the upper limbs separately from all effects of natural
hypergravity, which also includes acceleration that
has a strong effect on the cardiovascular system by its
own. Introducing forces by active exoskeletons could
be used to analyze whether the effects seen in HR and
HRV are caused by the increased force or by the
acceleration acting on the cardiovascular system. This
would make it possible to differentiate between the
effects of force exposure and force exposure
including circulatory stress (e.g., blood displacement
due to acceleration in SAHC). On the other hand, this
could also be a limitation since it could also be helpful
to train the cardiovascular system and all other organs
to be in hypergravity, which is not possible by using
an active upper body exoskeleton.
In this paper we analyzed the current state on research
investigating the effects of hypergravity on the human
body and in particular on cognition, cardiovascular
activity, muscle activity and fine motor skills
analyzing cognitive (EEG, ECG) and motor
performance (EMG, aiming accuracy). Our survey
shows that all parameters are changing under
hypergravity conditions. It is important to further
investigate how and, above all, why the
aforementioned parameters change in hypergravity,
as there are currently only a few studies on this. In our
future work, we want to test an active exoskeleton for
the upper limbs to simulate hypergravity as a novel
training method for astronauts to prepare them for the
different gravity conditions already during training on
Earth. Such intensive training could reduce the
workload under real hypergravity and the adaptation
time to it, which could make working in safety-
critical environments safer from the start.
The work is supported by the German Federal
Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action
(BMWK) under the grant number FKZ 50RP2340A
in the project VASKuM.
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