Navigating the Security Challenges of LLMs: Positioning Target-Side
Defenses and Identifying Research Gaps
Malte Josten
, Matthias Schaffeld
, Ren
e Lehmann
and Torben Weis
Department of Distributed Systems, University of Duisburg-Essen, Duisburg, Germany
{malte.josten, matthias.schaffeld, rene.lehmann, torben.weis}
Large Language Models (LLMs), LLM Misuse, Countermeasure Criteria, Research Gaps.
Large Language Models (LLMs) have revolutionized various domains with their ability to generate human-
like text, yet their misuse has introduced significant cybersecurity risks. Malicious actors exploit LLMs to
create personalized phishing attacks, spread misinformation, and develop sophisticated malware, reducing the
expertise and resources needed to execute such threats. The unrestricted accessibility of some LLMs further
amplifies these risks, as they can circumvent existing safeguards and enhance a range of attack vectors. Current
countermeasures primarily focus on restricting harmful content generation, but challenges persist, especially
with unregulated or open-source LLMs. To address these limitations, a shift toward target-side detection
and mitigation strategies is critical. We examine prevalent LLM-based attack methods and their implications
for cybersecurity, emphasizing the need for robust defenses. We propose five core criteria—adaptability,
compatibility, efficiency, effectiveness, and usability—for designing and evaluating countermeasures. An
assessment of state-of-the-art solutions reveals significant gaps in adaptability and usability, highlighting areas
for improvement. By addressing these challenges, we aim to guide the development of comprehensive security
measures that safeguard the benefits of LLMs while mitigating their potential for misuse, ensuring digital trust
and resilience in the face of evolving threats.
Large Language Models (LLMs) have become in-
creasingly ubiquitous, powerful, and accessible.
However, as LLMs are tailored to specific applica-
tions, their growing capabilities also amplify cyber-
security risks. While LLMs offer a range of ben-
eficial applications, even in the field of cybersecu-
rity (Falade, 2023; Otieno et al., 2023), malicious
actors leverage those capabilities to conduct malev-
olent operations targeting text-based applications and
security mechanisms, and automating the generation
and refinement of malicious content. For instance,
LLMs’ ability to mimic human writing introduces
additional security concerns, as accurately detect-
ing LLM-generated text remains challenging (Oren-
strakh et al., 2024; Khalil and Er, 2023). This ca-
pacity in turn provides the foundation for a multi-
tude of practices, including social engineering, im-
personation, and even unintentional plagiarism. In
this regard, malicious actors exploit LLMs to gener-
ate realistic and personalized phishing emails (Heid-
ing et al., 2024; Roy et al., 2024) and to spread mis-
information through the use of credible-sounding but
false narratives (Kreps et al., 2022; Meier, 2024; Wu
et al., 2024). Consequently, eroding public trust and
destabilizing essential societal services (Guess et al.,
2019). LLMs are also capable of memorizing and an-
alyzing vast amounts of data, creating new avenues
for cybersecurity threats. As such, even if unintended,
personally identifiable information from their train-
ing data can be leaked (Li et al., 2024). Further-
more, they can be utilized to identify software vulner-
abilities (Boi et al., 2024; C¸ etin et al., 2024), which
in turn facilitates the development or refinement of
malware and other malicious code (Chatzoglou et al.,
2023). These capabilities position LLM as an effec-
tive means through which malicious actors can create
novel threats while also being able to amplify, aug-
ment or evolve existing attack vectors. They are both
readily accessible and cost-effective to misuse, reduc-
ing the barrier to entry and the resources and expertise
required to circumvent detection mechanisms. Conse-
Josten, M., Schaffeld, M., Lehmann, R. and Weis, T.
Navigating the Security Challenges of LLMs: Positioning Target-Side Defenses and Identifying Research Gaps.
DOI: 10.5220/0013274700003899
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2025) - Volume 2, pages 240-247
ISBN: 978-989-758-735-1; ISSN: 2184-4356
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
quently, LLMs are not merely another type of attack
tool but a force multiplier for threat actors, capable
of enhancing and diversifying a range of existing at-
tack vectors simultaneously, potentially overwhelm-
ing conventional defense mechanisms and increasing
the likelihood of successful breaches.
While some of the existing countermeasures aim
to prevent LLM systems from generating harmful
content, significant challenges remain to fully address
the scope of potential abuse. Even if some LLM
systems are successfully regulated, others, such as
the open-source LLMs from Meta
and their modi-
fied versions, remain essentially unmoderated. They
therefore provide uninhibited tools for those with ma-
licious intent. Given the shortcomings of relying on
tool-level mitigation strategies to regulate the use of
LLMs, it is crucial to reinforce target-side security
measures. This entails the implementation of tar-
geted countermeasures, such as LLM-enhanced se-
curity audits and improved techniques for detecting
LLM-generated content. These measures are essen-
tial, given the significant financial consequences that
organisations and governments are facing (Farahbod
et al., 2020; Wilner et al., 2019), as well as the sub-
stantial risks to reputation (Confente et al., 2019).
This paper examines the most prevalent methods
by which LLMs are exploited to circumvent security
restrictions and highlights prevalent attack vectors tar-
geting both machines and humans. We emphasize
the importance of strengthening target-side defences,
examine the unique challenges introduced by LLM-
based, -generated or -enhanced cyber threats and pro-
pose core criteria defining the solution space for effec-
tive countermeasures to mitigate LLM-based threats.
Furthermore, we evaluate existing countermeasure re-
search in light of these criteria to identify pertinent re-
search gaps. Through these insights, we aim to guide
the development of comprehensive security solutions
that preserve the benefits of LLMs while mitigating
their misuse.
The preceding section highlighted the potential for
LLMs to be exploited in malicious and criminal ac-
tivities. A common mitigation strategy to counter
these risks involves regulating inputs and outputs di-
rectly, implementing safeguard techniques and guide-
lines designed to limit the misuse of these mod-
els (OpenAI, 2024; Google, 2024). This approach
aims to restrict the model’s response capabilities by
enforcing security and ethical guidelines that detect
and block misuse attempts, such as jailbreaking, per-
sona attacks, and ”do-anything-now” attacks, or more
broadly, prompt engineering (Yu et al., 2024).
Jailbreaking allows users to manipulate the
model into disregarding its built-in restrictions,
prompting it to generate responses it was pro-
grammed to avoid. This technique often involves
using sophisticated prompts or indirect requests
that steer the model into unintended behaviors, ul-
timately bypassing its safeguards (Yu et al., 2024).
Persona Attacks involve manipulating an LLM
into adopting a specific persona that aligns with
harmful behaviors or viewpoints. By shaping
the AI’s ”personality” to mimic certain individ-
uals or archetypes, malicious users can exploit the
model’s ability to assume character roles or per-
spectives, leading it to produce biased, manipula-
tive, or ethically questionable responses. For in-
stance, assigning the LLM the persona of a cyber-
criminal can prompt it to generate unregulated or
potentially dangerous content (Yu et al., 2024).
Do-Anything-Now (DAN) Attacks instruct the
LLM to disregard its trained guidelines and ignore
any imposed limitations, effectively bypassing its
usual safeguards. As a result, the model may pro-
duce uncensored, potentially unethical, or harm-
ful responses that it would typically be restricted
from generating (Singh et al., 2025).
However, relying solely on tool-level safeguards and
controls is insufficient. On the one hand, unregulated
or ”unhinged” LLMs can easily bypass these restric-
tions by not implementing them at all. Certain mod-
els, such as FraudGPT (Dutta, 2023a) and WormGPT
(Dutta, 2023b), are intentionally designed without
ethical guidelines and marketed for adversarial use.
These models, often accessible via paid access on
the dark web, enable the efficient generation of mali-
cious content, such as realistic phishing emails or cus-
tom malware, facilitating large scale criminal activi-
ties (Falade, 2023; Mihai, 2023). On the other hand,
models available on the clearnet
are often not devel-
oped with malicious intent, but are rather driven by
principles of free speech and opposition against regu-
latory controls. One example is Gab.AI
, an LLM ac-
cessible to users after only registering with an email
address. It allows users to adopt various personas,
including historical figures like Plato, Isaac Newton,
but also malicious figures such as Adolf Hitler. As
the model embodies the selected character, its outputs
can be offensive or ethically questionable, reflecting
Clearnet refers to the publicly accessible part of the
internet. It can be seen as the opposite of the Darknet.
Navigating the Security Challenges of LLMs: Positioning Target-Side Defenses and Identifying Research Gaps
the persona’s traits and viewpoints.
It can be reasonably deduced that a threat actor
who has undergone sufficient preparation can utilize
the full potential of the latest open-source LLM at
their discretion. Therefore, it is not enough to focus
solely on tool control; attention must also be directed
toward the refinement of existing or the development
of novel target-side defense mechanisms.
2.1 Target-Side Security Mechanisms
Unregulated or intentionally malicious LLMs allow
adversaries to bypass all previously discussed model
restrictions and security protocols, effectively ren-
dering tool-based controls and safeguards ineffective.
These models equip attackers with powerful tools
to penetrate initial defenses, placing greater impor-
tance on target-side security mechanisms as the pri-
mary layer of protection. Consequently, emphasis
must shift toward detecting and responding to LLM-
supported attack vectors on the target side.
Here, we have to distinguish between two aspects:
machine-targeted and human-targeted threats.
Machine-targeted threats refer to attack vectors,
such as malware or malicious scripts, designed
to disrupt, compromise, or infiltrate hardware and
software systems. Traditional detection methods,
which rely heavily on automated systems, often
fail to identify these threats due to the adapt-
ability of AI-/LLM-enhanced attacks, which can
continuously alter their structure and approach to
evade antivirus and detection mechanisms (Chat-
zoglou et al., 2023). These attacks demonstrate
heightened resilience, as LLMs enable the dy-
namic modification and refinement of malicious
code, allowing it to circumvent detection mecha-
nisms by exploiting known vulnerabilities within
IT infrastructure or leveraging sophisticated ob-
fuscation techniques. Furthermore, LLMs can
assist in (re)writing spam or phishing emails by
avoiding tell-tale words and phrases, effectively
deceiving target filters while preserving the mes-
sage’s underlying intent (Josten and Weis, 2024).
Human-targeted threats are designed to deceive
and manipulate individuals using social engineer-
ing and persuasive language to exploit human psy-
chology and trust. LLMs enable (highly personal-
ized) phishing attacks by crafting realistic, con-
textually accurate messages that closely resem-
ble legitimate communications, making them dif-
ficult for human targets to distinguish from gen-
uine content (Falade, 2023; Heiding et al., 2024;
Roy et al., 2024). Additionally, LLMs can gen-
erate fake news or misleading narratives that ex-
ploit current events, biases, or emotions, amplify-
ing their effectiveness in manipulating individuals
and public opinion on specific topics (Kreps et al.,
2022; Meier, 2024; Wu et al., 2024).
Both the machine and human aspects are deeply inter-
twined, as nearly every adversarial attack supported
by LLMs affects both technological infrastructure and
human psychology. For instance, a phishing email
crafted by an LLM might initially evade automatic de-
tection (machine aspect) but still relies on human vig-
ilance (human aspect) to prevent compromise. This
interconnectedness underscores the need for a multi-
layered defense strategy that addresses vulnerabilities
targeted at both machines and humans.
The inappropriate utilization of LLM technology as
a means of generating or amplifying cyber threats
necessitates a reassessment of the available solution
space for the development of effective countermea-
sures. The factors that are driving this necessity in-
clude the high accessibility and powerful capabili-
ties of LLMs, their dual effectiveness in targeting
both machines and humans, and the cost-effectiveness
of their misuse. While LLM represent a powerful
new tool for threat actors, their true impact lies in
their ability to amplify, augment and evolve existing
malicious techniques, thereby increasing the defen-
sive burden. Effectively, they become a force mul-
tiplier for threat actors. As a result, defenders are
faced with the constant challenge of adapting their
systems with each new LLM-powered attack. It is
thus essential to consider the various criteria that de-
fine the solution space of effective countermeasures,
including strategies of cost-efficiency to match the
low barrier to entry of those attacks. It is evident
that there are promising approaches to countermea-
sures that include the utilization of LLMs themselves
as part of a defensive toolkit (Guven, 2024), the re-
finement of existing defenses to recognize and mit-
igate LLM-augmented threats and the development
of reliable methods to differentiate between human-
and LLM-generated content (Shimada and Kimura,
2024). However, in order to establish a resilient
framework capable of countering the evolving land-
scape of LLM-driven cyber threats, it is necessary
to address the new challenges and criteria associated
with the solution space. Furthermore, in order to ef-
fectively reassess the solution space, the existing re-
search gaps that may hinder our response to this novel
threat landscape must be identified and addressed.
Filling these gaps will ensure that the countermea-
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
sure framework is both comprehensive and adaptive
to evolving LLM-driven cyber threats.
3.1 Core Countermeasure Criteria
When developing and deploying a new solution, a
wide range of factors must be considered to ensure
both quality and functionality. These include estab-
lished standards and frameworks, such as ISO/IEC
25010, which outlines various software quality char-
acteristics for both the product and its user interac-
tions (ISO/IEC, 2011). In order to re-examine the fun-
damental criteria of countermeasures against LLM-
based security threats, we focus exclusively on the
pertinent security-related criteria of solutions. These
criteria must be universally applicable, transcend spe-
cific use cases, and form an integral part of any devel-
opment process for robust security solutions. Below,
we discuss the key security criteria that should be pri-
oritized in solution development.
Adaptability in this context refers to the capac-
ity to dynamically evolve and respond to the spe-
cific challenges posed by the rapidly changing
threat landscape shaped by LLM-driven attacks.
Static defenses are no longer sufficient, as these
threats can exploit novel vulnerabilities and by-
pass traditional security measures. Adaptive sys-
tems must leverage real-time threat intelligence
and advanced analytics to refine detection and re-
sponse processes, enabling them to counter evolv-
ing LLM-driven attack vectors effectively.
This adaptability is particularly crucial in mitigat-
ing the rapidly-evolving nature of LLM-enabled
attacks. Adversaries can leverage LLMs to con-
tinuously test, refine, and optimize their methods,
systematically identifying weaknesses in security
systems and bypassing established controls. In or-
der to address the continually evolving attack vec-
tors, cybersecurity countermeasures must be ca-
pable of dynamically adapting to new threat en-
vironments with minimal latency. By continu-
ously updating defensive algorithms and tailoring
response strategies, stakeholders can proactively
close security gaps and enhance their resilience
against the increasingly sophisticated attacks en-
abled by LLMs. This ensures that defenders keep
up with the pace of attackers, mitigating the risk
of successful breaches and minimizing the impact
of LLM-driven cyber threats.
Compatibility plays an important role in build-
ing upon existing security solutions, as new ap-
proaches should be designed to extend these so-
lutions and demonstrate a degree of interoper-
ability. This means that novel countermeasures
should be compatible with various security frame-
works and able to integrate with different tools
and platforms, allowing for cohesive and efficient
defenses across systems. When aiming to retrofit
existing mechanisms, new approaches should in-
tegrate seamlessly without disrupting other estab-
lished measures and, ideally, be easily adaptable.
Such retrofitting should ensure minimal modifi-
cation to existing infrastructure, making it feasi-
ble to deploy updates or enhancements without
requiring extensive downtime or reconfiguration,
which could otherwise hinder system resilience.
Given the flexibility and continually evolving na-
ture of LLMs, this criterion becomes even more
important as newly developed measures should be
equally able to be integrated into existing systems.
Effectiveness is crucial in countering LLM-
supported attack vectors, as it directly measures
how accurately and reliably a countermeasure can
detect and, where possible, mitigate these threats.
Choosing the right metrics to focus on depends
heavily on the specific use case and should there-
fore be thoughtfully considered when designing
and deploying security measures. For exam-
ple, in defending against LLM-aided spam or
phishing attacks, prioritizing high precision is es-
sential - even at the expense of other metrics
like recall - because blocking legitimate emails
can seriously impact user experience and lead
to unintended consequences. As language mod-
els continue to advance, this challenge grows as
their increasingly sophisticated, human-like out-
puts make it harder to differentiate malicious
content from genuine communications. Conse-
quently, the rate of misclassifications is likely to
be negatively affected (Orenstrakh et al., 2024).
Including humans ”in-the-loop” could, depending
on the use case, help to mitigate these negative
effects and elevate the classification accuracy by
(semi-)manually posing as an additional security
layer (Nguyen and Choo, 2021).
Efficiency in defense should be optimized to be,
ideally, equal to or at least close to that of at-
tackers. Attackers often employ relatively low-
cost methods to leverage LLMs in support of their
strategies and can adapt flexibly to different sit-
uations. In response, defenders must work to
counter these efforts. Given the attackers’ adapt-
ability and lower investment, defensive measures
should not require substantial resources (such as
labor, money, or time) to remain viable. This way,
countermeasures stay competitive and provide de-
fenders with a reasonable chance to mitigate rele-
vant attack vectors. Such efficiency is especially
Navigating the Security Challenges of LLMs: Positioning Target-Side Defenses and Identifying Research Gaps
important for stakeholders with limited resources,
like small businesses, which may lack the capac-
ity to address the problem independently.
To illustrate the cost disparity between attacking
and defending, we want to look at the example of
spam email creation and detection. Attackers can
generate spam emails at a cost of approximately
0.17 cents per email (Josten and Weis, 2024).
In contrast, detecting potential spam emails
even with an LLM — costs defenders between 0.6
and 13 cents per email, depending on the specific
model employed (Koide et al., 2024). This results
in detection costs that are 3 to 75 times higher than
the creation costs attackers face, and the disparity
is even greater when factoring in that defenders
must also examine legitimate emails. While at-
tackers only bear the cost of creating spam, de-
fenders are responsible for processing every in-
coming message to separate spam from legitimate
content. Given that spam accounts for roughly
50% of global email traffic a percentage that
can fluctuate based on factors like time of year or
targeted industry defenders must handle a far
greater volume than attackers (Datta et al., 2023),
which further drives up detection expenses. This
also may introduce additional latency as higher
workloads, in combination with the complex iden-
tification of potentially LLM-generated texts, in-
crease the overall processing time. Optimizing for
low latency ensures that security measures sup-
port rather than impede productivity.
Usability is another key criterion as it directly af-
fects the effectiveness and adoption of security
tools and practices. When systems are not user-
friendly, users are often reluctant to engage with
them, or bypass them entirely, which significantly
undermines security efforts (Interaction Design
Foundation - IxDF, 2016). Systems designed with
intuitive interfaces and reduced complexity can
empower users to participate actively in maintain-
ing security without additional strain on time and
resources (Grobler et al., 2021). In the context
of LLM-supported attack vectors, the accessibil-
ity of security measures should mirror the ease of
access that malicious actors have to LLMs them-
selves. Ensuring that defenses are as accessible
and user-friendly as those used by attackers en-
hances both usability and effectiveness of coun-
termeasures. This approach enables end-users to
rapidly comprehend and implement those coun-
termeasures, staying ahead in a rapidly evolving
threat landscape shaped by sophisticated LLM-
driven attacks. This parity in accessibility is es-
sential to ensure that defenses keep pace with at-
tacks in both scope and speed. Additionally, us-
ability is closely tied to transparency and explain-
ability. Transparent systems provide clear indica-
tors and explanations for detected threats, mak-
ing it easier for users to make informed decisions
and increasing their trust in these systems (Bhatt
et al., 2020). This is especially important for sys-
tems leveraging AI and machine learning, where
the logic behind threat detection might otherwise
be opaque (Ferrario and Loi, 2022). When dealing
with texts generated by LLMs, the line between
benign and malicious content can be exceedingly
difficult to distinguish, making it essential for
users to understand both the detection process
and its outcomes. For example, if an incoming
email is flagged as spam, users benefit from know-
ing the specific reasons - such as the presence of
suspicious language patterns likely generated by
an LLM or the detection of obfuscated links or
code. By providing transparency into these de-
fensive actions, security measures empower users
to make informed decisions, strengthening their
confidence in the system. Additionally, the com-
plexity and sophistication of LLM-based attacks
make it even more important for users to see ”be-
hind the curtain”. Transparency and explainabil-
ity not only enhance usability but also build trust
in the defense mechanisms by helping users un-
derstand why certain content is flagged as poten-
tially harmful. Since LLM-assisted attacks often
target individuals directly (human-targeted attack
vectors), this level of clarity enables users to better
recognize and respond to emerging threats, mak-
ing transparency a fundamental component of us-
able and effective security measures.
Although each criterion contributes uniquely to the
effectiveness and sustainability of security measures,
enhancing one often comes at the cost of another.
Balancing these criteria in the fight against LLM-
enhanced attack vectors is key to developing robust,
user-friendly, and cost-effective cybersecurity solu-
tions and countermeasures.
3.2 State-of-the-Art Countermeasures
We conducted a review on the literature, focusing
on recently published works addressing target-side
countermeasures against spam, phishing, and LLM-
generated text. While the rapid development in this
area has led to numerous preprints, this review fo-
cuses on peer-reviewed publications to ensure relia-
bility and rigor. The review reveals a range of ap-
proaches aimed at detecting and mitigating LLM-
based threats. Researchers have proposed a vari-
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Table 1: The (optimization) focus of a selection of countermeasures on the presented criteria, where # indicates a non-existent
to small focus, G# indicates a moderate focus, and indicates a high focus on that criterion.
Publication Adaptability Compatibility Effectiveness Efficiency Usability
(Datta et al., 2023) # # # #
(Gehrmann et al., 2019) G# G#
(Jamal et al., 2024) G# G# #
(Josten and Weis, 2024) # # G# G#
(Kirchenbauer et al., 2023) # G# G# G#
(Koide et al., 2024) G# G# #
(Krishna et al., 2023) # G# G# #
(Mitchell et al., 2023) G# G# G#
(Shimada and Kimura, 2024) G# # #
(Sun et al., 2024) # G# # #
(Wu et al., 2024) G# #
(Zellers et al., 2019) G# # G#
ety of methods, but there remains a lack of re-
finement in many countermeasures regarding robust-
ness against attacks that are themselves supported by
LLMs. While several techniques have proven effec-
tive in identifying malicious or LLM-generated con-
tent, these methods are often designed for specific
platforms or models, limiting their adaptability across
broader scenarios. Moreover, the robustness of these
methods, as demonstrated in the literature, is typi-
cally assessed against the LLMs available at the time
of their development. However, the question remains
as to whether their robustness is compromised by the
introduction of new LLMs. Additionally, it has to
be explored how the resilience of methodologies can
be continually assessed in order to facilitate an effi-
cient and timely response to emerging advancements
in LLMs.
A notable finding from reviewing these counter-
measures (see Table 1) is that most papers have fo-
cused heavily on traditional performance metrics like
precision and F1 scores to validate their effectiveness,
providing a quantitative basis to evaluate these ap-
proaches. Many publications also included discus-
sions on associated costs, underlining the resource
considerations involved in such solutions - especially
if their solution included the use of LLMs. However,
the adaptability of these tools across diverse environ-
ments and their compatibility with different platforms
received less attention, as most countermeasures were
limited to a specific application or platform. Although
a few papers highlighted the potential for broader ap-
plicability, discussions on interoperability and usabil-
ity, including factors like explainability and latency,
were notably brief. These criteria are particularly crit-
ical as they affect the accessibility and trustworthiness
of the tools for non-technical users, potentially limit-
ing the practical uptake and trust in these solutions.
While the majority of selected papers cover essen-
tial criteria and validate their proposed methods effec-
tively, areas, such as adaptability and usability, remain
underrepresented (see Figure 1). As these criteria are
critical to real-world implementation as well as its
longevity regarding future adaptations to novel threats
and user acceptance, future research would benefit
from prioritizing them, aiming for countermeasures
that are not only effective but also adaptable and user-
friendly. Addressing these gaps could enhance the
utility of countermeasures across broader user demo-
graphics and operational environments, strengthening
the defenses against increasingly sophisticated, LLM-
enabled attack vectors.
Figure 1: The mean focus level of the proposed criteria
based on the selected countermeasures and scores (#: 0,
G#: 1, : 2) in Table 1.
Navigating the Security Challenges of LLMs: Positioning Target-Side Defenses and Identifying Research Gaps
The rise of LLMs has brought new cybersecurity con-
cerns, as their misuse can threaten digital security
and information integrity. These models can gener-
ate highly convincing content, making them poten-
tial tools for spreading misinformation, manipulat-
ing users, and multiplying the force of cyberattacks.
As such, it is critical to preserve social trust by en-
suring the credibility of content and communication,
especially when faced with the challenge of decep-
tive, synthetic outputs created by LLMs. To mitigate
these risks, both preventative and responsive mea-
sures are necessary. We explored how adversaries
can exploit LLMs by bypassing existing safeguards
through prompt engineering techniques or by lever-
aging unrestricted models. Given the difficulty of
fully securing interactions with LLMs or limiting ac-
cess to unregulated models, the focus must shift to-
ward enhancing target-side detection and mitigation
strategies. To guide the development and improve-
ment of countermeasures against LLM-supported at-
tack vectors, we proposed five key criteria: adapt-
ability, compatibility, efficiency, effectiveness, and
usability. Our evaluation of state-of-the-art counter-
measures against these criteria revealed noteworthy
gaps, particularly in adaptability and usability. Future
research should concentrate on addressing the gaps
identified in the core criteria, with particular emphasis
on adaptability and usability. There is an urgent need
to develop cost-effective countermeasures that can be
widely deployed while ensuring their continued effec-
tiveness. In addition, existing countermeasures must
be adapted to mitigate LLM-generated attacks and re-
main relevant as technology advances. Concurrently,
new countermeasures should be developed, tailored
to emerging threats specific to LLMs. Consequently,
there is a need to examine system design, so that ex-
isting infrastructures can be enhanced while facilitat-
ing the seamless integration of new security measures.
Finally, continuous monitoring of the solution space
and the identification of gaps is crucial as new threats
and solutions evolve. As the need for sustained ef-
fort is evident, achieving a balance between maximiz-
ing the benefits of LLMs and ensuring robust security
measures necessitates persistent vigilance and adap-
tive technology. The rapid evolution of LLMs neces-
sitates ongoing research, innovation, and the adapta-
tion of security protocols to address emerging threats,
ensuring that the risks associated with these powerful
tools are effectively managed.
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