QR Code Detection with Perspective Correction and Decoding in
Real-World Conditions Using Deep Learning and Enhanced Image
David Joshua Corpuz
, Lance Victor Del Rosario
, Jonathan Paul Cempron
, Paulo Luis Lozano
and Joel Ilao
College of Computer Studies, De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines
DLSU Innovation and Technology Office, De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines
{david joshua corpuz, lv delrosario, jonathan.cempron, paulo.lozano, joel.ilao}@dlsu.edu.ph
Decoding, Edge Detection, Perspective Correction, QR Code, YOLO.
QR codes have become a vital tool across various industries, facilitating data storage and accessibility in
compact, scannable formats. However, real-world environmental challenges, including lighting variability,
perspective distortions, and physical obstructions, often impair traditional QR code readers such as the one
included in OpenCV and ZBar, which require precise alignment and full code visibility. This study presents
an adaptable QR code detection and decoding system, leveraging the YOLO deep learning model combined
with advanced image processing techniques, to overcome these limitations. By incorporating edge detection,
perspective transformation, and adaptive decoding, the proposed method achieves robust QR code detection
and decoding across a range of challenging scenarios, including tilted angles, partial obstructions, and low
lighting. Evaluation results demonstrate significant improvements over traditional readers, with enhanced ac-
curacy and reliability in identifying and decoding QR codes under complex conditions. These findings support
the system’s application potential in sectors with high demands for dependable QR code decoding, such as lo-
gistics and automated inventory tracking. Future work will focus on optimizing processing speed, extending
multi-code detection capabilities, and refining the method’s performance across diverse environmental con-
QR codes, or Quick Response codes, have become
an indispensable tool in modern data storage and ac-
cessibility, offering a convenient way to encode in-
formation in a compact, scannable format. Indus-
tries ranging from retail and logistics to healthcare
and event management have adopted QR codes due
to their speed and reliability. However, QR code
usage in uncontrolled environments often encoun-
ters real-world challenges such as variations in light-
ing (Li et al., 2022), perspective distortions (Kar-
rach et al., 2020), and physical obstructions (Liu
and Xu, 2020). Traditional QR code readers like
OpenCV (bin Mahmod et al., 2023) and ZBar (Fer-
ano et al., 2022), which rely on pattern matching and
orientation-specific scanning, are often ineffective in
these scenarios, as they require precise alignment and
full pattern visibility. Therefore, enhancing the ac-
curacy and robustness of QR code detection and de-
coding has become essential to expanding its practical
This study seeks to develop an adaptable and ac-
curate QR code detection and decoding system capa-
ble of overcoming the limitations of traditional meth-
ods. By leveraging deep learning, specifically the
YOLO object detection model, combined with ad-
vanced image processing techniques, the study aims
to create a solution that excels in challenging condi-
tions. The objective is to demonstrate the effective-
ness of this system in achieving reliable detection and
decoding in complex environments, including scenar-
ios where QR codes are tilted, in a far location, or
subjected to poor lighting.
The study contributes to the field of computer vi-
sion by presenting a novel, multistep pipeline that
combines object detection with image processing to
enhance QR code decoding accuracy. The primary
contributions are: (1) the integration of YOLO for ro-
bust QR code localization across various orientations
Corpuz, D. J., Rosario, L. V., Cempron, J. P., Lozano, P. L. and Ilao, J.
QR Code Detection with Perspective Correction and Decoding in Real-World Conditions Using Deep Learning and Enhanced Image Processing.
DOI: 10.5220/0013287200003912
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 20th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2025) - Volume 3: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-728-3; ISSN: 2184-4321
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
and distortions; (2) the application of edge detection
and perspective transformation for distortion correc-
tion; and (3) a comparative evaluation with existing
QR code readers to highlight performance gains in
accuracy and reliability. These contributions demon-
strate the potential for improved QR code reading ca-
pabilities in fields where QR codes are widely used,
such as supply chain management and automated in-
ventory tracking.
2.1 QR Code Detection Techniques
Traditional QR code readers, such as OpenCV (bin
Mahmod et al., 2023) and ZBar (Ferano et al., 2022),
often exhibit limitations when faced with real-world
complexities, including varying lighting conditions,
perspective distortions and occlusions. These meth-
ods typically assume a good perspective on the code
being scanned and rely on pattern recognition, which
can result in decoding failures under suboptimal con-
ditions (Barzazzi, 2023). Recent studies have in-
vestigated alternative approaches, such as histogram
equalization (Su et al., 2023) and Generative Adver-
sarial Network (GAN)-based image refinement (Dong
et al., 2024; Zheng et al., 2023; Uehira and Unno,
2023), to enhance image quality and improve read-
ability. While these methods address specific chal-
lenges, they often do not sufficiently accommodate
situations involving significant angular distortions or
partial obstructions.
2.2 Object Detection in Computer
The You Only Look Once (YOLO) family of mod-
els has emerged as a widely adopted framework for
object detection due to its ability to balance speed
and accuracy (Kaur and Singh, 2023; Redmon et al.,
2016). YOLO’s application in object detection tasks
has demonstrated effective handling of various visual
conditions (Wang et al., 2023), making it a suitable
candidate for detecting QR codes in complex settings.
By integrating YOLO into the QR code detection pro-
cess, this study aims to enhance detection reliabil-
ity even in scenarios where traditional detection al-
gorithms struggle due to partial occlusions or non-
standard viewing angles.
2.3 Image Processing for Enhanced
Advanced image processing techniques, such as edge
detection (Su et al., 2021; Orujov et al., 2020) and
perspective trnsformation(Hou et al., 2020; Mutha-
lagu et al., 2020), are increasingly applied to address
image distortions and improve decoding accuracy.
Edge detection facilitates the identification of key cor-
ner points (Su et al., 2021), essential for aligning
and correcting the QR code image through perspec-
tive transformation (Muthalagu et al., 2020). Stud-
ies indicate that combining multiple image process-
ing steps, including grayscale conversion (Selva Mary
and Manoj Kumar, 2020) and adaptive thresholding
(Liao et al., 2020; Xing et al., 2021; Guo et al.,
2022), can significantly improve the decoding success
rate, especially under challenging lighting conditions.
The present study leverages these methods to create a
multi-stage pipeline, ensuring robustness in QR code
3.1 Data Collection and Preprocessing
A comprehensive dataset was constructed to repre-
sent real-world challenges in QR code detection. It
included 1,338 images with QR codes presented un-
der various orientations, distances, and lighting con-
ditions. The dataset was downloaded (N.D, 2022)
and manually annotated with bounding boxes around
each QR code, facilitating accurate model training
and evaluation. To ensure consistency, the dataset was
divided into training (87%), validation (8%), and test-
ing (5%) sets and was managed within the Roboflow
platform. This setup enabled controlled annotation
and versioning, supporting reproducible results across
model iterations.
3.2 YOLO Detection Model
YOLOv5-640 was chosen for its advanced object
detection capabilities, which are well-suited for de-
tecting objects in diverse environments. Training
was conducted on the annotated dataset through
Roboflow’s platform, resulting in high-performance
metrics: mean Average Precision (mAP) of 99.1%,
precision of 99.3%, and recall of 99.1%. Post-
training, the YOLO model was employed to identify
and crop QR code regions from images, as shown in
Fig. 1, serving as the foundation for further image
VISAPP 2025 - 20th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
processing steps. The cloud-based inference provided
by Roboflow facilitated scalable and efficient testing,
especially in varied lighting and distortion scenarios.
In addition, the system is executed locally to compare
the results with the cloud-based system.
Figure 1: QR code detection with the YOLO model.
3.3 Edge Detection and Perspective
After detecting the QR code region, edge detection
was applied using the Canny edge detector with opti-
mized threshold values to maximize accuracy in cor-
ner identification. The optimized threshold values
were chosen through hyperparameter tuning. Differ-
ent thresholds were tested and the most QR codes
detected among a chosen subset of the dataset were
chosen. Sample images are shown in Fig. 2. De-
tecting the four corner points allowed for perspective
transformation, a technique that corrects image distor-
tions and aligns the QR code for accurate decoding.
OpenCV’s perspective transformation tool was used
to achieve alignment, ensuring the QR code’s orienta-
tion was corrected for optimal readability. To account
for minor inaccuracies in corner detection, an addi-
tional padding variable was introduced, which pro-
vided robustness by accommodating slight deviations
that could impact decoding accuracy.
3.4 Decoding
Following perspective correction, the decoding phase
applied various scaling factors and image process-
ing techniques, including grayscale conversion, color
inversion, and sharpening filters. These processing
Figure 2: Perspective transformation of QR code after Edge
techniques are shown in Fig. 3. Then each image
version processed was analyzed using OpenCV’s QR
decoding library, maximizing the probability of suc-
cessful decoding under a variety of conditions. This
multiscale approach allowed the solution to handle
different levels of image quality and complexity, en-
hancing robustness against challenges like low con-
trast and partial obstructions.
Figure 3: Applied image processing techniques on a QR
3.5 Evaluation
The performance of the proposed approach was as-
sessed through several key evaluation metrics.
Detection Accuracy - Assessed by comparing
the YOLO-detected QR code regions with ground
truth annotations, measuring the system’s ability
to accurately identify QR codes under varied con-
Decoding Success Rate - The proportion of QR
codes successfully decoded after detection, re-
flecting the solution’s robustness across different
environmental conditions.
Distance Tolerance - Determined by testing the
maximum distance at which accurate QR code de-
tection and decoding could be achieved, providing
insight into the effective range of the solution.
Angle Tolerance - Evaluated by positioning QR
codes at increasing angles until decoding failure,
measuring the maximum angular distortion the
system could accommodate.
Mean Read Time - Average processing time from
detection to de-coding, providing insight into the
trade-off between processing speed and accuracy.
Although the proposed method prioritizes accu-
racy, the mean read time metric offers a compar-
QR Code Detection with Perspective Correction and Decoding in Real-World Conditions Using Deep Learning and Enhanced Image
ison against traditional readers like OpenCV and
4.1 Accuracy and Robustness
The proposed solution was evaluated against other
QR code readers, specifically the one included in
OpenCV and ZBar, on a dataset encompassing var-
ious conditions. Results indicate that the solution
demonstrates significantly higher decoding accuracy
and robustness, consistently outperforming the base-
line methods in identifying and decoding QR codes
under non-ideal conditions. This robustness is evi-
dent across a range of angles, distances, showcasing
the adaptability of the proposed approach.
4.2 Distance and Angle Tolerance
Extensive tests were conducted to determine the max-
imum readable distance and angle tolerance as shown
in Fig. 5. The proposed solution maintains decoding
accuracy at distances significantly greater than those
achieved by OpenCV and ZBar as shown in Fig. 4.
Additionally, it maintains decoding functionality at an
angular distortion tolerance of up to 80 degrees, sur-
passing the limits of ZBar (70 degrees) and OpenCV
(52 degrees) as noted in Table 1. These findings con-
firm the method’s effectiveness for applications where
QR codes are often viewed from challenging angles or
Table 1: QR Code Decoding Maximum Angle of Distortion
QR Reader Maximum Angle of
OpenCV 52 degrees
ZBar 70 degrees
Ours 80 degrees
4.3 Decoding Efficiency and Processing
While the proposed method demonstrated superior
decoding accuracy, it exhibited a higher mean read
time, as shown in Table 2, averaging 439 millisec-
onds for the cloud-based system and 92 milliseconds
for the local-based system, compared to 36 millisec-
onds for OpenCV and 46 milliseconds for ZBar. This
increased processing time reflects a trade-off designed
to prioritize accuracy, making the method particularly
suited for applications where reliability is more crit-
ical than speed, such as inventory management in
warehouses. When comparing the cloud-based and
local-based implementations of the proposed system,
the local implementation performs better, reducing
the processing time by more than 300 milliseconds.
This behavior is expected for both systems. Although
the proposed approach, when run locally, is slower
than conventional readers, the processing time re-
mains within an acceptable range.
Table 2: QR Code Reader Performance Comparison.
QR Reader Total success-
fully decoded
QR codes
Mean Read
OpenCV 214 36 ms.
ZBar 352 46 ms.
459 439 ms.
459 92 ms.
4.4 Comparative Performance Analysis
In comparative testing, also shown in Table 2, the so-
lution successfully decoded 459 QR codes, compared
to 352 by ZBar and 214 by OpenCV. This 30% im-
provement over conventional readers underscores the
utility of the proposed approach for applications with
complex environmental variables, validating its effec-
tiveness for real-world scenarios where traditional QR
code readers may falter due to environmental incon-
The study demonstrates that integrating YOLO, edge
detection, and perspective transformation signifi-
cantly enhances QR code detection and decoding in
challenging conditions. The solution’s superior per-
formance over traditional readers confirms its poten-
tial for reliable QR code reading in complex applica-
The robustness of the proposed approach makes
it particularly suited for industries such as logistics,
warehousing, and automated systems that require de-
pendable QR code decoding. Its ability to handle an-
gular distortions, and varying lighting conditions ren-
ders it versatile in diverse real-world settings.
To enhance the effectiveness and versatility of QR
code detection, it is recommended to implement sup-
port for detecting multiple QR codes within a single
VISAPP 2025 - 20th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 4: Code Decoding Maximum Distance Comparison.
Figure 5: Testing samples: (a) live video, (b) sourced
dataset, (c) synthetic.
image. This capability would enable the solution to
operate efficiently in environments where numerous
QR codes are present simultaneously, thereby broad-
ening its range of applications.
Transitioning from the Roboflow API to a locally
trained object detection model is advisable, as this ap-
proach would allow for greater control over the train-
ing process and minimize dependency on external ser-
vices. Such a transition could lead to enhanced effi-
ciency and customization, ensuring that the model is
specifically tailored to particular needs and use cases.
It is also essential to develop a model that ensures
the bounding box precisely encloses each QR code, or
alternatively, to implement a method that determines
optimal padding for each detection. This improve-
ment would increase the accuracy of QR code isola-
tion, thereby minimizing decoding errors and enhanc-
ing reliability.
Optimizing the process of identifying corner co-
ordinates, particularly around edge detection, is also
crucial. Implementing code that adjusts to vari-
ous thresholds for hysteresis in edge detection would
likely improve the accuracy of QR code boundary
identification, especially in complex image contexts.
Further, the integration of advanced image pro-
cessing techniques could substantially improve QR
code decoding. By exploring methods such as adap-
tive thresholding, noise reduction, and contrast en-
hancement, the readability of QR codes under chal-
lenging conditions may be significantly enhanced,
thus increasing the robustness of the solution.
In addition, optimizing the read time of the so-
lution could enhance its practical utility. Techniques
QR Code Detection with Perspective Correction and Decoding in Real-World Conditions Using Deep Learning and Enhanced Image
such as parallel processing, algorithmic enhance-
ments, or hardware acceleration may reduce read
times without compromising accuracy. Conducting
tests across a broader variety of QR code types and
environmental conditions would provide valuable in-
sights into performance, ensuring the solution re-
mains reliable and effective across diverse scenarios.
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VISAPP 2025 - 20th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications