recommendations are generated based on a hybrid
scoring model that integrates semantic similarity and competency alignment, ensuring that course suggestions
are both contextually and skill-relevant. For users seeking structured guidance, the system offers a learning
path feature, utilizing a large language model to suggest subsequent courses that align with the user’s interests
and prior learning experiences. While traditional course recommenders often rely on simple keyword match-
ing, our system dynamically combines user interests and competencies for nuanced recommendations across
English and German courses. Screenshots of the system’s live demo showcase key functionalities, includ-
ing chatbot-led profile creation, multilingual support, personalized learning paths. This paper highlights the
ongoing development of the recommender system and discusses future plans to further refine and expand its
personalized learning capabilities.
The rise of online learning platforms has revolu-
tionized access to education, allowing individuals to
learn at their own pace from a vast array of courses
(Pappano, 2012). However, the abundance of avail-
able resources can overwhelm learners, leading to the
need for personalized recommender systems to guide
users toward relevant courses that match their inter-
ests and skill levels. Recommender systems, tradi-
tionally based on collaborative filtering and content-
based filtering techniques, have shown promise in
various domains, including e-learning (Burke, 2002;
Manouselis et al., 2012). However, these methods of-
ten fall short when it comes to personalizing recom-
mendations based on a learner’s specific competency
profile or learning goals (Adomavicius and Tuzhilin,
2005). The European Union’s Digital Competence
Framework for Citizens (DigComp) provides a struc-
tured approach to defining digital skills and compe-
tencies. The framework outlines 21 key competen-
cies grouped into five dimensions, including informa-
tion literacy, communication, digital content creation,
safety, and problem-solving (Ferrari et al., 2014). By
integrating this competency framework into an edu-
cational platform, it becomes possible to generate a
profile for each learner that reflects their strengths and
areas for improvement. This approach enables the de-
sign of personalized learning experiences that target
specific skills, offering users more relevant and effec-
tive learning paths.
Recent advancements in artificial intelligence (AI)
and natural language processing (NLP), particu-
larly with the introduction of large language models
(LLMs) such as BERT (Devlin et al., 2019), have
transformed the landscape of recommender systems.
LLMs have the capability to capture semantic nu-
ances in textual data, making them ideal for matching
course descriptions with user preferences and com-
petency profiles. These models, pre-trained on vast
amounts of multilingual text, allow for the devel-
opment of AI-based recommender systems that sur-
pass traditional keyword-based matching by leverag-
ing contextual understanding (Vaswani et al., 2017).
In this paper, we present an AI-based personalized
course recommender system for an educational plat-
form. Our system uses the DigComp framework to
assess user competency profiles and utilizes a fine-
Dutta, S., Beier, F. and Wer th, D.
AI-Based Personalized Multilingual Course Recommender System Using Large Language Models.
DOI: 10.5220/0013260100003890
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2025) - Volume 3, pages 1069-1076
ISBN: 978-989-758-737-5; ISSN: 2184-433X
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
tuned BERT model to compute semantic similarity
between user input and course content. Furthermore,
we introduce a novel learning path generation method
that builds customized course sequences for users,
ensuring a progressive and effective learning experi-
ence. This approach represents a significant improve-
ment over traditional recommender systems, address-
ing both the need for personalization and the chal-
lenge of competency-based learning in the digital age.
Research on recommender systems spans multiple
domains, including e-commerce, entertainment, and
education (Ricci et al., 2010; Adomavicius and
Tuzhilin, 2005). In the context of education, the need
for personalized course recommendations has driven
innovation in both traditional and AI-based methods.
This section outlines key advancements in three ar-
eas: traditional recommender systems, NLP-based
approaches, and competency-based learning systems.
2.1 Traditional Recommender Systems
Traditional recommender systems fall into three pri-
mary categories: collaborative filtering, content-
based filtering, and hybrid approaches. Collaborative
filtering, one of the earliest approaches, relies on user-
item interaction data to recommend items based on
the preferences of similar users (Schafer et al., 2007;
Ekstrand et al., 2011). This technique has been widely
used in various domains but often struggles with the
cold-start problem, where insufficient data on new
users or items reduces its effectiveness.
Content-based filtering, by contrast, matches users
with items based on item attributes, such as textual de-
scriptions in the case of educational courses (Pazzani
and Billsus, 2007; Lops et al., 2011). This method al-
lows for more personalized recommendations by con-
sidering the specific features of each course, but it
tends to lack diversity and novelty in the recommen-
dations, often leading to overspecialization. Hybrid
systems, which combine collaborative filtering and
content-based approaches, have been developed to
overcome these individual limitations, improving rec-
ommendation accuracy and coverage (Burke, 2002;
Burke, 2007; C¸ ano and Morisio, 2017).
2.2 Course Recommendation in
Educational Platforms
In educational platforms, course recommendation
systems have traditionally relied on simple keyword-
based matching techniques (Manouselis et al., 2012;
Lu et al., 2015). Rule-based systems that use algo-
rithms like TF-IDF and cosine similarity to compare
user queries with course descriptions are common
(Colchester et al., 2017; Murtaza et al., 2022). While
such methods provide basic semantic matching, they
often fail to capture the full complexity of user intent
or course content, leading to recommendations that
may not fully align with the learner’s needs (Anand
and Mobasher, 2003; Zhang et al., 2020). Moreover,
these systems do not account for the progression in
a learner’s knowledge or provide personalized learn-
ing paths, making them less effective in guiding users
through a structured learning journey.
Some platforms have incorporated domain-
specific taxonomies or ontologies to improve the
matching process. For example, educational ontolo-
gies may categorize courses by subject or level of dif-
ficulty, but these approaches are often rigid and do not
adapt dynamically to changes in user preferences or
competencies (Manouselis et al., 2012). Educational
platforms like Coursera (
and edX ( employ comprehen-
sive skills taxonomy and learning objectives based on
different frameworks like Bloom’s Taxonomy (Bloom
et al., 1956), the Skills Framework for Information
Age (Foundation, 2015), and the Skills Network (An-
derson, 2017) to map out competencies and skills.
2.3 Advances in NLP-Based
Recommender Systems
Recent advancements in natural language processing
(NLP), particularly with the development of large lan-
guage models (LLMs), have opened new possibilities
for course recommendation systems. BERT (Bidi-
rectional Encoder Representations from Transform-
ers) (Devlin et al., 2019), a pre-trained transformer
model, has proven especially effective in understand-
ing the semantic context of text, enabling more accu-
rate matching between user queries and course con-
tent. BERT-based models capture bidirectional con-
text, making them more suitable for tasks like seman-
tic similarity, text classification, and information re-
trieval (Vaswani et al., 2017).
In education, LLMs have been applied to generate
personalized learning plans, taking into account user
input, course descriptions, and the user’s progress.
Studies (Sun et al., 2019; Wu et al., 2023) have
demonstrated that BERT-based models significantly
improve the accuracy of recommendations compared
to traditional approaches by leveraging deeper con-
textual understanding (Zhou et al., 2018). More-
over, these models can support multilingual plat-
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
forms, broadening the applicability of the recom-
mender system to users from diverse linguistic back-
2.4 Competency-Based Learning and
Competency-based learning frameworks have gained
traction as a way to personalize education by focusing
on the learner’s skills and competencies rather than
the content alone. The European Union’s DigComp
framework, for example, outlines 21 key digital com-
petencies across five dimensions namely, information
and data literacy, communication and collaboration,
digital content creation, safety, and problem solving
(Ferrari et al., 2014). These frameworks enable edu-
cational platforms to map courses to specific compe-
tencies, providing a structured and targeted learning
experience for users.
Previous research (Justesen et al., 2019) has ex-
plored integrating competency frameworks into edu-
cational recommender systems, but many implemen-
tations are limited to matching courses based on pre-
defined categories rather than dynamically analyzing
user competencies and needs. Our approach builds
upon this work by incorporating both the DigComp
framework and AI-based semantic analysis, offering
a more sophisticated method for matching user pro-
files with relevant course content.
2.5 AI-Driven Learning Path
Another emerging area in educational recommender
systems is the generation of personalized learning
paths. Traditional recommenders typically suggest a
list of courses without considering the order in which
learners should complete them. However, recent AI-
driven approaches are addressing this gap by using
LLMs to dynamically generate learning sequences
that align with the learner’s progress and goals (Zhou
et al., 2018). These systems can provide not only
course recommendations but also a structured path
that optimizes the learning experience by guiding
users through progressively advanced material.
In our work, we extend this concept by employ-
ing LLMs like the mistralai/Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.2
model (Jiang et al., 2023) to generate personalized
learning paths that account for the user’s past learning
experiences and future goals. This approach enables
the creation of tailored, goal-oriented learning paths,
enhancing the overall user experience in navigating
complex educational ecosystems.
The system we developed for personalized course rec-
ommendations is composed of several interconnected
components, each responsible for a specific aspect
of the recommendation and learning path generation
process. The architecture includes a Rasa (Bock-
lisch et al., 2017) intent-based chatbot for initial user
interaction, a user competency profile based on the
EU DigComp framework, a rule-based recommender,
and an AI-based course recommendation engine us-
ing large language models (LLMs). In this section,
we detail the design and functioning of each of these
Figure 1: Flowchart of the important components in the sys-
tem. (Zoom in to read).
3.1 User Interaction and Competency
The first step in the system is user interaction, fa-
cilitated by a Rasa intent-based chatbot (Bocklisch
et al., 2017). The chatbot prompts users to describe
what they are interested in learning. By analyzing
the user’s responses using intent detection and entity
extraction techniques, the chatbot selects the relevant
competency areas from the DigComp framework that
the user should focus on. This process ensures that
the user receives recommendations aligned with their
learning needs and goals. This is a key advantage
for users who may not be familiar with the DigComp
competences, as it guides them through a tailored se-
lection process.
Once the relevant competency areas are identified,
the chatbot asks the user to complete corresponding
surveys based on these competencies. The surveys
are structured on a Likert scale, allowing users to self-
assess their proficiency in various competency areas.
The results of these surveys are then used to create
a user competency profile, represented as a 21-length
vector corresponding to the 21 DigComp competency
areas (Ferrari et al., 2014).
Rasa was chosen for its customizable, open-
source framework that allows detailed intent recog-
AI-Based Personalized Multilingual Course Recommender System Using Large Language Models
Figure 2: Flowchart showing the decision-making of the
chatbot (in German). (Zoom in to read).
Figure 3: Chatbot interface (in German) providing user as-
sistance with selected competences.
nition and seamless integration with external data
sources. Since Rasa supports nuanced conversational
flows, it was ideal for building a bot that could effec-
tively guide users through selecting their competen-
cies, improving the onboarding process and ensuring
accurate profiling. Again, the DigComp framework
was chosen because it is well-established for access-
ing digital competencies and is structured into 21 ar-
eas, allowing for a granular approach to competency-
based learning. By using DigComp, our system
can provide recommendations closely aligned with
industry-recognized competencies, which increases
relevance for both users and educational providers.
Figure 4: Survey form (in German) presented to the user for
the Information and Data competence. (Zoom in to read).
Figure 5: User competence profile (in German) shows the
overall competence levels of the user with a guide.
3.2 Course Data Collection and
The system’s course database comprises approxi-
mately 800 courses from various online providers,
with 374 of them manually annotated. These courses
follow the MoocHub data schema (https://moochub.
org/), which includes metadata such as course ti-
tle, description, and provider information. However,
these courses do not have DigComp-related anno-
tations, requiring an additional step for competency
To bridge this gap, we employed ChatGPT based
on the GPT-4 model (Radford et al., 2019; Brown
et al., 2020) to annotate the 374 courses with diffi-
culty levels (on a scale of 1 to 5) and competency
areas from the DigComp framework. The annotation
process involved extracting keywords from course de-
scriptions and assigning appropriate difficulty ratings
and competency areas based on the course content.
This use of language models enabled efficient and
consistent annotation across multiple providers, en-
suring that the courses could be aligned with user
competency profiles for personalized recommenda-
tions. ChatGPT based on GPT-4 is used here for
annotation because of its advanced natural language
understanding and adaptability in generating contex-
tually relevant annotations. Without access to do-
main experts or teachers for manual annotation, GPT-
4 provides an efficient alternative that leverages ex-
tensive pre-trained knowledge to identify course diffi-
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
culty and competencies accurately. This choice al-
lows for high-quality annotation at scale, address-
ing the need for a robust, consistent annotation pro-
cess that would otherwise require considerable hu-
man expertise and resources. GPT-4’s capabilities
ensure consistent labeling across a large volume of
courses, which is essential for maintaining annota-
tion quality when scaling up the system. Addition-
ally, using an automated model minimizes the time
and cost associated with human annotation, making
it possible to achieve comprehensive coverage across
all courses without delays. This approach supports
our goal of quickly developing a personalized rec-
ommendation system based on accurately classified
and well-annotated course data. GPT-4’s capacity for
contextual understanding allows it to map course con-
tent to the DigComp competency areas effectively,
ensuring that recommendations align well with the
skills defined in this widely accepted framework. This
alignment is key to ensuring that each recommenda-
tion supports relevant skill-building, which strength-
ens the educational value of the system for users.
3.3 Course Recommender System
Initially, a rule-based recommender system was im-
plemented to offer basic course recommendations
based on user-entered search queries. This sys-
tem used term frequency-inverse document frequency
(TF-IDF) and cosine similarity to calculate semantic
similarity between the search query and course de-
scriptions. A weighted score was computed for each
course, which determined its rank in the recommen-
dation list (Sch
utze et al., 2008). Although effective
for simple query matching, the rule-based approach
lacked the capability to adapt to individual user com-
petencies and did not fully leverage semantic infor-
mation embedded in course content.
To improve recommendation quality and incor-
porate personalization, an AI-based recommender
system was developed using the pretrained Distil-
BERT (“distiluse-base-multilingual-cased-v1”) (De-
vlin et al., 2019) model from HuggingFace. BERT’s
transformer architecture allows it to capture deep con-
textual relationships within text, making it ideal for
calculating semantic similarity between user queries
and course descriptions. We trained course embed-
dings on the course titles and descriptions for all
374 annotated courses and stored them in a search-
able database. DistilBERT, especially its multilingual
variant, offers a powerful yet computationally effi-
cient approach for text embeddings, ideal for real-
time course recommendation scenarios. Since the
system needs to handle both English and German in-
puts, a multilingual transformer is necessary to ensure
consistent quality across languages. DistilBERT’s
lightweight architecture provides an optimal balance
between model performance and computational effi-
When a user enters a search query, the system cal-
culates the semantic similarity between the query and
the course embeddings, selecting only those courses
that meet a predefined threshold of 78%. Courses
above this threshold are then ranked based on the
reverse Euclidean distance between the user’s 21-
length competency vector and the annotated compe-
tency vector for each course. This step ensures that
the recommendations are not only semantically rele-
vant but also aligned with the user’s competency pro-
file. The hybrid scoring model addresses limitations
in both purely semantic and purely rule-based sys-
tems by combining contextual similarity with person-
alized competency alignment. This approach ensures
that recommendations aren’t only relevant in terms
of content but are also tailored to each user’s skill
level, increasing the likelihood that recommendations
will be meaningful and actionable for the user. The
threshold of 78% is empirically chosen to strike a bal-
ance between relevance and inclusivity in recommen-
dations. This level is set based on preliminary testing
to ensure that users receive high-quality suggestions
without overly limiting course options, allowing for a
more diverse set of learning opportunities.
Figure 6: Course catalog (in German) showcasing the list of
available courses. (Zoom in to read).
3.4 Personalized Learning Path
In addition to recommending individual courses, the
system generates personalized learning paths con-
taining a sequence of 2–3 courses. After select-
ing the first course from the AI-based recommender,
the system generates a customized prompt for
the mistralai/Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.2 model (Jiang
et al., 2023) from HuggingFace. The Mistral-7B-
Instruct model is chosen for its capability to gen-
erate contextually relevant prompts that guide users
AI-Based Personalized Multilingual Course Recommender System Using Large Language Models
to their next steps in learning. By leveraging this
model’s generative capacity, the system can create a
custom, adaptive learning path that considers users’
past courses. This approach aligns with the goal of
providing not only relevant but also sequential learn-
ing recommendations. The prompt includes informa-
tion about the user’s interests, previously completed
courses, and goals, requesting the model to suggest
the next step in the user’s learning journey (Zhou
et al., 2018).
Prompt: A person searches for [user search input].
The person has taken the following courses: [course
names with course descriptions].
Question: “Write in a paragraph which topics this
person should learn next.
The model’s output provides key topics or skills
for the next course, which is used as input to the
AI recommender. This process repeats until the sys-
tem constructs a complete learning path, allowing
users to follow a structured, goal-oriented sequence
of courses.
Figure 7: Flow of information in the learning path genera-
tion. (Zoom in to read).
Figure 8: The learning path Artificial Intelligence and Ma-
chine Learning” for a user profile. (Zoom in to read).
The system architecture integrates various compo-
nents—from a chatbot-driven user interface to ad-
vanced AI-based recommendation models—to de-
liver personalized course suggestions and learning
paths. The system’s ability to dynamically generate
competency-aligned recommendations and tailored
learning paths represents a significant advancement
over traditional rule-based recommenders, offering a
more engaging and effective user experience.
While the current system leverages content-based
methods and language models to provide personal-
ized recommendations, the recommendation quality
could be enhanced by integrating a collaborative fil-
tering approach. Collaborative filtering has been
widely adopted in recommendation systems to iden-
tify patterns in user behavior, recommending items
based on the preferences of similar users (Koren et al.,
2009). Apart from real datasets, simulated datasets
including user data can be used to initially validate
the collaborative filtering algorithm (Herlocker et al.,
Collaborative filtering has the potential to com-
plement the existing content-based recommendation
system by incorporating user-item interactions, which
will help overcome limitations like the “cold start”
problem inherent in purely content-based systems
(Schein et al., 2002). By leveraging user similari-
ties, courses can be recommended based not only on
course content and competency profiles but also on
the learning patterns of other users with similar inter-
ests and skill levels. This hybrid system—combining
content-based filtering, AI-based matching, and col-
laborative filtering—has the potential to significantly
improve recommendation relevance and engagement
(Burke, 2002; Burke, 2007).
Using real user data at a later time point, the col-
laborative filtering model can be fine-tuned to work
with live data. User feedback can also be inte-
grated into the system, allowing for further refinement
of recommendations based on explicit (e.g., course
ratings) and implicit (e.g., click-through rates) sig-
nals. Additionally, reinforcement learning techniques
could contribute to continuously adapt the learning
paths based on user progress and outcomes (Zheng
and Wang, 2022).
Beyond the education sector, the personalized rec-
ommender and adaptive learning path approach de-
veloped in this project are important assets which
hold significant potential for other domains requir-
ing tailored content delivery and skill progression. In
corporate training, such a system could guide em-
ployees through customized learning paths aligned
with career goals, role requirements, or skill gaps,
ensuring that development resources are both rele-
vant and impactful. Similarly, in healthcare, this
approach could support personalized patient educa-
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
tion by recommending articles, videos, or courses
tailored to individual health conditions or treatment
plans, thereby enhancing patient engagement and ad-
herence to health protocols. Additionally, in sectors
like e-commerce, personalized recommenders could
suggest products or services based on past purchases
or browsing behavior, while an adaptive path model
could guide customers through complementary prod-
ucts or bundles in a curated sequence. The flexibil-
ity and contextual adaptability of this recommender
system make it valuable across various fields where
user-specific recommendations enhance engagement
and satisfaction.
In this paper, we have presented an AI-based per-
sonalized course recommender system grounded in
the EU DigComp competency framework. By using
a combination of natural language processing tech-
niques, large language models, and semantic similar-
ity algorithms, our system provides tailored course
recommendations based on users’ competencies and
interests. Additionally, a learning path generation
module offers structured course sequences, further
enhancing the personalized learning experience. The
integration of a Rasa chatbot allows for an intuitive
and interactive user interface, improving engagement
by guiding users through competency-based assess-
ments. The annotation of courses with DigComp
competency areas, facilitated by LLMs, ensures that
the recommendations are competency-aligned and
relevant to individual learning goals.
As the project progresses, we plan to incorporate
collaborative filtering algorithms to augment the rec-
ommendation engine. By leveraging both simulated
and real user data, we aim to create a hybrid system
that combines the strengths of content-based and col-
laborative filtering techniques. Ultimately, this sys-
tem will enable more effective and personalized ed-
ucational experiences, catering to a wide variety of
learners and their evolving needs.
Both Sourav Dutta and Florian Beier are supported
by the “Bundesministerium f
ur Wirtschaft und Kli-
maschutz” within the project “MERLOT” which was
funded under the project reference 68GX21008K.
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