Optimizing Automotive Inventory Management:
Harnessing Drones and AI for Precision Solutions
Qian Zhang
1 a
, Dan Johnson
, Mark Jensen
, Connor Fitzgerald
Daisy Clavijo Ramirez
and Mia Y. Wang
2 b
Department of Engineering, College of Charleston, SC, U.S.A.
Department of Computer Science, College of Charleston, SC, U.S.A.
Inventory Management, Deep Learning, UAV Drones, Computer Vision, Artificial Intelligence.
Inventory errors within the automotive manufacturing industry pose significant challenges, incurring substan-
tial financial costs and requiring extensive human labor resources. The inherent inaccuracies associated with
traditional inventory management practices further exacerbate the issue. To tackle this complex problem,
this paper explores the integration of cutting-edge technologies, including UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle)
drones, computer vision, and deep learning models, for monitoring inventory in parking lots adjacent to man-
ufacturing plants and harbors before vehicle shipment. These technologies enable real-time, automated in-
ventory tracking and management, offering a more accurate and efficient solution to the problem. Leveraging
drones equipped with high-resolution cameras, the system captures real-time imagery of parked vehicles and
their components, while deep learning models facilitate precise inventory analysis. This forward-looking ap-
proach not only mitigates the costs associated with inventory errors but also equips manufacturers with the
agility to optimize their production processes, ensuring competitiveness within the automotive industry.
Inventory errors in vehicle manufacturing pose a sig-
nificant challenge for the industry, with far-reaching
implications. Such errors can be highly costly, im-
pacting financial resources, operational efficiency,
and human labor. Mismanagement of critical parts
and components often leads to production delays, ma-
terial wastage, and increased operational costs. Given
the reliance of vehicle assembly lines on just-in-time
(JIT) production systems, inaccuracies in inventory
tracking can disrupt entire supply chains, resulting
in costly production stoppages and backlogs (Sharma
and Gupta, 2020), (Kros et al., 2019). Moreover,
manual inventory management, heavily dependent on
human labor, is prone to errors, including miscounts
and inaccuracies, exacerbating these challenges (Su
et al., 2021). These inefficiencies often lead to re-
source misallocation, such as over-investment in un-
necessary parts and delays caused by critical short-
ages (Khan and Yu, 2022).
Addressing inventory errors in vehicle manufac-
turing is not merely a financial concern but a strategic
imperative. To mitigate these challenges, manufac-
turers are increasingly adopting modern technologies
such as automation, RFID (Radio-Frequency Identifi-
cation) systems, and advanced inventory management
software (Ota et al., 2019). These solutions aim to
enhance precision, streamline operations, and reduce
costs associated with downtime, excess inventory, and
labor inefficiencies. Accurate inventory management
is critical for ensuring seamless vehicle production,
sustaining profitability, and meeting customer expec-
tations in a highly competitive automotive market.
To tackle the persistent challenges of inventory
errors and enhance inventory management efficiency
in the automotive industry, this paper proposes a
real-time vehicle inventory system leveraging drones,
computer vision, and deep learning. The proposed
system focuses on monitoring inventory in parking
lots outside manufacturing plants or harbors before
vehicles are shipped. Drones equipped with high-
resolution cameras are deployed to capture real-time
aerial imagery of parked vehicles and their associated
components. These images are analyzed using com-
Zhang, Q., Johnson, D., Jensen, M., Fitzgerald, C., Ramirez, D. C. and Wang, M. Y.
Optimizing Automotive Inventory Management: Harnessing Drones and AI for Precision Solutions.
DOI: 10.5220/0013284900003890
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2025) - Volume 3, pages 1140-1145
ISBN: 978-989-758-737-5; ISSN: 2184-433X
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
puter vision algorithms, enabling precise recognition
and tracking of vehicles and parts within the inventory
(Ota et al., 2019). The incorporation of deep learn-
ing further enhances the system’s capabilities, provid-
ing real-time communication, data analysis, and ac-
tionable insights. This innovative approach not only
improves inventory accuracy but also supports better
decision-making and resource allocation, paving the
way for a more efficient and cost-effective inventory
management process.
The remaining sections of the paper are organized
as follows: Section 2 presents an overview of current
solutions for vehicle detection employing drone and
AI technologies. In Section 3, a comprehensive de-
scription of the proposed system is provided. Section
4 delves into the details of the experiment’s design,
execution, and outcomes. Finally, Section 5 brings
the paper to a close, discussing its limitations and set-
ting the stage for future work.
Efficient inventory management is crucial in modern
manufacturing, particularly in the automotive indus-
try, where just-in-time (JIT) production systems de-
mand precise control of parts and components. In-
ventory errors can result in significant disruptions,
such as production delays, resource misallocation,
and increased operational costs (Sharma and Gupta,
2020)(Kros et al., 2019). Sharma and Gupta (Sharma
and Gupta, 2020) emphasized the impact of manual
tracking inefficiencies in JIT systems, advocating for
the adoption of automated systems. Similarly, Kros et
al. (Kros et al., 2019) conducted an empirical inves-
tigation into inventory accuracy in automotive manu-
facturing, concluding that technological innovations,
including automated tools, are necessary to address
persistent inaccuracies.
Modern technologies, such as Radio-Frequency
Identification (RFID) and AI-based solutions, have
emerged as effective strategies for overcoming inven-
tory management challenges. Su et al. (Su et al.,
2021) demonstrated the ability of RFID systems to
reduce human error rates and provide real-time track-
ing of inventory, although these systems often require
substantial initial investment and infrastructure adap-
tation. More recently, drones equipped with AI capa-
bilities have gained attention for their potential to rev-
olutionize inventory monitoring. Ota et al. (Ota et al.,
2019) highlighted the advantages of using drones for
automated vehicle detection and monitoring, empha-
sizing their ability to conduct real-time aerial surveil-
lance and reduce reliance on manual labor.
Data Acquisition:
Drone capturing
aerial footage.
Video resolution
adjustment and
image formatting.
Detection: Object
detection using
Confidence score-
based result
Output: Annotated
images/videos and
vehicle counts
Figure 1: System Overview.
In the realm of vehicle detection and tracking,
drones have been successfully employed in vari-
ous applications. Bisio et al. (Bisio et al., 2021)
conducted a comprehensive performance evaluation
of leading deep learning (DL)-based object detec-
tion techniques, focusing on the RetinaNet frame-
work within the context of the VisDrone-benchmark
dataset. Their study provided critical insights into pa-
rameter optimization and model selection, setting a
foundation for intelligent vehicle detection systems
in smart cities. Wang et al. (Wang et al., 2016) in-
troduced a UAV-based vehicle detection and tracking
system designed for traffic data collection. Their sys-
tem leveraged image registration, feature extraction,
and tracking across consecutive UAV frames to dy-
namically detect and track vehicles with high accu-
racy. Similarly, Xiang et al. (Xiang et al., 2018)
proposed a novel framework for vehicle counting
using UAVs, integrating techniques like pixel-level
foreground detection, image registration, and online-
learning tracking to handle both static and dynamic
backgrounds. Their results demonstrated over 90%
accuracy in vehicle counting for fixed-background
videos and 85% accuracy for dynamic ones, show-
casing the efficacy of UAV-based solutions in traffic
These advancements underscore the potential of
drones combined with AI technologies for inventory
management and vehicle monitoring. Deep learning
models, such as those evaluated by Bisio et al. (Bi-
sio et al., 2021), have proven highly effective in ob-
ject detection, while UAV-based systems like those
described by Wang et al. (Wang et al., 2016) and Xi-
ang et al. (Xiang et al., 2018) demonstrate versatility
in diverse scenarios. The proposed system builds on
these developments by integrating drones, computer
vision, and deep learning to improve inventory accu-
racy, resource allocation, and operational efficiency in
the automotive industry.
Optimizing Automotive Inventory Management: Harnessing Drones and AI for Precision Solutions
3.1 System Overview
The proposed system integrates unmanned aerial ve-
hicles (UAVs), computer vision, and deep learning
to provide an automated solution for vehicle inven-
tory management in parking lots. Designed for envi-
ronments such as manufacturing plants and harbors,
the system offers real-time, accurate vehicle count-
ing, minimizing errors and enhancing operational ef-
ficiency. The overveiew of the system is showing in
Figure 1.
A DJI Mavic Pro drone, equipped with a high-
resolution camera, captures aerial footage of parking
lots. Its extended flight range and stability make it
ideal for covering large areas efficiently. The captured
footage is preprocessed to a standardized 720p resolu-
tion to ensure consistent input quality for subsequent
Vehicle detection is performed using the YOLO-
v8-OBB (You Only Look Once Version 8 with Ori-
ented Bounding Boxes) deep learning model. This
advanced object detection approach is particularly ef-
fective for densely packed parking lots, as its oriented
bounding boxes align with vehicle orientations, im-
proving detection precision and reducing overlaps or
false positives. To further enhance detection reliabil-
ity, the system applies a confidence threshold of 0.8
(80%), processing only high-confidence detections.
The analysis pipeline is implemented using
Python libraries, including OpenCV for image pro-
cessing, NumPy for efficient numerical computations,
and the Supervision library for managing detection re-
sults. Users interact with the system through a sim-
ple HTML interface built with Flask, where video or
image files can be uploaded. The system processes
the input and outputs annotated frames with bound-
ing boxes, confidence scores, and vehicle counts in
real time.
3.2 Dataset
The dataset used in this study consists of 381 im-
ages captured using a DJI Mavic Pro drone, which
was flown by the researchers over various parking
lots, primarily located at grocery stores and apart-
ment complexes. The drone was flown at altitudes
ranging from 25 to 35 meters to ensure optimal cov-
erage and image quality. Each image was manually
annotated with oriented bounding boxes around ve-
hicle instances, resulting in a total of 2,843 annota-
tions. The annotation process followed specific visi-
bility criteria, requiring at least 60% of a vehicle to be
visible, with both windshields clearly discernible. Ve-
hicles that were occluded by trees were excluded from
the annotations to prevent misidentification of trees as
cars. This ensures that only visible vehicles are in-
cluded, contributing to the model’s accuracy during
The dataset is divided into three subsets, follow-
ing a standard 60/20/20 split: 741 images for train-
ing, 73 for validation, and 61 for testing. This par-
titioning allows for a comprehensive evaluation of
the model’s performance on unseen data and helps
mitigate the risk of overfitting. Before training, the
images undergo several preprocessing steps to stan-
dardize and enhance their quality. The images are
auto-oriented to maintain consistent orientation, then
resized to fit within a 640x640 pixel frame, with
white borders added as necessary. To further enhance
the dataset’s diversity and improve the model’s ro-
bustness, data augmentation techniques are applied.
These include horizontal flipping, 90° clockwise and
counter-clockwise rotations, cropping with a zoom
variation between 0% and 10%, saturation adjust-
ments within a range of -21% to +21%, and the in-
troduction of noise in up to 0.14% of the pixels. Each
training image is augmented to generate three varia-
tions, thereby expanding the training set and increas-
ing the diversity of vehicle appearances and orienta-
tions the model is exposed to.
The main challenges during the creation of the
dataset were determining an appropriate threshold
for vehicle visibility and handling occlusions caused
by trees. These issues were addressed through it-
erative refinement of annotation guidelines, ensuring
that only clear, visible vehicles were included in the
dataset. The diversity of parking lots, varying lighting
conditions, and different vehicle orientations create a
challenging and realistic environment for vehicle de-
tection. These characteristics, along with the prepro-
cessing steps, ensure that the model is well-equipped
to generalize to new and unseen parking lot scenarios.
3.3 Neural Network Model
The system utilizes the YOLO-v8-OBB (You Only
Look Once Version 8 with Oriented Bounding Boxes)
model, which is particularly well-suited for this task
due to its ability to detect vehicles with high preci-
sion. Unlike traditional models that use axis-aligned
bounding boxes, YOLO-v8-OBB employs oriented
bounding boxes that align with the orientation of each
vehicle. This alignment allows the bounding boxes
to more tightly enclose the vehicles, thereby reduc-
ing the number of overlapping boxes and minimiz-
ing false detections. Furthermore, oriented bound-
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 2: The Final Precision-Recall Curve for the YOLO-
v8 OBB Model.
ing boxes help reduce noise during training by ex-
cluding background elements and irrelevant objects,
which leads to more precise training and improved
accuracy during inference. Another advantage of us-
ing YOLO-v8-OBB is its ability to efficiently uti-
lize space, which is especially important in densely
packed parking lots where vehicles are often parked
closely together. This enables the model to accurately
distinguish between adjacent vehicles, increasing de-
tection accuracy in these challenging environments.
In addition to the benefits provided by the use of
oriented bounding boxes, the YOLO-v8 architecture
was selected for its efficiency and accuracy in vehi-
cle detection. The YOLO-v8-OBB model processes
video frames in real time, detecting vehicles frame
by frame. The supervision library outputs bounding
boxes around the detected vehicles with a confidence
level greater than 80%. For each frame, the system
displays a current count of detected vehicles with a
confidence level below 80%. In the case of an im-
age input, the model outputs a total count of detected
vehicles. The deployment of the system is facilitated
through a local web application that allows users to
upload either video or image files for analysis. By
leveraging advanced technologies and libraries, the
proposed system provides an efficient solution for
real-time inventory management, addressing the chal-
lenges of inventory errors in the automotive industry.
4.1 Results
To evaluate the performance of the YOLO-v8-OBB
model, a dataset consisting of aerial drone footage
was collected (see Section 3), and various annotation
policies were tested. The model was trained using the
annotated data, and training metrics were recorded to
Figure 3: The Confusion Matrix for the final YOLO-v8
OBB model.
monitor its performance. After training, the model
was evaluated on previously unseen footage to pro-
vide a qualitative and functional comparison.
The performance of the model was assessed us-
ing Average Precision (AP), a metric that combines
both precision and recall. AP is computed during
the evaluation phase and reflects the accuracy of the
model in detecting a single class—passenger vehicles.
This metric is closely related to Mean Average Preci-
sion (mAP), which is used when evaluating models
trained on multiple classes, but in this case, only a
single class is considered. The AP is derived from
the precision and recall values, and is represented by
the Area Under the Precision-Recall Curve (AUC),
shown in Figure 2. During the validation phase, the
model achieved an AP of 0.988, or 98.8%, indicating
high detection accuracy.
Intersection over Union (IoU) is used to deter-
mine the overlap between predicted and ground truth
bounding boxes, where a prediction is considered a
true positive if its IoU exceeds a certain threshold.
Precision and recall are then calculated, with preci-
sion being the ratio of true positives to the total num-
ber of predictions, and recall being the ratio of true
positives to the total number of actual vehicles in the
dataset. The confusion matrix, as shown in Figure 3,
provides a more detailed breakdown of the model’s
classification performance, showing the true positive,
false positive, and false negative counts.
4.2 Discussion
During the deployment of the YOLO-v8-OBB model,
several challenges were encountered that impacted its
performance. One significant issue was occlusion,
where vehicles were partially obstructed by objects
such as trees or equipment. While the model demon-
strated the ability to detect some occluded vehicles,
Optimizing Automotive Inventory Management: Harnessing Drones and AI for Precision Solutions
Figure 4: Occluded vehicles captured by YOLO v8 OBB
occasionally outperforming human observers (Figure
4), it also produced misclassifications in certain sce-
narios. These results indicate that further refinement
of the annotation policies, particularly for partially
occluded vehicles, could improve the model’s robust-
ness and accuracy in such cases.
Another limitation observed was the edge-of-view
problem. Vehicles entering the frame from the periph-
ery were sometimes misclassified as smaller objects,
revealing a weakness in the model when handling pe-
ripheral areas of the image. This issue could poten-
tially be addressed by incorporating a more diverse set
of footage from multiple angles, although this would
require additional data collection, which was outside
the scope of the current study.
Moreover, the model’s performance was found to
be sensitive to the altitude of the drone. Variations
in drone height led to decreased confidence in predic-
tions, suggesting that the model could benefit from
either maintaining a more consistent altitude during
data collection or utilizing multi-perspective data to
mitigate the effects of height variation. Future re-
search could explore strategies such as incorporating
footage from different vantage points or adjusting for
varying altitudes to enhance detection accuracy under
diverse conditions.
Despite these challenges, the system demon-
strated the capability to process video streams and
make accurate real-time predictions, validating the
feasibility of using the YOLO-v8-OBB model for ve-
hicle detection in practical applications. The model
effectively distinguished between passenger vehicles
and other vehicle types, as illustrated in Figure 5, fur-
ther reinforcing its potential for real-world deploy-
ment in automotive inventory management.
Figure 5: A classification of a passenger vehicle next to a
commercial truck.
This paper presented an innovative approach to au-
tomotive inventory management using UAV drones,
computer vision, and deep learning models, specif-
ically the YOLO-v8-OBB model. The integration
of these technologies offers a significant improve-
ment over traditional inventory methods, addressing
issues of inaccuracy while enhancing operational ef-
ficiency and reducing costs. The YOLO-v8-OBB
model demonstrated high precision in vehicle detec-
tion, achieving an average precision (AP) of 98.8%
during validation. Its real-time detection capability
and effectiveness in complex parking environments
make it a promising solution for automating inventory
management in the automotive industry.
However, several challenges were identified dur-
ing the implementation of the system. Issues such as
occlusions, where vehicles were partially obstructed
by other objects, and the edge-of-view problem,
where vehicles entering from the periphery were dif-
ficult to classify, posed limitations. These challenges
impacted the model’s accuracy and highlighted areas
for further improvement. Additionally, maintaining a
consistent drone altitude was critical for optimal pre-
diction confidence. Future work will focus on ad-
dressing these challenges by refining annotation poli-
cies, improving data processing methods, and explor-
ing the use of alternative data sources or perspectives.
Further research into edge computing solutions and
the integration of more sophisticated models could
also enhance the system’s real-time performance and
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
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Optimizing Automotive Inventory Management: Harnessing Drones and AI for Precision Solutions