Deep Learning for Effective Classification and Information Extraction of
Financial Documents
Valentin-Adrian Serbanescu
and Maruf Dhali
Department of Artificial Intelligence, Bernoulli Institute, University of Groningen, 9747 AG Groningen, The Netherlands
Deep Learning, Classification, Information Extraction, Financial Documents, Optical Character Recognition,
CNN, RoBERTa, LayoutLMv3, GraphDoc, Document Processing.
The financial and accounting sectors are encountering increased demands to effectively manage large vol-
umes of documents in today’s digital environment. Meeting this demand is crucial for accurate archiving,
maintaining efficiency and competitiveness, and ensuring operational excellence in the industry. This study
proposes and analyzes machine learning-based pipelines to effectively classify and extract information from
scanned and photographed financial documents, such as invoices, receipts, bank statements, etc. It also ad-
dresses the challenges associated with financial document processing using deep learning techniques. This
research explores several models, including LeNet5, VGG19, and MobileNetV2 for document classification
and RoBERTa, LayoutLMv3, and GraphDoc for information extraction. The models are trained and tested on
financial documents from previously available benchmark datasets and a new dataset with financial documents
in Romanian. Results show MobileNetV2 excels in classification tasks (with accuracies of 99.24% with data
augmentation and 93.33% without augmentation), while RoBERTa and LayoutLMv3 lead in extraction tasks
(with F1-scores of 0.7761 and 0.7426, respectively). Despite the challenges posed by the imbalanced dataset
and cross-language documents, the proposed pipeline shows potential for automating the processing of finan-
cial documents in the relevant sectors.
In today’s digital era, the rapid growth of data high-
lights the need for efficient processing of financial
documents especially in finance and accounting,
where manually handling invoices and receipts can
be labor-intensive and prone to errors. This ar-
ticle aims to develop a machine-learning pipeline
that classifies and extracts critical information from
scanned financial documents. It will utilize advanced
techniques such as Convolutional Neural Networks
(CNNs), Graph Attention Networks (GATs), Trans-
formers, and Optical Character Recognition (OCR).
The proposed system addresses the complexities
of various document formats, enhancing the accu-
racy and speed of financial data processing. With
the growing demand for automation in large organi-
zations like banks and accounting firms, this article
seeks to optimize financial operations.
This work presents a machine learning pipeline
capable of accurately classifying and extracting valu-
able information from diverse financial documents,
laying the groundwork for future industrial appli-
cations. All materials and scripts are available on
1.1 Related Works
Document classification in the financial sector has be-
come crucial for processing large volumes of docu-
ments like invoices and bank statements. Initially re-
liant solely on Optical Character Recognition (OCR),
the field has evolved with machine learning advance-
ments, mainly through Convolutional Neural Net-
works (CNNs). In the study by (Chen and Blostein,
2007), the authors emphasized the limitations of tradi-
tional classification methods relying solely on OCR.
Later, (Kang et al., 2014) demonstrated the effective-
ness of CNNs in handling the structural hierarchies
and spatial relationships of document images, show-
ing a significant improvement over earlier techniques.
nol et al., 2014) introduced a multimodal ap-
GitHub Repository (private - available upon request):
Serbanescu, V.-A. and Dhali, M.
Deep Learning for Effective Classification and Information Extraction of Financial Documents.
DOI: 10.5220/0013261000003905
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2025), pages 749-756
ISBN: 978-989-758-730-6; ISSN: 2184-4313
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
proach combining CNNs for visual analysis and OCR
for text extraction, advancing multi-page document
classification. (Harley et al., 2015) further explored
deep CNNs for document classification, underscoring
their capability to manage high visual variability in
document categories. More recent research by (Dong
and Li, 2020) applied a simplified CNN architecture
specifically to financial documents, like invoices and
bank receipts, demonstrating practical applications in
the finance sector. On the other hand, (Lehtonen
et al., 2020) explored the k-Nearest Neighbors (kNN)
algorithm for document classification, pointing out
the potential of simpler models, while (
Omer Ar-
slan and Uymaz, 2022) provided insights into CNN-
based architectures like LeNet-5, VGG-19, and Mo-
bileNetV2, highlighting techniques like padding and
data augmentation for enhancing classification accu-
Considerable progress has been achieved in doc-
ument information extraction with the advancement
of pre-trained models. (Liu et al., 2019) introduced
RoBERTa, an enhanced version of BERT, which
showed superior performance on various benchmarks
by optimizing training methods and data. (Majumder
et al., 2020) proposed a representation learning ap-
proach for form-like documents, significantly im-
proving extraction performance across multiple do-
mains by generating extraction candidates based on
target fields. Another critical study by (Oral et al.,
2020) tackled the challenge of extracting informa-
tion from visually complex banking documents using
deep learning algorithms and neural word represen-
tations such as FastText, ELMo, and BERT. The au-
thors noted a significant 10% improvement in named
entity recognition and relation extraction. (Huang
et al., 2022) introduced LayoutLMv3, a multimodal
pre-trained model for Document AI, combining text
and image masking to align modalities, leading to
state-of-the-art performance across various document
understanding tasks without the need for CNN-based
image feature extraction. (Ha and Hor
ak, 2022) de-
veloped the OCRMiner system, designed specifically
for extracting information from scanned documents
like invoices, showing success rates of over 88% for
Czech and English invoices. Finally, (
et al., 2023) presented the DocILE benchmark, using
RoBERTa and LayoutLMv3 for essential information
extraction tasks, further contributing to advancements
in document AI.
Chargrids: The introduction of chargrids by (Katti
et al., 2018) added a new dimension to document un-
derstanding, converting documents into a 2D grid of
characters for processing with CNNs. This approach
preserves the spatial layout of the document and im-
proves semantic segmentation and information ex-
traction, particularly from layout-rich documents like
invoices (see Figure 1). By representing documents
in this format, the chargrid model captures both tex-
tual and spatial information, which proves beneficial
for information extraction, particularly in layout-rich
documents like invoices. In their experiments, the au-
thors demonstrated that chargrid significantly outper-
forms traditional text-only or image-based methods
in extracting structured information from documents
with complex layouts. Based on these findings, we in-
corporate chargrid into our model training process for
information extraction, aiming to leverage its ability
to improve spatial and layout understanding in docu-
ment processing tasks.
Figure 1: Example of chargrid created on the basis of a fi-
nancial document. Figure adapted from the study of (Katti
et al., 2018).
Data Augmentation: Data augmentation tech-
niques play a vital role in improving model perfor-
mance. (Perez and Wang, 2017) explored various
augmentation methods such as cropping, rotating, and
GAN-based style transfer. Similarly, (Mikołajczyk-
Bareła and Grochowski, 2018) proposed blending
content and style through image style transfer, which
proved particularly effective in tasks like medical
imaging. (Shorten and Khoshgoftaar, 2019) cat-
egorized augmentation methods into data warping
and oversampling techniques, such as SMOTE and
GANs, while (Yang et al., 2023) provided a com-
prehensive taxonomy of augmentation methods, high-
lighting the benefits of AutoAugment for optimizing
policies. These techniques, particularly traditional
ones, are essential for improving the performance of
models trained on financial documents, as demon-
strated by previous research. We will only use tra-
ditional augmentation techniques to simulate realis-
tic variations of financial documents based on con-
clusions from related works.
ICPRAM 2025 - 14th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
2.1 Classification
In the classification task, this study uses two datasets:
a new proposed dataset with Romanian Financial
Documents (RFD) comprising seven classes (invoice,
receipt, accompanying notice of wares, bank state-
ment, return receipt, payment disposition, and collec-
tion disposition) and the RVL-CDIP Dataset (Harley
et al., 2015). The RFD dataset contains 896 samples
distributed across these classes (for example, see Fig-
ure 6 in the Appendix), revealing notable class im-
balances, where certain document classes are under-
represented compared to others, as illustrated in Fig-
ure 2. To address these discrepancies, traditional data
augmentation techniques, including flipping, rotating,
translation, scaling, random cropping, brightness ad-
justment, and Gaussian noise, are applied to increase
diversity within each class. These augmentation tech-
niques lead to a more balanced distribution of sam-
ples, enhancing the dataset’s diversity, as seen in Fig-
ure 3, and ultimately improving the model’s general-
ization ability.
The RVL-CDIP Dataset, a subset of the IIT-CDIP
Test Collection, contains 400,000 grayscale images in
16 document categories (for example, see Figure 7 in
the Appendix). From these categories, seven similar
financial and business document types are selected to
align with the CD, providing a consistent foundation
for evaluating classification performance across var-
ious document types. This alignment allows a more
comprehensive comparison of model effectiveness on
different document distributions and class structures
across the two datasets.
The models used for classification include various
CNN architectures:
CNN: Three convolutional layers followed by
fully connected layers, based on the works of
(Dong and Li, 2020), (Harley et al., 2015), and
(Kang et al., 2014).
LeNet5: A classic two-layer convolutional archi-
tecture from (Lecun et al., 1998).
VGG19: A modified version of the VGG19 net-
work, as outlined by (Simonyan and Zisserman,
2015), with single-channel input.
MobileNetV2: Based on (Sandler et al., 2019),
using depthwise separable convolutions for re-
duced complexity.
Experiments. Four experiments are conducted:
two using the RFD dataset and two with a subset of
Figure 2: Number of samples per financial document class
in RVL-CDIP dataset.
Figure 3: Number of samples per financial document class
after data augmentation.
RVL-CDIP. Each experiment employed 5-fold cross-
validation, with an 80/20 split for training+validation
and testing and another 80/20 split for training and
validation. Results were generated from validation
and testing, with testing accuracy calculated using
models trained on combined training and valida-
tion sets. Evaluation metrics included mean accu-
racy, standard deviation, and testing accuracy across
folds. The experiments aimed to assess the impact
of data augmentation on the RFD dataset, evaluate
pre-trained models on RVL-CDIP when applied to the
augmented RFD dataset, measure model performance
on the RVL-CDIP subset, and test the performance
of models pre-trained on the augmented RFD dataset
when applied to RVL-CDIP.
Deep Learning for Effective Classification and Information Extraction of Financial Documents
Figure 4: Test accuracy of various models on different datasets for the classification task (see also Tables 1, 2, 3, and 4).
Table 1: Classification accuracy using the RFD dataset with and without data augmentation.
Models Test (Aug) Val Mean (Aug) Val Std (Aug) Test (No Aug) Val Mean (No Aug) Val Std (No Aug)
CNN 95.89 95.16 0.98 92.78 92.87 1.01
LeNet5 92.94 89.25 2.43 85.56 81.28 4.37
MobileNetV2 (pretrained) 99.24 93.10 8.78 93.33 94.41 4.12
MobileNetV2 95.28 95.38 1.59 65.56 86.17 7.80
VGG19 (pretrained) 87.98 73.17 31.52 91.11 89.52 2.39
VGG19 16.44 14.51 1.40 47.22 47.33 4.56
2.2 Information Extraction
The information extraction task focuses on Key Infor-
mation Localization and Extraction (KILE) and Line
Item Recognition (LIR). Two datasets are used: the
RFD dataset of manually annotated financial docu-
ments (35 documents across seven classes) and the
DocILE Benchmark Dataset (
Simsa et al.,
2023). The DocILE dataset comprises 6.7k annotated
business documents, 100k synthetic documents, and
1 million unlabeled documents. The RFD dataset in-
cludes fields like invoice numbers, item descriptions,
and total values. These datasets test the ability to ex-
tract essential information from financial documents.
The models used for information extraction in-
RoBERTa: A transformer model for text-based
tasks, as described by (Liu et al., 2019).
LayoutLMv3: A multimodal model handling both
text and layout, based on the work of (Huang
et al., 2022).
GraphDoc: A graph-based model that integrates
text, layout, and visual features, as described by
(Wang et al., 2023).
Experiments: Two experiments were conducted:
one on the DocILE dataset and the other on the
RFD dataset. The first experiment used 5-fold cross-
validation on DocILE, with models evaluated on F1-
score, average precision (AP), precision, and recall.
This experiment aimed to compare results with those
of (
Simsa et al., 2023) and to assess model ro-
bustness by combining KILE and LIR tasks for over-
all performance, unlike the separate evaluations in the
original study.
In the second experiment, models trained on En-
glish documents were tested on a manually annotated
RFD dataset, translated from Romanian to English.
This experiment used F1-score, AP, precision, and re-
call metrics for both KILE and LIR tasks to evaluate
model performance on novel, non-English data.
This section presents the classification results of the
RFD and RVL-CDIP datasets (see Figure 4 for the
plot). For the information extraction tasks, focusing
on the DocILE benchmark and the RFD dataset, see
ICPRAM 2025 - 14th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Figure 5 in the Appendix for the results plot. Detailed
results are discussed in the following subsections.
3.1 Classification Task
RFD Dataset: The results for the classification task
on the RFD dataset with and without data augmenta-
tion are shown in Table 1. The CNN model achieved
the highest accuracy on unseen data (95.89%)
with augmentation, while MobileNetV2 (pretrained)
achieved the highest accuracy without augmentation
(93.33%). Data augmentation significantly improved
model performance across most models. Pretrained
models, particularly MobileNetV2 and VGG19, con-
sistently outperformed their non-pretrained counter-
RVL-CDIP Dataset: The results for the RVL-
CDIP dataset are presented in Table 2. MobileNetV2
(pretrained) achieved the highest accuracy (76.34%),
while CNN and LeNet5 followed with lower perfor-
mance. Pretrained models performed significantly
better than non-pretrained ones, highlighting the ben-
efit of transfer learning.
RFD Dataset with RVL-CDIP Pretraining: The
results for the RFD dataset with models pretrained on
the RVL-CDIP dataset are in Table 3. MobileNetV2
(pretrained) and VGG19 (pretrained) achieved high
accuracy, showing that models pretrained on RVL-
CDIP can generalize well to the RFD dataset.
RVL-CDIP Dataset with RFD Pretraining: Ta-
ble 4 shows that MobileNetV2 (pretrained) achieved
the highest accuracy at 74.65%, followed by VGG19
(pretrained) at 62.98%. The CNN performed well
with 64.21% accuracy. LeNet5 and non-pretrained
models underperformed, with VGG19 scoring the
lowest at 14.29%. Pretrained models generalize better
3.2 Information Extraction Task
DocILE Dataset: The results for the combined
KILE and LIR tasks on the DocILE Benchmark
Dataset are presented in Table 5. RoBERTa achieved
the highest F1-score (0.7761), while LayoutLMv3
performed slightly lower. GraphDoc showed weaker
performance compared to the other models.
RFD Dataset: The results for the RFD dataset
for KILE and LIR tasks are presented in Table 6.
RoBERTa showed strong performance in the KILE
task but weaker in the LIR task. LayoutLMv3 per-
formed well across both functions, while GraphDoc
underperformed in comparison.
Modern architectures like MobileNetV2 (pretrained)
and CNN, combined with data augmentation, de-
livered the best results for the classification tasks.
Pretrained models consistently outperformed non-
pretrained ones, emphasizing the importance of trans-
fer learning. In document information extraction
tasks, RoBERTa and LayoutLMv3 proved the most
effective, with RoBERTa excelling in token-level pre-
dictions. LayoutLMv3 performed well, particularly
for structured data extraction like line items. Graph-
Doc struggled in both tasks, indicating limitations
for complex document processing. MobileNetV2
and CNN are best suited for classification, while
RoBERTa and LayoutLMv3 excel in information ex-
Hardware limitations impacted this work, particu-
larly during model training for complex models like
RoBERTa and LayoutLMv3. The RFD dataset used
for classification was relatively small, which may
have affected the models’ ability to generalize across
various document types. Furthermore, the annota-
tions for information extraction were inadequate, and
translation errors in the RFD dataset could have fur-
ther hindered model performance. By addressing
these challenges through the use of larger datasets,
improved annotations, and enhanced computational
resources, we are likely to achieve more accurate
Future research should concentrate on developing
a benchmark specifically for classifying financial doc-
uments, as existing datasets may not adequately re-
flect the unique features of these documents. Ad-
ditionally, creating multilingual models is crucial,
particularly for processing languages like Romanian,
to enhance the effectiveness of document extraction
systems in various linguistic contexts. Expanding
datasets in both size and diversity will be essential
for improving the generalization and performance of
models in classification and information extraction
In conclusion, this research proposes and ana-
lyzes machine learning pipelines for classifying and
extracting information from financial documents. It
demonstrates promising results in automating docu-
ment processing and paves the way for further devel-
opment in industrial applications.
Deep Learning for Effective Classification and Information Extraction of Financial Documents
Table 2: Classification accuracy using the RVL-CDIP dataset.
Models Test Accuracy Val Mean Val Std
CNN 65.59 63.03 0.60
LeNet5 61.75 59.58 0.96
MobileNetV2 (pretrained) 76.34 72.64 2.49
MobileNetV2 64.36 58.94 1.18
VGG19 (pretrained) 53.15 51.89 20.14
VGG19 14.29 13.12 1.06
Table 3: Classification accuracy using the RFD dataset with models pretrained on the RVL-CDIP dataset.
Models Test Accuracy Val Mean Val Std
CNN 94.06 93.63 0.96
LeNet5 94.22 91.15 1.20
MobileNetV2 (pretrained) 91.93 97.21 1.48
MobileNetV2 95.88 96.76 1.17
VGG19 (pretrained) 98.17 94.62 2.87
VGG19 16.44 16.46 1.91
Table 4: Classification accuracy using the RVL-CDIP dataset with models pretrained on the RFD dataset.
Models Test Accuracy Val Mean Val Std
CNN 64.21 62.08 1.21
LeNet5 47.16 48.13 3.22
MobileNetV2 (pretrained) 74.65 73.59 1.45
MobileNetV2 53.76 55.37 0.73
VGG19 (pretrained) 62.98 60.40 1.13
VGG19 14.29 11.96 0.37
Table 5: Information extraction results (F1-score, average precision, precision, recall) for the 5-fold cross-validation on the
DocILE dataset.
Models F1-score average precision precision recall
RoBERTa 0.7761 ± 0.0268 0.8194 ± 0.0204 0.8180 ± 0.0252 0.7650 ± 0.0253
LayoutLMv3 0.7426 ± 0.0198 0.7878 ± 0.0198 0.7752 ± 0.0260 0.7324 ± 0.0148
GraphDoc 0.4497 ± 0.0043 0.4974 ± 0.0059 0.5133 ± 0.0051 0.4402 ± 0.0060
Table 6: Information extraction results for KILE and LIR tasks on the RFD dataset, including F1-score, precision, recall, and
average precision.
Models F1-score (KILE) Avg. precision (KILE) precision (KILE) recall (KILE) F1-score (LIR) Avg. precision (LIR) precision (LIR) recall (LIR)
RoBERTa 0.5101 0.0133 0.5101 0.5101 0.2439 0.1522 0.2439 0.2439
LayoutLMv3 0.4973 0.0152 0.4973 0.4973 0.3396 0.2234 0.3396 0.3396
GraphDoc 0.3033 0.0200 0.3033 0.3033 0.2052 0.1532 0.2052 0.2052
We thank Vamadi Contab, the accounting company in
Romania (, for providing the finan-
cial documents that enabled the practical validation of
our models. Finally, we appreciate the H
ok HPC
Cluster for providing computational resources, with-
out which the article would not have reached its cur-
rent depth and scope.
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Deep Learning for Effective Classification and Information Extraction of Financial Documents
Figure 6: Example documents and classes from RFD dataset used for the image classification task.
Figure 7: Example documents and classes from the RVL-CDIP Dataset, figures taken from the study of (Harley et al., 2015).
ICPRAM 2025 - 14th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods