This paper describes a secure resolution scheme for
SLD. Our scheme requires the domain administra-
tor of SLD to generate a self-signed certificate to
run the secure resolution service and make a com-
pact DNSSEC configuration. The compact DNSSEC
is shrinking from full zone DNSSEC, which can ease
the operation burden of DNSSEC deployment. We
focus on making the recursive resolver gain the trust-
worthy authoritative server addresses of SLD, set up a
secure resolution channel by TLS, and finally defend
against domain hijack and privacy leakage. The eval-
uation result shows that our scheme has a low DDoS
amplification power, which can mitigate the DDoS
amplification attack caused by full zone DNSSEC, es-
pecially when many bots send vast amounts of queries
on critical SLD. Our future work is to do more impact
evaluation on our scheme and deploy it on the DNS
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ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy