Expertise versus Data: Comparison of Expertise Based Process Models
to Process-Mining Models of Surgery Under General Anesthesia
Hugo Boisaubert
1 a
, Chlo
e Grivaud
, Antoine Bouchet
, Corinne Lejus-Bourdeau
Christine Sinoquet
Nantes Universit
e, CNRS, LS2N UMR 6004, 2 Chemin de la Houssini
ere, 44300 Nantes, France
Nantes Universit
e, LESiMU, 9 rue Bias, 44000 Nantes, France
Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, CHU Nantes, 1 place Alexis Ricordeau, 44000 Nantes, France
Process-Mining, Anesthesia, Healthcare, Model Comparison, Machine Learning, Expertise, Personal Data.
Digital tools accessible for healthcare are often based on models representing a medical process and learned
from medical data. Unfortunately, those data are protected by privacy regulation and therefore are quite rare.
This rarity leads to process models mainly based on the expertise of caregivers. Those expertise-based model
and data-based models are rarely compared to show their common characteristics and differences. When both
model can be produced for the same situation multiple questions arise. Should the expertise-based model
be invalidated if it is not in full conformity to the data-based model ? Are those models’ characteristics the
same? In this article, we present a comparison of expertise-based models and data-based models produced for
a surgery under general anesthesia with 204 real cases. We conducted a process mining algorithm performance
comparison on our specific real data to identify the most promising learning method. Then we compared the
produced data-based models to the expertise-based models with some metrics. The comparison results show
strong differences between the two types of models, the expertise-based model is very much smaller than
the data-based model, but we have noticed that the expert-based model is included in a data-based model.
Therefore, the main difference between the two models appears to be on a level of abstraction.
Anesthesia is a common practice in occidental
medicine to facilitate specific care or medical ges-
tures. More than 300 million anesthesias are induced
every year in the world (Gao et al., 2022).
The development in digital sciences plays a role in
this improvement with new tools for caregivers, first
with decision aid software (O’Connor et al., 1999)
for anesthesia consultation, with the involvement of
digital simulation of patients in training of caregivers
(Kononowicz et al., 2019), and most recently with
digital twins (Katsoulakis et al., 2024).
Many of those tools are based on process models
that represent the medical situation where the tool is
intended to be used, from organization process mod-
els for a full hospital to medical treatment process
models for the care of a patient (Kaymak et al., 2012).
However, before giving access to caregivers of this
kind of tool, those models must be accurately pro-
duced. This can be easily achieved by process min-
ing and machine learning techniques based on real
medical data. Unfortunately, those kinds of data are
quite rare, as they are highly sensitive patient data
and therefore protected by privacy regulations like the
. Consequently, models are usually built with
the help of caregivers and experts based on their ex-
This work is born inside a collaboration between
the Laboratory of Digital Sciences of Nantes Uni-
versity and the Nantes University Hospital. During
this collaboration, aiming to develop new methods for
caregivers in general anesthesia training with the help
of digital tools, medical data should have been used to
learn process models by machine-learning techniques
and process mining approaches.
However, because of the private and sensitive na-
ture of those data, access was not easily granted.
Thus, a modeling effort, involving anesthesia experts,
trainers, and caregivers, has been carried out, re-
The General Data Protection Regulation (GPDR), is
the European Union regulation on the usage of data.
Boisaubert, H., Grivaud, C., Bouchet, A., Lejus-Bourdeau, C. and Sinoquet, C.
Expertise versus Data: Comparison of Expertise Based Process Models to Process-Mining Models of Surgery Under General Anesthesia.
DOI: 10.5220/0013262300003911
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2025) - Volume 2: HEALTHINF, pages 742-749
ISBN: 978-989-758-731-3; ISSN: 2184-4305
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
sulting in expertise-based process models of general
When access to the precious health data was,
at least, granted, the question of the conformity of
expertise-based process models to real data produced
by the real medical procedure has arisen.
The aim of this work is to compare different
expertise-based process models to data-based process
models in healthcare situations, more precisely in a
general anesthesia situation. To our knowledge, this
work of comparison has not yet been done.
This article will first present our medical situation,
then our application context and approach, and finally
our results and an analysis where we will try to deter-
mine how both types of models compare to, hopefully,
lead us to a proposition of usage.
Application of process mining approaches for health
is now a full research domain (known as PM4H) with
distinct characteristics and challenges (Munoz-Gama
et al., 2022). Experimental results and specific ap-
proaches to process mining for health have been pub-
lished in the last decade (Rojas et al., 2016)(Guzzo
et al., 2022), including multiple results on anesthesia
(Kaymak et al., 2012).
In the case of surgery performed under general
anesthesia, the process is directly dependent on the
specificities of the patient. Although there is a com-
mon framework for all interventions under general
anesthesia, there is no reference process model to
serve as the ground truth, just recommendations for
good practices from health authorities or national
anesthesia society.
2.1 General Anesthesia
General anesthesia consists of the use of powerful
analgesics, such as drugs from the opioid family, like
morphine, on an unconscious patient. It is recom-
mended when the patient cannot consciously endure
a care. The loss of consciousness in a patient in-
volves the use of specific medications, such as hyp-
notics - substances capable of inducing and/or main-
taining sleep - and specialized medical procedures to
initiate and maintain it.
Depending on the depth of sedation - the loss of
vigilance and consciousness through the use of med-
ication - the patient may lose their respiratory reflex.
It is therefore necessary to intubate them and connect
them to a mechanical respirator to provide respira-
tory assistance. Throughout the operation, anesthe-
sia is maintained by continuous or regular injection
of drugs.
A general anesthesia involves many risks. The use
of curare is the cause of the majority of allergic risks
for that kind of care, but the use of certain hypnotics
can lead, in very rare cases, to serious and generally
unpredictable allergic reactions.
The high variability of these procedures leads to
high variability in the data they produce and there-
fore hinder the ability of process mining algorithms
to generate models. Handling this variability is one of
the challenges for PM4H (Munoz-Gama et al., 2022).
2.1.1 A Semi-Rigid Structure
General anesthesia is administered in four main steps:
Patient Entry: the patient arrives in the operating
room and is prepared for the procedure.
Anesthesia Induction: analgesia is performed
and loss of consciousness is induced. The patient
is placed on respiratory assistance.
Surgical or Medical Procedure: the actions
planned during the procedure are performed. Loss
of consciousness and analgesia are maintained.
Patient Exit: maintenance of anesthesia is
stopped and the patient is prepared for awakening.
The four major steps of an anesthesia procedure
correspond to different moments of activity of the in-
tervention and are always present. For each of these
major steps, specific steps are carried out by care-
givers in a determined and fixed order. This is the
rigid component of the structure of anesthesia. Steps
for the first main step are presented in Table 1.
Table 1: First Main Step, Steps and Sub-steps of a general
Main step Step Sub-step
Patient Enter in room
set up Set up on table
Heart rate
Patient entry Monitoring Blood pressure
set up O2 saturation
Curare level
Bair Hugger
Preparation Venous route
Each of these actions, relating to care, is com-
posed of sub-steps that correspond to different activ-
Expertise versus Data: Comparison of Expertise Based Process Models to Process-Mining Models of Surgery Under General Anesthesia
ities dedicated to medical care. They are carried out
by the medical team and vary according to the inter-
vention and the patient’s profile. This is the variable
component of the structure of anesthesia.
2.2 Anesthesia Event Logs
The various actions carried out by the medical team
during the main steps, steps and sub-steps of an anes-
thesia procedure are recorded as event logs during the
monitoring of the intervention.
Since 1994 (Journal Officiel, 1994), in France
all anesthesia procedures must be monitored, and all
events and physiological time series of the patients
must be archived for forensic reasons.
Since 2000, forensic archiving has been increas-
ingly digitalized in more and more hospitals. Those
archived data form an important database of real-
world anesthetic data. For this work, only the event
log of the surgery has been used as raw data. Those
event logs are composed of the timestamp of the
event, the event name, and sometimes a comment
added by the medical team. Some examples of event
log tuples are shown in Table 2.
Table 2: Example of an anesthetic event log.
Timestamp Event name
21/02/2022 09:30:27 Patient set up
21/02/2022 09:30:57 Heart rate monitoring
21/02/2022 09:31:27 Blood pressure monitoring
In this work, we seek to represent general anesthe-
sia situations during surgery in the form of a process
model. Whether these process models come from
machine learning techniques or from the expertise of
caregivers, they aim to represent the same situations.
3.1 Process Models
A process model is a representation of a process. This
kind of modeling is used for multiple tasks, such
as discussing processes, document workflow, work-
flow verification, performance analysis, etc. (Van
Der Aalst, 2016).
3.1.1 Concepts
Each process model is composed of a set of activities
A. With a process model, we aim to represent which
activities will be executed and the sequential order of
execution during the process.
Therefore, a process model is also composed of a
set of transitions T that define the sequential order of
execution. Process models are represented as an ori-
ented graph where activities and transitions are nodes
linked by arcs. Some activities or chains of activi-
ties may be optional in the processes, or concurrent;
we can therefore identify specific transitions into two
categories: splits and gateway. Split transitions define
multiple possible split-choices after an activity:
AND-split imposes multiple next activities;
XOR-split imposes to select one of the multiple
next activities (the choice is made after the evalu-
ation of specifically defined conditions);
OR-split OR-split permits to select one or more
in the multiple next activities (here too, the choice
is made after the evaluation of specifically defined
The join transitions (i.e., gateways) work in a sym-
metric way to define an activity joining multiple pos-
sible preceding activities:
AND-join requires multiple preceding activities
to be completed before the next activity can be
XOR-join XOR-join requires one of the previ-
ous activities to be completed before executing the
next activity;
OR-join requires one or more of the previous ac-
tivities to be executed before the next activity can
take place.
3.1.2 Notation
Process model notation is usually a graphical repre-
sentation of the model; those notations are plethorous,
and it is relatively easy to translate a process model
in a specific notation to another one (van Der Aalst
et al., 2003) with tools dedicated to this task in ref-
erence process mining toolkit ProM (Verbeek et al.,
The most used notations are Petri Net and BPMN
(Business Process Model and Notation), as process
mining has a good proximity with business modeling.
3.2 Expertise-Based Process Models
The models obtained from experts were constructed
based on various discussion sessions with experts
combined with reference sources, such as biblio-
graphic sources, recommendations from anesthesia
societies, or internal good practice references from
HEALTHINF 2025 - 18th International Conference on Health Informatics
The models were iteratively improved from ses-
sion to session using a top-down approach. A first
model corresponding to a generic anesthesia situation
was formulated, and this first model was then spec-
ified by successively adding cases specific to certain
patients, certain medical procedures, or medications.
3.3 Data-Based Process Models
Data-based processes are process models constructed
using machine learning techniques from real data,
specifically the event log of an anesthetic procedure.
Those techniques are part of the process mining field.
3.3.1 Datasets
All the process models have been learned on anes-
thetic data from the Nantes University Hospital.
The used dataset is composed of the event log ex-
tracted from a forensic archive. The cohort of pa-
tients used to produce this dataset is composed of 204
male patients, aged between 30 and 50 years, with no
specific medical history or comorbidities, receiving a
surgery under general anesthesia for the curation of
an inguinal hernia under laparoscopy.
A dataset consisting of 204 cases may seem too
small for any machine learning approach. How-
ever, this is a constraint when using real medical
datasets. Synthetic data could be used, but that would
have undermined the value of our comparative ap-
proach. Handling ”small” datasets, in regard to ha-
bitual datasets in machine learning, is one of the
challenges of PM4H algorithms (Munoz-Gama et al.,
2022). Different characteristics of the dataset are
shown in the Table 3
Table 3: Multiple characteristics of the used dataset.
Characteristic Values
Number of Cases 204
Number of Activities 144
Mean Activities per event log 34.8
Min/Max Activities per event log 27/45
Average Trace Time (seconds) 8166
Min/Max Trace Time (seconds) 2048/18654
3.3.2 Selection of Some Process Mining Methods
There are many algorithmic approaches to learn pro-
cess models by process mining techniques. Algo-
rithms dedicated to process discovery are numer-
ous. In order to determine which approaches of pro-
cess discovery would be most suitable for anesthetic
event logs, a small comparative study was carried
out. We selected 6 different process discovery al-
gorithms, based on their usage in literature or per-
formance in healthcare process mining (Guzzo et al.,
2022)(Munoz-Gama et al., 2022). We will introduce
them in more detail in the next subsections.
All those algorithms are implemented in Java,
mostly inside the reference tool ProM (Verbeek et al.,
2010), except for the Split Miner algorithm. For some
of them, the PM4PY(Berti et al., 2023) library has
been used as a Python interface.
The Alpha+ algorithm (De Medeiros et al., 2004)
is an upgrade of the original alpha algorithm, with
the ability to mine short loops (De Medeiros et al.,
2004) . The Alpha+ algorithm is a formal approach
to process mining. This approach presupposes a per-
fect event log (Weijters et al., 2006) where the log
is complete, which means that if an activity can fol-
low another activity directly, the log should contain
an example of this behavior. Besides, the log contains
no noise, meaning everything is correctly recorded.
Real-life event logs are very rarely noise-free and/or
complete. The use of this algorithm with our data, if
computation is possible, will probably show its lack
of performance with real data. However, as it is a ref-
erence algorithm, we have selected it for this study.
The Heuristics Miner algorithm (Weijters et al.,
2006) is an upgrade of the alpha+ algorithm, using the
frequency of a behavior in an event log to be able to
deal with noise and low-frequent behavior. The main
advantage of the heuristics miner is its ability to deal
with noise. However, it is only able to express the
main behavior registered in an event log, not all de-
tails and exceptions.
The Inductive Miner (Leemans et al., 2014)uses
a divide-and-conquer approach to discover a process
model from an event log. The log is split into sublogs
in order to discover an operator between them (Lee-
mans et al., 2014). The process model discovered is
a process tree, easily convertible into a Petri-Net or a
BPMN notation. For this algorithm, a noise threshold
must be selected; the values chosen for this parameter
are discussed in the result section.
The ILP Miner (Integer Linear Programming
Miner) (Van der Werf et al., 2008) uses a region-based
approach. The main goal of this algorithm is to search
for as many places as possible, such that the resulting
Petri net is consistent with the log (i.e able to replay
the log).
The ETM Miner (Evolutionary Tree Miner)
(Buijs, 2014) uses an evolutionary approach to create,
evaluate, and change candidate solutions. The evalua-
tion is always done using the four quality dimensions
used in process discovery (see 3.3.3). This approach
is quite flexible because it allows for the selection of
evaluation criteria that we want to maximize.
The Split Miner (Augusto et al., 2017) algorithm
is designed to generate understandable and accurate
Expertise versus Data: Comparison of Expertise Based Process Models to Process-Mining Models of Surgery Under General Anesthesia
Table 4: Comparison of the selected process discovery algorithms.
Algorithms Noise Duplicate tasks Hidden tasks No-free choice Loops
sensitivity detection detection construct detection
Alpha+ Algorithm Sensitive No No No Small loops
Heuristic Miner Less sensitive No No Partially Yes
Inductive Miner Robust Yes No Yes Yes
ILP Miner Very sensitive No Partially Yes Yes
ETM Miner Robust Yes Yes Yes Yes
Split Miner Robust Yes No Yes Yes
process models. It stands out for its ability to han-
dle complex transitions and concurrent behaviors by
splitting the event log into partitions based on depen-
dency relations, then creating local models for each
partition, and finally integrating the local models into
a global process model using logical operators.
A comparison of the process discovery algorithms
selected for this study is presented in Table 4.
3.3.3 Process Mining Model Evaluation Criteria
The models generated using the different algorithms
presented earlier were evaluated using four different
metrics : fitness, precision, generalization, and sim-
The fitness metric calculates how many behaviors
from the event log are covered by the model. The
token-based replay fitness method returns the percent-
age of traces that are complete in the model (Berti and
van der Aalst, 2019).
The precision metric involves replaying different
parts of the event log on the model to check if the
model is underfitting the log. To compute precision,
we used the heuristic-based (Munoz-Gama and Car-
mona, 2010) method, faster but not exact.
The generalization metric measures whether the
elements of a model are sufficiently visited when the
event log is replayed on the model. The generalization
measure is the one given in (Buijs et al., 2014).
The simplicity metric is calculated using an in-
verse arc degree method described by (Blum, 2015).
3.4 Comparison of Process Models
In this work, we are taking a similar approach to the
search for conformity. However, it is not a question
of comparing a learned model with a reference model
assumed to be true (ground truth) but of comparing
two models in order to highlight their differences and
deduce the impact on the possible use of this model.
There are several approaches to checking the con-
formance of a process model: alignments, comparing
footprints (Van der Werf et al., 2008). However, those
approaches are mainly used to find commonalities and
discrepancies between a process model and an event
log to then improve the process model.
Other approaches are more user-friendly to com-
pare two different process models. In this work we
will use two metrics of distinguishability : Support
and Confidence (Kuo and Chen, 2012). Those metrics
are complementary and aim to quantify the similarity
of the compared models.
The Support metric aims to quantify the resem-
blance, from a relational point of view, of the activi-
ties of both process models; For two process models
a and b, this metric is computed as:
Support(a, b) =
where :
is the number of the common activities in
process models a and b ;
is the number of activities in process models
a and b ;
is the number of the common transitions in
process models a and b ;
is the number of transitions in process mod-
els a and b.
The Confidence metric computes a ratio of se-
quential activities (i.e a transition) common to both
models with the number of transitions in a specific
model. For two process models a and b, this metric is
computed as:
Con f idence(b|a) =
where :
is the number of the common transitions in
process models a and b ;
is the number of transitions in process models a.
This section presents the results of our comparative
process mining study. We then introduce the process
models produced, and we present the results of their
quality evaluation. Lastly, the expert-based process
HEALTHINF 2025 - 18th International Conference on Health Informatics
model and the data-based process model are com-
4.1 Comparative Study of Algorithms
All the selected algorithms have been applied to the
inguinal hernia dataset presented in 3.3.1.
4.1.1 Algorithm Parameters
Most of the process discovery algorithms we selected
do not require specific parameter settings. However,
the Inductive Miner and the ETM Miner do require
specific parameters.
For the Inductive Miner algorithm, a noise thresh-
old must be selected. By default, it should be set to
0.2 (Leemans et al., 2014). However, depending on
the quality of the data, it is noted by the authors that
it might be useful to increase this threshold. This is
why we have decided to test three noise threshold val-
ues when testing on real data: 0.2, 0.25, and 0.3. Our
goal with these settings is to determine whether these
variations can improve the metrics’ values and lead to
the best possible model, as medical data are known to
be noisy (Munoz-Gama et al., 2022).
The ETM miner algorithm requires many param-
eters. Since this is a model that takes a long time to
run, compared to the other approaches, we have cho-
sen to keep the default parameters to not increase the
computing time (Buijs, 2014).
4.1.2 Computing and Result Transformation
As the dataset used is composed of personal medical
data, the computing of all selected process discovery
algorithms has been done inside the digital infrastruc-
ture of the University Hospital.
A computing pipeline has been created with
Python to select data from the dataset, then compute
the different process models in one job with the help
of PM4PY Python library to interface the ProM tool.
However, this was not possible for the ETM algorithm
and Split Miner; those computations have been made
manually. Computing times for all the algorithms are
presented in Table 5.
Some of the selected process mining algorithms
produce a process model using the Petri Net notation;
others use the BPMN notation. All the produced pro-
cess models have been converted to BPMN using the
conversion tools of ProM(Verbeek et al., 2010) to en-
sure uniform notation.
4.1.3 Evaluation of the Obtained Process Models
Two of the selected process discovery algorithms, the
Alpha+ and ILP miner, did not produce results due to
Table 5: Computing times (in seconds) on the dataset for
the selected process mining algorithms.
Algorithm Computing Time
Inductive Miner (T h = 0.20) 2.723
Inductive Miner (T h = 0.25) 1.582
Inductive Miner (T h = 0.30) 1.419
Heuristic Miner 2.237
Split Miner 2.178
ETM Miner 6060
too long computation times. 6 models were produced,
with 3 models for Inductive Miner, one for each noise
threshold. These models have been evaluated using
the different metrics described in 3.3.3, and the results
are shown in Table 6.
Table 6: Evaluation result for the models obtained with
Inductive Miner, Heuristics Miner, Split Miner and ETM
Metric Inductive Miner Heur. ETM Split
0.2 0.25 0.3
Fitness 0.983 0.883 0.841 0.785 0.353 0.764
Precision 0.387 0.816 0.867 0.797 0.995 0.997
Generalization 0.798 0.759 0.745 0.344 0.400 0.549
Simplicity 0.562 0.595 0.617 0.407 0.530 0.58
As we can see, of all produced process models, fit-
ness and precision values are lower than what may be
expected. The performance of the ETM Miner is quite
disappointing given the computing time involved. If
the Heuristics Miner and Split Miner produce good
models from the point of view of fitness and preci-
sion, those models lack simplicity and generalization.
It may be the result of noise in the dataset.
As predicted, the multiples value of the noise
threshold for the inductive miner shows an associa-
tion with the relaxation of this value.
Based on these results, we have selected the pro-
cess model produced by the Inductive Miner algo-
rithm (th = 0.3), to be used as our data-based process
model as it fits with the best equilibrium for the dif-
ferent evaluated metrics.
4.2 Comparison of Models
The expert-based process model obtained after mul-
tiple iterations with the expert and caregivers for the
cure of an inguinal hernia under laparoscopy has been
validated by a group of external experts. This process
model has been then compared with the selected data-
based process model.
The two process models are too big to be inte-
grated in this article. The main characteristics of those
models are presented in Table 7.
The two metrics of distinguishability (Kuo and
Expertise versus Data: Comparison of Expertise Based Process Models to Process-Mining Models of Surgery Under General Anesthesia
Table 7: Characteristics of the two compared process mod-
els: data-based process model (dd) and expertise-drive pro-
cess model (ed).
Expertise-based Data-based
process model process model
Activities 35 95
Transitions 45 138
Arcs 74 210
Chen, 2012) presented in 3.4 have been computed
between the data-based process model (db) and
expertise-based process model (eb) and are presented
in table 8.
Table 8: Metrics of distinguishability for the two compared
models : data-based process model (db) and expertise-
based process model (eb).
Metric Value (%)
Support(db, eb) 8.56 %
Con f idence(db|eb) 10.24 %
Con f idence(eb|db) 83.58 %
A comparison of the characteristics of the two
models involved shows their differences in terms of
the number of activities, transitions, and arcs, which
inevitably leads to a rather weak support metric.
If it is consequently expected that the confidence
between the data-based model and the expert-based
model is low, it is interesting to note that the op-
posite, the confidence between the expert-based and
data-based models, is very high.
We can easily deduce that the expert-based model
is included in the data-based model, but that they still
differ in some parts. It may be due to the impact of
noise in the data (whose impact we see in the eval-
uation metrics) and by the intrinsic character of the
expertise-based model in terms of level of abstraction.
These elements lead us to several analyses and cri-
tiques concerning the results obtained, the biases they
may highlight as well as the generalizable and repeat-
able nature of this work.
5.1 Some Criticisms of the Results
As often described in the literature, medical data are
often very noisy (Munoz-Gama et al., 2022), and this
has an impact on the values of the different evalua-
tion metrics, where one could expect higher fitness
and precision values. Therefore, the process mod-
els obtained with state-of-the-art algorithms are sub-
performing with our dataset.
In addition, the technical constraints related to car-
rying out the experiments in the digital environment
of the hospital added a constraint in the implemen-
tation of the experiment and led us to use a Python
library as a roundabout way to carry out the study.
This constrained experiment did not allow us to use
the different settings to their full potential. Work on
refining the parameters should be considered.
5.2 Experts’ Reflexive Analysis
The expert-based and data-based models are conven-
tionally opposed; on the one hand, one comes from a
reflexive analysis process carried out by experts dur-
ing their gain in experience; on the other hand, the
data-based models are based exclusively on data, and
the current approaches to process discovery do not al-
low this reflexive analysis.
Process mining approaches using expert knowl-
edge for the learning of model may be a solution to
5.3 Repeatability and Generalization
If this work focuses on a specific intervention, the
treatment of an inguinal hernia, in a specific con-
text, general anesthesia, it can be extended beyond
this medical context. This comparative approach of
expert-based and data-based models can be applied to
more situations. If an expert is capable of creating a
model, and if a process mining algorithm can learn it
from traces, this approach can be employed.
Unfortunately, our specific result cannot be repro-
duced easily as the real data are unavailable to the
public for privacy reasons. However, this approach
applied to situations where it can be assumed that
traces and the experts’ point of view differ in their
levels of abstraction, should give similar results.
To conclude, we can consider different elements. The
experimental results that we have produced indicate
that an expert-based model can be included in a data-
based model. The differentiation between the two
models appears to be on a level of abstraction.
Thus, the use of these two types of models can be
interesting for health in that they provide two differ-
ent points of view on the same situation. The expert-
based model brings a high-level abstraction point of
view and therefore a rationalization of the process,
whereas the data-based model brings a point of view
HEALTHINF 2025 - 18th International Conference on Health Informatics
oriented by the data and therefore by the execution
of the process, which inherently implies all the varia-
tions and anomalies that can occur in the real world.
The models have different characteristics that op-
pose realism and rationalization. A relevant use of
these two types of models could be to evolve the ex-
pert point of view towards more realism and to evolve
the learning models with inclusions of expertise.
6.1 Future Work and Improvement
Those results are quite preliminary and need more
work to consolidate and refine our conclusion.
The critiques of our result must be addressed in
future work to reduce noise in the event log and im-
prove the quality of the models produced.
As stated by (Munoz-Gama et al., 2022) pro-
cess mining for healthcare is confronted with mul-
tiple challenges, and using classical approaches of
process discovery on this kind of data leads to still-
interpretable but sub-performing results. Therefore,
a future intended work is to propose new approaches
and algorithms for process discovery in medical data
and expertise-based process model comparison with
data-based process models and inclusion of expertise
to enhance the process discovery.
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