design that minimizes re-identification. Example ap-
proaches would be to temporarily store de-identified
patient information in the session as providers are
navigating the relevant patient history or utilizing
object oriented architectures where re-identification
would happen once for active patient’s object.
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used solution to produce data extracts for research
and analysis. The work was able to identify 7 frame-
work principles that could de-identify any health in-
formation system database through Segregation of
identifiable information in separate database tables
based on their importance and frequency, omitting the
use of relational database features between those ta-
bles through encryption of foreign keys, and address-
ing quasi-identifiers such as encounters dates through
masking with a random increment/decrement that is
stored in the same manner. The de-identification of
a sample EHR schema database was successful mi-
grating the original database structure to a structure
conforming to the 7 principles of the framework.
In future work, our aim is to test the framework
on a real-life EHR database and compare the perfor-
mance against the original to determine the suggested
framework efficiency.
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HEALTHINF 2025 - 18th International Conference on Health Informatics