Figure analysis shows ∆L(t) stabilizing after
3,000 steps, suggesting training can stop to minimize
overtraining and optimize generalization. Using the
elbow method, training stops at t
when the average
loss change over the last k steps is below ε (32).
|∆L(t − j)| < ε (32)
Loss charts and evaluation metrics indicate that ε
is reached around 3000-4000 steps, suggesting min-
imal gains from further training. Using the elbow
method and metrics like Precision, Recall, and F1-
Score, the optimal stopping point was identified, en-
suring sufficient accuracy and stability.
4.1 Adaptivity of Intelligent Routing
Training consists of 30 episodes, each with 2,000
steps, where input data is randomly assigned, and
routing paths are refined using rewards based on con-
nection quality.
Routing performance is tested in 50 experiments
across 4 scenarios, each lasting 2,000 steps with ran-
dom topologies. Results are averaged to evaluate
routing and classification performance.
The proposed model achieved 98.75% accuracy in
Alzheimer’s classification. Future work will focus on
incorporating attention mechanisms and testing on di-
verse datasets to improve generalization and robust-
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Leveraging Deep Q-Network Agents with Dynamic Routing Mechanisms in Convolutional Neural Networks for Enhanced and Reliable
Classification of Alzheimer’s Disease from MRI Scans