D-Care: A Multi-Tone LLM-Based Chatbot Assistant for Diabetes
Awais Khan Nawabi
1 a
, Janos Tolgyesi
2 b
, Elena Bianchi
3 c
, Chiara Toffanin
1 d
and Piercarlo Dondi
1 e
Department of Electrical, Computer, and Biomedical Engineering, University of Pavia, Via Ferrata 5, 27100, Pavia, Italy
Neosperience, Via Privata Decemviri 20, 20137, Milano, Italy
Neosperience Health, Via Privata Decemviri 20, 20137, Milano, Italy
Large Language Model, Retrieval-Augmented Generation, Prompt Engineering, User Study, Diabetes.
Diabetes is a common chronic illness projected to increase significantly in the coming years. Managing di-
abetes is complex, requiring patients to frequently adjust their treatments and lifestyles to prevent complica-
tions. Awareness and adherence to healthy habits are thus essential. Artificial Intelligence (AI) can assist in
this effort. Recent advancements in Large Language Models (LLMs) have enabled the creation of effective
chatbots to support patients. However, despite their growing use, there are still a few formal user studies on
LLMs for diabetes patients. This study aims to investigate the ability of an LLM-based chatbot to provide
useful and understandable information to potential patients. Specifically, the goal was to examine how varia-
tions in language and wording affect the comprehension and perceived usability of the chatbot. To this end,
D-Care, a chatbot assistant based on OpenAI’s ChatGPT-4o, was developed. D-Care can generate answers in
four different tones of voice, ranging from elementary to technical language. A user study with 40 participants
showed that changes in tone can indeed impact the system’s comprehension and usability.
Diabetes is one of the most widespread chronic ill-
nesses, expecting to increase dramatically in the next
years. Diabetes management is not trivial due to mul-
tiple coexisting conditions, disease complications, ad-
verse drug reactions, conflicting health care require-
ments, and poor treatment adherence (Navickas et al.,
2016). Diabetes patients periodically adapt their treat-
ments and lifestyle to limit the complications of this
pathology. It is thus crucial to increase their aware-
ness about the risks correlated to diabetes and to spur
patients to follow correct habits.
Various educational applications have been pro-
posed in scientific literature to help in this task. Mo-
bile apps, console games, and augmented reality ap-
plications have proven to be effective in teaching cor-
rect behaviors to children and adolescents (Martos-
Cabrera et al., 2020; Calle-Bustos et al., 2017), while
numerous Natural Language Processing (NLP) solu-
tions have been employed to develop virtual assis-
tants for helping adult diabetes patients in their self-
management (Cheng et al., 2018; Anastasiadou et al.,
2020; Nassar et al., 2023).
The rapid evolution of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
has produced new solutions for handling diabetes,
useful for both doctors and patients (Contreras and
Vehi, 2018; Ellahham, 2020). As healthcare be-
comes more data-driven, advanced technologies such
as Large Language Models (LLMs) provided promis-
ing results (Thirunavukarasu et al., 2023). LLMs are
especially capable in extracting, summarizing, trans-
lating, and producing textual content, and thus are
well suited for the development of advance chatbots.
In the last years, several LLM-based chatbots have
been proposed to help diabetes patients and raise their
awareness (Mash et al., 2022; Shiraishi et al., 2024;
Montagna et al., 2023). However, despite their diffu-
sion, only a few user studies about LLM-chatbots for
diabetes patients exist.
Nawabi, A. K., Tolgyesi, J., Bianchi, E., Toffanin, C. and Dondi, P.
D-Care: A Multi-Tone LLM-Based Chatbot Assistant for Diabetes Patients.
DOI: 10.5220/0013266600003911
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2025) - Volume 2: HEALTHINF, pages 766-773
ISBN: 978-989-758-731-3; ISSN: 2184-4305
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
This work wants to investigate the capability of
a LLM-based chatbot to supply useful and compre-
hensible information to potential patients. Specifi-
cally, the main aim is to explore how the language and
wording of the answers may affect the comprehension
and the perceived usability of a chatbot.
To this end, a chatbot assistant called D-Care (Di-
abetes Care assistant), based on OpenAI ChatGPT-4o,
has been developed. D-Care can provide useful med-
ical information about diabetes in different tones of
voice. A tone of voice defines the type of wording
and writing tone used by the LLM when generating
the answers. Specifically, four tones have been con-
sidered, ranging from an elementary level language to
a more complex and technical one.
During the experimental phase, the performance
of D-Care in the various tones has been evaluated us-
ing standard metrics. Then, a preliminary user study
with 40 volunteers has been performed to assess the
perceived effectiveness and usability of D-Care, and
whether the different tones can affect users’ ability to
retain useful information. To the best of the authors’
knowledge, this is the first study that formally exam-
ines the effect of different tones of voice in a LLM-
based chatbot assistant for diabetes patients.
The remaining of the paper is structured as fol-
lows: Section 2 presents an overview of state-of-the-
art chatbots for diabetes patients; Section 3 describes
the proposed solution; Section 4 shows the experi-
mental results; finally, Section 5 draws the conclu-
sions and proposes possible future steps.
Several NLP solutions have been employed for the de-
velopment of virtual assistants designed for both help
patients in diabetes management and increase their
engagement in therapy. Notable examples include
‘Healthy Coping with Diabetes’, a Google Home ap-
plication designed for assisting elderly patients with
self-management of type 2 diabetes (Cheng et al.,
2018) and EVA (Educational Virtual Assistant) built
on Rasa framework (Anastasiadou et al., 2020).
Diabetes educational chatbots can improve patient
involvement and self-care confidence, resulting in a
significant reduction in A1C levels (Nassar et al.,
2023). These chatbots promote diabetes education
and patient participation by giving vital information
in different languages via voice messages and vi-
sual aids. Both patients and healthcare professionals
have tested these applications, highlighting their ef-
fectiveness in encouraging patient education and self-
management (Pienkowska et al., 2023).
Building on these advancements, the application
of LLM-based chatbots is now expanding in the dia-
betes management field (Dey, 2023). LLMs, such as
ChatGPT, can in fact improve chatbot systems by pro-
viding customized patient assistance and interaction.
Recent advancements in chatbot for chronic patients
(Montagna et al., 2023) showed how they can encour-
age patients to check their blood pressure and follow
the treatment schedules, highlighting chatbots’ po-
tential for improving self-care compliance. GPT-3.5-
based models that employ Retrieval-Augmented sys-
tems have demonstrated efficacy in providing person-
alized diabetes prevention advice (Yang et al., 2023;
Dao et al., 2024), while recent proposals focused on
the integration of external sources for increasing the
domain-specific knowledge of the chatbots (Abbasian
et al., 2024)
Potential new uses of LLMs for diabetes, includ-
ing personalized health coaching, glucose monitor-
ing assistance, medication adherence support, and
even diabetic mental health counseling, have been
discussed by (Sheng et al., 2024).
User centered research on diabetes self-
management tools adopt a variety of methodologies
to assess user acceptance and effectiveness. Some
studies examined feedback on mobile applications
that assist with daily tasks, add motivating messages
via WhatsApp, and engage users with dialogue-based
inquiries (Anastasiadou et al., 2020; Mash et al.,
2022; Sagstad et al., 2022). Other studies focused
instead on how users choose preferred search engines
for relevant information, whereas comprehensive
surveys take into account a variety of criteria such as
age, location, and educational background to acquire
an extensive understanding of diabetes patients’
experiences and preferences (Hussain and Athula,
2018; Palanichamy, 2022; Pienkowska et al., 2023).
However, only a few works include formal user
studies about LLM-based chatbots for diabetes, and,
to the best of the author knowledge, none of them
examine the influence of different tones of voice on
the users’ understanding.
The proposed chatbot, called D-Care (Diabetes Care
assistant), was designed as a virtual assistant to sup-
port diabetes patients, helping them in solving their
doubts about the illness and suggesting good practice
to follow during the therapy.
D-Care employs a set of predefined tones of voice
that define the complexity of the language used by
the chatbot, while retaining a comparable accuracy
D-Care: A Multi-Tone LLM-Based Chatbot Assistant for Diabetes Patients
Figure 1: D-Care architecture: pre-processing stage.
Figure 2: D-Care architecture: runtime execution stage.
and faithfulness in the answer. This approach grants
a customizable experience in which new patients can
get valid but simple answers, while experienced ones
may want to have more detailed and technical infor-
D-Care adopts a Retrieval-Augmented Generation
(RAG) approach for improving the quality and cor-
rectness of the responses. As source documents a cor-
pus of ten state-of-the-art research papers and surveys
on diabetes, published on top journal in the field, were
selected: (Norris et al., 2020; Cobelli and Kovatchev,
2023; Holt et al., 2021; Nwokolo and Hovorka, 2023;
Cobelli et al., 2009; Primavera et al., 2020; Katsarou
et al., 2017; Atkinson et al., 2014; Rosengren and
Dikaiou, 2023; Perkins et al., 2021).
It is important to stress that D-Care is not intended
as a replacement for a doctor, but only as a support for
the patient day-to-day management, providing well
established information about diabetes in a compre-
hensible way. If a user asks a medical question about
a topic not included in the source documents, D-Care
responds that it does not have that information. Since
the generative process of an LLM is not fully deter-
ministic and can produce hallucinations, it is strongly
recommended to not use D-Care to ‘self-adjust’ a pre-
scribed therapy and consult a doctor instead.
Figures 1 and 2 illustrate the overall architecture
of the system. LangChain was employed as the main
framework for the development, while OpenAI GPT-
4o-mini was the pre-trained LLM of choice. Streamlit
was used for the web interface.
During the pre-processing stage (Fig. 1), the
LangChain library extracts useful information from
the source documents by breaking down long pieces
of text into smaller chunks. Each chunk is then em-
bedded into numerical vectors that represent the text’s
semantic meaning. OpenAI text-embedding-3-small
was used as embedding model, while Chroma was
used to efficiently store and retrieve the embeddings.
At runtime (Fig. 2), users can choose among the
available tones (four in the proposed experiments) and
then ask a question. A standard query reformula-
tion step has been applied before sending the question
to the LLM. Query reformulation is commonly em-
ployed in LLM-based chatbots to improve the quality
of the outcome and avoid mismatched replies (Dhole
et al., 2024). Recent approaches to query reformu-
lation usually include techniques such as query ex-
pansion (Wang et al., 2023), synonym substitution
(Mandal et al., 2019), and paraphrase. In this work,
a history-aware retrieval method (Ye et al., 2023), in
which the user’s question is reformulated considering
the chat history, is employed. In this way the system
can understand questions which may refer to prior
context and ensure consistent and accurate responses.
Once the user’s inquiry has been reformulated,
it is embedded using the same embedding method
applied during the pre-processing stage. Relevant
chunks are then retrieved from the vector store using
a k-nearest-neighbor algorithm search in the embed-
dings vector space. These chunks, along with the re-
formulated question, the description of the selected
tone of voice, and answer generation instructions, are
compiled into a prompt, which is then sent to the LLM
to generate the response.
3.1 Tones of Voice
A tone of voice defines the wording and language
complexity used by an LLM for answering the user’s
questions. Tones are applied via prompt engineering;
thus each tone corresponds to a set of specific instruc-
tions sent to the LLM. For the experimentation, we
chose the following four tones that provided answers
at different degrees of language complexity. The goal
was to assess if and how language complexity can in-
fluence the user’s comprehension and perceived us-
ability of the system.
Tone 1 Baseline: The first Tone simply instructs
the chatbot to act as a virtual assistant without spec-
ifying any tone of voice. This tone is intended as
a baseline with which to compare the others. The
prompt states: “You are an assistant for question-
answering tasks. Use the following pieces of retrieved
context to answer the question. If you don’t know the
answer, just say that you don’t know.. Figure 3(a)
HEALTHINF 2025 - 18th International Conference on Health Informatics
Figure 3: Example of answers to the same question in the
four tones of voice.
shows an example of a generated answer.
Tone 2 No Medical Terms: This tone is in-
tended to provide responses with simple language,
avoiding any medical terminology. The prompt is
the following: “You are an assistant for question-
answering tasks. Use the following pieces of retrieved
context to answer the question. Rephrase the re-
sponses in simpler language while keeping their orig-
inal meanings. Do not use medical terms and convert
medical terminology to simple terms that non-medical
users can easily understand. Use the following pieces
of retrieved context to answer the question. If you
don’t know the answer, just say that you don’t know..
Figure 3(b) shows an example of an answer in this
tone. Notice how the response is now less complex
than the baseline.
Tone 3 Medical Terms: This tone includes
medical terminology. It is designed in contrast to the
previous one to verify if the complexity of the lan-
guage affects the comprehension by users. It can also
be useful for experienced patients, who may want a
more in-depth and technical explanation. The prompt
is: “You are an assistant for question-answering
tasks. Use the following pieces of retrieved context
to answer the question. Assume that the user is a
medical professional and reply accordingly. Provide
a response using proper medical terminology. Use
the following pieces of retrieved context to answer the
question. If you don’t know the answer, just say that
you don’t know.. Figure 3(c) shows an example of an
answer in this tone. It is possible to note the higher
level of complexity in the terminology with respect to
both Tones 1 and 2.
Tone 4 Elementary Language: The last tone
is a variation of Tone 2 in which the model is in-
structed to use only an elementary level language.
This includes employing commonly used terms and
short, simple sentences. The idea is to verify if the
LLM is able to further simplify the language of the
answer without losing the original medical meaning.
The prompt is: “You are an assistant for question-
answering tasks. Use the following pieces of retrieved
context to answer the question. Use elementary lan-
guage that even a child can easily understand while
keeping the original meanings. Use familiar vocab-
ulary and short, simple sentences. If you don’t know
the answer, just say that you don’t know.. Figure 3(d)
shows an example of an answer in this tone. The lan-
guage is similar to Tone 2, however now the chatbot
is also explaining the meaning of some terms, deemed
too complex, like ‘insulin’.
3.2 Graphical User Interface
Figure 4 shows the web interface of D-Care, with an
example of question-answer.
The top of the page shows a brief description of
the chatbot and of its characteristics. The drop-down
menu on the left allows you to select the tone of voice.
The text box at the bottom of the page is used to enter
the questions for the LLM. To improve readability,
questions and answers are highlighted with a differ-
ent background color (gray and white, respectively)
and have a different icon (a stylized human face and
stylized robot face, respectively).
Figure 4: Graphical interface of D-Care.
D-Care: A Multi-Tone LLM-Based Chatbot Assistant for Diabetes Patients
Since the responses of the chatbot also depend on
chat history, each tone has an independent chat his-
tory to avoid unwanted behavior in the chatbot. Thus,
changing the tone is equivalent to activating a differ-
ent chat.
The experimentation was divided into two phases: a
performance evaluation with standard metrics and a
user study involving 40 volunteers.
4.1 Performance Evaluation
This experiment wants to verify the quality of the an-
swers of D-Care and the coherency among tones. It
also allows us to check if there is any regression in
the performance applying the various tones with re-
spect to the baseline.
The performance of the LLM model was mea-
sured using the RAGAS framework
, that is designed
to automate the performance evaluation of a RAG
pipeline. This framework is built on the original RA-
GAS paper (Es et al., 2023) and extends its function-
alities to include a comprehensive set of evaluation
metrics and an LLM-based tool to create synthetic test
datasets of questions-answers.
Among the available metrics, the following four
were chosen, since deemed more relevant in the sce-
nario considered.
Faithfulness (F) determines how well the gener-
ated answer matches in the given context. This is
important to avoid hallucinations and ensure that the
generated answer is properly justified by the context
retrieved. The score F is computed as in Eq. 1 by rec-
ognizing assertions in the generated answer and com-
paring them to the context.
F =
|Claims in the answer inferred by context|
|Total number of claims in the answer|
Answer Relevancy (AR) or Response Relevancy
determines how relevant the generated answer is to
the prompt. AR is defined as the mean cosine similar-
ity of the original question to a set of artificial ques-
tions created (reverse-engineered) from the answer.
AR is computed as in Eq. 2, where E
is the em-
bedding of the generated question, E
is the embed-
ding of the original question and N is the number of
generated questions.
AR =
, E
) (2)
https://docs.ragas.io/en/stable/ (release of Sept. 2024)
Table 1: Performance evaluation of D-Care in the four dif-
ferent tones using RAGAS metrics.
Metric Tone 1 Tone 2 Tone 3 Tone 4
F 0.840 0.809 0.794 0.818
AR 0.819 0.824 0.871 0.837
AS 0.932 0.850 0.921 0.826
AC 0.748 0.711 0.732 0.713
This metric is based on the assumption that if
the generated response effectively answers the orig-
inal question, the questions derived from it should be
closely related to it.
Answer Similarity (AS) or Semantic Similarity
measures how semantically similar the generated an-
swer is to the ground truth. Measuring semantic sim-
ilarity provides useful information about the response
generated. A cross-encoder model is used to calculate
the semantic similarity score throughout the evalua-
tion process.
Answer Correctness (AC) or Factual Correctness
evaluates how closely the generated answer corre-
sponds to the Ground Truth (GT). This metric consid-
ers two essential aspects: determining how well the
generated answer matches the meaning of the GT and
evaluating the quality of the information in the gener-
ated answer when compared to the GT. It is the equiv-
alent to the standard F1-score.
For the evaluation, a test dataset containing 20 dif-
ferent couples of questions-answers was created with
the synthetic data generator provided by the RAGAS
framework to be used as Ground Truth. The same
questions were then provided to D-Care, for each of
the four tones of voice, and the responses evaluated
with the chosen RAGAS metrics.
Table 1 shows the results. Overall, the system per-
formed well, with high scores in almost all the met-
rics. Faithfulness ranges from 79.4% to 84% across
different tones, with an average of 81.7 ± 2.3%. The
lower score in Tone 3 can be due to inaccuracy in
the metric computation related to the use of complex
language. As pointed out by (Roychowdhury et al.,
2024), complex statements may not be properly bro-
ken down, causing differences in the estimation.
The scores for Answer Relevancy are relatively
high and consistent across tones, ranging from 81.9%
to 87.1% with an average of 84.5 ± 2.6%. The Answer
Similarity scores range from 82.6% to 93.2%, with an
average of 87.9 ± 5.3%, indicating significantly more
variation while transitioning between tones than other
metrics. In particular, Tone 2 and 4 achieved lower
scores than Tones 1 and 3. This is expected since
Tone 2 and 4 cannot use medical terms, leading to
a higher semantic difference. Finally, Answer Cor-
rectness achieved the lowest scores among the met-
rics, ranging from 71.1% to 74.8%, with an average
HEALTHINF 2025 - 18th International Conference on Health Informatics
Table 2: The proposed survey with mean and standard deviation (STD) values of participants’ responses for each tone.
Question Tone Mean STD
U1 – How clear and understandable did you find the chatbot’s responses? T1 4.3 0.6
T2 4.4 0.6
T3 4.6 0.5
T4 4.3 0.5
U2 – Do you find this chatbot useful? T1 4.1 0.3
T2 3.9 0.6
T3 3.9 0.4
T4 3.8 0.4
U3 – Would you recommend it to others? T1 3.8 0.4
T2 3.9 0.7
T3 4.0 0.7
T4 3.7 0.5
of 72.95 ± 1.85%. This is expected since the process
used to compute this metric can sometimes lead to an
inaccurate mapping of TP, FP and FN as described in
(Roychowdhury et al., 2024).
Overall, the metrics show consistency across
tones, with only limited variations in the values with
respect to the baseline. This is a desired result, since
the final goal was having tones that only affect the
language without altering the content of the answers.
4.2 User Study
The user study is intended to simulate the actual use
of the D-Care from potential patients who are new
to diabetes and want information about the illness.
The experimentation involved 40 volunteers aged be-
tween 21 and 58 (average 32), 24 males, 12 females
and 4 prefer to not disclose. None of them had med-
ical background or in-depth knowledge about dia-
betes. All participants have already tried an LLM-
based chatbot.
To verify the effect of each tone, the participants
were divided into four groups of 10 people each. Ev-
ery group was randomly assigned to one of the four
tones for the duration of the test. The meaning of each
tone was not explained to the participants to avoid any
bias. The study includes two experiments: a free in-
teraction, and a comprehension test.
4.2.1 Free Interaction
During the first experiment, participants were asked
to try D-Care in the assigned tone to measure the
perceived effectiveness of the chatbot. To simulate
an actual interaction in which a patient has a doubt
about diabetes management, the participants were in-
structed to retrieve information about the following
topics: “external factors that alter continuous glu-
cose monitoring”; “nutrition during continuous glu-
cose monitoring”; “sport during continuous glucose
monitoring”; “link between obesity and diabetes”.
The chosen topics are relatively complex since new
diabetes patients received at least a basic knowledge
about the illness from doctors. To maintain a more
natural interaction, participants were free to formu-
late the questions as they wanted, and to ask D-Care
any number of questions to retrieve the required in-
formation. The participants received the instruction
by email and used the chatbot online on their com-
puters. Once they had completed the test, they filled
out a short usability survey containing the questions
listed in Table 2. Each question was ranked by partic-
ipants with a ve-level Likert scale, from 1 (“strongly
disagree”) to 5 (“strongly agree”). Table 2 summa-
rizes the results for each question and each tone. It
can be noticed that D-Care received good scores in all
the questions, with negligible variations among tones.
It is interesting to notice that the highest scores were
achieved by question U1, meaning that testers per-
ceived the chabtot’s answer as clear.
4.2.2 Comprehension Test
The second experiment was intended to estimate
whether the answers produced by D-Care were actu-
ally comprehended by the participants and whether
there is a tone that is more effective than the others.
Specifically, three technical questions about Type 1
diabetes (see Table 3) were asked to D-Care, saving
the responses for each tone. In order to avoid any bias
related to the length of the text, D-care was instructed
to answer in a few sentences. During the experiment,
the generated text was presented to the participants to
be read, then they were instructed to answer the same
three questions sent to the chatbot. The answers were
then manually examined and classified as ‘Right’,
‘Partially Right’ (meaning correct but incomplete), or
‘Wrong’. Two participants (one for Tone 2 and one
for Tone 3) did not complete the questionnaire, thus
were classified as ‘No Answer’.
D-Care: A Multi-Tone LLM-Based Chatbot Assistant for Diabetes Patients
Table 3: Results of the comprehension test: percentage of participants who gave a right (R), partially right (PR), wrong (W)
or no (NA) answer.
Question Tone R PR W NA
C1 - Why is diabetes defined as an autoimmune disease? T1 70% 10% 20% 0%
T2 80% 0% 10% 10%
T3 60% 10% 20% 10%
T4 100% 0% 0% 0%
C2 – What does CGM mean? T1 70% 10% 20% 0%
T2 70% 20% 0% 10%
T3 70% 0% 20% 10%
T4 100% 0% 0% 0%
C3 – Why are most of the risks linked to diabetes of cardiovascular origin? T1 30% 20% 50% 0%
T2 60% 10% 20% 10%
T3 20% 20% 50% 10%
T4 70% 10% 20% 0%
Table 3 summarizes the results for each group of
participants. It can be noticed that, even if the par-
ticipants perceived the chatbot’s answers as clear and
understandable independently of the tone (Table 2),
there were actual differences in the comprehension.
Specifically, participants assigned to Tone 3 deemed
the answers very clear and understandable, but made
more mistakes than testers assigned to other tones. It
is also interesting to notice how changing the tone of
voice to a simple one (T2 and T4) leads to better in-
formation retention with respect to the baseline (T1).
The high scores of Tone 4, with almost no errors be-
sides the last question, are particularly interesting. It
shows that the LLM is able to properly reformulate
complex medical concepts in a simple language with-
out losing the actual meaning, despite the fact that the
measured Answer Similarity and Answer Correctness
are lower than in the other available tones (Table 1).
In this work, we presented D-Care, an LLM-based
chatbot assistant for diabetes patients. D-Care can as-
sist patients, providing useful information about dia-
betes in four different tones of voice. The user study
showed that, even if the users perceived all the tones
as equally understandable, there is an actual differ-
ence in the users’ information retention at varying of
tones. This is an interesting outcome that can lead to
a more effective design of LLM-based chatbot assis-
tants for diabetes patients.
Future research will focus on a more in-depth ex-
amination of this preliminary findings. New tones
will be defined in collaboration with doctors, and
short and long term user studies will be carried out
involving also real diabetes patients.
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D-Care: A Multi-Tone LLM-Based Chatbot Assistant for Diabetes Patients