Table 1: Machine learning model’s performance.
ML model Accuracy Precision Recall F1-score Training time Prediction time
KNN 71.42% 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.0029 17.8924
ID3 100% 1 1 1 85.4265 0.0025
Naive Bayes 100% 1 1 1 0.0025 0.0231
Logistic Regression 85.71% 1 0.5 0.66 0.4051 0.0023
In this paper, we proposed using machine learning ap-
proaches to diagnose the amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
by using orofacial gestures.
Our results reveal that both traditional ID3 and
Naive Bayes ML algorithms obtained the best results,
achieving an accuracy of 100%. The training time in
case of ID3 is much higher than the corresponding
training time of the Naive Bayes. Therefore, we can
conclude that the Naive Bayes algorithm obtained the
best accuracy within a short computational time.
In the future, we plan to collaborate with medical
institutions to expand the dataset by collecting videos
from a larger and more diverse pool of patients. This
will enhance the dataset’s representativeness and sup-
port the development of more accurate and scalable
prediction models using ML algorithms and DL tech-
niques. As well, we plan to develop a web application
accessible to anyone interested in assessing the pres-
ence of ALS symptoms. Such an application holds
the potential to revolutionize screening and diagnosis
efforts, leading to earlier detection of ALS.
Our research marks a major progress in the early
detection of ALS, and we do hope that these findings
will encourage the use of ML approaches in the de-
tection of ALS disease using orofacial gestures.
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Machine Learning Approaches in the Detection of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Disease Using Orofacial Gestures