Using Compact DNSSEC and Self-Signed Certificate to Improve Security
and Privacy for Second-Level Domain Resolution
Lanlan Pan
1 a
, Ruonan Qiu
and Minghui Yang
University of Science and Technology of China, Anhui, China
Guangdong OPPO Mobile Telecommunications Corp. Ltd., Guangdong, China
DNS, Compact, DNSSEC, DoT, DoQ, DoDTLS, Self-Signed, DDoS, Dane, NS, TLSA, SLD.
DNS is vulnerable to domain hijack attacks and user privacy leakage. DNSSEC is to defend against the domain
hijack attack. However, full zone DNSSEC increases the risk of DDoS attacks. In this paper, we propose a
secure resolution scheme with compact DNSSEC and self-signed certificates to improve security and privacy
for SLD. The compact DNSSEC enhances the security of the NS of SLD. Based on the cooperation of DANE
and compact DNSSEC, the authoritative server of SLD can use the self-signed certificates to provide a secure
resolution service to mitigate user privacy leakage. Our scheme can reduce the operational burden of full zone
DNSSEC and mitigate the DDoS risk for the authoritative server of SLD.
Domain Name System (DNS) (Mockapetris, 1987)
is a critical internet protocol that translates domain
names into IP addresses. However, its plaintext traf-
fic makes it vulnerable to domain hijack attacks and
user privacy leakage (Schmid, 2021a). As Figure 1
shows, some proposals exist to improve the security
and privacy of DNS protocol. DNS security exten-
sions (DNSSEC) (Hoffman, 2023) has been primarily
deployed on root servers and top-level domain (TLD)
servers to defend against the domain hijack attack.
DoT (Hu et al., 2016), DoQ (Huitema et al., 2022),
DoDTLS (Reddy et al., 2017) and DoH (Hoffman and
McManus, 2018) are deployed on some recursive re-
solvers to protect user privacy.
Recursive Resolver
SLD Authoritative Server
TLD Authoritative Server
Root Server
Figure 1: DNS Resolution.
1.1 Challenges
However, there are still some challenges to the
second-level domains (SLD) resolution between re-
cursive resolver and SLD authoritative server.
1. ECS Privacy Leakage. As Figure 1 shows, the
EDNS client subnet (ECS) extension (Contavalli
et al., 2016) aimes to address the DNS response
accuracy problem of public resolvers, however,
the recursive resolver leaks the client subnet in-
formation on the resolution path to the authori-
tative server of SLD. Kintis (Kintis et al., 2016)
pointed out that ECS makes DNS communica-
tions less private: the potential for mass surveil-
lance is greater and stealthy, highly targeted DNS
poisoning attacks become possible. Therefore, it
is valuable to enhance privacy protection for the
queries from the recursive resolver to the authori-
tative server of SLD.
2. DNSSEC Low Deployment on SLD. The main
design of DNSSEC is cryptographic and tech-
nical complex (Hoffman, 2023) (Schlyter, 2004)
(van Dijk, 2021), especially on the DNSSEC
extensions such as NSEC (Schlyter, 2004) and
NSEC3 (Laurie et al., ). Both NSEC and NSEC3
can provide the authenticated NXDOMAIN re-
sponses. NSEC3 is used to prevent the zone
enumeration. Therefore, the operation burden of
DNSSEC deployment is heavy (Elliott and Mox-
Pan, L., Qiu, R. and Yang, M.
Using Compact DNSSEC and Self-Signed Certificate to Improve Security and Privacy for Second-Level Domain Resolution.
DOI: 10.5220/0013275700003899
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2025) - Volume 2, pages 615-623
ISBN: 978-989-758-735-1; ISSN: 2184-4356
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
ley, 2023) (ISC, 2024). Internet corporation for
assigned names and numbers (ICANN) presents
the deployment statistics of DNSSEC in SLDs,
which shows that there are only 4% SLDs in
the com zone deployed DNSSEC until October
2024 (ICANN, 2024).
3. DDoS Risk. DNS random subdomain attacks
and amplification attacks are commonly used dis-
tributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks (Kaplan
and Feibish, 2021) (Nawrocki et al., 2021). DNS
random subdomain attack can overwhelm both
the recursive resolver and the authoritative server,
causing them to become unresponsive or even fail.
As analyzed by Nexusguard, the DDoS amplifi-
cation power of the authoritative server of SLD
could be surged to more than 45X after deploying
DNSSEC (Nexusguard, 2019).
1.2 Contribution
The contributions of this paper are as follows.
We propose a secure resolution scheme with a
compact DNSSEC and self-signed certificate to
address the security and privacy challenges on
SLD resolution between recursive resolver and
SLD authoritative server.
We provide a detailed explanation of the com-
pact DNSSEC scheme. It is specifically target-
ing the NS/A/AAAA/TLSA resource record sets
(RRsets) associated with NS resource record (RR)
(Mockapetris, 1987), aimed to ease the operation
burden of DNSSEC deployment and reduce the
DDoS amplification power.
We introduce the authoritative server of SLD to
provide the secure resolution service with a self-
signed certificate, and publish a domain-based
authentication of named entities (DANE) TLSA
record (Hoffman and Schlyter, 2012) for the self-
signed certificate information.
We introduce the recursive resolver to verify
the RRSIG records provided by the compact
DNSSEC and make secure resolution through the
DoT/DoQ/DoDTLS channel to mitigate the ECS
privacy leakage.
We make the discussion and evaluation of our
scheme to assess its effectiveness.
1.3 Paper Organization
The rest of this paper is outlined as follows. Section
2 presents the related work. Section 3 describes our
scheme. Section 4 presents the discussion and evalu-
ation. Finally, in section 5, we conclude the paper.
DNSSEC (Hoffman, 2023) adds cryptographic signa-
tures to existing DNS records, and a recursive resolver
can verify the signatures to ensure the response DNS
records are not tampered with. Since DNSSEC cov-
ers the full zone of SLD by default, which results in
a significant DDoS amplification factor. NSEC and
NSEC3 (Schlyter, 2004) (Laurie et al., ) (van Dijk,
2021) (Miek, 2014) provide the authenticated NX-
DOMAIN responses, which should keep updated with
any subdomain change in the entire zone of SLD. By
caching NSEC/NSEC3 responses, recursive resolvers
can mitigate the random subdomain attacks. More-
over, NSEC3 requires additional cryptographic oper-
ations compared to NSEC. Therefore, it is valuable
to design a compact DNSSEC scheme to reduce the
operation burden and mitigate the DDoS risk.
Murakami et al. (Murakami et al., 2023) proposed
a trustworthy domain name resolution method using
PKI-based certificates with DoT-enabled authoritative
DNS servers. They extend the DoT to the authori-
tative server of SLD and let the end terminal make
the PKI-based certificate validation. The authorita-
tive server of SLD is assumed to be trusted if the cer-
tificate is an OV/EV certificate. Otherwise, it is as-
sumed to be untrusted if the certificate is DV. How-
ever, the OV/EV/DV certificate should be issued by
a widely known certificate authority (CA), with addi-
tional operation burden and economic cost. Further-
more, the terminal sends the name resolution request
to the authoritative server of SLD, which will increase
the DDoS risk. Therefore, it is better to let the recur-
sive resolver send the DoT queries to the authoritative
server of SLD, which is compatible with exists termi-
nal function and mitigates the DDoS risk.
Gillmor et al. (Gillmor et al., 2024) discussed the
deployment of opportunistic encrypted transport in
the recursive-to-authoritative hop of the DNS ecosys-
tem. They suggested using the PKI-based certificate
issued by a widely known CA or the TLS DNSSEC
chain extension (Dukhovni et al., 2021) with the
DANE TLSA support. The recursive resolver should
verify the authoritative server’s identity. The identity
would presumably be based on the NS name used for
a given query or the IP address of the authoritative
Sunahara et al. (Sunahara et al., 2022) proposed
an architecture that encrypts all DNS communications
with DoH. They extend the DoH protocol to the com-
munication between the recursive resolvers and the
authoritative servers. The encryption approach helps
to protect user privacy all along the DNS communi-
cation path.
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Table 1: The NS/A/AAAA/TLSA Records Associated With NS. 345600 IN NS 345600 IN NS 345600 IN A 345600 IN AAAA :: 345600 IN A 345600 IN AAAA ::
853. 3600 IN TLSA ( 3 1 1 63cbfcafa3284cc46b1676a99dbc09d8acadf9050cf876de79ac1e5776bbd364 )
853. 3600 IN TLSA ( 3 1 1 63cbfcafa3284cc46b1676a99dbc09d8acadf9050cf876de79ac1e5776bbd364 )
853. 3600 IN TLSA ( 3 1 1 63cbfcafa3284cc46b1676a99dbc09d8acadf9050cf876de79ac1e5776bbd364 )
853. 3600 IN TLSA ( 3 1 1 63cbfcafa3284cc46b1676a99dbc09d8acadf9050cf876de79ac1e5776bbd364 )
As shown in Figure 2, in this section, we describe a
scheme with compact DNSSEC and self-signed cer-
tificate to improve security and privacy for SLD.
Recursive Resolver
SLD Authoritative Server
Compact DNSSEC
Secure Resolution
TLD Authoritative Server
Root Server
Self-signed Certificate
Figure 2: Our Scheme.
Take an example of SLD ‘’. To sim-
plify, we assume that the NS records are following the
same TLD ‘com’ with the SLD ‘’.
We mark the administrator of SLD as ADM
the authoritative server of SLD as AS
, the recur-
sive resolver as RS, the DNSSEC key signing key pair
(KSK) of SLD as KSK
, the DNS zone signing key
pair (ZSK) of SLD as ZSK
3.1 Provide Secure Resolution Service
with Self-Signed Certificate for SLD
should generate a private key (d
) and issue a
self-signed X.509 certificate (C
) for the correspond-
ing public key (pub
). C
is used for AS
s secure
resolution service. To simplify, in this paper, we as-
sume that all name servers of the SLD share the same
self-signed certificate.
Assumed that ADM
has configured the
NS records for the SLD: and’. The NS records should be
written into the subjectAltName extension field of
(Cooper et al., 2008). The two AS
(‘ and’) can
provide secure resolution services on port 853 with
. RFC9539 (Gillmor et al., 2024) discussed more
operation details.
3.2 Publish the TLSA Records
As Table 1 shows, ADM
should define the well-
known subdomains (‘
853. tcp’ and 853. ud p’) for
each NS record to publish its C
information and
configure the corresponding TLSA records (Hoffman
and Schlyter, 2012). The TLSA record indicates the
digest of the subject public key of C
, marked as
. The 853. tcp subdomain is for DoT
service run on TCP port 853, and the 853. ud p sub-
domain is for DoQ/DoDTLS service run on UDP port
3.3 Configure Compact DNSSEC
should configure compact DNSSEC for’ to cover the critical records: the dele-
gation signer (DS) record, the DNSKEY records, and
the records associated with NS.
Publish the DS Record to TLD.
1. ADM
generates the DNSKEY RRsets for’, which contains the public KS K
and the public ZSK
2. ADM
calculates the hash of the public KSK
and marks it as DS
. generates the DS record
of KSK
, which contains the hash of the public
, and marked as DS
3. ADM
publishes DS
as the DS record of’ to the TLD ‘com’.
4. The TLD com signs the RRSIG for DS
its own private ZSK.
1. ADM
signs the RRSIG for DNSKEY RRsets of with the private KSK
Sign the RRSIGs associated with the NS of
1. ADM
signs the RRSIG for NS RRsets of with the private ZSK
Using Compact DNSSEC and Self-Signed Certificate to Improve Security and Privacy for Second-Level Domain Resolution
2. ADM
signs the RRSIG for A/AAAA RRsets of
each NS record with the private ZSK
3. ADM
signs the RRSIG for the corresponding
TLSA record of each NS with the private ZSK
3.4 Gain Trustworthy Records
Associated with the NS of SLD
Based on the compact DNSSEC configuration and se-
cure resolution service with a self-signed certificate,
RS can gain trustworthy records associated with the
NS of the SLD.
RS must verify the DS RRSIGs and DNSKEY
RRISGs following the DNSSEC chain.
To simplify, we assumed that the DNSSEC chain
verification of the NS records follows the same TLD
com with the SLD in this paper. Note that the
DNSSEC chain verification of the NS records can also
support the scenarios that the different TLD (such as
net’, ‘org’) of NS records with the SLD.
1. RS makes DNSSEC resolution from root to TLD
com’, gets the DS record, DS RRSIG record, and
NS records of ‘’ from TLD.
2. RS makes DNSSEC resolution request to AS
gets the DNSKEY RRsets and DNSKEY RRSIG
of ‘’.
3. RS verifies the DS RRSIG on the DS record with
the public ZSK of TLD, checks the DS record
matches the hash of KSK record, and ensures that
is following the DNSSEC trust chain.
4. RS verifies the DNSKEY RRSIG on the
DNSKEY RRsets with the public KSK
, and en-
sures that ZSK
is following the DNSSEC trust
Verify the RRSIGs Associated with the NS of
Note that the records associated with NS require
DNSSEC queries.
1. RS gets the NS RRsets and NS RRSIG from AS
verifies the NS RRSIG with the public ZSK
ensures that the NS RRsets are following the
DNSSEC trust chain.
2. RS checks the A/AAAA RRsets of each NS
(a) RS gets the A RRsets and A RRSIG of the
corresponding NS from AS
, verifies the A
RRSIG with the public ZSK
, ensures that
the A RRsets are following the DNSSEC trust
(b) RS gets the AAAA RRsets and AAAA RRSIG
of the corresponding NS from AS
, verifies
the AAAA RRSIG with the public ZSK
, en-
sures that the AAAA RRsets are following the
DNSSEC trust chain.
3. RS gets the TLSA record and RRSIG of each
NS from AS
, verifies the TLSA RRSIG with
the public ZSK
, ensures that the TLSA record
) is following the DNSSEC trust
4. RS securely cache the trustworthy records of the
SLD ‘’, following DNS TTL config-
3.5 Make Secure SLD Resolution
Based on the trustworthy records and the secure res-
olution service with a self-signed certificate, RS can
make secure SLD resolution with AS
1. RS receives other subdomain queries of from the client.
2. RS makes a TLS connection with the secure res-
olution service of AS
, checks if the hash of the
subject public key of the received C
matches the
TLSA record (DgstSPK
) of the NS, builds up
the secure DoT/DoQ/DoDTLS channel.
3. RS makes DNS resolution through the secure
channel, ensures that the DNS responses are trust-
4. RS returns the trustworthy DNS responses to the
4.1 Compact DNSSEC Consideration
DNS is a hierarchical system with NS records as the
core. There are many DNS hijack attacks around NS
(Recursive, ) (Schmid, 2021b) (Ramdas and Muthukr-
ishnan, 2019). DNSSEC can solve the hijack problem
completely, while its entire zone RRSIGs increase the
risk of high DDoS amplification attacks . The con-
cerns about DDoS attack risk result in low DNSSEC
deployment on SLD finally.
The compact DNSSEC focuses on protecting the
critical records associated with NS. Table 2 compares
the RRSIG amount with the Big O notation. Assumed
that the SLD contains n subdomains.
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Table 2: RRSIG Amount Comparison.
Signed RRsets Scope Amount of RRSIGs
Plaintext DNS None 0
Full Zone DNSSEC All records of all subdomains O(n)
Compact DNSSEC The NS/A/AAAA/TLSA records associated with NS O(1)
Table 3: Certificate Scheme Comparison.
TLSA Record and RRSIG
trust chain
Self-signed AS
PKI-based widely known CA Optional widely known CA
With full zone DNSSEC, the amount of RRSIGs in-
creases linearly (O(n)) with the subdomains. Our
compact DNSSEC has constant RRSIGs (O(1)), lim-
iting the DDoS amplification power by only signing
the NS/A/AAAA/TLSA RRsets associated with NS.
4.2 Self-Signed Certificate
Table 3 shows the comparison of certificate schemes.
The self-signed certificate is issued by AS
. RS must
ensure that it is connected to the correct AS
with the
correct certificate and fully follows the trust chain of
DNSSEC. As described in section 3.4, ADM
sign the RRSIG for the corresponding TLSA records
of each NS of the SLD.
The PKI-based certificate is issued by A widely
known CA. RS must ensure that it has connected to
the correct AS
with the correct certificate follow-
ing the trust chain of widely known CA. However,
RS fully trusts all widely known CAs, which makes it
vulnerable to certificate hijacking attacks. An attacker
may hijack specific victim AS
, leading RS to make
TLS connections with other malicious servers via the
fake certificates, causing domain hijack.
PKI-based certificate can configure TLSA records
and RRSIG to defend against the certificate hijack-
ing attacks, requiring more operational and economic
costs. Compared to the PKI-based certificate, the
self-signed certificate is lightweight and following the
pure DNSSEC trust chain to avoid the domain hijack-
4.3 Secure SLD Resolution
When the ECS extension is enabled, RS leaks the
client subnet information on the resolution path to
. Therefore, encrypting the DNS traffic be-
tween RS and AS
is valuable. RS can make a se-
cure resolution with AS
through the secure resolu-
tion service to deal with the ECS privacy leakage is-
sue. Moreover, compact DNSSEC doesn’t sign the
records of the other subdomains not associated with
NS, which can reduce the risk of DNS amplification
attacks. The secure DoT/DoQ/DoDTLS resolution
channel can also protect them from domain hijack at-
tacks through trustworthy TLS authentication. RS can
make a keep-alive TLS/DTLS connection for the hot
SLDs to improve query speed and performance.
4.4 Scalability, Compatibility and
Our scheme writes the NS records into the subjectAlt-
Name extension field of the self-signed certificate C
which can scale smoothly along with a massive num-
ber of SLDs served by the same authoritative servers.
The TLSA con- figuration of SLDs is flexible with
short-lived self-signed certificate since they only need
to update to the same new TLSA record. Our scheme
is compatible with existing DNS resolution architec-
ture and DNSSEC infrastructure. RS makes a secure
resolution with AS
, which does not interfere with
the client, TLD, and root. Our scheme is interoperable
with existing DNSSEC security solutions. The com-
pact DNSSEC can reuse the existing operation tools
of DNSSEC and make a shrinking deployment.
4.5 Scheme Comparison
Table 4 shows a comparison between our scheme and
existing schemes.
means that the scheme has this
property; × means that the scheme does not have
this property.
Compared to the full zone DNSSEC with
NSEC/NSEC3 (Schlyter, 2004) (Laurie et al., ), our
compact DNSSEC scheme is focused on the records
associated with NS, which can significantly reduce
the operation burden of DNSSEC deployment. More-
over, our scheme does not provide authenticated NX-
Using Compact DNSSEC and Self-Signed Certificate to Improve Security and Privacy for Second-Level Domain Resolution
Table 4: Scheme Comparison.
DDoS Attack
Plaintext DNS (Mockapetris, 1987) × × × × × ×
DNSSEC with NSEC (Schlyter, 2004) Full Zone
Weak × ×
DNSSEC with NSEC3 (Laurie et al., ) Full Zone
× ×
Murakami T., et al (Murakami et al., 2023) × × × Client AS
DoT ×
Gillmor D., et al (Gillmor et al., 2024) × × × RS AS
DoT/DoQ ×
Sunahara S., et al (Sunahara et al., 2022) × × × Client RS AS
DoH ×
Our Scheme Compact × × RS AS
DOMAIN response, which can avoid all NXDO-
MAIN interval and signature calculations between
subdomains. NSEC is weak to zone enumeration, and
NSEC3 supports to prevent zone enumeration. Our
scheme has no impact on zone enumeration. There-
fore, the deployment of our scheme is much simpler
than the full zone DNSSEC with NSEC/NSEC3.
Our scheme makes encrypted resolution between
RS and AS
, which can defend against the passive
monitoring of the client subnet information and mit-
igate the ECS privacy leakage problem. Compared
with Murakami et al. (Murakami et al., 2023), our
scheme does not influence the client and is compat-
ible with existing resolution architecture. Compared
with the full DoH service proposed by Sunahara et
al. (Sunahara et al., 2022), our scheme chooses the
lightweight DoT/DoQ/DoDTLS services.
Gillmor et al. (Gillmor et al., 2024) recom-
mend transiting the DNS records to authenticate in the
TLS handshake using the DNSSEC chain extension
(Dukhovni et al., 2021). However, the DNSSEC chain
extension requires AS
to construct the serialized au-
thentication chain, and RS should verify the whole
chain when setting up the TLS connection. Compared
with (Gillmor et al., 2024), our scheme arranges the
DNSSEC chain verification in an individual section
3.4. RS only needs to check if the hash of the received
matches the TLSA record of the NS in the TLS
handshake process, which could be added to the Cer-
tificateVerify function on the RS side easily (Rescorla,
DNSSEC increases the DDoS amplification at-
tack risk since the RRSIGs cover the entire zone sub-
domains. Compared with the full zone DNSSEC,
our compact DNSSEC scheme only calculate RRSIG
on the records associated with NS, which can limit
the amplification power of the authoritative server of
4.6 Evaluation
We make the evaluation on a 64-bit Arch Linux com-
puter with an AMD Ryzen 9 5900 12-core processor,
64GiB RAM. As mentioned in section 3, we choose
the NIST elliptic curve P-256 (SP, 2023) to generate
the KSK and ZSK, and SHA256 is the hash function
for RRSIG calculations (Pub, 2012). Our experiment
code can be found in (Pan, 2024).
We make an evaluation on the four schemes
with TCP connection: plaintext DNS, DNSSEC
with NSEC, DNSSEC with NSEC3, and our scheme
(DoT). To simplify, we configure only one A record
for each subdomain in the evaluation. We query A
records for the existing subdomains of the SLD and
random non-existent subdomains, and calculate the
average resolution time and payload size. We don’t
enable the aggressive NSEC (van Dijk, 2021) on the
recursive resolver in the full zone DNSSEC evalua-
tion. N represents the number of existing subdomains
of the SLD. M represents the number of random non-
existent subdomains.
4.6.1 Zone File Size
Table 5 shows the comparison of the zone file size
of four schemes. As analyzed in section 4.1, plain-
text DNS contains the minimum zone file size of
the four schemes, and our compact DNSSEC scheme
is approximate with plaintext DNS with constant
RRSIGs (O(1)). The zone file size of DNSSEC with
NSEC/NSEC3 is about 16 times bigger than plaintext
DNS and our scheme. The full zone DNSSEC will
increase the RRSIG/NSEC/NSEC3 records linearly
(O(n)) when the number of subdomains increases, fi-
nally resulting in a large zone file size.
Table 5: Zone File Size (Bytes).
Number of
Existing Subdomains (N)
N 100 1000 10000 50000
Plaintext DNS 4085 33554 330143 1648649
DNSSEC with NSEC 52275 494113 4912291 24549305
DNSSEC with NSEC3 79185 596264 5734853 28573360
Our Scheme (DoT) 5273 34741 331331 1649811
4.6.2 Average Resolution Time
Table 6 compares the average resolution time on the
existing subdomains of four schemes. As described
in section 4.3, our scheme makes a single keep-alive
DoT connection for all subdomains but does not cre-
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
ate a unique DoT connection for each subdomain.
Therefore, our scheme gains the minimum resolu-
tion time of the four schemes in the evaluation when
N 1000. Note that, since TLS requires more time
than pure TCP to setup the connection, our scheme
consumes more resolution time when N = 100.
Table 6: Average Resolution Time (Milliseconds): Existing
Number of
Existing Subdomains (N)
N 100 1000 10000 50000
Plaintext DNS 0.027 0.023 0.023 0.028
DNSSEC with NSEC 0.025 0.024 0.024 0.026
DNSSEC with NSEC3 0.026 0.023 0.023 0.027
Our Scheme (DoT) 0.032 0.013 0.010 0.010
Table 7: Average Resolution Time (Milliseconds): Random
Non-existent Subdomains (M = 50000).
Number of
Existing Subdomains (N)
N 100 1000 10000 50000
Plaintext DNS 0.026 0.028 0.028 0.027
DNSSEC with NSEC 0.023 0.024 0.024 0.024
DNSSEC with NSEC3 0.024 0.023 0.023 0.023
Our Scheme (DoT) 0.009 0.009 0.010 0.010
Table 7 shows the comparison of the average res-
olution time on the random non-existent subdomains
(M = 50000) of four schemes. Similar to the existing
subdomains, our scheme consumes the minimum res-
olution time of the four schemes since it makes a sin-
gle keep-alive DoT connection, about 0.10 millisec-
4.6.3 Average Payload Size
represents the average request payload size. L
represents the average response payload size. The
DDoS amplification factor is
Table 8: Average Request Payload Size (Bytes): Existing
Number of
Existing Subdomains (N)
N 100 1000 10000 50000
Plaintext DNS 51.16 50.99 50.96 50.96
DNSSEC with NSEC 62.16 61.99 61.96 61.96
DNSSEC with NSEC3 62.16 61.99 61.96 61.96
Our Scheme (DoT) 76.95 73.36 73.00 72.97
Table 8 and Table 9 compare the average request
and response payload size on the existing subdo-
mains of four schemes. The DDoS amplification fac-
tor of plaintext DNS is about 1.31; DNSSEC with
NSEC/NSEC3 is about 3; our scheme is about 1.21.
Table 9: Average Response Payload Size (Bytes): Existing
Number of
Existing Subdomains (N)
N 100 1000 10000 50000
Plaintext DNS 67.16 66.99 66.96 66.96
DNSSEC with NSEC 185.16 184.99 184.96 184.96
DNSSEC with NSEC3 185.16 184.99 184.96 184.96
Our Scheme (DoT) 103.01 88.57 87.12 86.99
Table 10: Average Payload Size (Bytes): Random Non-
existent Subdomains (M = 50000).
Payload Size
Payload Size
Plaintext DNS 54.96 99.96
DNSSEC with NSEC 65.96 556.46
DNSSEC with NSEC3 65.96 798.29
Our Scheme (DoT) 76.97 119.99
Our scheme has the minimum DDoS amplification
factor of the four schemes since it makes a single
keep-alive DoT connection.
Table 10 shows the comparison of the average re-
quest and response payload size on the random non-
existent subdomains (M = 50000) of four schemes.
The DDoS amplification factor of plaintext DNS is
about 1.82; DNSSEC with NSEC is about 8.44;
DNSSEC with NSEC3 is about 12.10; our scheme
is about 1.56. The DDoS amplification factor of our
scheme is approximate with plaintext DNS, lower
than 2. DNSSEC with NSEC/NSEC3 have high
amplification factors since they include RRSIG and
NSEC/NSEC3 records in the response payloads.
4.7 Limitation
In this paper, we don’t create a new DNS extension
but focus on enhancing the trustworthiness validation
of the NS and privacy protection. AS
should enable
compact DNSSEC and provide its secure resolution
service on port 853. RS should make DNSSEC chain
validation go down to the TLSA RRSIG and check
if the hash of the subject public key of C
the TLSA record. We setup the secure channel
based on the standardized DoT/DoQ/DoDTLS, and
don’t discuss about other alternative solution such as
DNSCurve (Bernstein, 2009). Our compact DNSSEC
scheme does not cover the entire zone and does not
deploy NSEC/NSEC3 to mitigate DNS random sub-
domain attacks. Alternatively, we recommend AS
and RS deploy subdomain whitelist scheme to mit-
igate DNS random subdomain attacks (Pan et al.,
Using Compact DNSSEC and Self-Signed Certificate to Improve Security and Privacy for Second-Level Domain Resolution
This paper describes a secure resolution scheme for
SLD. Our scheme requires the domain administra-
tor of SLD to generate a self-signed certificate to
run the secure resolution service and make a com-
pact DNSSEC configuration. The compact DNSSEC
is shrinking from full zone DNSSEC, which can ease
the operation burden of DNSSEC deployment. We
focus on making the recursive resolver gain the trust-
worthy authoritative server addresses of SLD, set up a
secure resolution channel by TLS, and finally defend
against domain hijack and privacy leakage. The eval-
uation result shows that our scheme has a low DDoS
amplification power, which can mitigate the DDoS
amplification attack caused by full zone DNSSEC, es-
pecially when many bots send vast amounts of queries
on critical SLD. Our future work is to do more impact
evaluation on our scheme and deploy it on the DNS
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Using Compact DNSSEC and Self-Signed Certificate to Improve Security and Privacy for Second-Level Domain Resolution