Review on the Effects of Hypergravity on Workload and Fine Motor
Skills in Humans
Judith Bütefür
, Julia Habenicht
and Elsa Andrea Kirchner
1,2 a
Institute of Medical Technology Systems, University of Duisburg-Essen, Duisburg, Germany
Robotics Innovation Center, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI GmbH), Bremen, Germany
Keywords: Hypergravity, EEG, ECG, EMG, Fine Motor Movements, Simulated Hypergravity.
Abstract: As the human body has adapted all functions and movements to Earth gravity it has to adapt its functions and
movements when gravitational forces increase. Astronauts are for example exposed to increased gravity, i.e.,
hypergravity, during rocket launches. To prevent security incidents on the missions, it is important to achieve
the best possible cognitive and motor performance from the outset, which requires a better understanding of
cognition and behavior under hypergravity. The aim of this paper is to provide an overview of studies
investigating the electroencephalogram (EEG), the electrocardiogram (ECG), muscle activity (EMG) and
aiming accuracies in hypergravity as these biosignals are known to capture human cognitive performance and
motor performance in order to make a statement about the effect of hypergravity on the human body. The
literature review shows that all investigated parameters change under hypergravity. This fact highlights the
need for further analysis of how these changes affect the human body in relation to motor performance. It also
shows the need for novel and flexible training methods that allow astronauts to acclimatize to the new gravity
conditions without limiting the duration of training, such as when training takes place during a parabolic flight
or using a centrifuge. We propose the use of an active upper body exoskeleton as a new and flexile training
If more G-forces act on the body than under Earth
conditions (1.0g), this is referred to as hypergravity
(Frett, Petrat, van Loon, Hemmersbach, & Anken,
2016). Increased gravitational forces (G-forces)
occur, for example, when flying fighter jets, driving
racing cars or under special helicopter maneuvers
(Reid & Lightfood, 2019; McMahon & Newman,
2016; Honkanen, Oksa, ntysaari, Kyröläinen, &
Avela, 2017). Astronauts are as well exposed to
increased G-forces during rocket launches (Badalì,
Wollseiffen, & Schneider, 2023). The human body
has adapted its functions and movements to Earth
gravity (Man, Graham, Squires-Donelly, & Laslett,
2022). If the body is exposed to hypergravity, it must
adapt to the new condition. This normally takes some
time and repetition of the same task (Clark, Newman,
Merfeld, & Young, 2014). Astronauts have to achieve
* These authors contributed equally to this work and share
first authorship
the best possible cognitive and motor performance
from the beginning of their mission, otherwise
mistakes can occur that end fatally due to the safety-
critical conditions. This paper deals with the current
state of the art in research on the effects of
hypergravity on the human body and in particular on
cognition, cardiovascular activity, muscle activity
and fine motor skills. Some of the most relevant
biosignals to measure the effect of hypergravity on
the human body are the following: the
electroencephalogram (EEG), the electrocardiogram
(ECG) and muscle activity (EMG). These biosignals
were chosen as they are known to reflect cognitive
performance (Bütefür, Trampler, & Kirchner, 2024;
Debie, et al., 2021) and motor performance
(Habenicht & Kirchner, Preliminary Results on the
Evaluation of Different Feedback Methods for the
Operation of a Muscle-Controlled Serious Game,
2024; Aoyama & Kohno, 2020) of humans. Another
Bütefür, J., Habenicht, J. and Kirchner, E. A.
Review on the Effects of Hypergravity on Workload and Fine Motor Skills in Humans.
DOI: 10.5220/0013266400003911
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2025) - Volume 1, pages 996-1001
ISBN: 978-989-758-731-3; ISSN: 2184-4305
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
parameter to analyze the motor performance is the
investigation of the performance of fine motor
movements. This paper will also discuss why it is
important to experience the effects of hypergravity on
the human body and to practice movements under
these conditions before launching space missions.
Currently it is only possible to create hypergravity on
Earth by for example centrifuges suitable for humans,
in underwater scenarios or during a parabolic flight.
Especially underwater training and parabolic flights
are costly and for parabolic flights the time in which
hypergravity is experienced is very limited. Therefore,
a new training method which faces these problems is
needed and one will be proposed in this work.
The search for studies took place online. The websites
PubMed and google scholar were used to find studies
related to hypergravity and the effects on the human
body. The keywords hypergravity, muscle activity,
EMG, fine motor skills, aiming accuracy, EEG,
workload and ECG were used. Only studies in which
the test subjects were humans were included. Studies
that conducted their experiments with animals as well
as cell studies under hypergravity condition were
In the following the results of the literature research
for the biosignals EEG, ECG and EMG in
hypergravity are presented as well as for studies
investigating aiming accuracy in hypergravity.
3.1 EEG in Hypergravity
Marusic et al. (2014) reviewed brain activities in
hypergravity, particularly the effects of changing
gravity on the EEG. They reported a study from
Schneider et al. (2008) which shows a significant
decrease of the alpha-2 power for 1.8g on a parabolic
flight in comparison to 1.0g pre-flight. They also
show that changes in EEG are mainly in the frontal
and occipital regions of the brain due to degraded
neuronal functions as a protective mechanism of the
body due to decreasing oxygen levels in the brain.
(Schneider, et al., 2008)
A decrease of theta rhythms during hypergravity
was observed by Wiedemann et al. (2011) and may
be explained with higher arousal during this
condition. In a study by Schneider et al. (2009) an
increase of alpha-1 and beta-2 power during 3.0g was
shown in the right frontal lobe. The authors assume
that these changes are induced by a summation of
physical and mental stress which occur in
hypergravity. (Schneider, Guardiera, Abel, Carnahan,
& Strüder, 2009)
The study of Baladì et al. (2023) analyzed the
electrocortical activity and the neurocognitive
performance during hypergravity. Therefore, the
participants had to perform a dual task during the
micro- and hypergravity phases of a parabolic flight,
i.e., during 0g and 1.8g. The primary task was an
oddball, and the secondary task was a mental
arithmetic task. Results show a significantly later P300
with a higher amplitude for the dual task in
hypergravity with its maximum at Pz electrode. The
P300 for the simple oddball was highest at Oz
electrode. The P300 showed an increase in peak
latency and a higher amplitude in hypergravity as for
the dual task. (Badalì, Wollseiffen, & Schneider, 2023)
3.2 ECG in Hypergravity
In a study of Kourtidou-Papadeli et al. (2021) 28
healthy participants had to do cycling movements on
an ergometer with low intensity on a short arm human
centrifuge (SAHC). To define the individual intensity
the heart rate (HR) was allowed to be between 40-
59% of the individual maximum HR. Gravity levels
between 0.5g and 2.0g were tested. To analyze the
effect of hypergravity the ECG data from each gravity
phase above 1.0g were compared to ECG data in a
standing position. Each condition was performed for
5min and the last 60s were used for analysis. Results
show a statistically significant main effect for heart rate
variability (HRV). Performing Bonferroni post-hoc
procedure pairwise comparisons between standing
position and 1.2g as well as for standing position and
1.5g shows a statistically significant difference for
gravity levels above 1.0g. No statistically significant
difference for pairwise comparisons in HRV was found
for 1.7g and 2.0g in comparison to standing position.
A significant increase of the HR was shown for 2.0g in
comparison to standing position. (Kourtidou-Papadeli,
et al., 2021).
Masatli et al. (2018) analyzed gender related
differences of changes in HR during hypergravity on a
SAHC. To this end, the same acceleration/ deceleration
pattern, i.e., 1.0g / 2.0g / 1.0g, was used for all
participants. Each participant performed two rounds of
the acceleration/deceleration pattern. Results show a
significant increase of HR for both, men and women.
(Masatli, et al., 2018)
Review on the Effects of Hypergravity on Workload and Fine Motor Skills in Humans
3.3 EMG in Hypergravity
In a study of Honkanen et al. (2017) the difference in
EMG activation of the neck and shoulder muscles
between experienced and unexperienced pilots during
controlled hypergravity exposure in a centrifuge was
analyzed. Results show a significantly higher muscle
activity of pilots without experience. (Honkanen,
Oksa, Mäntysaari, Kyröläinen, & Avela, 2017) An
increase in muscle activity in muscles, responsible for
stabilization of the body during hypergravity was also
found in the results of a study investigating spinal
stiffness on a parabolic flight (Swanenburg,
Langenfeld, Easthope, & Meier, 2020). Kunavar et al.
(2021) analyzed the muscle activity of the upper limb
muscles performing aiming movements during
hypergravity as well as on a parabolic flight. Results
also show an increase in muscle activity of the
measured muscles. (Kunavar, et al., 2021) The
investigation of simulated hypergravity with help of
a weighted vest worn during daily activities shows a
slight increase of muscle mass in comparison to the
baseline test. (Rantalainen, Ruotsalainen, &
Virmavirta, 2012)
3.4 Aiming Movements in
Chen et al. analyzed the pointing arm shift under
gravity condition changes during a parabolic flight.
Results show an upwards shifting in movements
during hypergravity. (Chen, et al., 1999) The same
effect was found by Bock, Arnold and Cheung (1996)
who investigated aiming movements in the phase of
hypergravity on a parabolic flight. A downwards shift
in “paper and pencil” aiming movements in the phase
of hypergravity on a parabolic flight was found in a
study of Ross (1991). In a study of Kunavar et al.
(2021) aiming movements on a parabolic flight were
investigated as well. A decrease in aiming accuracy
during hypergravity was found (Kunavar, et al.,
2021). Artiles, Schor and Clement (2018)
investigated the influence of gravity on cognitive and
sensorimotor processes by letting subjects point to
randomly appearing dots during the hypergravity,
microgravity and Earth gravity phases of parabolic
flights. No significant differences were found
between pointing accuracies and gravity conditions.
(Artiles, Schor, & Clément, 2018)
Clark et al. (2014) conducted a study on a SAHC
where participants had to control an airplane cabin
with help of a joystick in 1.0g, 1.5g or 2.0g in
randomized order. All participants were pilots.
Results show a significantly higher root mean square
error (RMS) for 2.0g in comparison to 1.0g. The
difference between 1.5g and 1.0g was not significant.
They also show that the performance of the task
improves with longer duration in a given hypergravity
condition. The participants also reported a higher
subjective workload during hypergravity phases
which underlines the findings of a lower performance
during these phases. (Clark, Newman, Merfeld, &
Young, 2014)
The main objective of this paper was to summarize
the state of the art of different modalities to analyze
the effect of hypergravity on the human body as well
as the performance of fine motor movements.
There is not much literature investigating the
effects of hypergravity on the EEG. In summary the
given literature shows that hypergravity does
influence the EEG, especially for alpha-2 (Schneider,
et al., 2008), alpha-1 and beta-2 power (Schneider,
Guardiera, Abel, Carnahan, & Strüder, 2009) in the
frequency domain. Both studies were done with eyes
closed, which is not a suitable condition for astronauts
during a rocket launch. Therefore, it is necessary to
analyze the effect of hypergravity on the EEG during
a more application-orientated scenario. In future, it
could be possible to detect the workload level during
hypergravity phases by using EEG, which makes the
rocket launch safer, because a higher workload level
leads to a higher risk of making mistakes (Morris &
Leung, 2006).
The study of Badalì et al. (2023) shows significant
effects in the analysis of the time domain for
hypergravity (1.8g) in comparison to Earth gravity
(1.0g). They showed that the P300 was significantly
higher and later for a primary oddball task for 1.8g in
comparison to 1.0g. For the dual task, they showed a
significantly higher and later amplitude as well and
also a shift to the occipital brain region (i.e., Oz
electrode) for 1.8g in comparison to 1.0g. Changes in
the P300 amplitude could also be related to the
different workload conditions during a parabolic
flight caused by changing gravity levels. However,
Pergher et al. (2018) showed a significantly higher
P300 amplitude for lower workload conditions in
comparison to higher workload conditions. These
results contradict each other, because for
hypergravity in comparison to Earth gravity higher
workload would be expected. This needs to be
investigated further, as training the astronauts could
also influence the workload and the P300 amplitude
could also change as a result.
BIOSIGNALS 2025 - 18th International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
The reviewed studies investigating ECG show a
significant increase of either HR or HRV during
hypergravity. The study of Kourtidou-Papadeli et al.
(2021) only shows an increase of HRV for 1.2g and
1.5g compared to standing position. However,
Masatli et al. (2018) shows a significant increase in
HR for 2.0g in comparison to 1.0g. Both studies do
not compare participants who are trained under
hypergravity conditions to untrained participants. The
differences between trained and untrained subjects
should be investigated since training before space
missions would be possible for astronauts and could
have an impact on the HR and HRV. Investigating the
influence of training to the HR and HRV, could also
bring an advantage if the workload of the astronauts
should be monitored, as the HR and HRV changes
with changing workload conditions as well (for an
overview see introduction of (Bütefür, Trampler, &
Kirchner, 2024)).
All previously introduced studies investigating
fine motor movements under hypergravity condition,
except for one, found a decrease in the performance
of fine motor movements under hypergravity
condition compared to the same movements under
Earth gravity condition. As astronauts constantly
have to work with their hands, it is important to
prepare them for movements in hypergravity, such as
those that occur when launching a rocket. Results of
the study of Clark et al. (2014) show an improvement
of the performance of fine motor movements under
hypergravity condition after a short while compared
to the first movements under hypergravity condition.
This suggests that it is possible to adapt the
movements to this condition. To make this adaptation
as fast as possible, practicing fine motor movements
under hypergravity condition before launching the
space mission would be useful. Practicing fine motor
movements is not a one-day process. The previous
studies used parabolic flights or SAHC to create
hypergravity to let subjects perform fine motor
movements. For practicing fine motor movements in
hypergravity the time of this condition on a parabolic
flight lasts approximately 20 seconds per parabola.
Although there are 62 phases of hypergravity on one
parabolic flight, the time for practice is quite short.
Besides this, parabolic flights are expensive as well.
When using a centrifuge, hypergravity can be
introduced for a longer period of time. As the
centrifuge is moving all the time, subjects can suffer
from motion sickness which can have a negative
impact on the performance of fine motor movements.
Another negative aspect about the centrifuge is that
the gravitational forces acting on the human body are
not the same at all points of the centrifuge. The g
forces are higher on the outside than on the inside at
the pivot point. These methods are very useful for
research aspects but not for practicing fine motor
Results of studies which investigated EMG
activity under hypergravity condition show an
increase in muscle activity compared to Earth gravity.
The used weight vest of Rantalainen et al. (2012) for
simulating hypergravity induced just a slight increase
of muscle activity compared to Earth gravity. A
reason could be that the vest was not individually
adapted to the subjects' weight or that the weight of
the vest did not affect all measured muscles. As
muscle activity can be an indicator for motor learning
under Earth gravity, it might also be an indicator for
motor learning in hypergravity (Aoyama & Kohno,
2020). This aspect has not been investigated yet.
Methods such as parabolic flights and centrifuges are
useful for research to get to know the short-term
behavior of muscle activity under this condition. The
analysis of the state of the art shows that a novel
training method for hypergravity would be useful in
terms of cost and risk minimization to train under
changing gravity conditions. This is also supported by
the fact that parabolic flights and the use of
centrifuges as the best alternative are expensive and
associated with a risk of motion sickness. The time of
hypergravity during these experiments is also limited.
All these issues could be solved with a novel training
method where no time limitations are caused by the
training method itself. With this background, we want
to test whether an active upper body exoskeleton
(Kirchner, et al., 2016) with several contact points to
the upper limbs of the human body can be used to
generate hypergravity condition and therefore, train
astronauts before being exposed to hypergravity in a
safety-critical environment for the first time. The
Recupera REHA exoskeleton built at DFKI-RIC can
be used for this purpose. It has 7 active degrees of
freedom per arm, so that all movement phases of the
arms can be influenced by the exoskeleton. Tests with
a stroke patient show that it is possible to compensate
for the Earth gravity acting on the patient's arm with
the exoskeleton. Instead of compensating for G-
forces acting on the human arm, the exoskeleton can
also be used to generate hypergravity, i.e., to amplify
G-forces. The contact points with the upper limbs
make it possible to perform free movements.
Compared to recent training opportunities the training
time is not limited as on parabolic flights and there is
no hazard of motion sickness which can occur while
using a centrifuge. (Habenicht, Tabie, Will, &
Kirchner, 2022) The exoskeleton could also be used
to analyse the effect of introducing external force on
Review on the Effects of Hypergravity on Workload and Fine Motor Skills in Humans
the upper limbs separately from all effects of natural
hypergravity, which also includes acceleration that
has a strong effect on the cardiovascular system by its
own. Introducing forces by active exoskeletons could
be used to analyze whether the effects seen in HR and
HRV are caused by the increased force or by the
acceleration acting on the cardiovascular system. This
would make it possible to differentiate between the
effects of force exposure and force exposure
including circulatory stress (e.g., blood displacement
due to acceleration in SAHC). On the other hand, this
could also be a limitation since it could also be helpful
to train the cardiovascular system and all other organs
to be in hypergravity, which is not possible by using
an active upper body exoskeleton.
In this paper we analyzed the current state on research
investigating the effects of hypergravity on the human
body and in particular on cognition, cardiovascular
activity, muscle activity and fine motor skills
analyzing cognitive (EEG, ECG) and motor
performance (EMG, aiming accuracy). Our survey
shows that all parameters are changing under
hypergravity conditions. It is important to further
investigate how and, above all, why the
aforementioned parameters change in hypergravity,
as there are currently only a few studies on this. In our
future work, we want to test an active exoskeleton for
the upper limbs to simulate hypergravity as a novel
training method for astronauts to prepare them for the
different gravity conditions already during training on
Earth. Such intensive training could reduce the
workload under real hypergravity and the adaptation
time to it, which could make working in safety-
critical environments safer from the start.
The work is supported by the German Federal
Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action
(BMWK) under the grant number FKZ 50RP2340A
in the project VASKuM.
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Review on the Effects of Hypergravity on Workload and Fine Motor Skills in Humans