6.2 Limitations
The conducted research highlights the promising po-
tential of Vision-Language Models (VLMs) for au-
tomating image validation in e-commerce. However,
certain limitations of this approach should be ac-
One limitation is the accuracy of the validation it-
self, which is not error-free. Consequently, the valida-
tor may work well as a module for suggesting qual-
ity improvements and flagging image defects for cat-
alog administrators, but its use for definitively reject-
ing defective images requires detailed testing before
implementation in a specific catalog. Similarly, any
update to the model version in a production environ-
ment should also be preceded by prior research, as
results may vary.
Additionally, VLMs have significant computa-
tional requirements, which may pose a barrier for
smaller enterprises. Further extensions of these mod-
els to accommodate industry-specific requirements
could negatively affect their performance unless they
are optimized for computational load and infrastruc-
ture accessibility.
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