Table 5: Conditional average distortion
D and attack success rate (ASR) per compression setting q in a white box scenario.
This ablation study compares C&W (Carlini and Wagner, 2017), a robust iterative attack with a fixed q for compression
approximation, and RCW, which uses the JPEG approximation and CAS.
D q=70 q=80 q=90
C&W (Carlini and Wagner, 2017) 0.0665 0.061 0.109 0.221
+ Appr. JPEG 0.0684 0.131 0.664 0.115
+ CAS 0.1210 0.642 0.662 0.663
Constrained adversarial optimization formulations
provide an optimal basis for integrating differentiable
JPEG approximations. However, using ensemble
methods to account for different compression qual-
ity settings (Shin and Song, 2017) in target applica-
tions leads to long runtimes for attack methods that
optimize to find a good balance between effectiveness
and visual fidelity. We present a method that interro-
gates the target system once per sample and performs
a compression adaptation search to find an optimal
quality setting for the attack. Our approach allows us
to compute adversarial samples that successfully de-
feat JPEG compression while maintaining high visual
fidelity to the original sample. For nearly impercepti-
ble amounts of distortion, our model outperforms the
current state of the art in terms of success per pertur-
bation in all experiments conducted, even overcoming
a combination of compression and defensive strate-
We now discuss possible future work. Replacing
the gradient ensemble approach of existing methods
Shin and Song (2017); Reich et al. (2024) with our
compression adaptation search (CAS) suggests an ad-
vantage in terms of computational complexity, since
we avoid the need for an additional inner loop in the
optimization procedure (see Section 3.2.2). However,
for future work, these advantages need to be investi-
gated by conducting a performance benchmark that
compares RCW to an adversarial optimization pro-
cedure that incorporates the established gradient en-
semble method found in Shin and Song (2017) and
Reich et al. (2024). Furthermore, although our attack
can successfully bypass JPEG at different compres-
sion rates, there are other compression schemes that
work differently internally. For example, JPEG2000
replaces the DCT with a wavelet transform to com-
pute high frequency components (Taubman and Mar-
cellin, 2002). Future work is needed to address these
types of compression and have attacks successfully
bypass them.
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VISAPP 2025 - 20th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications