Table 1: First Occurrence Efficiencies (FOE) for each method on each object.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
# of Positive Tiles 24 24 9 9 24 24 20 12 9 24 24 20 30 12
Random Baseline 4175 4175 10437 10437 4175 4175 4970 8028 10437 4175 4175 4970 3367 8028
Latent FP 4175.00 4175.00 10 437.00 10 437.00 4175.00 4175.00 4970.00 45.36 10 437.00 4175.00 4175.00 4970.00 3367.00 2676.00
Latent IF 4175.00 4175.00 10 437.00 10 437.00 4175.00 4175.00 4970.00 334.50 579.83 4175.00 4175.00 4970.00 3367.00 4014.00
X FP 0.76 12.61 72.48 2.38 1043.75 3.10 6.57 0.53 2.78 1.31 68.44 10.16 0.74 1.43
X IF 160.58 2087.50 11.16 9.51 2087.50 4175.00 4970.00 1.45 3.31 154.63 1391.67 72.03 1683.50 2.73
Rec Error 64.23 9.58 104.37 88.45 85.20 35.38 30.12 617.54 237.20 28.40 3.50 49.21 28.29 13.77
15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
# of Positive Tiles 9 24 24 20 25 9 12 30 24 25 25 9 15
Random Baseline 10437 4175 4175 4970 4014 10437 8028 3367 4175 4014 4014 10437 6523
Latent FP 248.50 4175.00 4175.00 4970.00 4014.00 20.79 4014.00 3367.00 4175.00 4014.00 4014.00 579.83 6523.00
Latent IF 23.77 4175.00 4175.00 4970.00 4014.00 274.66 8028.00 3367.00 4175.00 4014.00 4014.00 16.89 6523.00
X FP 4.57 6.65 596.43 16.14 7.90 1.56 1.40 3.76 6.13 364.91 1.35 4.75 7.75
X IF 1.17 1043.75 198.81 248.50 573.43 1.26 4.28 3367.00 22.94 47.22 334.50 2.34 210.42
Rec Error 10437.00 1.93 16.18 4.70 5.77 254.56 20.07 1.64 4.86 5.26 23.61 10 437.00 310.62
in a positive tile being found on the first query for ev-
ery boat and several swimmers, as well as requiring
significantly less queries for the swimmers that were
not immediately queried compared to the experiments
on the original feature space.
It is worth noting that reconstruction error outper-
formed the latent space experiments on the objects
that were not queried immediately by the latter. It
can be speculated that these objects that have more
defined features, which were difficult for the VAE to
reconstruct, ended up clustered tightly in the encoded
feature space meaning that both Farpoint and isolation
forests needed more splits for these objects compared
to the other objects, but still significantly fewer than
their original feature space counterparts.
Anomaly detection methods are shown to signifi-
cantly reduce the amount of time that is spent inspect-
ing images for objects of interest. In particular, using
a variational autoencoder that is sensitive to anoma-
lous samples to encode the feature space into a latent
space shows a dramatic improvement.
The efficiency of Farpoint on the latent space is
limited not only to first occurrence efficiency but also
computation time. Not only is the high computational
complexity of Farpoint dampened by reducing the di-
mensionality, but querying positive tiles faster means
that fewer overall queries are necessary.
With some algorithmic alterations and reduction
in computation time, future work can be extended
from a static dataset to real-time streaming data.
A corresponding machine learning-based augmenta-
tion of maritime search and rescue with deployable
drones with anomaly detection capabilities could sig-
nificantly aid in reducing manpower requirements and
improving search success.
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Anomaly Detection Methods for Maritime Search and Rescue