for a scheduling strategy that is well-suited to video
An ablation study comparing similarity based on
vanilla frames (without any processing) reveals that
determining the probability parameter ε while ac-
counting for the changes by motions is crucial, and
further confirms effectiveness of leveraging differ-
ence frames.
Limitations of the proposed method include the
higher computational cost of calculating similarity
compared to previous methods, and the difficulty in
determining the optimal settings for the hash length
and the extent to which training should proceed to im-
prove the quality of the model’s output.
In this paper, we have introduced similarity-based
scheduled sampling that utilizes the similarity cal-
culated from difference frames. This approach ad-
dresses the challenge of setting a scheduling strat-
egy suited to video prediction tasks. The proposed
method outperforms previous methods. Furthermore,
an ablation study demonstrates the importance of de-
termining the probability parameter ε considering the
changes by motions.
We plan to work on exploring alternative methods
other than difference frames and reducing computa-
tional costs.
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ICPRAM 2025 - 14th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods