Light Communication Technology: An Enabling Technology for
Sustainable Wired and Wireless Solutions
D. Chiaroni
, S. Leroux
, M. Fleschen
, B. Berde
, F. Abdeldayem
, N. Serafimovski
, H. Nikol
N. Delaunay
, B. Béchadergue
, B. Azoulay
, S. Cordette
, S. Clement
, J. Tabu
, C. Lepers
H. Haas
Nokia Bell Labs, 12 rue Jean Bart, Massy, France
Orange Innovation, 40-48 Avenue de la République, 92320 Châtillon, France
Zero 1, 33 Rue Puits Romain, L-8070, Luxembourg
DU, Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Company, PJSC. P.O. Box 502666, Dubai, U.A.E.
pureLiFi ,51 Timber Bush, Leith, Edinburgh EH6 6QH, U.K.
Signify Netherlands B.V. High Tech Campus 7, 5656 AE Eindhoven, The Netherlands
CEA LETI, 17 Av. des Martyrs, 38054 Grenoble, France
LISV, Université Paris-Saclay - UVSQ, 10-12 avenue de l'Europe, 78140 Vélizy-Villacoublay, France
OLEDCOMM, Centre Technologique, 10-12 avenue de l'Europe 78140 Vélizy-Villacoublay, France
Technology Innovation Institute, PO Box: 9639, Masdar City, Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.
Liberty Global, Griffin House, 161 Hammersmith Road, London, W6 8BS, U.K.
Crantec, 4740-223 Esposende, Portugal
SAMOVAR Laboratory, Télécom SudParis, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, Palaiseau, France
LiFi Research and Development Centre (LRDC), Electrical Engineering Division, 9 J J Thomson Avenue,
University of Cambridge, Cambridge, CB3 0FA, U.K.
Keywords: Light Communication Technology, LiFi, Optical Camera Communication, Wi-Fi, Passive Optical Networks,
Optical Ring Network, Energy Savings, Sustainability, Fixed Network, Ethernet LAN, Optical Wired
Technologies, Optical Wireless Technologies.
Abstract: Optical wired and wireless technologies are analysed in this paper to address sustainable solutions for vertical
markets. After a description of the context, of the different technologies adopted, of use cases and their
associated services, this paper demonstrates through a comparative analysis with a classical Ethernet LAN
interconnecting Wi-Fi access points for a fixed network, that optical technologies in a heterogeneous context
can provide key added value services in a sustainable way.
Because of the climate impact due to global CO
emissions, new industrial approaches are required at
different levels to reduce our emissions. Concerning
the Information Communication Technology (ICT),
the projection in term of electricity demand to the
worldwide electricity production could reach 20.9%
in 2030 according to figure 1 (Jones, 2018). Because
of an exponential growth of the electricity demand for
the network infrastructure and for the data centres
between 2020 and 2030, industrials have to react.
In addition, the increase of the electricity cost per
kWh when combined to a traffic growth in strong
acceleration associated with the perspective for new
technologies operating at higher frequencies (from
5G to 6G) can create blocking situations at the market
level and requires the identification of new
sustainable approaches to drive the next generation of
ICT products.
It is therefore important to identify technologies
that could help this evolution. For example, optical
technologies have the potential to reduce the
Chiaroni, D., Leroux, S., Fleschen, M., Berde, B., Abdeldayem, F., Serafimovski, N., Nikol, H., Delaunay, N., Béchadergue, B., Azoulay, B., Cordette, S., Clement, S., Tabu, J., Lepers, C. and
Haas, H.
Light Communication Technology: An Enabling Technology for Sustainable Wired and Wireless Solutions.
DOI: 10.5220/0013291300003902
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Photonics, Optics and Laser Technology (PHOTOPTICS 2025), pages 133-141
ISBN: 978-989-758-736-8; ISSN: 2184-4364
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Figure 1: Projection of the ICT electricity demand (Jones,
electricity consumption of ICT illustrated by three
concrete examples:
The optical transmission systems have already
demonstrated their capabilities to offer high
energy efficient systems. By combining Time
Division Multiplexing (TDM), Wavelength
Division Multiplexing (WDM) and potentially
Spatial Division Multiplexing (SDM), it is then
possible to transport ultra-high data capacities at
a minimum energy.
The introduction of optical bypasses in networks
offered by the Optical Add/Drop Multiplexer
(OADM) technology suppress a lot of Opto-
Electro-Optic (OEO) conversions in the
passthrough and minimise then the electronic
processing. This optical transparency offered in
the passthrough of OADMs is today exploited in
the metro and in the core to have low energy
consumption optical communication
transmission systems and low latency networks.
Optical wireless communication systems: Light
Fidelity (LiFi) or Optical Camera
Communication (OCC)) have also a high
potential to reduce the energy consumption of
end-to-end systems. As an example, a Vertical
Cavity Emitting Laser (VCSEL) used for some
generations of LiFi systems exhibits only few
100fJ/bit (Si-Cong, 2023), and laser array-based
adopting a Multiple Inputs Multiple Outputs
(MIMOs) scheme for an ultra-high bite rate
access point can require less than 2 Watts for an
aggregated bit rate close to 2 Tbps leading to an
energy efficiency close to 1pJ/bit (Haas, 2023).
The previous remarks indicate that it is of interest
to analyse different end-to-end solutions and to see
how the optical technology could contribute to design
a sustainable 6G technology.
In this paper after a recall of the main challenges
that are in front of us, and a rapid state of the art
demonstrating the high potential of optical
technologies, we will analyse the combination of
optical wired and wireless technologies focused on
the fixed access part of verticals for hospitals,
commercial centres and for the Industry 4.0.
After a description of the assumptions, we will
present the potential gains in terms of electricity
consumption of an optical end-to-end solution when
compared to a reference scenario (classical Local
Area Network (LAN) and Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi)).
We will then analyse the impact of a
heterogeneous case where different access point
technologies coexist to offer added value services at
a minimum energy consumption. Finally, the
conclusion will draw some perspectives for a
positioning of this optical technology.
The acceptable electricity demand to the grid of the
ICT by 2030 has been estimated with the data of
(Jones, 2018) and (Ritchie and Rosato, 2024).
Figure 2: Projection made in 2030 by adopting a linear
production evolution aligned with the two previous
If we fix a reduction of the electricity demand of
50% by 2030 (value adopted by several operators)
with respect to the projected value: 8,200 TWh, we
can estimate then an electricity demand of the ICT
close to 4,100 TWh.
In 2020 the electricity demand of the ICT was close
to 2,878 TWh according to (Jones, 2018) for a global
electricity production of 26,190 TWh representing a
percentage of electricity demand of 10.98%.
With a reduction of 50% of the electricity demand
by 2030, and an estimated worldwide production of
electricity close to 33,500 TWh (linear assumption
made according to figure 2) then the percentage of
electricity demand could become 12.23%. This is
required to recontrol the electricity demand to the grid
and create new market opportunities by adopting new
sustainable approaches.
However, to reach a reduction of the electricity
demand of the ICT of 50% a strategy in four steps has
PHOTOPTICS 2025 - 13th International Conference on Photonics, Optics and Laser Technology
to be adopted.
The four steps driving a short, medium and long-
term strategy could be:
1. Massive adoption of new eco-design rules
including the software, the hardware, the
adoption of longer life cycles and the adoption of
a circular economy to reduce as much as possible
the footprint. A new methodology is then
required to lead to the optimal solution for each
use case.
2. Deploy micro-grids, when possible, to produce
locally and reduce then the electricity demand to
the grid. This step can be applied to already
deployed network elements or for the new
products adopting step 1.
3. Adopt efficient storage with zero CO
to secure an electricity continuity delivery when
the national grid is in failure.
4. Limit the wasted energies, though an optimized
design of a solution, but also by converting any
form of wasted energy into electricity.
We recall that according to figure 1, the two parts
of the ICT that need to be optimized are the network
infrastructure and the Data Centers (DC):
For the network infrastructure we need to
distinguish the vertical/enterprise and the public
network infrastructure. For the public network,
the mobile network is the most representative
since it could contribute to 72% of the overall
electricity bill of an operator.
For the DCs two main sub-systems are
dominating the energy consumption of a DC: the
cooling system and the servers of data are close
to 80% for big DC (figure 3 and (Rong, 2016)).
Figure 3: Repartition of the energy consumption of a data
center according to (Rong, 2016).
Because the use of one unique technology can
lead to an over dimensioning of the solution when
pushing the technology beyond its own limits, it is
then important to analyze the role of a complementary
technological approach. And it is already the case
today where Wavelength Division Multiplexing
(WDM) links or Passive Optical Networks (PONs)
are proposed for the FrontHauling (FH) or XHauling
(XH) part of a Radio Access Network (RAN). The
objective is then to include, when necessary, an
optical technology in an end-to-end solution to drive
high performance systems with added value services
at a minimum energy consumption. In this paper, we
analyze then the potential of wired and wireless
optical technologies to anticipate concrete solutions
for an optical converged fixed and mobile network
(IOWN, 2022).
3.1 Use Cases
Because end-user have access to two technologies: a
radio frequency technology (4G/5G and tomorrow
6G) but also a fixed technology today mainly based
on PONs, it becomes relevant to analyze an integrated
technology from the end-user up to the aggregation
node to connect anything at any time with the correct
Quality of Service (QoS) for an acceptable Quality of
Experience (QoE) in a full flexible way. For this
analysis we will be focused on the fixed network part
for three specific use cases: Commercial centers to
offer a low cost and a low energy consumption end-
to-end solution; hospitals for their specificities (in
some places of a hospital High Frequencies (HF) are
not tolerated/possible); the Industry 4.0. requiring
ultra-high bit rate connections to process data and to
optimize the productivity of a factory. Even if the
focus was on three use cases, the solution proposed
has the potential to cover a larger scope.
3.2 Requirements and Services
For the three precited use cases, the requirements and
the service targeted are the followings:
Commercial center: need to provide a low Total
Cost Ownership (TCO) network infrastructure
with accurate in-door positioning, and highly
secured data transmission.
Hospitals: need for a data transmission continuity
in the wireless domain, from 5G/6G at the
periphery of the hospitals, to Wi-Fi in the public
waiting rooms, to LiFi or any light
communication technology inside the building
when RF is blocked. We need to offer different
services from moderate bit rates to persons inside
intense care rooms, to high bit rate connections
Light Communication Technology: An Enabling Technology for Sustainable Wired and Wireless Solutions
offering ultra-low latencies in surgery rooms.
Industry 4.0.: need for solutions offering diverse
services, massive connectivity, easy capacity
upgrade, ultra-low latencies for deterministic
services and Machine-to-Machine (M2M)
communication offer. The technology
complementarity is here extremely important not
to over dimension one technology.
4.1 Light Communication Technologies
In this paper we will consider two types of light
communication technologies: the LiFi and the OCC
LiFi technology is a bidirectional technology
requiring an additional physical layer
(transponder including Light Emitting Diodes
(LEDs) or VCSELs and Photodetector(s)) and in
some versions a new data link layer (new
Medium Access Control (MAC) layer). The
spectrum exploited for this technology includes
the Visible Light (VL) (350 nm 700 nm), but
also the InfraRed (IR) spectrum (800 1000 nm).
Typically, IR is used for the upstream traffic. For
the downstream traffic, either VL or IR light can
be used depending on the use case. The
technology delivers a user experience
substantially similar to Wi-Fi except using the
light spectrum, offering potential high data rate,
mobility, handover and more. One standard, the
IEEE 802.11bb, targets a mass market by
adopting an optical antenna instead of a RF
antenna and is based on the Wi-Fi protocols.
The OCC technology describes a unidirectional
technology exploiting the camera as a
photodetector associated with an application able
to interpret the information received to be easily
exploited by the user through a graphic interface.
The light signal is in the visible domain for
classical cameras. The bit rate is limited to the
potential of the camera technology. The OCC
technology can be summarized as follows:
o Wireless communications
o Offering In-door positioning capabilities
o Decoding of data from embedded cameras of
a smartphone
o Based on the standard: IEEE 802.15.7
Services offered:
o Geo mapping
o Data analysis
o Location based services
4.2 Infra-Red (IR) versus Visible Light
The type of the source is a key question. With the
massive deployment of Light Emitting Diodes
(LEDs) in all the spaces (from the residential part to
the public area) it is important to analyse two
scenarios: one exploiting the existing VL provided by
a LED lighting, and another one based on IR source
when the LED-based light is off, or when sun lighting
is dominating a space. For that last scenario, we need
then to add a new source: an IR source that needs to
be added in the energy budget. To minimise their
impact, the IR sources considered will be VCSELs for
their high energy efficiency and their low energy
4.3 Perspectives of Deployment: FWA,
Full Deployment, Business-to-
Business (BTB) and Business-to-
Customer (BTC)
The LiFi technology requires standards for a massive
deployment. For example, the IEEE 802.11bb
standard is targeting this objective and other
standards are currently discussed for further
deployments. The deployment has started for fixed
wireless access, and for dedicated applications,
generally for BTB applications. The integration
tomorrow of chipsets in terminals (smart phones or
personal computers) at a large scale will be a major
catalyst for a BTC market. In the following, we will
then analyse a deployment of this new technology in
a BTB scenario and for a Fixed Wireless Access
(FWA) configuration in the majority of use cases
considered and for a full deployment for a restricted
space (hospital use case mainly).
The OCC technology offering a geo-localization
service is already targeting a BTC market, since this
technology is compatible with a majority of smart
phones, and since we can find on the apple store or in
the android store applications to support OCC services.
5.1 Optical Network Technologies
Optical networks are today deployed in the pure fixed
PHOTOPTICS 2025 - 13th International Conference on Photonics, Optics and Laser Technology
access part or in the metro and backbone part. For the
pure access part, PONs are massively adopted to offer
a Fibre-To-The-Home (FTTH) technology. If the
Gigabit PON (G-PON) is massively used in Europe,
other versions of PONs are also on the market. We
find also the 10x Gigabit Symmetrical PON (XGS-
PON), the 100G-PON and higher bit rates are under
study. For the backbone, Reconfigurable Optical
Add/Drop Multiplexers (R-OADMs) nodes are
massively deployed to offer a transport optical
network on the top of Multi-Protocol Label Switching
over Internet Protocol (MPLS/IP) Switch/Routers. In
this paper we will be focused more on the
technologies developed for the access part or for the
FH/XH. Another technology proposed for the RAN
in a physical ring topology adopting OADM-based
nodes for targeting the interconnection of cell sites to
the Base Band Unit (BBUs). When targeting an
optical convergence fixed-mobile it is then important
to address topologies different from the tree topology
as used for PONs and envisage bus or ring topologies
to offer new services like M2M services enabled for
example by a broadcast-and-select technique.
Finally, we note that FTTH technologies based on
PONs have already demonstrated their potential to
minimise the electricity demand when compared to
other technologies (5kWh/line for the FFTH to
compare to 15kWh/line for the ADSL technology or
to compare to 50kWh/line for the 3G/4G in 2019)
(Perrufel, 2022).
5.2 Passive Optical Networks and
Passive Optical LAN (POL)
Figure 4(a): G-PON used for a Passive Optical LAN.
Figure 4(b): POL versus Ethernet LAN.
Table 1: Specificities of the Ethernet Switch node
considered and of the X-Cast WDM Add/Drop Multiplexer
Port attributes
Ethernet Switch:
1GbE port
8xRJ45 auto-
100GbE CFP2 (10
channels at 10Gb
0 1
10GbE SFP+ Ports 12 2
Ethernet Switch:
Switch Fabric
240 Gbps 1 Tbps
Forwarding Rate 179 Mbps
10 Gpbs
for the
Latency 1700ns
Switching method
Store and
Unit Weight
5kg (include one
< 2 kG
Operating T°
0 to 45° (long
0 to 45°
long term
Price estimated
4,159 1,598
Power consumption
estimated (W)
87,4 18
Optical Passive Networks (PON) have several
advantages, like their capabilities to transport high
capacities, with high energy efficiencies. Figure 4(a)
shows the technology based on a PON and figure 4(b)
shows the possible gain in CAPEX and OPEX when
comparing a Passive Optical LAN (POL) with a
classical Ethernet LAN.
POL can save energies with respect to classical
LAN. Comparatives studies have demonstrated the
possibility to reduce by 82% the electricity
consumption of a POL with respect to an Ethernet
LAN. And the advantages are multiple: Fiber size
smaller than a CATx cable used for Ethernet. The
optical fibre offers large bit rates or easy capacity
increase and their lifetime is in the range of 50 years.
It is an eco-designed solution since a PON is partly
made with a fibre infrastructure designed for a long-
life cycle, and the modularity located at the periphery
of the network allows easy upgrades to follow the
evolution of the demand. In summary, PONs have a
high potential in terms of energy consumption
reduction when compared to classical Ethernet LANs.
Light Communication Technology: An Enabling Technology for Sustainable Wired and Wireless Solutions
5.3 Optical Ring Network
Figure 5(a) shows another optical network topology:
a ring or a bus. We are considering here a new
generation of Optical networks based on simple and
amplified Optical Add/Drop Multiplexers (OADMs)
(figure 5(b)).
Simplified Optical Add/Drop Multiplexer nodes
(based on optical couplers and an optical
Structure offering Cross-cast (X-Cast)
Support of a circuit or a packet transfer mode.
Optical transparency in the path through for a
minimum power consumption.
Figure 5(a): Optical ring network.
Figure 5(b): Optical Add/Drop node structure.
Figure 5(c) illustrates the global structure of the
network proposed.
Figure 5(c): Key features of the network.
In the analysis we have adopted a simple
OADMs, including mainly optical couplers and a
semiconductor optical amplifier. A first comparison
shows that it is a 10x technology when compared to a
pure Ethernet technology since the optical bypass
implemented for the transit traffic avoid a large
number of line cards and transceivers. As for the
PON, a capacity upgrade does not impose a
replacement of all the network elements in the optical
solution since some network elements are designed
for a long-life cycle like the optical fibres but also the
Figure 6 shows the gain that can be obtained in
terms of energy consumption, when comparing an
optical ring network for LAN applications and a
classical Ethernet LAN.
Figure 6: Optical Ring LAN versus LAN.
We notice that the power consumption can be
reduced by more than 69% with respect to the
classical LAN solution.
Both optical technologies: PON and optical rings
networks are then good candidates for designing end-
to-end solutions.
6.1 Fixed Network for In-Building Use
For the study we will compare an Ethernet LAN +
Wi-Fi access points and an optical network (PON or
Optical Ring) with different access point
technologies: Wi-Fi + LiFi + OCC.
For the quantification we adopted the following
Surface considered: 5,000 m² (100x50 m²).
Number of Wi-Fi access points: 25 for a surface
PHOTOPTICS 2025 - 13th International Conference on Photonics, Optics and Laser Technology
connectivity of 200 m².
Number of LiFi Access Points (AP): 12 in a
FWA configuration, 250 for full deployment.
Number of OCC access points: 200 (every 5
For the Wi-Fi access points (WatchGuard, 2024):
Wi-Fi 6 2x2: Power peak at 10.9 W.
Wi-Fi 6 2x2 including radio of security: Power
peak at 15.9 W.
Wi-Fi 6 4x4: Power peak at 19.5W, close to 20
W (value adopted for the calculations).
For the Wi-Fi repeater we adopted 2.6W.
The LiFi technology is deployed according to two
In a FWA configuration to offer BTB services.
In a full deployment scenario in the space
considered, to offer BTC services and
anticipating the presence of LiFi chipsets in
Both scenarios include an association also with OCC
for BTC services to offer added value services.
In the study we will consider an optical network
(PON or Optical Ring) associated with:
Wi-Fi for full coverage for the reference and for
the optical solutions.
LiFi in FWA when there is a need for new
services (for more security, for more bit rate,
when RF is not allowed) only for the optical
OCC exploiting the existing lighting to offer in-
door positioning/geo-localisation services only
also for the optical solutions.
6.2 Estimation of the Global Power
Consumption per Technology
Backbone Only:
For the Ethernet solution we assume 10 Ethernet
switches leading to:
- A total cost of 41,590 Euros.
- A total power consumption of 874 W.
For the optical ring network based on X-Cast
WDM ADM we assume 10 access nodes to
interconnect imposing ten optical nodes, and one
Ethernet switch (interconnection node) leading to a
total power consumption of 267.4 W.
Global Solution:
For the global solution we take into account the
backbone and the access points.
For the Ethernet LAN, for the optical solution
adopting a Passive Optical LAN (based on a
100GPON) or an optical ring network and Wi-Fi +
LiFi + OCC access points we have:
For the Access Points:
Wi-Fi access points: 500 W.
LiFi FWA points: 11 W (for the 12 drivers
only). We assume an existing VL LED lighting
system not included in the power budget.
OCC access points: 50 W (250 mW max.
estimated for one OCC driver).
For the Backbone:
Ethernet LAN: 874 W
Passive Optical LAN: 220 W
Optical ring networks: 267.4 W
For the End-to-End Solutions:
Ethernet LAN + WiFi: 1,374 W
POL + Wi-Fi + LiFi FWA + OCC: 761 W
OR + Wi-Fi + LiFi FWA + OCC: 828.4 W
Figure 7 gives an estimation of the power
consumption of each solution analyzed:
Figure 7: Comparison PON and Optical Ring Network with
respect to Ethernet LANs.
We observe that the ring topology increases
lightly the energy consumption when compared to a
POL. However, the ring topology offers new services
like M2M and provides higher capacity upgrades
while being retro-compatible with POLs (possibility
to multiplex a tree topology on the top of a ring
topology). The Optical Ring/Bus network represents
then an interesting candidate for wired and wireless
7.1 Description of the Use Cases
We analyse here three use cases: Hospitals or nuclear
power plants, commercial centres and Industry 4.0.
Light Communication Technology: An Enabling Technology for Sustainable Wired and Wireless Solutions
For use case 1 we assume that Electro-Magnetic
(EM) emissions are constrained in hospitals. The
EM waves are blocked in some areas of the
hospital stopping the data continuity. In that
particular use case, we compare then a solution
based on a POL (based on a XGS-PON) and on
a fully deployed LiFi technology in a specific
area with respect to a classical LAN and a Wi-Fi
For use case 2, typically commercial centres,
different technologies for added value services at
low energy consumption are considered. This is
a use case where the complementarity is really
important. In that use case we adopt then a POL
(based on a XGS-PON) for the fixed backbone
part and LiFi FWA + Wi-Fi + OCC.
For use case 3, typically the industry 4.0., a
technology complementarity is also required. For
that use case we adopte a ring optical network
(with 10 Gbps access points) but supporting a
100 Gbps path through to support M2M
communications. For the access points we
assume a deployment of three access
technologies: Wi-Fi, LiFi FWA and OCC. The
LiFi deployment is considered only for a FWA
configuration and is dedicated to the
communication between the production
machines and the network access points located
in the ceiling. The Wi-Fi is used for mobility and
to offer a large coverture. The OCC is used for
the geo-localisation of robots.
For the three use cases, we adopted LiFi emitting in
the VL domain or in the IR domain. For the LiFi IR
we added the energy consumption of a new IR source
which explains the difference with respect to the VL
In summary we analyse:
Optical networks: POL or Optical rings LAN.
Wi-Fi offering full coverage,
LiFi in a FWA configuration when there is a need
for new services (for more security, for more bit
rate, when RF is not allowed),
OCC to exploit the existing lighting to offer in-
door positioning,
7.2 Results Obtained for the Three Use
Cases Considered
We present here the results obtained (Figure 8)
comparing heterogeneous technologies with a Wi-Fi
technology associated to an Ethernet LAN.
Figure 8: Energy consumption gain for the three use cases
When RF is not tolerated (like in hospitals), then
the solution could be a combination of POL and LiFi
(VL or IR). We observe, in the first scenario, that the
electricity consumption gain could be close to 62%
with respect to the reference scenario.
For commercial centres or airports, use case 2,
there is a need to offer multi-services at low energy
consumption. The association of Wi-Fi, LiFi in FWA
(private pods are examples) and OCC is highly
energy efficient. We demonstrate the possibility to
offer more services at a low energy consumption
thanks to the adoption of wired and wireless optical
For the industry 4.0, we assumed a global
coverture through Wi-Fi, Optical ring networks to
offer a sustainable backbone offering a convergence
fixed-mobile, allowing M2M communications, and
OCC for accurate in-door positioning of robots. LiFi
IR FWA is adopted for highly secured high bit rate
communications between production machines and
the ceiling. 5G and 6G IoT complete the
requirements. The technology complementarity is
here quite efficient to offer multiple services
combining LC and RF and to reinforce the security of
sensitive data. It contributes also to limit the over
dimensioning of the RF technology. We observe that
the energy gain is less than for the two previous use
cases but still higher than 40%.
We showed that the combination of wired and
wireless optical technologies can provide significant
advantages in terms of electricity demand reductions
in addition to potential cost reductions and new
service offers.
Optical networks based on PONs or optical
rings/bus are excellent candidates to build an optical
backbone for the interconnection of different
PHOTOPTICS 2025 - 13th International Conference on Photonics, Optics and Laser Technology
networks elements (small cells or fixed access points)
at a low TCO.
Light Communication (LC) technologies offer
new possibilities in complementarity to Wi-Fi
technologies and pave the way to a better energy
efficiency. In the majority of deployments, it can be
the optimal solution to offer a high QoS at a low
energy consumption. The deployment will have to
support heterogeneous configurations and LC is fully
adapted to this heterogeneity (Perrufel M., 2021).
The LC technology has definitively strong
advantages like better security (the light does not
cross the walls) and less power consumption.
For EM sensitive environments, the LiFi
technology becomes an alternative to a Wi-Fi and
more generally to a RF technology to create a
continuity of service. The figure 8 showed that the
association LiFi and OCC interconnected with an
optical backbone is saving energies when compared
to a Wi-Fi + Ethernet LAN solution. For this use case,
POL are better positioned than Optical Ring LANs.
For commercial centres, the combination of
different access point technologies is an efficient
solution to offer new services at low energy. In that
case, LiFi is deployed following a B2B market
scheme, to have distributed points of information,
through a FWA approach.
For the industry 4.0., here again, FWA makes
sense, since there is a need for highly secured data
communication between the production machines
and the network. For the global coverture, the Wi-Fi
can be used. OCC could be mandatory for the guiding
of the robotic part. The new performance offered by
the LiFi technology (high bit rates at high security) is
the main catalyst for the solution adoption.
In general, for in-buildings the combination of
optical networks, and heterogeneous access points
will offer definitively new advantages and has the
potential to provide a concrete answer to the
electricity demand reduction needed as identified in
the first part of this paper. Optical wired and wireless
technologies pave definitively the path to sustainable
Acknowledgments to all the LCA members for the
fruitful discussions.
Jones Nicolas, (2018). In Nature, “How to stop data centres
from gobbling up the world’s electricity”, Nature,
Si-Cong Tian, Mansoor Ahamed and Dieter Bimberg
(2023). “Progress in Short Wavelength Energy-
Efficient High-Speed Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting
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Light Communication Technology: An Enabling Technology for Sustainable Wired and Wireless Solutions